package; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.junit.Test; import; import; import; import; /** * This java example will demonstrate how to filter items from a list with * straight up java and google guava. * * Please note, the order of the teams listed is the overall ranking * 1 - Green Bay Packers * 2 - Chicago Bears * 3 - Detroit Lions * * @author Justin Musgrove * @see <a href="">Filter a collection</> */ public class FilterACollection { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(CountElementsInList.class); class NFLTeam { private String name; private boolean hasWonSuperBowl; public NFLTeam(String name, boolean hasWonSuperBowl) { super(); = name; this.hasWonSuperBowl = hasWonSuperBowl; } @Override public String toString() { return Objects.toStringHelper(NFLTeam.class) .add("name", name) .add("wonsuperbow", hasWonSuperBowl) .toString(); } public String getName() { return name; } public boolean hasWonSuperBowl() { return hasWonSuperBowl; } } @Test public void filter_items_in_list_with_java () { List<NFLTeam> nflTeams = Lists.newArrayList(); nflTeams.add(new NFLTeam("Green Bay Packers", true)); nflTeams.add(new NFLTeam("Chicago Bears", true)); nflTeams.add(new NFLTeam("Detroit Lions", false)); Collection<NFLTeam> superBowlWinners = new ArrayList<NFLTeam>(); for (NFLTeam team : nflTeams) { if (team.hasWonSuperBowl) { superBowlWinners.add(team); } }; assertTrue(superBowlWinners.size() == 2); } @Test public void filter_items_in_list_with_java8_lambda () { List<NFLTeam> nflTeams = Lists.newArrayList(); nflTeams.add(new NFLTeam("Green Bay Packers", true)); nflTeams.add(new NFLTeam("Chicago Bears", true)); nflTeams.add(new NFLTeam("Detroit Lions", false)); List<NFLTeam> superBowlWinners = nflTeams .stream() .filter(p -> p.hasWonSuperBowl) .collect(Collectors.toList()); assertTrue(superBowlWinners.size() == 2); } @Test public void filter_items_in_list_with_guava () { List<NFLTeam> nflTeams = Lists.newArrayList(); nflTeams.add(new NFLTeam("Green Bay Packers", true)); nflTeams.add(new NFLTeam("Chicago Bears", true)); nflTeams.add(new NFLTeam("Detroit Lions", false)); Collection<NFLTeam> superBowlWinners = Collections2.filter(nflTeams, new Predicate<NFLTeam> () { public boolean apply(NFLTeam nflTeam) { return nflTeam.hasWonSuperBowl; } });; assertTrue(superBowlWinners.size() == 2); } @Test public void filter_items_in_list_with_apache_commons () { List<NFLTeam> nflTeams = Lists.newArrayList(); nflTeams.add(new NFLTeam("Green Bay Packers", true)); nflTeams.add(new NFLTeam("Chicago Bears", true)); nflTeams.add(new NFLTeam("Detroit Lions", false)); CollectionUtils.filter(nflTeams, new org.apache.commons.collections.Predicate() { public boolean evaluate(Object nflTeam) { return ((NFLTeam) nflTeam).hasWonSuperBowl; } });; assertTrue(nflTeams.size() == 2); } }