package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.registry.client.api.BindFlags; import org.apache.hadoop.registry.client.api.RegistryOperations; import org.apache.hadoop.registry.client.binding.RegistryUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.registry.client.types.ServiceRecord; import org.apache.hadoop.util.Shell; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.ApplicationConstants; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.api.records.ContainerId; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.conf.YarnConfiguration; import org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.ConverterUtils; import*; import; import; import java.util.*; import static; import static; import static; /** * Created by fengjian on 15/12/29. */ public class JstormYarnUtils { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(JstormYarnUtils.class); /** * Implementation of set-ness, groovy definition of true/false for a string * * @param s string * @return true iff the string is neither null nor empty */ public static boolean isUnset(String s) { return s == null || s.isEmpty(); } public static boolean isSet(String s) { return !isUnset(s); } public static int findFreePort(int start, int limit) { if (start == 0) { //bail out if the default is "dont care" return 0; } int found = 0; int port = start; int finish = start + limit; while (found == 0 && port < finish) { if (isPortAvailable(port)) { found = port; } else { port++; } } return found; } /** * See if a port is available for listening on by trying to listen * on it and seeing if that works or fails. * * @param port port to listen to * @return true if the port was available for listening on */ public static boolean isPortAvailable(int port) { try { ServerSocket socket = new ServerSocket(port); socket.close(); return true; } catch (IOException e) { return false; } } /** * See if a port is available for listening on by trying connect to it * and seeing if that works or fails * * @param host * @param port * @return */ public static boolean isPortAvailable(String host, int port) { try { Socket socket = new Socket(host, port); socket.close(); return false; } catch (IOException e) { return true; } } public static String stringify(Throwable t) { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); sw.append(t.toString()).append('\n'); t.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(sw)); return sw.toString(); } /** * Create a configuration with Slider-specific tuning. * This is done rather than doing custom configs. * * @return the config */ public static YarnConfiguration createConfiguration() { YarnConfiguration conf = new YarnConfiguration(); patchConfiguration(conf); return conf; } /** * Take an existing conf and patch it for needs. Useful * in Service.init & RunService methods where a shared config is being * passed in * * @param conf configuration * @return the patched configuration */ public static Configuration patchConfiguration(Configuration conf) { //if the fallback option is NOT set, enable it. //if it is explicitly set to anything -leave alone if (conf.get(JstormXmlConfKeys.IPC_CLIENT_FALLBACK_TO_SIMPLE_AUTH) == null) { conf.set(JstormXmlConfKeys.IPC_CLIENT_FALLBACK_TO_SIMPLE_AUTH, "true"); } return conf; } /** * Take a collection, return a list containing the string value of every * element in the collection. * * @param c collection * @return a stringified list */ public static List<String> collectionToStringList(Collection c) { List<String> l = new ArrayList<String>(c.size()); for (Object o : c) { l.add(o.toString()); } return l; } /** * Join an collection of objects with a separator that appears after every * instance in the list -including at the end * * @param collection collection to call toString() on each element * @param separator separator string * @return the joined entries */ public static String join(Collection collection, String separator) { return join(collection, separator, true); } /** * Join an collection of objects with a separator that appears after every * instance in the list -optionally at the end * * @param collection collection to call toString() on each element * @param separator separator string * @param trailing add a trailing entry or not * @return the joined entries */ public static String join(Collection