package; import backtype.storm.generated.MetricInfo; import backtype.storm.generated.MetricSnapshot; import backtype.storm.generated.TopologyMetric; import backtype.storm.utils.Utils; import; import*; import; import; import*; import; import; import com.codahale.metrics.*; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.*; /** * @author Cody ( * @since 2.0.5 */ public class MetricUtils { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MetricUtils.class); public static final char AT = '@'; public static final String DELIM = AT + ""; public static final String EMPTY = ""; public static final String DEFAULT_GROUP = "sys"; public static final int NETTY_METRIC_PAGE_SIZE = 200; public static volatile boolean metricAccurateCal = false; public static boolean isValidId(long metricId) { return metricId != 0; } public static MetricInfo mkMetricInfo() { MetricInfo ret = new MetricInfo(); ret.set_metrics(new HashMap<String, Map<Integer, MetricSnapshot>>()); return ret; } public static TopologyMetric mkTopologyMetric() { TopologyMetric emptyTopologyMetric = new TopologyMetric(); emptyTopologyMetric.set_topologyMetric(new MetricInfo()); emptyTopologyMetric.set_componentMetric(new MetricInfo()); emptyTopologyMetric.set_workerMetric(new MetricInfo()); emptyTopologyMetric.set_taskMetric(new MetricInfo()); emptyTopologyMetric.set_streamMetric(new MetricInfo()); emptyTopologyMetric.set_nettyMetric(new MetricInfo()); return emptyTopologyMetric; } public static boolean isEnableNettyMetrics(Map stormConf) { boolean enableMetrics = ConfigExtension.isEnableMetrics(stormConf); if (!enableMetrics) { return false; } int maxWorkerNumForNetty = ConfigExtension.getTopologyMaxWorkerNumForNettyMetrics(stormConf); int workerNum = JStormUtils.parseInt(stormConf.get("topology.workers"), 1); return workerNum < maxWorkerNumForNetty; } /** * a metric name composites of: type@topologyId@componentId@taskId@streamId@group@name for non-worker metrics OR type@topologyId@host@port@group@name for * worker metrics */ public static String metricName(String type, String topologyId, String componentId, int taskId, String streamId, String group, String name) { return concat(type, topologyId, componentId, taskId, streamId, group, name); } public static String streamMetricName(String topologyId, String componentId, int taskId, String streamId, String name, MetricType type) { return concat(MetaType.STREAM.getV() + type.getV(), topologyId, componentId, taskId, streamId, DEFAULT_GROUP, name); } public static String workerMetricName(String topologyId, String host, int port, String name, MetricType type) { return concat(MetaType.WORKER.getV() + type.getV(), topologyId, host, port, DEFAULT_GROUP, name); } public static String workerMetricName(String name, MetricType type) { return concat(MetaType.WORKER.getV() + type.getV(), EMPTY, EMPTY, 0, DEFAULT_GROUP, name); } public static String nettyMetricName(String name, MetricType type) { return concat(MetaType.NETTY.getV() + type.getV(), EMPTY, EMPTY, 0, JStormMetrics.NETTY_GROUP, name); } public static String workerMetricPrefix(String topologyId, String host, int port) { return concat(MetaType.WORKER.getV(), topologyId, host, port); } public static String taskMetricName(String topologyId, String componentId, int taskId, String name, MetricType type) { return concat(MetaType.TASK.getV() + type.getV(), topologyId, componentId, taskId, EMPTY, DEFAULT_GROUP, name); } public static String taskMetricName(String topologyId, String componentId, int taskId, String group, String name, MetricType type) { return concat(MetaType.TASK.getV() + type.getV(), topologyId, componentId, taskId, EMPTY, group, name); } public static String compMetricName(String topologyId, String componentId, String name, MetricType type) { return concat(MetaType.COMPONENT.getV() + type.getV(), topologyId, componentId, 0, EMPTY, DEFAULT_GROUP, name); } public static String removeDelimIfPossible(String name) { if (name.contains(DELIM)) { return name.replace(DELIM, EMPTY); } return name; } public static MetaType metaType(String name) { return MetaType.parse(name.charAt(0) + EMPTY); } public static MetricType metricType(String name) { return MetricType.parse(name.charAt(1) + EMPTY); } public static