/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.alibaba.jstorm.cluster; import backtype.storm.Config; import backtype.storm.Constants; import backtype.storm.generated.*; import backtype.storm.metric.SystemBolt; import backtype.storm.spout.ShellSpout; import backtype.storm.task.IBolt; import backtype.storm.task.ShellBolt; import backtype.storm.task.TopologyContext; import backtype.storm.tuple.Fields; import backtype.storm.utils.ThriftTopologyUtils; import backtype.storm.utils.Utils; import com.alibaba.jstorm.daemon.worker.WorkerData; import com.alibaba.jstorm.schedule.default_assign.DefaultTopologyAssignContext; import com.alibaba.jstorm.task.TaskInfo; import com.alibaba.jstorm.task.acker.Acker; import com.alibaba.jstorm.task.group.MkGrouper; import com.alibaba.jstorm.task.master.TopologyMaster; import com.alibaba.jstorm.utils.JStormUtils; import com.alibaba.jstorm.utils.Thrift; import com.alibaba.jstorm.utils.TimeUtils; import com.google.common.collect.Maps; import org.apache.thrift.TException; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.net.URLClassLoader; import java.security.InvalidParameterException; import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; /** * Base utility function * * 1. base topology validation 2. add streams/inputs * * @author yannian/Longda */ public class Common { private final static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Common.class); public static final String TOPOLOGY_MASTER_COMPONENT_ID = "__topology_master"; public static final String TOPOLOGY_MASTER_HB_STREAM_ID = "__master_task_heartbeat"; public static final String TOPOLOGY_MASTER_METRICS_STREAM_ID = "__master_metrics"; public static final String TOPOLOGY_MASTER_REGISTER_METRICS_STREAM_ID = "__master_reg_metrics"; public static final String TOPOLOGY_MASTER_CONTROL_STREAM_ID = "__master_control_stream"; public static final String TOPOLOGY_MASTER_REGISTER_METRICS_RESP_STREAM_ID = "__master_reg_metrics_resp"; public static final String ACKER_COMPONENT_ID = Acker.ACKER_COMPONENT_ID; public static final String ACKER_INIT_STREAM_ID = Acker.ACKER_INIT_STREAM_ID; public static final String ACKER_ACK_STREAM_ID = Acker.ACKER_ACK_STREAM_ID; public static final String ACKER_FAIL_STREAM_ID = Acker.ACKER_FAIL_STREAM_ID; public static final String SYSTEM_STREAM_ID = "__system"; public static final String LS_WORKER_HEARTBEAT = "worker-heartbeat"; public static final String LS_ID = "supervisor-id"; public static final String LS_LOCAL_ASSIGNMENTS = "local-assignments"; public static final String LS_LOCAl_ZK_ASSIGNMENTS = "local-zk-assignments"; public static final String LS_LOCAL_ZK_ASSIGNMENT_VERSION = "lcoal-zk-assignment-version"; public static final String LS_APPROVED_WORKERS = "approved-workers"; public static final String LS_TASK_CLEANUP_TIMEOUT = "task-cleanup-timeout"; public static final String compErrorInfo = "ID can only contains a-z, A-Z, 0-9, '-', '_', '.', '$', and should not start with \"__\"."; public static final String nameErrorInfo = "Name can only contains a-z, A-Z, 0-9, '-', '_', '.'"; public static boolean system_id(String id) { return Utils.isSystemId(id); } private static void validate_component(Object obj) throws InvalidTopologyException { if (obj instanceof StateSpoutSpec) { StateSpoutSpec spec = (StateSpoutSpec) obj; for (String id : spec.get_common().get_streams().keySet()) { if (system_id(id) || !charComponentValidate(id)) { throw new InvalidTopologyException(id + " is not a valid component id. " + compErrorInfo); } } } else if (obj instanceof SpoutSpec) { SpoutSpec spec = (SpoutSpec) obj; for (String id : spec.get_common().get_streams().keySet()) { if (system_id(id) || !charComponentValidate(id)) { throw new InvalidTopologyException(id + " is not a valid component id. " + compErrorInfo); } } } else if (obj instanceof Bolt) { Bolt spec = (Bolt) obj; for (String id : spec.get_common().get_streams().keySet()) { if (system_id(id) || !charComponentValidate(id)) { throw new InvalidTopologyException(id + " is not a valid component id. " + compErrorInfo); } } } else { throw new InvalidTopologyException("Unknow type component"); } } public static String topologyNameToId(String topologyName, int counter) { return topologyName + "-" + counter + "-" + TimeUtils.current_time_secs(); } public static String getTopologyNameById(String topologyId) { String topologyName = null; try { topologyName = topologyIdToName(topologyId); } catch (InvalidTopologyException e) { LOG.error("Invalid topologyId=" + topologyId); } return topologyName; } /** * Convert topologyId to topologyName. TopologyId = topoloygName-counter-timeStamp */ public static String topologyIdToName(String topologyId) throws InvalidTopologyException { String ret = null; int index = topologyId.lastIndexOf('-'); if (index != -1 && index > 2) { index = topologyId.lastIndexOf('-', index - 1); if (index != -1 && index > 0) ret = topologyId.substring(0, index); else throw new InvalidTopologyException(topologyId + " is not a valid topologyId"); } else throw new InvalidTopologyException(topologyId + " is not a valid topologyId"); return ret; } /** * Validation of topology name chars. Only alpha char, number, '-', '_', '.' are valid. */ public static boolean charValidate(String name) { if (name.matches("[0-9]+") || name.toLowerCase().equals("null")){ return false; }else { return name.matches("[a-zA-Z0-9-_.]+"); } } /** * Validation of topology component chars. Only alpha char, number, '-', '_', '.', '$' are valid. */ public static boolean charComponentValidate(String name) { return name.matches("[a-zA-Z0-9-_/.$]+"); } /** * Check Whether ID of Bolt or spout is system_id * * @throws InvalidTopologyException */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static void validate_ids(StormTopology topology, String topologyId) throws InvalidTopologyException { String topologyName = topologyIdToName(topologyId); if (!charValidate(topologyName)) { throw new InvalidTopologyException(topologyName + " is not a valid topology name. " + nameErrorInfo); } List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); for (StormTopology._Fields field : Thrift.STORM_TOPOLOGY_FIELDS) { Object value = topology.getFieldValue(field); if (value != null) { Map<String, Object> obj_map = (Map<String, Object>) value; Set<String> commids = obj_map.keySet(); for (String id : commids) { if (system_id(id) || !charComponentValidate(id)) { throw new InvalidTopologyException(id + " is not a valid component id. " + compErrorInfo); } } for (Object obj : obj_map.values()) { validate_component(obj); } list.addAll(commids); } } List<String> offending = JStormUtils.getRepeat(list); if (offending.isEmpty() == false) { throw new InvalidTopologyException("Duplicate component ids: " + offending); } } private static void validate_component_inputs(Object obj) throws InvalidTopologyException { if (obj instanceof StateSpoutSpec) { StateSpoutSpec spec = (StateSpoutSpec) obj; if (!spec.get_common().get_inputs().isEmpty()) { throw new InvalidTopologyException("May not declare inputs for a spout"); } } if (obj instanceof SpoutSpec) { SpoutSpec spec = (SpoutSpec) obj; if (!spec.get_common().get_inputs().isEmpty()) { throw new InvalidTopologyException("May not declare inputs for a spout"); } } } /** * Validate the topology 1. component id name is valid or not 2. check some spout's input is empty or not * * @throws InvalidTopologyException */ public static void validate_basic(StormTopology topology, Map<Object, Object> totalStormConf, String topologyid) throws InvalidTopologyException { validate_ids(topology, topologyid); for (StormTopology._Fields field : Thrift.SPOUT_FIELDS) { Object value = topology.getFieldValue(field); if (value != null) { Map<String, Object> obj_map = (Map<String, Object>) value; for (Object obj : obj_map.values()) { validate_component_inputs(obj); } } } Integer workerNum = JStormUtils.parseInt(totalStormConf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_WORKERS)); if (workerNum == null || workerNum <= 0) { String errMsg = "There are no Config.TOPOLOGY_WORKERS in configuration of " + topologyid; throw new InvalidParameterException(errMsg); } Integer ackerNum = JStormUtils.parseInt(totalStormConf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_ACKER_EXECUTORS)); if (ackerNum != null && ackerNum < 0) { String errMsg = "Invalide Config.TOPOLOGY_ACKERS in configuration of " + topologyid; throw new InvalidParameterException(errMsg); } } /** * Generate acker's input Map<GlobalStreamId, Grouping> * * for spout <GlobalStreamId(spoutId, ACKER_INIT_STREAM_ID), ...> for bolt <GlobalStreamId(boltId, ACKER_ACK_STREAM_ID), ...> <GlobalStreamId(boltId, * ACKER_FAIL_STREAM_ID), ...> */ public static Map<GlobalStreamId, Grouping> topoMasterInputs(StormTopology topology) { GlobalStreamId stream; Grouping group; Map<GlobalStreamId, Grouping> spout_inputs = new HashMap<GlobalStreamId, Grouping>(); Map<String, SpoutSpec> spout_ids = topology.get_spouts(); for (Entry<String, SpoutSpec> spout : spout_ids.entrySet()) { String id = spout.getKey(); stream = new GlobalStreamId(id, TOPOLOGY_MASTER_HB_STREAM_ID); group = Thrift.mkAllGrouping(); spout_inputs.put(stream, group); stream = new GlobalStreamId(id, TOPOLOGY_MASTER_METRICS_STREAM_ID); group = Thrift.mkAllGrouping(); spout_inputs.put(stream, group); stream = new GlobalStreamId(id, TOPOLOGY_MASTER_CONTROL_STREAM_ID); group = Thrift.mkAllGrouping(); spout_inputs.put(stream, group); stream = new GlobalStreamId(id, TOPOLOGY_MASTER_REGISTER_METRICS_STREAM_ID); group = Thrift.mkAllGrouping(); spout_inputs.put(stream, group); stream = new GlobalStreamId(id, TOPOLOGY_MASTER_REGISTER_METRICS_RESP_STREAM_ID); group = Thrift.mkAllGrouping(); spout_inputs.put(stream, group); } Map<String, Bolt> bolt_ids = topology.get_bolts(); Map<GlobalStreamId, Grouping> bolt_inputs = new HashMap<GlobalStreamId, Grouping>(); for (Entry<String, Bolt> bolt : bolt_ids.entrySet()) { String id = bolt.getKey(); stream = new GlobalStreamId(id, TOPOLOGY_MASTER_HB_STREAM_ID); group = Thrift.mkAllGrouping(); bolt_inputs.put(stream, group); stream = new GlobalStreamId(id, TOPOLOGY_MASTER_METRICS_STREAM_ID); group = Thrift.mkAllGrouping(); bolt_inputs.put(stream, group); stream = new GlobalStreamId(id, TOPOLOGY_MASTER_CONTROL_STREAM_ID); group = Thrift.mkAllGrouping(); bolt_inputs.put(stream, group); stream = new GlobalStreamId(id, TOPOLOGY_MASTER_REGISTER_METRICS_STREAM_ID); group = Thrift.mkAllGrouping(); bolt_inputs.put(stream, group); stream = new GlobalStreamId(id, TOPOLOGY_MASTER_REGISTER_METRICS_RESP_STREAM_ID); group = Thrift.mkAllGrouping(); bolt_inputs.put(stream, group); } Map<GlobalStreamId, Grouping> himself_inputs = new HashMap<GlobalStreamId, Grouping>(); stream = new GlobalStreamId(TOPOLOGY_MASTER_COMPONENT_ID, TOPOLOGY_MASTER_HB_STREAM_ID); group = Thrift.mkAllGrouping(); himself_inputs.put(stream, group); stream = new GlobalStreamId(TOPOLOGY_MASTER_COMPONENT_ID, TOPOLOGY_MASTER_METRICS_STREAM_ID); group = Thrift.mkAllGrouping(); himself_inputs.put(stream, group); stream = new GlobalStreamId(TOPOLOGY_MASTER_COMPONENT_ID, TOPOLOGY_MASTER_REGISTER_METRICS_STREAM_ID); group = Thrift.mkAllGrouping(); himself_inputs.put(stream, group); stream = new GlobalStreamId(TOPOLOGY_MASTER_COMPONENT_ID, TOPOLOGY_MASTER_REGISTER_METRICS_RESP_STREAM_ID); group = Thrift.mkAllGrouping(); himself_inputs.put(stream, group); Map<GlobalStreamId, Grouping> allInputs = new HashMap<GlobalStreamId, Grouping>(); allInputs.putAll(bolt_inputs); allInputs.putAll(spout_inputs); allInputs.putAll(himself_inputs); return allInputs; } /** * Add topology master bolt to topology */ public static void