package; import static org.hamcrest.collection.IsCollectionWithSize.hasSize; import static org.hamcrest.collection.IsMapContaining.hasKey; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Properties; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import; import; import; import; import; /** * This java example will demonstrate common usages of * Google Guava Maps Utility. * * @author Justin Musgrove * @see <a href=''>Maps utility example</a> */ public class MapsExample { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ConvertCollectionToArray.class); class State { String code; String name; String region; double population; public State(String code, String name, String region, double population) { super(); this.code = code; = name; this.region = region; this.population = population; } @Override public String toString() { return .add("code", code).add("name", name) .toString(); } } List<State> states; /** * Seed data */ @Before public void setUp () { states = Lists.newArrayList(); states.add(new State("WI", "Wisconsin", "MDW", 5726398)); states.add(new State("FL", "Florida", "SE", 19317568)); states.add(new State("IA", "Iowa", "MDW", 3078186)); states.add(new State("CA", "California", "W", 38041430)); states.add(new State("NY", "New York", "NE", 19570261)); states.add(new State("CO", "Colorado", "W", 5187582)); states.add(new State("OH", "Ohio", "MDW", 11544225)); states.add(new State("ME", "Maine", "NE", 1329192)); states.add(new State("SD", "South Dakota", "MDW", 833354)); states.add(new State("TN", "Tennessee", "SE", 6456243)); states.add(new State("OR", "Oregon", "W", 3899353)); } /** * Initialize map */ @Test public void intialize_map () { Map<String, String> newMap = Maps.newHashMap(); assertNotNull(newMap); } /** * Convert a list to a map keying off object's field */ @Test public void maps_unique_index() { Map<String, State> statesKeyByCode = Maps.uniqueIndex(states, new Function<State, String>() { public String apply(State from) { return from.code; } });; assertThat(statesKeyByCode, hasKey("WI")); } /** * Convert properties to map */ @Test public void map_of_properties() { Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.put("", ""); properties.put("", ""); properties.put("", ""); Map<String, String> mapOfProperties = Maps.fromProperties(properties);; assertThat(mapOfProperties, hasKey("")); } /** * Filter map by entries */ @Test public void maps_filter_entries() { // create a map Map<String, State> statesKeyByCode = Maps.uniqueIndex(states, new Function<State, String>() { public String apply(State from) { return from.code; } }); // predicate to filter states by region code Predicate<Entry<String, State>> byMDWStates = new Predicate<Map.Entry<String, State>>() { @Override public boolean apply(Entry<String, State> input) { return input.getValue().region.equals("MDW"); } }; // filter entries Map<String, State> midwestStates = Maps.filterEntries(statesKeyByCode, byMDWStates);; assertThat(midwestStates.keySet(), hasSize(4)); } /** * Filter map by keys */ @Test public void map_filter_keys() { // create a map Map<String, State> statesKeyByCode = Maps.uniqueIndex(states, new Function<State, String>() { public String apply(State from) { return from.code; } }); Predicate<String> byStateCodeContainsVowelI = new Predicate<String>() { @Override public boolean apply(String stateCode) { return stateCode.contains("I"); } }; Map<String, State> stateCodeWithVowelI = Maps.filterKeys( statesKeyByCode, byStateCodeContainsVowelI);; assertThat(stateCodeWithVowelI.keySet(), hasSize(2)); } /** * Filter map by values */ @Test public void map_filter_by_values() { // create a map Map<String, State> statesKeyByCode = Maps.uniqueIndex(states, new Function<State, String>() { public String apply(State from) { return from.code; } }); Predicate<State> by15MillionOrGreater = new Predicate<State>() { @Override public boolean apply(State input) { return input.population >= 15000000; } }; Map<String, State> populationGT15Million = Maps.filterValues( statesKeyByCode, by15MillionOrGreater);; assertThat(populationGT15Million.keySet(), hasSize(3)); } }