package; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.junit.Test; import; /** * This java example will demonstrate trimming trailing * spaces in a string. * * * @author Justin Musgrove * @see <a href=''>Right trim string</a> * */ public class RightTrimString { @Test public void trim_trailing_spaces_from_string_guava () { String rightTrimmedString = CharMatcher.WHITESPACE .trimTrailingFrom(" Something in the air "); assertEquals(" Something in the air", rightTrimmedString); } @Test public void trim_trailing_spaces_from_string_apache_commons () { String rightTrimmedString = StringUtils .stripEnd(" Learning to fly ", " "); assertEquals(" Learning to fly", rightTrimmedString); } @Test public void trim_trailing_spaces_from_string_spring_with_trimtrailingWhiteSpace () { String rightTrimmedString = org.springframework.util .StringUtils.trimTrailingWhitespace(" Don't come around here no more "); assertEquals(" Don't come around here no more", rightTrimmedString); } @Test public void trim_trailing_spaces_from_string_spring_with_trim_trailing_character () { String rightTrimmedString = org.springframework.util .StringUtils.trimTrailingCharacter(" The waiting ", ' '); assertEquals(" The waiting", rightTrimmedString); } }