/** * Copyright (c) 2000-present Liferay, Inc. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more * details. */ package com.liferay.poshi.runner.util; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.util.Date; /** * @author Brian Wing Shun Chan */ public class GetterUtil { public static final String[] BOOLEANS = {"true", "t", "y", "on", "1"}; public static final boolean DEFAULT_BOOLEAN = false; public static final boolean[] DEFAULT_BOOLEAN_VALUES = new boolean[0]; public static final byte DEFAULT_BYTE = 0; public static final byte[] DEFAULT_BYTE_VALUES = new byte[0]; public static final Date[] DEFAULT_DATE_VALUES = new Date[0]; public static final double DEFAULT_DOUBLE = 0.0; public static final double[] DEFAULT_DOUBLE_VALUES = new double[0]; public static final float DEFAULT_FLOAT = 0; public static final float[] DEFAULT_FLOAT_VALUES = new float[0]; public static final int DEFAULT_INTEGER = 0; public static final int[] DEFAULT_INTEGER_VALUES = new int[0]; public static final long DEFAULT_LONG = 0; public static final long[] DEFAULT_LONG_VALUES = new long[0]; public static final Number DEFAULT_NUMBER = 0; public static final Number[] DEFAULT_NUMBER_VALUES = new Number[0]; public static final Number DEFAULT_OBJECT = null; public static final short DEFAULT_SHORT = 0; public static final short[] DEFAULT_SHORT_VALUES = new short[0]; public static final String DEFAULT_STRING = StringPool.BLANK; public static final String[] DEFAULT_STRING_VALUES = new String[0]; public static boolean get(Object value, boolean defaultValue) { if (value instanceof String) { return get((String)value, defaultValue); } if (value instanceof Boolean) { return (Boolean)value; } return defaultValue; } public static Date get( Object value, DateFormat dateFormat, Date defaultValue) { if (value instanceof String) { return get((String)value, dateFormat, defaultValue); } if (value instanceof Date) { return (Date)value; } return defaultValue; } public static double get(Object value, double defaultValue) { if (value instanceof String) { return get((String)value, defaultValue); } if (value instanceof Double) { return (Double)value; } if (value instanceof Number) { Number number = (Number)value; return number.doubleValue(); } return defaultValue; } public static float get(Object value, float defaultValue) { if (value instanceof String) { return get((String)value, defaultValue); } if (value instanceof Float) { return (Float)value; } if (value instanceof Number) { Number number = (Number)value; return number.floatValue(); } return defaultValue; } public static int get(Object value, int defaultValue) { if (value instanceof String) { return get((String)value, defaultValue); } if (value instanceof Integer) { return (Integer)value; } if (value instanceof Number) { Number number = (Number)value; return number.intValue(); } return defaultValue; } public static long get(Object value, long defaultValue) { if (value instanceof String) { return get((String)value, defaultValue); } if (value instanceof Long) { return (Long)value; } if (value instanceof Number) { Number number = (Number)value; return number.longValue(); } return defaultValue; } public static Number get(Object value, Number defaultValue) { if (value instanceof String) { String valueString = (String)value; if (Validator.isNull(valueString)) { return defaultValue; } try { return new BigDecimal(valueString.trim()); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { return defaultValue; } } if (value instanceof Byte) { return (Byte)value; } if (value instanceof Double) { return (Double)value; } if (value instanceof Float) { return (Float)value; } if (value instanceof Integer) { return (Integer)value; } if (value instanceof Long) { return (Long)value; } if (value instanceof Short) { return (Short)value; } if (value instanceof Number) { return (Number)value; } return defaultValue; } public static short get(Object value, short defaultValue) { if (value instanceof String) { return get((String)value, defaultValue); } if (value instanceof Short) { return (Short)value; } if (value instanceof Number) { Number number = (Number)value; return number.shortValue(); } return defaultValue; } public static String get(Object value, String defaultValue) { if (value