collection, String separator, boolean trailing) { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); // fast return on empty collection if (collection.isEmpty()) { return trailing ? separator : ""; } for (Object o : collection) { b.append(o); b.append(separator); } int length = separator.length(); String s = b.toString(); return (trailing || s.isEmpty()) ? s : (b.substring(0, b.length() - length)); } /** * Join an array of strings with a separator that appears after every * instance in the list -including at the end * * @param collection strings * @param separator separator string * @return the joined entries */ public static String join(String[] collection, String separator) { return join(collection, separator, true); } /** * Join an array of strings with a separator that appears after every * instance in the list -optionally at the end * * @param collection strings * @param separator separator string * @param trailing add a trailing entry or not * @return the joined entries */ public static String join(String[] collection, String separator, boolean trailing) { return join(Arrays.asList(collection), separator, trailing); } /** * Join an array of strings with a separator that appears after every * instance in the list -except at the end * * @param collection strings * @param separator separator string * @return the list */ public static String joinWithInnerSeparator(String separator, Object... collection) { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); boolean first = true; for (Object o : collection) { if (first) { first = false; } else { b.append(separator); } b.append(o.toString()); b.append(separator); } return b.toString(); } /** * this is for jstorm configuration's format * * @param memory * @param vcores * @param supervisorHost * @return */ public static String getSupervisorSlotPorts(int memory, int vcores, String instanceName, String supervisorHost, RegistryOperations registryOperations) { return join(getSupervisorPorts(memory, vcores, instanceName, supervisorHost, registryOperations), JOYConstants.COMMA, false); } /** * see if port is using by supervisor * if used return true, if not, add this port to registry and return false * * @param supervisorHost * @param port * @param registryOperations * @return */ public static boolean getSetPortUsedBySupervisor(String instanceName, String supervisorHost, int port, RegistryOperations registryOperations) { String appPath = RegistryUtils.serviceclassPath( JOYConstants.APP_NAME, JOYConstants.APP_TYPE); String path = RegistryUtils.servicePath( JOYConstants.APP_NAME, JOYConstants.APP_TYPE, instanceName); String hostPath = RegistryUtils.componentPath( JOYConstants.APP_NAME, JOYConstants.APP_TYPE, instanceName, supervisorHost); try { List<String> instanceNames = registryOperations.list(appPath); for (String instance : instanceNames) { String servicePath = RegistryUtils.servicePath( JOYConstants.APP_NAME, JOYConstants.APP_TYPE, instance); Map<String, ServiceRecord> hosts = RegistryUtils.listServiceRecords(registryOperations, servicePath); for (String host : hosts.keySet()) { ServiceRecord sr = hosts.get(JOYConstants.HOST); String[] portList = sr.get(JOYConstants.PORT_LIST).split(JOYConstants.COMMA); for (String usedport : portList) { if (Integer.parseInt(usedport) == port) return true; } } } if (registryOperations.exists(path)) { ServiceRecord sr = registryOperations.resolve(path); String[] portList = sr.get(JOYConstants.PORT_LIST).split(JOYConstants.COMMA); String portListUpdate = join(portList, JOYConstants.COMMA, true) + String.valueOf(port); sr.set(JOYConstants.PORT_LIST, portListUpdate); registryOperations.bind(path, sr, BindFlags.OVERWRITE); return false; } else { registryOperations.mknode(path, true); ServiceRecord sr = new ServiceRecord(); String portListUpdate = String.valueOf(port); sr.set(JOYConstants.PORT_LIST, portListUpdate); registryOperations.bind(path, sr, BindFlags.OVERWRITE); return false; } } catch (Exception ex) { return true; } } public static List<String> getSupervisorPorts(int memory, int vcores, String instanceName, String supervisorHost, RegistryOperations registryOperations) { List<String> relist = new ArrayList<String>(); int slotCount = getSlotCount(memory, vcores); for (int i = 9000; i < 15000; i++) { if (isPortAvailable(supervisorHost, i)) { if (!getSetPortUsedBySupervisor(instanceName, supervisorHost, i, registryOperations)) relist.add(String.valueOf(i)); } if (relist.size() >= slotCount) { break; } } return relist; } public static int getSlotCount(int memory, int vcores) { int cpuports = (int) Math.ceil(vcores / 1.2); int memoryports = (int) Math.ceil(memory / 2000.0); // return cpuports > memoryports ? memoryports : cpuports; // doesn't support cgroup yet return memoryports; } public static Options initClientOptions() { Options opts = new Options(); opts.addOption(JOYConstants.APP_NAME_KEY, true, "Application Name. Default value -"); opts.addOption(JOYConstants.PRIORITY, true, "Application Priority. Default 0"); opts.addOption(JOYConstants.PRIORITY, true, "RM Queue in which this application is to be submitted"); opts.addOption(JOYConstants.TIMEOUT, true, "Application timeout in milliseconds"); opts.addOption(JOYConstants.MASTER_MEMORY, true, "Amount of memory in MB to be requested to run the application master"); opts.addOption(JOYConstants.MASTER_VCORES, true, "Amount of virtual cores to be requested to run the application master"); opts.addOption(JOYConstants.JAR, true, "Jar file containing the application master"); opts.addOption(JOYConstants.LIB_JAR, true, "dependency lib"); opts.addOption(JOYConstants.HOME_DIR, true, "home "); opts.addOption(JOYConstants.CONF_FILE, true, " path of jstorm-yarn.xml "); opts.addOption(JOYConstants.RM_ADDRESS, true, "resource manager address eg hostname:port"); opts.addOption(JOYConstants.NN_ADDRESS, true, "nameNode address eg hostname:port"); opts.addOption(JOYConstants.HADOOP_CONF_DIR, true, "hadoop config directory which contains hdfs-site.xml/core-site" + ".xml/yarn-site.xml"); opts.addOption(JOYConstants.INSTANCE_NAME, true, "instance name , which is path of registry"); opts.addOption(JOYConstants.DEPLOY_PATH, true, "deploy dir on HDFS "); opts.addOption(JOYConstants.SHELL_SCRIPT, true, "Location of the shell script to be " + "executed. Can only specify either --shell_command or --shell_script"); opts.addOption(JOYConstants.SHELL_ARGS, true, "Command line args for the shell script." + "Multiple args can be separated by empty space."); opts.getOption(JOYConstants.SHELL_ARGS).setArgs(Option.UNLIMITED_VALUES); opts.addOption(JOYConstants.SHELL_ENV, true, "Environment for shell script. Specified as env_key=env_val pairs"); opts.addOption(JOYConstants.SHELL_CMD_PRIORITY, true, "Priority for the shell command containers"); opts.addOption(JOYConstants.CONTAINER_MEMORY, true, "Amount of memory in MB to be requested to run the shell command"); opts.addOption(JOYConstants.CONTAINER_VCORES, true, "Amount of virtual cores to be requested to run the shell command"); opts.addOption(JOYConstants.NUM_CONTAINERS, true, "No. of containers on which the shell command needs to be executed"); opts.addOption(JOYConstants.LOG_PROPERTIES, true, " file"); opts.addOption(JOYConstants.KEEP_CONTAINERS_ACROSS_APPLICATION_ATTEMPTS, false, "Flag to indicate whether to keep containers across application attempts." + " If the flag is true, running containers will not be killed when" + " application attempt fails and these containers will be retrieved by" + " the new application attempt "); opts.addOption(JOYConstants.ATTEMPT_FAILURES_VALIDITY_INTERVAL, true, "when attempt_failures_validity_interval in milliseconds is set to > 0," + "the failure number will not take failures which happen out of " + "the validityInterval into failure count. " + "If failure count reaches to maxAppAttempts, " + "the application will be failed."); opts.addOption(JOYConstants.DEBUG, false, "Dump out debug information"); opts.addOption(JOYConstants.DOMAIN, true, "ID of the timeline domain where the " + "timeline entities will be put"); opts.addOption(JOYConstants.VIEW_ACLS, true, "Users and groups that allowed to " + "view the timeline entities in the given domain"); opts.addOption(JOYConstants.MODIFY_ACLS, true, "Users and groups that allowed to " + "modify the timeline entities in the given domain"); opts.addOption(JOYConstants.CREATE, false, "Flag to indicate whether to create the " + "domain specified with -domain."); opts.addOption(JOYConstants.HELP, false, "Print usage"); opts.addOption(JOYConstants.NODE_LABEL_EXPRESSION, true, "Node label expression to determine the nodes" + " where all the containers of this application" + " will be allocated, \"\" means containers" + " can be allocated anywhere, if you don't specify the option," + " default node_label_expression of queue will be used."); return opts; } public static void getYarnConfFromJar(String jarPath) { String confPath = jarPath + JOYConstants.CONF_NAME; try { InputStream stream = new FileInputStream(confPath); FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(JOYConstants.CONF_NAME); byte[] data = IOUtils.toByteArray(stream); out.write(data); out.