addTopologyMaster(Map stormConf, StormTopology ret) { // generate outputs HashMap<String, StreamInfo> outputs = new HashMap<String, StreamInfo>(); List<String> list = JStormUtils.mk_list(TopologyMaster.FILED_CTRL_EVENT); outputs.put(TOPOLOGY_MASTER_CONTROL_STREAM_ID, Thrift.outputFields(list)); list = JStormUtils.mk_list(TopologyMaster.FIELD_METRIC_WORKER, TopologyMaster.FIELD_METRIC_METRICS); outputs.put(TOPOLOGY_MASTER_METRICS_STREAM_ID, Thrift.outputFields(list)); list = JStormUtils.mk_list(TopologyMaster.FILED_HEARBEAT_EVENT); outputs.put(TOPOLOGY_MASTER_HB_STREAM_ID, Thrift.outputFields(list)); list = JStormUtils.mk_list(TopologyMaster.FIELD_REGISTER_METRICS); outputs.put(TOPOLOGY_MASTER_REGISTER_METRICS_STREAM_ID, Thrift.outputFields(list)); list = JStormUtils.mk_list(TopologyMaster.FIELD_REGISTER_METRICS_RESP); outputs.put(TOPOLOGY_MASTER_REGISTER_METRICS_RESP_STREAM_ID, Thrift.outputFields(list)); IBolt topologyMaster = new TopologyMaster(); // generate inputs Map<GlobalStreamId, Grouping> inputs = topoMasterInputs(ret); // generate topology master which will be stored in topology Bolt topologyMasterBolt = Thrift.mkBolt(inputs, topologyMaster, outputs, 1); // add output stream to spout/bolt for (Entry<String, Bolt> e : ret.get_bolts().entrySet()) { Bolt bolt = e.getValue(); ComponentCommon common = bolt.get_common(); List<String> fields = JStormUtils.mk_list(TopologyMaster.FIELD_METRIC_WORKER, TopologyMaster.FIELD_METRIC_METRICS); common.put_to_streams(TOPOLOGY_MASTER_METRICS_STREAM_ID, Thrift.directOutputFields(fields)); fields = JStormUtils.mk_list(TopologyMaster.FILED_HEARBEAT_EVENT); common.put_to_streams(TOPOLOGY_MASTER_HB_STREAM_ID, Thrift.directOutputFields(fields)); fields = JStormUtils.mk_list(TopologyMaster.FILED_CTRL_EVENT); common.put_to_streams(TOPOLOGY_MASTER_CONTROL_STREAM_ID, Thrift.directOutputFields(fields)); fields = JStormUtils.mk_list(TopologyMaster.FIELD_REGISTER_METRICS); common.put_to_streams(TOPOLOGY_MASTER_REGISTER_METRICS_STREAM_ID, Thrift.directOutputFields(fields)); fields = JStormUtils.mk_list(TopologyMaster.FIELD_REGISTER_METRICS_RESP); common.put_to_streams(TOPOLOGY_MASTER_REGISTER_METRICS_RESP_STREAM_ID, Thrift.directOutputFields(fields)); GlobalStreamId stream = new GlobalStreamId(TOPOLOGY_MASTER_COMPONENT_ID, TOPOLOGY_MASTER_CONTROL_STREAM_ID); common.put_to_inputs(stream, Thrift.mkDirectGrouping()); bolt.set_common(common); } for (Entry<String, SpoutSpec> kv : ret.get_spouts().entrySet()) { SpoutSpec spout = kv.getValue(); ComponentCommon common = spout.get_common(); List<String> fields = JStormUtils.mk_list(TopologyMaster.FIELD_METRIC_WORKER, TopologyMaster.FIELD_METRIC_METRICS); common.put_to_streams(TOPOLOGY_MASTER_METRICS_STREAM_ID, Thrift.directOutputFields(fields)); fields = JStormUtils.mk_list(TopologyMaster.FILED_HEARBEAT_EVENT); common.put_to_streams(TOPOLOGY_MASTER_HB_STREAM_ID, Thrift.directOutputFields(fields)); fields = JStormUtils.mk_list(TopologyMaster.FILED_CTRL_EVENT); common.put_to_streams(TOPOLOGY_MASTER_CONTROL_STREAM_ID, Thrift.directOutputFields(fields)); fields = JStormUtils.mk_list(TopologyMaster.FIELD_REGISTER_METRICS); common.put_to_streams(TOPOLOGY_MASTER_REGISTER_METRICS_STREAM_ID, Thrift.directOutputFields(fields)); fields = JStormUtils.mk_list(TopologyMaster.FIELD_REGISTER_METRICS_RESP); common.put_to_streams(TOPOLOGY_MASTER_REGISTER_METRICS_RESP_STREAM_ID, Thrift.directOutputFields(fields)); GlobalStreamId stream = new GlobalStreamId(TOPOLOGY_MASTER_COMPONENT_ID, TOPOLOGY_MASTER_CONTROL_STREAM_ID); common.put_to_inputs(stream, Thrift.mkDirectGrouping()); spout.set_common(common); } ret.put_to_bolts(TOPOLOGY_MASTER_COMPONENT_ID, topologyMasterBolt); } /** * Generate acker's input Map<GlobalStreamId, Grouping> * * for spout <GlobalStreamId(spoutId, ACKER_INIT_STREAM_ID), ...> for bolt <GlobalStreamId(boltId, ACKER_ACK_STREAM_ID), ...