instanceof String) { return get((String)value, defaultValue); } return defaultValue; } public static boolean get(String value, boolean defaultValue) { if (value == null) { return defaultValue; } value = value.toLowerCase(); value = value.trim(); if (value.equals(BOOLEANS[0]) || value.equals(BOOLEANS[1]) || value.equals(BOOLEANS[2]) || value.equals(BOOLEANS[3]) || value.equals(BOOLEANS[4])) { return true; } else { return false; } } public static Date get( String value, DateFormat dateFormat, Date defaultValue) { if (value == null) { return defaultValue; } try { Date date = dateFormat.parse(value.trim()); if (date != null) { return date; } } catch (Exception e) { } return defaultValue; } public static double get(String value, double defaultValue) { if (value != null) { try { return Double.parseDouble(value.trim()); } catch (Exception e) { } } return defaultValue; } public static float get(String value, float defaultValue) { if (value == null) { return defaultValue; } try { return Float.parseFloat(value.trim()); } catch (Exception e) { } return defaultValue; } public static int get(String value, int defaultValue) { if (value == null) { return defaultValue; } return _parseInt(value.trim(), defaultValue); } public static long get(String value, long defaultValue) { if (value == null) { return defaultValue; } return _parseLong(value.trim(), defaultValue); } public static short get(String value, short defaultValue) { if (value == null) { return defaultValue; } return _parseShort(value.trim(), defaultValue); } public static String get(String value, String defaultValue) { if (value == null) { return defaultValue; } value = value.trim(); if (value.indexOf(CharPool.RETURN) != -1) { value = value.replaceAll( StringPool.RETURN_NEW_LINE, StringPool.NEW_LINE); } return value; } public static boolean getBoolean(Object value) { return getBoolean(value, DEFAULT_BOOLEAN); } public static boolean getBoolean(Object value, boolean defaultValue) { return get(value, defaultValue); } public static boolean getBoolean(String value) { return getBoolean(value, DEFAULT_BOOLEAN); } public static boolean getBoolean(String value, boolean defaultValue) { return get(value, defaultValue); } public static boolean[] getBooleanValues(Object value) { return getBooleanValues(value, DEFAULT_BOOLEAN_VALUES); } public static boolean[] getBooleanValues( Object value, boolean[] defaultValue) { if (value instanceof String[]) { return getBooleanValues((String[])value, defaultValue); } if (value instanceof boolean[]) { return (boolean[])value; } return defaultValue; } public static boolean[] getBooleanValues(String[] values) { return getBooleanValues(values, DEFAULT_BOOLEAN_VALUES); } public static boolean[] getBooleanValues( String[] values, boolean[] defaultValue) { if (values == null) { return defaultValue; } boolean[] booleanValues = new boolean[values.length]; for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { booleanValues[i] = getBoolean(values[i]); } return booleanValues; } public static Date getDate(Object value, DateFormat dateFormat) { return getDate(value, dateFormat, new Date()); } public static Date getDate( Object value, DateFormat dateFormat, Date defaultValue) { return get(value, dateFormat, defaultValue); } public static Date getDate(String value, DateFormat dateFormat) { return getDate(value, dateFormat, new Date()); } public static Date getDate( String value, DateFormat dateFormat, Date defaultValue) { return get(value, dateFormat, defaultValue); } public static Date[] getDateValues(Object value, DateFormat dateFormat) { return getDateValues(value, dateFormat, DEFAULT_DATE_VALUES); } public static Date[] getDateValues( Object value, DateFormat dateFormat, Date[] defaultValue) { if (value instanceof String[]) { return getDateValues((String[])value, dateFormat, defaultValue); } if (value instanceof Date[]) { return (Date[])value; } return defaultValue; } public static Date[] getDateValues(String[] values, DateFormat dateFormat) { return getDateValues(values, dateFormat, DEFAULT_DATE_VALUES); } public static Date[] getDateValues( String[] values, DateFormat dateFormat, Date[] defaultValue) { if (values == null) { return defaultValue; } Date[] dateValues = new