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "No configuration file specified to be executed by application master to launch process"); } } public static void checkAndSetOptions(CommandLine cliParser, JstormClientContext jstormClientContext) { if (cliParser.hasOption(JOYConstants.DEBUG)) { jstormClientContext.debugFlag = true; } if (cliParser.hasOption(JOYConstants.KEEP_CONTAINERS_ACROSS_APPLICATION_ATTEMPTS)) { jstormClientContext.keepContainers = true; } if (cliParser.hasOption(JOYConstants.LOG_PROPERTIES)) { String log4jPath = cliParser.getOptionValue(JOYConstants.LOG_PROPERTIES); try { Log4jPropertyHelper.updateLog4jConfiguration(JstormOnYarn.class, log4jPath); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Can not set up custom log4j properties. " + e); } } if (jstormClientContext.amMemory < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid memory specified for application master, exiting." + " Specified memory=" + jstormClientContext.amMemory); } if (jstormClientContext.amVCores < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid virtual cores specified for application master, exiting." + " Specified virtual cores=" + jstormClientContext.amVCores); } if (!cliParser.hasOption(JOYConstants.JAR)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No jar file specified for application master"); } if (!jstormClientContext.rmHost.equals(JOYConstants.EMPTY)) { jstormClientContext.conf.set(JOYConstants.RM_ADDRESS_KEY, jstormClientContext.rmHost, JOYConstants.YARN_CONF_MODE); } if (!jstormClientContext.nameNodeHost.equals(JOYConstants.EMPTY)) { jstormClientContext.conf.set(JOYConstants.FS_DEFAULTFS_KEY, jstormClientContext.nameNodeHost); } if (!StringUtils.isBlank(jstormClientContext.hadoopConfDir)) { try { Collection<File> files = FileUtils.listFiles(new File(jstormClientContext.hadoopConfDir), new String[]{JOYConstants.XML}, true); for (File file : files) {"adding hadoop conf file to conf: " + file.getAbsolutePath()); jstormClientContext.conf.addResource(file.getAbsolutePath()); } } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error("failed to list hadoop conf dir: " + jstormClientContext.hadoopConfDir); } } String jarPath = JstormOnYarn.class.getProtectionDomain() .getCodeSource().getLocation().getPath(); if (jstormClientContext.confFile == null) { JstormYarnUtils.getYarnConfFromJar(jarPath); jstormClientContext.conf.addResource(JOYConstants.CONF_NAME); } else { Path jstormyarnConfPath = new Path(jstormClientContext.confFile); jstormClientContext.conf.addResource(jstormyarnConfPath); } if (!cliParser.hasOption(JOYConstants.SHELL_SCRIPT)) { String jarShellScriptPath = jarPath + JOYConstants.START_JSTORM_SHELL; try { InputStream stream = new FileInputStream(jarShellScriptPath); FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(JOYConstants.START_JSTORM_SHELL); out.write(IOUtils.toByteArray(stream)); out.close(); jstormClientContext.shellScriptPath = JOYConstants.START_JSTORM_SHELL; } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "No shell script specified to be executed by application master to start nimbus and supervisor"); } } else if (cliParser.hasOption(JOYConstants.SHELL_COMMAND) && cliParser.hasOption(JOYConstants.SHELL_SCRIPT)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can not specify shell_command option " + "and shell_script option at the same time"); } else if (cliParser.hasOption(JOYConstants.SHELL_COMMAND)) { jstormClientContext.shellCommand = cliParser.getOptionValue(JOYConstants.SHELL_COMMAND); } else { jstormClientContext.shellScriptPath = cliParser.getOptionValue(JOYConstants.SHELL_SCRIPT); } if (cliParser.hasOption(JOYConstants.SHELL_ARGS)) { jstormClientContext.shellArgs = cliParser.getOptionValues(JOYConstants.SHELL_ARGS); } setShellEnv(cliParser, jstormClientContext); jstormClientContext.shellCmdPriority = Integer.parseInt(cliParser.getOptionValue(JOYConstants.SHELL_CMD_PRIORITY, JOYConstants.SHELL_CMD_PRIORITY_DEFAULT_VALUE)); //set AM memory default to 1000mb jstormClientContext.containerMemory = Integer.parseInt(cliParser.getOptionValue(JOYConstants.CONTAINER_MEMORY, JOYConstants.DEFAULT_CONTAINER_MEMORY)); jstormClientContext.containerVirtualCores = Integer.parseInt(cliParser.getOptionValue(JOYConstants.CONTAINER_VCORES, JOYConstants.DEFAULT_CONTAINER_VCORES)); jstormClientContext.numContainers = Integer.parseInt(cliParser.getOptionValue(JOYConstants.NUM_CONTAINERS, JOYConstants.DEFAULT_NUM_CONTAINER)); if (jstormClientContext.containerMemory < 0 || jstormClientContext.containerVirtualCores < 0 || jstormClientContext.numContainers < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid no. of containers or container memory/vcores specified," + " exiting." + " Specified containerMemory=" + jstormClientContext.containerMemory + ", containerVirtualCores=" + jstormClientContext.containerVirtualCores + ", numContainer=" + jstormClientContext.numContainers); } jstormClientContext.nodeLabelExpression = cliParser.getOptionValue(JOYConstants.NODE_LABEL_EXPRESSION, null); jstormClientContext.clientTimeout = Integer.parseInt(cliParser.getOptionValue(JOYConstants.TIMEOUT, JOYConstants.DEFAULT_CLIENT_TIME_OUT)); jstormClientContext.attemptFailuresValidityInterval = Long.parseLong(cliParser.getOptionValue( JOYConstants.ATTEMPT_FAILURES_VALIDITY_INTERVAL, JOYConstants.DEFAULT_ATTEMPT_FAILURES_VALIDITY_INTERVAL)); jstormClientContext.log4jPropFile = cliParser.getOptionValue(JOYConstants.LOG_PROPERTIES, JOYConstants.EMPTY); // Get timeline domain options if (cliParser.hasOption(JOYConstants.DOMAIN)) { jstormClientContext.domainId = cliParser.getOptionValue(JOYConstants.DOMAIN); jstormClientContext.toCreateDomain = cliParser.hasOption(JOYConstants.CREATE); if (cliParser.hasOption(JOYConstants.VIEW_ACLS)) { jstormClientContext.viewACLs = cliParser.getOptionValue(JOYConstants.VIEW_ACLS); } if (cliParser.hasOption(JOYConstants.MODIFY_ACLS)) { jstormClientContext.modifyACLs = cliParser.getOptionValue(JOYConstants.MODIFY_ACLS); } } } public static void setShellEnv(CommandLine cliParser, MasterContext jstormContext) { if (cliParser.hasOption(JOYConstants.SHELL_ENV)) { String envs[] = cliParser.getOptionValues(JOYConstants.SHELL_ENV); for (String env : envs) { env = env.trim(); int index = env.indexOf(JOYConstants.EQUAL); if (index == -1) { jstormContext.getShellEnv().put(env, JOYConstants.EMPTY); continue; } String key = env.substring(0, index); String val = JOYConstants.EMPTY; if (index < (env.length() - 1)) { val = env.substring(index + 1); } jstormContext.getShellEnv().put(key, val); } } } private static boolean fileExist(String filePath) { return new File(filePath).exists(); } /** * Dump out contents of $CWD and the environment to stdout for debugging */ private static void dumpOutDebugInfo() {"Dump debug output"); Map<String, String> envs = System.getenv(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> env : envs.entrySet()) {"System env: key=" + env.getKey() + ", val=" + env.getValue()); System.out.println("System env: key=" + env.getKey() + ", val=" + env.getValue()); } BufferedReader buf = null; try { String lines = Shell.WINDOWS ? Shell.execCommand("cmd", "/c", "dir") : Shell.execCommand("ls", "-al"); buf = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(lines)); String line = ""; while ((line = buf.readLine()) != null) {"System CWD content: " + line); System.out.println("System CWD content: " + line); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally {, buf); } } private static String readContent(String filePath) throws IOException { DataInputStream ds = null; try { ds = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(filePath)); return ds.readUTF(); } finally {; } } public static void checkAndSetMasterOptions(CommandLine cliParser, JstormMasterContext jstormMasterContext, Configuration conf) throws Exception { //Check whether customer file exists if (fileExist(log4jPath)) { try { Log4jPropertyHelper.updateLog4jConfiguration(JstormMaster.class, log4jPath); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Can not set up custom log4j properties. " + e); } } if (cliParser.hasOption(JOYConstants.DEBUG)) { dumpOutDebugInfo(); } Map<String, String> envs = System.getenv(); if (!envs.containsKey( { if (cliParser.hasOption(JOYConstants.APP_ATTEMPT_ID)) { String appIdStr = cliParser.getOptionValue(JOYConstants.APP_ATTEMPT_ID, JOYConstants.EMPTY); jstormMasterContext.appAttemptID = ConverterUtils.toApplicationAttemptId(appIdStr); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Application Attempt Id not set in the environment"); } } else { ContainerId containerId = ConverterUtils.toContainerId(envs .get(; jstormMasterContext.appAttemptID = containerId.getApplicationAttemptId(); } if (!envs.containsKey(ApplicationConstants.APP_SUBMIT_TIME_ENV)) { throw new RuntimeException(ApplicationConstants.APP_SUBMIT_TIME_ENV + " not set in the environment"); } if (!envs.containsKey( { throw new RuntimeException( + " not set in the environment"); } if (!envs.containsKey( { throw new RuntimeException(ApplicationConstants.Environment.NM_HTTP_PORT + " not set in the environment"); } if (!envs.containsKey( { throw new RuntimeException( + " not set in the environment"); }"Application master for app" + ", appId=" + jstormMasterContext.appAttemptID.getApplicationId().getId() + ", clustertimestamp=" + jstormMasterContext.appAttemptID.getApplicationId().getClusterTimestamp() + ", attemptId=" + jstormMasterContext.appAttemptID.getAttemptId()); if (!fileExist(shellCommandPath) && envs.get(JOYConstants.DISTRIBUTEDSHELLSCRIPTLOCATION).isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "No shell command or shell script specified to be executed by application master"); } if (fileExist(shellCommandPath)) { jstormMasterContext.shellCommand = readContent(shellCommandPath); } if (fileExist(shellArgsPath)) { jstormMasterContext.shellArgs = readContent(shellArgsPath); } JstormYarnUtils.setShellEnv(cliParser, jstormMasterContext); if (envs.containsKey(JOYConstants.DISTRIBUTEDSHELLSCRIPTLOCATION)) { jstormMasterContext.scriptPath = envs.get(JOYConstants.DISTRIBUTEDSHELLSCRIPTLOCATION); jstormMasterContext.appMasterJarPath = envs.get(JOYConstants.APPMASTERJARSCRIPTLOCATION); if (envs.containsKey(JOYConstants.DISTRIBUTEDSHELLSCRIPTTIMESTAMP)) { jstormMasterContext.shellScriptPathTimestamp = Long.parseLong(envs .get(JOYConstants.DISTRIBUTEDSHELLSCRIPTTIMESTAMP)); jstormMasterContext.jarTimestamp = Long.parseLong(envs .get(JOYConstants.APPMASTERTIMESTAMP)); } if (envs.containsKey(JOYConstants.DISTRIBUTEDSHELLSCRIPTLEN)) { jstormMasterContext.shellScriptPathLen = Long.parseLong(envs .get(JOYConstants.DISTRIBUTEDSHELLSCRIPTLEN)); jstormMasterContext.jarPathLen = Long.parseLong(envs .get(JOYConstants.APPMASTERLEN)); } if (!jstormMasterContext.scriptPath.isEmpty() && (jstormMasterContext.shellScriptPathTimestamp <= 0 || jstormMasterContext.shellScriptPathLen <= 0)) { LOG.error("Illegal values in env for shell script path" + ", path=" + jstormMasterContext.scriptPath + ", len=" + jstormMasterContext.shellScriptPathLen + ", timestamp=" + jstormMasterContext.shellScriptPathTimestamp); throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Illegal values in env for shell script path"); } } if (envs.containsKey(JOYConstants.DISTRIBUTEDSHELLTIMELINEDOMAIN)) { jstormMasterContext.domainId = envs.get(JOYConstants.DISTRIBUTEDSHELLTIMELINEDOMAIN); } if (envs.containsKey(JOYConstants.BINARYFILEDEPLOYPATH) && !envs.get(JOYConstants.BINARYFILEDEPLOYPATH).equals(JOYConstants.EMPTY)) { conf.set(JOYConstants.INSTANCE_DEPLOY_DIR_KEY, envs.get(JOYConstants.BINARYFILEDEPLOYPATH)); jstormMasterContext.deployPath = envs.get(JOYConstants.BINARYFILEDEPLOYPATH); } if (envs.containsKey(JOYConstants.INSTANCENAME) && !envs.get(JOYConstants.INSTANCENAME).equals(JOYConstants.EMPTY)) { conf.set(JOYConstants.INSTANCE_NAME_KEY, envs.get(JOYConstants.INSTANCENAME)); jstormMasterContext.instanceName = envs.get(JOYConstants.INSTANCENAME); } jstormMasterContext.containerVirtualCores = Integer.parseInt(cliParser.getOptionValue( JOYConstants.CONTAINER_VCORES, JOYConstants.DEFAULT_CONTAINER_VCORES)); jstormMasterContext.numTotalContainers = Integer.parseInt(cliParser.getOptionValue( JOYConstants.NUM_CONTAINERS, JOYConstants.DEFAULT_NUM_CONTAINER)); if (jstormMasterContext.numTotalContainers == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot run distributed shell with no containers"); } } }