/* * Copyright (c) 2007 innoSysTec (R) GmbH, Germany. All rights reserved. * Original author: Edmund Wagner * Creation date: 01.06.2007 * * Source: $HeadURL$ * Last changed: $LastChangedDate$ * * the unrar licence applies to all junrar source and binary distributions * you are not allowed to use this source to re-create the RAR compression algorithm * * Here some html entities which can be used for escaping javadoc tags: * "&": "&" or "&" * "<": "<" or "<" * ">": ">" or ">" * "@": "@" */ package de.innosystec.unrar.unpack.ppm; import de.innosystec.unrar.io.Raw; /** * DOCUMENT ME * * @author $LastChangedBy$ * @version $LastChangedRevision$ */ public class State extends Pointer { public static final int size = 6; public State(byte[] mem) { super(mem); } public State init(byte[] mem) { this.mem = mem; pos = 0; return this; } public int getSymbol() { return mem[pos]&0xff; } public void setSymbol(int symbol) { mem[pos] = (byte)symbol; } public int getFreq() { return mem[pos+1]&0xff; } public void setFreq(int freq) { mem[pos + 1] = (byte)freq; } public void incFreq(int dFreq) { mem[pos + 1] += dFreq; } public int getSuccessor() { return Raw.readIntLittleEndian(mem, pos+2); } public void setSuccessor(PPMContext successor) { setSuccessor(successor.getAddress()); } public void setSuccessor(int successor) { Raw.writeIntLittleEndian(mem, pos + 2, successor); } public void setValues(StateRef state){ setSymbol(state.getSymbol()); setFreq(state.getFreq()); setSuccessor(state.getSuccessor()); } public void setValues(State ptr){ System.arraycopy(ptr.mem, ptr.pos, mem, pos, size); } public State decAddress(){ setAddress(pos-size); return this; } public State incAddress(){ setAddress(pos+size); return this; } public static void ppmdSwap(State ptr1, State ptr2) { byte[] mem1=ptr1.mem, mem2=ptr2.mem; for (int i=0, pos1=ptr1.pos, pos2=ptr2.pos; i < size; i++, pos1++, pos2++) { byte temp = mem1[pos1]; mem1[pos1] = mem2[pos2]; mem2[pos2] = temp; } } public String toString() { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); buffer.append("State["); buffer.append("\n pos="); buffer.append(pos); buffer.append("\n size="); buffer.append(size); buffer.append("\n symbol="); buffer.append(getSymbol()); buffer.append("\n freq="); buffer.append(getFreq()); buffer.append("\n successor="); buffer.append(getSuccessor()); buffer.append("\n]"); return buffer.toString(); } }