Date[values.length]; for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { dateValues[i] = getDate(values[i], dateFormat); } return dateValues; } public static double getDouble(Object value) { return getDouble(value, DEFAULT_DOUBLE); } public static double getDouble(Object value, double defaultValue) { return get(value, defaultValue); } public static double getDouble(String value) { return getDouble(value, DEFAULT_DOUBLE); } public static double getDouble(String value, double defaultValue) { return get(value, defaultValue); } public static double[] getDoubleValues(Object value) { return getDoubleValues(value, DEFAULT_DOUBLE_VALUES); } public static double[] getDoubleValues( Object value, double[] defaultValue) { if (value instanceof String[]) { return getDoubleValues((String[])value, defaultValue); } if (value instanceof double[]) { return (double[])value; } return defaultValue; } public static double[] getDoubleValues(String[] values) { return getDoubleValues(values, DEFAULT_DOUBLE_VALUES); } public static double[] getDoubleValues( String[] values, double[] defaultValue) { if (values == null) { return defaultValue; } double[] doubleValues = new double[values.length]; for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { doubleValues[i] = getDouble(values[i]); } return doubleValues; } public static float getFloat(Object value) { return getFloat(value, DEFAULT_FLOAT); } public static float getFloat(Object value, float defaultValue) { return get(value, defaultValue); } public static float getFloat(String value) { return getFloat(value, DEFAULT_FLOAT); } public static float getFloat(String value, float defaultValue) { return get(value, defaultValue); } public static float[] getFloatValues(Object value) { return getFloatValues(value, DEFAULT_FLOAT_VALUES); } public static float[] getFloatValues(Object value, float[] defaultValue) { if (value instanceof String[]) { return getFloatValues((String[])value, defaultValue); } if (value instanceof float[]) { return (float[])value; } return defaultValue; } public static float[] getFloatValues(String[] values) { return getFloatValues(values, DEFAULT_FLOAT_VALUES); } public static float[] getFloatValues( String[] values, float[] defaultValue) { if (values == null) { return defaultValue; } float[] floatValues = new float[values.length]; for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { floatValues[i] = getFloat(values[i]); } return floatValues; } public static int getInteger(Object value) { return getInteger(value, DEFAULT_INTEGER); } public static int getInteger(Object value, int defaultValue) { return get(value, defaultValue); } public static int getInteger(String value) { return getInteger(value, DEFAULT_INTEGER); } public static int getInteger(String value, int defaultValue) { return get(value, defaultValue); } public static int getIntegerStrict(String value) { int length = value.length(); if (length <= 0) { throw new NumberFormatException("Unable to parse " + value); } int index = 0; int limit = -Integer.MAX_VALUE; boolean negative = false; char c = value.charAt(0); if (c < CharPool.NUMBER_0) { if (c == CharPool.MINUS) { limit = Integer.MIN_VALUE; negative = true; } else if (c != CharPool.PLUS) { throw new NumberFormatException("Unable to parse " + value); } if (length == 1) { throw new NumberFormatException("Unable to parse " + value); } index++; } int smallLimit = limit / 10; int result = 0; while (index < length) { if (result < smallLimit) { throw new NumberFormatException("Unable to parse " + value); } c = value.charAt(index++); if ((c < CharPool.NUMBER_0) || (c > CharPool.NUMBER_9)) { throw new NumberFormatException("Unable to parse " + value); } int number = c - CharPool.NUMBER_0; result *= 10; if (result < (limit + number)) { throw new NumberFormatException("Unable to parse " + value); } result -= number; } if (negative) { return result; } else { return -result; } } public static int[] getIntegerValues(Object value) { return getIntegerValues(value, DEFAULT_INTEGER_VALUES); } public static int[] getIntegerValues(Object value, int[] defaultValue) { if (value instanceof String[]) { return getIntegerValues((String[])value, defaultValue); } if (value instanceof int[]) { return (int[])value; } return defaultValue; } public static