> <GlobalStreamId(boltId, * ACKER_FAIL_STREAM_ID), ...> */ public static Map<GlobalStreamId, Grouping> acker_inputs(StormTopology topology) { Map<GlobalStreamId, Grouping> spout_inputs = new HashMap<GlobalStreamId, Grouping>(); Map<String, SpoutSpec> spout_ids = topology.get_spouts(); for (Entry<String, SpoutSpec> spout : spout_ids.entrySet()) { String id = spout.getKey(); GlobalStreamId stream = new GlobalStreamId(id, ACKER_INIT_STREAM_ID); Grouping group = Thrift.mkFieldsGrouping(JStormUtils.mk_list("id")); spout_inputs.put(stream, group); } Map<String, Bolt> bolt_ids = topology.get_bolts(); Map<GlobalStreamId, Grouping> bolt_inputs = new HashMap<GlobalStreamId, Grouping>(); for (Entry<String, Bolt> bolt : bolt_ids.entrySet()) { String id = bolt.getKey(); GlobalStreamId streamAck = new GlobalStreamId(id, ACKER_ACK_STREAM_ID); Grouping groupAck = Thrift.mkFieldsGrouping(JStormUtils.mk_list("id")); GlobalStreamId streamFail = new GlobalStreamId(id, ACKER_FAIL_STREAM_ID); Grouping groupFail = Thrift.mkFieldsGrouping(JStormUtils.mk_list("id")); bolt_inputs.put(streamAck, groupAck); bolt_inputs.put(streamFail, groupFail); } Map<GlobalStreamId, Grouping> allInputs = new HashMap<GlobalStreamId, Grouping>(); allInputs.putAll(bolt_inputs); allInputs.putAll(spout_inputs); return allInputs; } /** * Add acker bolt to topology */ public static void add_acker(Map stormConf, StormTopology ret) { String key = Config.TOPOLOGY_ACKER_EXECUTORS; Integer ackerNum = JStormUtils.parseInt(stormConf.get(key), 0); // generate outputs HashMap<String, StreamInfo> outputs = new HashMap<String, StreamInfo>(); ArrayList<String> fields = new ArrayList<String>(); fields.add("id"); outputs.put(ACKER_ACK_STREAM_ID, Thrift.directOutputFields(fields)); outputs.put(ACKER_FAIL_STREAM_ID, Thrift.directOutputFields(fields)); IBolt ackerbolt = new Acker(); // generate inputs Map<GlobalStreamId, Grouping> inputs = acker_inputs(ret); // generate acker which will be stored in topology Bolt acker_bolt = Thrift.mkBolt(inputs, ackerbolt, outputs, ackerNum); // add every bolt two output stream // ACKER_ACK_STREAM_ID/ACKER_FAIL_STREAM_ID for (Entry<String, Bolt> e : ret.get_bolts().entrySet()) { Bolt bolt = e.getValue(); ComponentCommon common = bolt.get_common(); List<String> ackList = JStormUtils.mk_list("id", "ack-val"); common.put_to_streams(ACKER_ACK_STREAM_ID, Thrift.outputFields(ackList)); List<String> failList = JStormUtils.mk_list("id"); common.put_to_streams(ACKER_FAIL_STREAM_ID, Thrift.outputFields(failList)); bolt.set_common(common); } // add every spout output stream ACKER_INIT_STREAM_ID // add every spout two intput source // ((ACKER_COMPONENT_ID, ACKER_ACK_STREAM_ID), directGrouping) // ((ACKER_COMPONENT_ID, ACKER_FAIL_STREAM_ID), directGrouping) for (Entry<String, SpoutSpec> kv : ret.get_spouts().entrySet()) { SpoutSpec bolt = kv.getValue(); ComponentCommon common = bolt.get_common(); List<String> initList = JStormUtils.mk_list("id", "init-val", "spout-task"); common.put_to_streams(ACKER_INIT_STREAM_ID, Thrift.outputFields(initList)); GlobalStreamId ack_ack = new GlobalStreamId(ACKER_COMPONENT_ID, ACKER_ACK_STREAM_ID); common.put_to_inputs(ack_ack, Thrift.mkDirectGrouping()); GlobalStreamId ack_fail = new GlobalStreamId(ACKER_COMPONENT_ID, ACKER_FAIL_STREAM_ID); common.put_to_inputs(ack_fail, Thrift.mkDirectGrouping()); } ret.put_to_bolts(ACKER_COMPONENT_ID, acker_bolt); } public static List<Object> all_components(StormTopology topology) { List<Object> rtn = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (StormTopology._Fields field : Thrift.STORM_TOPOLOGY_FIELDS) { Object fields = topology.getFieldValue(field); if (fields != null) { rtn.addAll(((Map) fields).values()); } } return rtn; } private static List<String> sysEventFields = JStormUtils.mk_list("event"); private static void add_component_system_streams(Object obj) { ComponentCommon common = null; if (obj instanceof StateSpoutSpec) { StateSpoutSpec spec = (StateSpoutSpec) obj; common = spec.get_common(); } if (obj instanceof SpoutSpec) { SpoutSpec spec = (SpoutSpec) obj; common = spec.get_common(); } if (obj instanceof Bolt) { Bolt spec = (Bolt) obj; common = spec.get_common(); } if (common != null) { StreamInfo sinfo = Thrift.outputFields(sysEventFields); common.put_to_streams(SYSTEM_STREAM_ID, sinfo); } } /** * Add every bolt or spout one output stream <SYSTEM_STREAM_ID, > */ public static void add_system_streams(StormTopology topology) { for (Object obj : all_components(topology)) { add_component_system_streams(obj); } } public static StormTopology add_system_components(StormTopology topology) { // generate inputs Map<GlobalStreamId, Grouping> inputs = new HashMap<GlobalStreamId, Grouping>(); // generate outputs HashMap<String, StreamInfo> outputs = new HashMap<String, StreamInfo>(); //ArrayList<String> fields = new ArrayList<String>(); outputs.put(Constants.SYSTEM_TICK_STREAM_ID, Thrift.outputFields(JStormUtils.mk_list("rate_secs"))); outputs.put(Constants.METRICS_TICK_STREAM_ID, Thrift.outputFields(JStormUtils.mk_list("interval"))); outputs.put(Constants.CREDENTIALS_CHANGED_STREAM_ID, Thrift.outputFields(JStormUtils.mk_list("creds"))); // ComponentCommon common = new ComponentCommon(inputs, outputs); IBolt ackerbolt = new SystemBolt(); Bolt bolt = Thrift.mkBolt(inputs, ackerbolt, outputs, Integer.valueOf(0)); topology.put_to_bolts(Constants.SYSTEM_COMPONENT_ID, bolt); add_system_streams(topology); return topology; } public static StormTopology add_metrics_component(StormTopology topology) { /** * @@@ TODO Add metrics consumer bolt */ // (defn metrics-consumer-bolt-specs [storm-conf topology] // (let [component-ids-that-emit-metrics (cons SYSTEM-COMPONENT-ID (keys // (all-components topology))) // inputs (->> (for [comp-id component-ids-that-emit-metrics] // {[comp-id METRICS-STREAM-ID] :shuffle}) // (into {})) // // mk-bolt-spec (fn [class arg p] // (thrift/mk-bolt-spec* // inputs // (backtype.storm.metric.MetricsConsumerBolt. class arg) // {} :p p :conf {TOPOLOGY-TASKS p}))] // // (map // (fn [component-id register] // [component-id (mk-bolt-spec (get register "class") // (get register "argument") // (or (get register "parallelism.hint") 1))]) // // (metrics-consumer-register-ids storm-conf) // (get storm-conf TOPOLOGY-METRICS-CONSUMER-REGISTER)))) return topology; } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public static StormTopology system_topology(Map storm_conf, StormTopology topology) throws InvalidTopologyException { StormTopology ret = topology.deepCopy(); add_acker(storm_conf, ret); addTopologyMaster(storm_conf, ret); add_metrics_component(ret); add_system_components(ret); return ret; } /** * get component configuration */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static Map component_conf(Map storm_conf, TopologyContext topology_context, String component_id) { List<Object> to_remove = StormConfig.All_CONFIGS(); to_remove.remove(Config.TOPOLOGY_DEBUG); to_remove.remove(Config.TOPOLOGY_MAX_SPOUT_PENDING); to_remove.remove(Config.TOPOLOGY_MAX_TASK_PARALLELISM); to_remove.remove(Config.TOPOLOGY_TRANSACTIONAL_ID); Map<Object, Object> componentConf = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); String jconf = topology_context.getComponentCommon(component_id).get_json_conf(); if (jconf != null) { componentConf = (Map<Object, Object>) JStormUtils.from_json(jconf); } /** * @@@ Don't know why need remove system configuration from component conf? // */ // for (Object p : to_remove) { // componentConf.remove(p); // } Map<Object, Object> ret = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); ret.putAll(storm_conf); ret.putAll(componentConf); return ret; } /** * get object of component_id */ public static Object get_task_object(StormTopology topology, String