String metricName(String name) { String[] parts = name.split(DELIM); return parts[parts.length - 1]; } /** * make streamId empty, remain other parts the same */ public static String stream2taskName(String old) { String[] parts = old.split(DELIM); if (parts.length >= 7) { parts[0] = MetaType.TASK.getV() + parts[0].charAt(1); parts[parts.length - 3] = EMPTY; String metricName = getMergeMetricName(parts[parts.length - 1]); parts[parts.length - 1] = metricName; } return concat(parts); } /** * make taskId=0 and streamId empty. */ public static String task2compName(String old) { String[] parts = old.split(DELIM); if (parts.length >= 7) { parts[0] = MetaType.COMPONENT.getV() + parts[0].charAt(1); parts[parts.length - 3] = EMPTY; parts[parts.length - 4] = "0"; } return concat(parts); } /** * make taskId=0 and streamId empty and metricName remain the string after `.`. */ public static String task2MergeCompName(String old) { String[] parts = old.split(DELIM); if (parts.length >= 7) { parts[0] = MetaType.COMPONENT.getV() + parts[0].charAt(1); parts[parts.length - 3] = EMPTY; parts[parts.length - 4] = "0"; String metricName = getMergeMetricName(parts[parts.length - 1]); parts[parts.length - 1] = metricName; } return concat(parts); } private static String getMergeMetricName(String name) { int dotIndex = name.lastIndexOf("."); if (dotIndex != -1) { return name.substring(dotIndex + 1); } return name; } /** * change component metric name to topology metric name */ public static String comp2topologyName(String old) { String[] parts = old.split(DELIM); parts[0] = MetaType.TOPOLOGY.getV() + parts[0].charAt(1); // type + topologyId + host + port + group + name return concat(parts[0], parts[1], EMPTY, "0", parts[5], parts[6]); } public static String worker2topologyName(String old) { String[] parts = old.split(DELIM); if (parts.length >= 5) { parts[0] = MetaType.TOPOLOGY.getV() + parts[0].charAt(1); parts[2] = EMPTY; // host parts[3] = "0"; // port } return concat(parts); } public static String topo2clusterName(String old) { String[] parts = old.split(DELIM); parts[1] = JStormMetrics.CLUSTER_METRIC_KEY; return concat(parts); } public static String concat(Object... args) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(50); int last = args.length - 1; if (args[last] instanceof String) { args[last] = removeDelimIfPossible((String) args[last]); } for (Object arg : args) { sb.append(arg).append(DELIM); } sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1); return sb.toString(); } public static String concat2(Object... args) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(50); for (Object arg : args) { sb.append(arg).append(DELIM); } sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1); return sb.toString(); } public static String concat3(String delim, Object... args) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(50); for (Object arg : args) { sb.append(arg).append(delim); } sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1); return sb.toString(); } public static Histogram metricSnapshot2Histogram(MetricSnapshot snapshot) { Histogram histogram; if (metricAccurateCal){ histogram = new Histogram(new ExponentiallyDecayingReservoir()); byte[] points = snapshot.get_points(); int len = snapshot.get_pointSize(); updateHistogramPoints(histogram, points, len); }else { histogram = new Histogram(new JAverageReservoir()); JAverageSnapshot averageSnapshot = (JAverageSnapshot) histogram.getSnapshot(); averageSnapshot.setMetricSnapshot(snapshot.deepCopy()); } return histogram; } public static void updateHistogramPoints(Histogram histogram, byte[] points, int len) { if (points != null && len > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { long pt = Bytes.toLong(points, i * Longs.BYTES, Longs.BYTES); histogram.update(pt); } } } public static Map<Integer, MetricSnapshot> toThriftCounterSnapshots(Map<Integer, AsmSnapshot> snapshots) { Map<Integer, MetricSnapshot> ret = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(snapshots.size()); for (Map.Entry<Integer, AsmSnapshot> entry : snapshots.entrySet()) { ret.put(entry.getKey(), convert((AsmCounterSnapshot) entry.getValue())); } return ret; } public static