int[] getIntegerValues(String[] values) { return getIntegerValues(values, DEFAULT_INTEGER_VALUES); } public static int[] getIntegerValues(String[] values, int[] defaultValue) { if (values == null) { return defaultValue; } int[] intValues = new int[values.length]; for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { intValues[i] = getInteger(values[i]); } return intValues; } public static long getLong(Object value) { return getLong(value, DEFAULT_LONG); } public static long getLong(Object value, long defaultValue) { return get(value, defaultValue); } public static long getLong(String value) { return getLong(value, DEFAULT_LONG); } public static long getLong(String value, long defaultValue) { return get(value, defaultValue); } public static long getLongStrict(String value) { int length = value.length(); if (length <= 0) { throw new NumberFormatException("Unable to parse " + value); } int index = 0; long limit = -Long.MAX_VALUE; boolean negative = false; char c = value.charAt(0); if (c < CharPool.NUMBER_0) { if (c == CharPool.MINUS) { limit = Long.MIN_VALUE; negative = true; } else if (c != CharPool.PLUS) { throw new NumberFormatException("Unable to parse " + value); } if (length == 1) { throw new NumberFormatException("Unable to parse " + value); } index++; } long smallLimit = limit / 10; long result = 0; while (index < length) { if (result < smallLimit) { throw new NumberFormatException("Unable to parse " + value); } c = value.charAt(index++); if ((c < CharPool.NUMBER_0) || (c > CharPool.NUMBER_9)) { throw new NumberFormatException("Unable to parse " + value); } int number = c - CharPool.NUMBER_0; result *= 10; if (result < (limit + number)) { throw new NumberFormatException("Unable to parse " + value); } result -= number; } if (negative) { return result; } else { return -result; } } public static long[] getLongValues(Object value) { return getLongValues(value, DEFAULT_LONG_VALUES); } public static long[] getLongValues(Object value, long[] defaultValue) { if (value instanceof String[]) { return getLongValues((String[])value, defaultValue); } if (value instanceof long[]) { return (long[])value; } if (value instanceof Number[]) { Number[] numbers = (Number[])value; long[] values = new long[numbers.length]; for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { values[i] = numbers[i].longValue(); } return values; } return defaultValue; } public static long[] getLongValues(String[] values) { return getLongValues(values, DEFAULT_LONG_VALUES); } public static long[] getLongValues(String[] values, long[] defaultValue) { if (values == null) { return defaultValue; } long[] longValues = new long[values.length]; for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { longValues[i] = getLong(values[i]); } return longValues; } public static Number getNumber(Object value) { return getNumber(value, DEFAULT_NUMBER); } public static Number getNumber(Object value, Number defaultValue) { return get(value, defaultValue); } public static Number getNumber(String value) { return getNumber(value, DEFAULT_NUMBER); } public static Number getNumber(String value, Number defaultValue) { return get(value, defaultValue); } public static Number[] getNumberValues(Object value) { return getNumberValues(value, DEFAULT_NUMBER_VALUES); } public static Number[] getNumberValues( Object value, Number[] defaultValue) { if (value instanceof String[]) { return getNumberValues((String[])value, defaultValue); } if (value instanceof Number[]) { return (Number[])value; } return defaultValue; } public static Number[] getNumberValues(String[] values) { return getNumberValues(values, DEFAULT_NUMBER_VALUES); } public static Number[] getNumberValues( String[] values, Number[] defaultValue) { if (values == null) { return defaultValue; } Number[] numberValues = new Number[values.length]; for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { numberValues[i] = getNumber(values[i]); } return numberValues; } public static Object getObject(Object value) { return getObject(value, DEFAULT_OBJECT); } public static Object getObject(Object value, Object defaultValue) { if (value == null) { return defaultValue; } return value; } public static short getShort(Object value) { return getShort(value, DEFAULT_SHORT); } public static short