component_id, URLClassLoader loader) { Map<String, SpoutSpec> spouts = topology.get_spouts(); Map<String, Bolt> bolts = topology.get_bolts(); Map<String, StateSpoutSpec> state_spouts = topology.get_state_spouts(); ComponentObject obj = null; if (spouts.containsKey(component_id)) { obj = spouts.get(component_id).get_spout_object(); } else if (bolts.containsKey(component_id)) { obj = bolts.get(component_id).get_bolt_object(); } else if (state_spouts.containsKey(component_id)) { obj = state_spouts.get(component_id).get_state_spout_object(); } if (obj == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not find " + component_id + " in " + topology.toString()); } Object componentObject = Utils.getSetComponentObject(obj, loader); Object rtn = null; if (componentObject instanceof JavaObject) { rtn = Thrift.instantiateJavaObject((JavaObject) componentObject); } else if (componentObject instanceof ShellComponent) { if (spouts.containsKey(component_id)) { rtn = new ShellSpout((ShellComponent) componentObject); } else { rtn = new ShellBolt((ShellComponent) componentObject); } } else { rtn = componentObject; } return rtn; } /** * get current task's output <Stream_id, <componentId, MkGrouper>> */ public static Map<String, Map<String, MkGrouper>> outbound_components(TopologyContext topology_context, WorkerData workerData) { Map<String, Map<String, MkGrouper>> rr = new HashMap<String, Map<String, MkGrouper>>(); // <Stream_id,<component,Grouping>> Map<String, Map<String, Grouping>> output_groupings = topology_context.getThisTargets(); for (Entry<String, Map<String, Grouping>> entry : output_groupings.entrySet()) { String stream_id = entry.getKey(); Map<String, Grouping> component_grouping = entry.getValue(); Fields out_fields = topology_context.getThisOutputFields(stream_id); Map<String, MkGrouper> componentGrouper = new HashMap<String, MkGrouper>(); for (Entry<String, Grouping> cg : component_grouping.entrySet()) { String component = cg.getKey(); Grouping tgrouping = cg.getValue(); List<Integer> outTasks = topology_context.getComponentTasks(component); // ATTENTION: If topology set one component parallelism as 0 // so we don't need send tuple to it if (outTasks.size() > 0) { MkGrouper grouper = new MkGrouper(topology_context, out_fields, tgrouping, component, stream_id, workerData); componentGrouper.put(component, grouper); } LOG.info("outbound_components, {}-{} for task-{} on {}", component, outTasks, topology_context.getThisTaskId(), stream_id); } if (componentGrouper.size() > 0) { rr.put(stream_id, componentGrouper); } } return rr; } /** * get the component's configuration */ public static Map getComponentMap(DefaultTopologyAssignContext context, Integer task) { String componentName = context.getTaskToComponent().get(task); ComponentCommon componentCommon = ThriftTopologyUtils.getComponentCommon(context.getSysTopology(), componentName); Map componentMap = (Map) JStormUtils.from_json(componentCommon.get_json_conf()); if (componentMap == null) { componentMap = Maps.newHashMap(); } return componentMap; } /** * get all bolts' inputs and spouts' outputs <Bolt_name, <Input_name>> <Spout_name, <Output_name>> * * @return all bolts' inputs and spouts' outputs */ public static Map<String, Set<String>> buildSpoutOutoputAndBoltInputMap(DefaultTopologyAssignContext context) { Set<String> bolts = context.getRawTopology().get_bolts().keySet(); Set<String> spouts = context.getRawTopology().get_spouts().keySet(); Map<String, Set<String>> relationship = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>(); for (Entry<String, Bolt> entry : context.getRawTopology().get_bolts().entrySet()) { Map<GlobalStreamId, Grouping> inputs = entry.getValue().get_common().get_inputs(); Set<String> input = new HashSet<String>(); relationship.put(entry.getKey(), input); for (Entry<GlobalStreamId, Grouping> inEntry : inputs.entrySet()) { String component = inEntry.getKey().get_componentId(); input.add(component); if (!bolts.contains(component)) { // spout Set<String> spoutOutput = relationship.get(component); if (spoutOutput == null) { spoutOutput = new HashSet<String>(); relationship.put(component, spoutOutput); } spoutOutput.add(entry.getKey()); } } } for (String spout : spouts) { if (relationship.get(spout) == null) relationship.put(spout, new HashSet<String>()); } for (String bolt : bolts) { if (relationship.get(bolt) == null) relationship.put(bolt, new HashSet<String>()); } return relationship; } public static Map<Integer, String> getTaskToComponent(Map<Integer, TaskInfo> taskInfoMap) { Map<Integer, String> ret = new TreeMap<Integer, String>(); for (Entry<Integer, TaskInfo> entry : taskInfoMap.entrySet()) { ret.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().getComponentId()); } return ret; } public static Map<Integer, String> getTaskToType(Map<Integer, TaskInfo> taskInfoMap) { Map<Integer, String> ret = new TreeMap<Integer, String>(); for (Entry<Integer, TaskInfo> entry : taskInfoMap.entrySet()) { ret.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().getComponentType()); } return ret; } @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"}) public static Integer mkTaskMaker(Map<Object, Object> stormConf, Map<String, ?> cidSpec, Map<Integer, TaskInfo> rtn, Integer cnt) { if (cidSpec == null) { LOG.warn("Component map is empty"); return cnt; } Set<?> entrySet = cidSpec.entrySet(); for (Iterator<?> it = entrySet.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Entry entry = (Entry) it.next(); Object obj = entry.getValue(); ComponentCommon common = null; String componentType = "bolt"; if (obj instanceof Bolt) { common = ((Bolt) obj).get_common(); componentType = "bolt"; } else if (obj instanceof SpoutSpec) { common = ((SpoutSpec) obj).get_common(); componentType = "spout"; } else if (obj instanceof StateSpoutSpec) { common = ((StateSpoutSpec) obj).get_common(); componentType = "spout"; } if (common == null) { throw new RuntimeException("No ComponentCommon of " + entry.getKey()); } int declared = Thrift.parallelismHint(common); Integer parallelism = declared; // Map tmp = (Map) Utils_clj.from_json(common.get_json_conf()); Map newStormConf = new HashMap(stormConf); // newStormConf.putAll(tmp); Integer maxParallelism = JStormUtils.parseInt(newStormConf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_MAX_TASK_PARALLELISM)); if (maxParallelism != null) { parallelism = Math.min(maxParallelism, declared); } for (int i = 0; i < parallelism; i++) { cnt++; TaskInfo taskInfo = new TaskInfo((String) entry.getKey(), componentType); rtn.put(cnt, taskInfo); } } return cnt; } public static Map<Integer, TaskInfo> mkTaskInfo(Map<Object, Object> stormConf, StormTopology sysTopology, String topologyid) { // use TreeMap to make task as sequence Map<Integer, TaskInfo> rtn = new TreeMap<Integer, TaskInfo>(); Integer count = 0; count = mkTaskMaker(stormConf, sysTopology.get_bolts(), rtn, count); count = mkTaskMaker(stormConf, sysTopology.get_spouts(), rtn, count); count = mkTaskMaker(stormConf, sysTopology.get_state_spouts(), rtn, count); return rtn; } public static boolean isSystemComponent(String componentId) { if (componentId.equals(Acker.ACKER_COMPONENT_ID) || componentId.equals(Common.TOPOLOGY_MASTER_COMPONENT_ID)) { return true; } return false; } public static boolean confValidate(Map userConf, Map clusterConf) throws TException{ Set<String> validateConfig = new HashSet<>(); validateConfig.add(Config.STORM_LOCAL_DIR); if (userConf != null && clusterConf != null){ for (String config : validateConfig) { Object userObject = userConf.get(config); Object clusterObject = clusterConf.get(config); if (userObject != null && clusterObject != null && !userObject.equals(clusterObject)) { throw new TException("invalid userConf at " + config); } } } return true; } }