Map<Integer, MetricSnapshot> toThriftGaugeSnapshots(Map<Integer, AsmSnapshot> snapshots) { Map<Integer, MetricSnapshot> ret = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(snapshots.size()); for (Map.Entry<Integer, AsmSnapshot> entry : snapshots.entrySet()) { ret.put(entry.getKey(), convert((AsmGaugeSnapshot) entry.getValue())); } return ret; } public static Map<Integer, MetricSnapshot> toThriftMeterSnapshots(Map<Integer, AsmSnapshot> snapshots) { Map<Integer, MetricSnapshot> ret = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(snapshots.size()); for (Map.Entry<Integer, AsmSnapshot> entry : snapshots.entrySet()) { ret.put(entry.getKey(), convert((AsmMeterSnapshot) entry.getValue())); } return ret; } public static Map<Integer, MetricSnapshot> toThriftHistoSnapshots(Map<Integer, AsmSnapshot> snapshots) { Map<Integer, MetricSnapshot> ret = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(snapshots.size()); for (Map.Entry<Integer, AsmSnapshot> entry : snapshots.entrySet()) { MetricSnapshot histogramSnapshot = convert((AsmHistogramSnapshot) entry.getValue()); if (histogramSnapshot != null) { ret.put(entry.getKey(), histogramSnapshot); } } return ret; } public static Map<Integer, MetricSnapshot> toThriftHistoSnapshots(MetaType metaType, Map<Integer, AsmSnapshot> snapshots) { Map<Integer, MetricSnapshot> ret = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(snapshots.size()); for (Map.Entry<Integer, AsmSnapshot> entry : snapshots.entrySet()) { MetricSnapshot histogramSnapshot = convert(metaType, (AsmHistogramSnapshot) entry.getValue()); if (histogramSnapshot != null) { ret.put(entry.getKey(), histogramSnapshot); } } return ret; } public static Map<Integer, MetricSnapshot> toThriftSnapshots(Map<Integer, AsmSnapshot> snapshots, MetricType metricType) { if (metricType == MetricType.COUNTER) { return MetricUtils.toThriftCounterSnapshots(snapshots); } else if (metricType == MetricType.GAUGE) { return MetricUtils.toThriftGaugeSnapshots(snapshots); } else if (metricType == MetricType.METER) { return MetricUtils.toThriftMeterSnapshots(snapshots); } else if (metricType == MetricType.HISTOGRAM) { return MetricUtils.toThriftHistoSnapshots(snapshots); } else { throw new RuntimeException("invalid metricType " + metricType); } } public static MetricSnapshot convert(AsmCounterSnapshot snapshot) { MetricSnapshot ret = new MetricSnapshot(); ret.set_metricId(snapshot.getMetricId()); ret.set_ts(TimeUtils.alignTimeToMin(snapshot.getTs())); ret.set_metricType(MetricType.COUNTER.getT()); ret.set_longValue(snapshot.getV()); return ret; } public static MetricSnapshot convert(AsmGaugeSnapshot snapshot) { MetricSnapshot ret = new MetricSnapshot(); ret.set_metricId(snapshot.getMetricId()); ret.set_ts(TimeUtils.alignTimeToMin(snapshot.getTs())); ret.set_metricType(MetricType.GAUGE.getT()); ret.set_doubleValue(snapshot.getV()); return ret; } public static MetricSnapshot convert(AsmMeterSnapshot snapshot) { MetricSnapshot ret = new MetricSnapshot(); ret.set_metricId(snapshot.getMetricId()); ret.set_ts(TimeUtils.alignTimeToMin(snapshot.getTs())); ret.set_metricType(MetricType.METER.getT()); ret.set_m1(snapshot.getM1()); ret.set_m5(snapshot.getM5()); ret.set_m15(snapshot.getM15()); ret.set_mean(snapshot.getMean()); return ret; } public static MetricSnapshot convert( AsmHistogramSnapshot snapshot) { // some histograms are never updated, skip such metrics //if (snapshot.getSnapshot().getValues().length == 0) { // return null; //} MetricSnapshot ret = new MetricSnapshot(); ret.set_metricId(snapshot.getMetricId()); ret.set_ts(TimeUtils.alignTimeToMin(snapshot.getTs())); ret.set_metricType(MetricType.HISTOGRAM.getT()); Snapshot ws = snapshot.getSnapshot(); ret.set_min(ws.getMin()); ret.set_max(ws.getMax()); ret.set_p50(ws.getMedian()); ret.set_p75(ws.get75thPercentile()); ret.set_p95(ws.get95thPercentile()); ret.set_p98(ws.get98thPercentile()); ret.set_p99(ws.get99thPercentile()); ret.set_p999(ws.get999thPercentile()); ret.set_mean(ws.getMean()); ret.set_stddev(ws.getStdDev()); ret.set_points(new byte[0]); ret.set_pointSize(0); return ret; } public static MetricSnapshot convert(MetaType metaType, AsmHistogramSnapshot snapshot) { // some histograms are never updated, skip such metrics //if (snapshot.getSnapshot().getValues().length == 0) { // return null; //} MetricSnapshot ret = new MetricSnapshot(); ret.set_metricId(snapshot.getMetricId()); ret.set_ts(TimeUtils.alignTimeToMin(snapshot.getTs())); ret.set_metricType(MetricType.HISTOGRAM.getT()); Snapshot ws = snapshot.getSnapshot(); ret.set_min(ws.getMin()); ret.set_max(ws.getMax()); ret.set_p50(ws.getMedian()); ret.set_p75(ws.get75thPercentile()); ret.set_p95(ws.get95thPercentile()); ret.set_p98(ws.get98thPercentile()); ret.set_p99(ws.get99thPercentile()); ret.set_p999(ws.get999thPercentile()); ret.set_mean(ws.getMean()); ret.set_stddev(ws.getStdDev()); // only upload points for component metrics if (metricAccurateCal && (metaType == MetaType.COMPONENT || metaType == MetaType.TOPOLOGY)) { byte[] points = longs2bytes(ws.getValues()); ret.set_points(points); ret.set_pointSize(ws.getValues().length); } else { ret.set_points(new byte[0]); ret.set_pointSize(0); } return ret; } public static byte[] longs2bytes(long[] points) { int len = points.length; byte[] bytePts = new byte[len * Longs.BYTES]; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { Bytes.putLong(bytePts, i * Longs.BYTES, points[i]); } return bytePts; } public static String getMetricName(String fullName) { String[] parts = fullName.split(DELIM); return parts[parts.length - 1]; } public static String str(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof MetricSnapshot) { MetricSnapshot snapshot = (MetricSnapshot) obj; MetricType type = MetricType.parse(snapshot.get_metricType()); if (type == MetricType.COUNTER) { return counterStr(snapshot); } else if (type == MetricType.GAUGE) { return gaugeStr(snapshot); } else if (type == MetricType.METER) { return meterStr(snapshot); } else if (type == MetricType.HISTOGRAM) { return histogramStr(snapshot); } } return obj.toString(); } public static String counterStr(MetricSnapshot snapshot) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(32); sb.append("id:").append(snapshot.get_metricId()).append(",v:").append(snapshot.get_longValue()); return sb.toString(); } public static String gaugeStr(MetricSnapshot snapshot) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(32); sb.append("id:").append(snapshot.get_metricId()).append(",v:").append(snapshot.get_doubleValue()); return sb.toString(); } public static String meterStr(MetricSnapshot snapshot) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(50); sb.append("id:").append(snapshot.get_metricId()); sb.append(",m1:").append(snapshot.get_m1()).append(",m5:").append(snapshot.get_m5()) .append(",m15:").append(snapshot.get_m15()).append(",mean:").append(snapshot.get_mean()); return sb.toString(); } public static String histogramStr(MetricSnapshot snapshot) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(128); sb.append("histogram"); sb.append("(").append("id:").append(snapshot.get_metricId()).append(",min:").append(snapshot.get_min()).append(",max:") .append(snapshot.get_max()).append(",mean:").append(snapshot.get_mean()).append(",p50:").append(snapshot.get_p50()) .append(",p75:").append(snapshot.get_p75()).append(",p95:").append(snapshot.get_p95()).append(",p98:") .append(snapshot.get_p98()).append(",p99:").append(snapshot.get_p99()).append(",pts:").append(snapshot.get_pointSize()) .append(")"); return sb.toString(); } public static void printMetricSnapshot(AsmMetric metric, Map<Integer, AsmSnapshot> snapshots) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(128); sb.append("metric:").append(metric.getMetricName()).append(", "); for (Map.Entry<Integer, AsmSnapshot> entry : snapshots.entrySet()) { sb.append("win:").append(entry.getKey()).append(", v:") .append(getSnapshotDefaultValue(entry.getValue())).append("; "); }; } public static double getSnapshotDefaultValue(AsmSnapshot snapshot) { if (snapshot instanceof AsmCounterSnapshot) { return ((AsmCounterSnapshot) snapshot).getV(); } else if (snapshot instanceof AsmGaugeSnapshot) { return ((AsmGaugeSnapshot) snapshot).getV(); } else if (snapshot instanceof AsmMeterSnapshot) { return ((AsmMeterSnapshot) snapshot).getM1(); } else if (snapshot instanceof AsmHistogramSnapshot) { return ((AsmHistogramSnapshot) snapshot).getSnapshot().getMean(); } return 0; } public static void printMetricInfo(MetricInfo