getShort(Object value, short defaultValue) { return get(value, defaultValue); } public static short getShort(String value) { return getShort(value, DEFAULT_SHORT); } public static short getShort(String value, short defaultValue) { return get(value, defaultValue); } public static short getShortStrict(String value) { int i = getIntegerStrict(value); if ((i < Short.MIN_VALUE) || (i > Short.MAX_VALUE)) { throw new NumberFormatException("Out of range value " + value); } return (short)i; } public static short[] getShortValues(Object value) { return getShortValues(value, DEFAULT_SHORT_VALUES); } public static short[] getShortValues(Object value, short[] defaultValue) { if (value instanceof String[]) { return getShortValues((String[])value, defaultValue); } if (value instanceof short[]) { return (short[])value; } return defaultValue; } public static short[] getShortValues(String[] values) { return getShortValues(values, DEFAULT_SHORT_VALUES); } public static short[] getShortValues( String[] values, short[] defaultValue) { if (values == null) { return defaultValue; } short[] shortValues = new short[values.length]; for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { shortValues[i] = getShort(values[i]); } return shortValues; } public static String getString(Object value) { return getString(value, DEFAULT_STRING); } public static String getString(Object value, String defaultValue) { return get(value, defaultValue); } public static String getString(String value) { return getString(value, DEFAULT_STRING); } public static String getString(String value, String defaultValue) { return get(value, defaultValue); } public static String[] getStringValues(Object value) { return getStringValues(value, DEFAULT_STRING_VALUES); } public static String[] getStringValues( Object value, String[] defaultValue) { if (value instanceof String[]) { return getStringValues((String[])value, defaultValue); } return defaultValue; } public static String[] getStringValues( Object[] values, String[] defaultValue) { if (values == null) { return defaultValue; } String[] stringValues = new String[values.length]; for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { stringValues[i] = String.valueOf(values[i]); } return stringValues; } public static String[] getStringValues(String[] values) { return getStringValues(values, DEFAULT_STRING_VALUES); } private static int _parseInt(String value, int defaultValue) { int length = value.length(); if (length <= 0) { return defaultValue; } int pos = 0; int limit = -Integer.MAX_VALUE; boolean negative = false; char c = value.charAt(0); if (c < CharPool.NUMBER_0) { if (c == CharPool.MINUS) { limit = Integer.MIN_VALUE; negative = true; } else if (c != CharPool.PLUS) { return defaultValue; } if (length == 1) { return defaultValue; } pos++; } int smallLimit = limit / 10; int result = 0; while (pos < length) { if (result < smallLimit) { return defaultValue; } c = value.charAt(pos++); if ((c < CharPool.NUMBER_0) || (c > CharPool.NUMBER_9)) { return defaultValue; } int number = c - CharPool.NUMBER_0; result *= 10; if (result < (limit + number)) { return defaultValue; } result -= number; } if (negative) { return result; } else { return -result; } } private static long _parseLong(String value, long defaultValue) { int length = value.length(); if (length <= 0) { return defaultValue; } int pos = 0; long limit = -Long.MAX_VALUE; boolean negative = false; char c = value.charAt(0); if (c < CharPool.NUMBER_0) { if (c == CharPool.MINUS) { limit = Long.MIN_VALUE; negative = true; } else if (c != CharPool.PLUS) { return defaultValue; } if (length == 1) { return defaultValue; } pos++; } long smallLimit = limit / 10; long result = 0; while (pos < length) { if (result < smallLimit) { return defaultValue; } c = value.charAt(pos++); if ((c < CharPool.NUMBER_0) || (c > CharPool.NUMBER_9)) { return defaultValue; } int number = c - CharPool.NUMBER_0; result *= 10; if (result < (limit + number)) { return defaultValue; } result -= number; } if (negative) { return result; } else { return -result; } } private static short _parseShort(String value, short defaultValue) { int i = _parseInt(value, defaultValue); if ((i < Short.MIN_VALUE) || (i > Short.MAX_VALUE)) { return defaultValue; } return (short)i; } }