package; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import; import; import org.apache.commons.codec.EncoderException; import; import org.junit.Test; import org.springframework.web.util.UriUtils; import; import; /** * This java example will demonstrate encoding * a URL string. * * @author Justin Musgrove * @see <a href=''>Encode URL string</a> * */ public class EscapeUrl { private static final String URL_TO_ESCAPE = ""; @Test public void escape_url_with_straight_java () throws UnsupportedEncodingException { //The URLEncoder and URLDecoder classes can also be used, but only for //HTML form encoding, which is not the same as the encoding scheme defined in RFC2396. // In this example we want to encode the URL not form encoding. String urlEscaped = URLEncoder.encode(URL_TO_ESCAPE, "UTF-8") .replaceAll("\\+", "%20") .replaceAll("\\%21", "!") .replaceAll("\\%27", "'") .replaceAll("\\%28", "(") .replaceAll("\\%29", ")") .replaceAll("\\%7E", "~"); assertEquals("", urlEscaped); } @Test public void escape_url_with_google_guava () { String urlEscaped = UrlEscapers.urlPathSegmentEscaper().escape(URL_TO_ESCAPE); assertEquals("", urlEscaped); } @Test public void escpae_url_with_spring () throws UnsupportedEncodingException { // If you are using Java 7 you can use StandardCharsets OR use Guava Charsets String urlEscaped = UriUtils.encodePath(URL_TO_ESCAPE, Charsets.UTF_8.toString()); assertEquals("", urlEscaped); } @Test public void escape_url_with_apache_commons () throws EncoderException { URLCodec codec = new URLCodec(); String urlEscaped = codec.encode(URL_TO_ESCAPE); assertEquals("", urlEscaped); } }