metricInfo) { iterateMap(metricInfo.get_metrics()); } public static void printMetricInfo(MetricInfo metricInfo, Set<String> metrics) { iterateMap(metricInfo.get_metrics(), metrics); } public static <T> void iterateMap(Map<String, Map<Integer, T>> map) { iterateMap(map, null); } public static <T> void iterateMap(Map<String, Map<Integer, T>> map, Set<String> metrics) { for (Map.Entry<String, Map<Integer, T>> entry : map.entrySet()) { String name = entry.getKey(); boolean print = false; if (metrics == null) { print = true; } else { for (String metric : metrics) { if (name.contains(metric)) { print = true; break; } } } if (print) { Map<Integer, T> winData = entry.getValue(); for (Map.Entry<Integer, T> win : winData.entrySet()) { T v = win.getValue(); String str; if (v instanceof MetricSnapshot) { str = MetricUtils.str(v); } else { str = v.toString(); }"metric:{}, win:{}, data:{}", name, win.getKey(), str); } } } } private static <T> void iter(Map<String, T> map, Func func, Object... args) { for (Map.Entry<String, T> entry : map.entrySet()) { func.exec(entry, args); } } public interface Func { void exec(Object... args); } /** * print default value for all metrics, in the format of: name|type|value */ public static void logMetrics(MetricInfo metricInfo) { Map<String, Map<Integer, MetricSnapshot>> metrics = metricInfo.get_metrics(); if (metrics != null) {"\nprint metrics:"); for (Map.Entry<String, Map<Integer, MetricSnapshot>> entry : metrics.entrySet()) { String name = entry.getKey(); MetricSnapshot metricSnapshot = entry.getValue().get(AsmWindow.M1_WINDOW); if (metricSnapshot != null) { MetricType metricType = MetricType.parse(metricSnapshot.get_metricType()); double v; if (metricType == MetricType.COUNTER) { v = metricSnapshot.get_longValue(); } else if (metricType == MetricType.GAUGE) { v = metricSnapshot.get_doubleValue(); } else if (metricType == MetricType.METER) { v = metricSnapshot.get_m1(); } else if (metricType == MetricType.HISTOGRAM) { v = metricSnapshot.get_mean(); } else { v = 0; }"{}|{}|{}", metricType, v, name); } }"\n"); } } public static void mergeMetricSnapshotMap(Map<Integer, MetricSnapshot> returnSnapshotMaps, Map<Integer, MetricSnapshot> snapshotMap, AsmMetric asmMetric, MetricType metricType) { Map<Integer, MetricSnapshot> generateSnapshotMap = MetricUtils.toThriftSnapshots(asmMetric.getSnapshots(), metricType); for (Map.Entry<Integer, MetricSnapshot> entry : snapshotMap.entrySet()) { Integer key = entry.getKey(); MetricSnapshot snapshot = entry.getValue(); MetricSnapshot old = returnSnapshotMaps.get(key); if (old == null) { snapshot.set_ts(generateSnapshotMap.get(key).get_ts()); snapshot.set_metricId(asmMetric.getMetricId()); old = snapshot; returnSnapshotMaps.put(key, old); } else { if (metricType == MetricType.COUNTER) { old.set_longValue(old.get_longValue() + snapshot.get_longValue()); } else if (metricType == MetricType.GAUGE) { old.set_doubleValue(old.get_doubleValue() + snapshot.get_doubleValue()); } else if (metricType == MetricType.METER) { old.set_mean(old.get_mean() + snapshot.get_mean()); old.set_m1(old.get_m1() + snapshot.get_m1()); old.set_m5(old.get_m5() + snapshot.get_m5()); old.set_m15(old.get_m15() + snapshot.get_m15()); } else if (metricType == MetricType.HISTOGRAM) { old.set_min((old.get_min() + snapshot.get_min()) / 2); old.set_max((old.get_max() + snapshot.get_max()) / 2); old.set_p50((old.get_p50() + snapshot.get_p50()) / 2); old.set_p75((old.get_p75() + snapshot.get_p75()) / 2); old.set_p95((old.get_p95() + snapshot.get_p95()) / 2); old.set_p98((old.get_p98() + snapshot.get_p98()) / 2); old.set_p99((old.get_p99() + snapshot.get_p99()) / 2); old.set_p999((old.get_p999() + snapshot.get_p999()) / 2); old.set_mean((old.get_mean() + snapshot.get_mean()) / 2); old.set_stddev((old.get_stddev() + snapshot.get_stddev()) / 2); } } } } public static void main(String[] args) { String streamName = "SM@b2b_crm_order_PaymentSpout-1-1461743650@__topology_master" + ""; String taskName = stream2taskName(streamName); System.out.println(taskName); String compName = task2compName(taskName); System.out.println(compName); System.out.println(task2MergeCompName(taskName)); String tpName = comp2topologyName(compName); System.out.println(tpName); } }