package; import backtype.storm.Config; import*; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import java.util.*; public class ImpersonationAuthorizer implements IAuthorizer { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ImpersonationAuthorizer.class); protected static final String WILD_CARD = "*"; protected Map<String, ImpersonationACL> userImpersonationACL; protected IPrincipalToLocal _ptol; protected IGroupMappingServiceProvider _groupMappingProvider; @Override public void prepare(Map conf) { userImpersonationACL = new HashMap<String, ImpersonationACL>(); Map<String, Map<String, List<String>>> userToHostAndGroup = (Map<String, Map<String, List<String>>>) conf.get(Config.NIMBUS_IMPERSONATION_ACL); if (userToHostAndGroup != null) { for (String user : userToHostAndGroup.keySet()) { Set<String> groups = ImmutableSet.copyOf(userToHostAndGroup.get(user).get("groups")); Set<String> hosts = ImmutableSet.copyOf(userToHostAndGroup.get(user).get("hosts")); userImpersonationACL.put(user, new ImpersonationACL(user, groups, hosts)); } } _ptol = AuthUtils.GetPrincipalToLocalPlugin(conf); _groupMappingProvider = AuthUtils.GetGroupMappingServiceProviderPlugin(conf); } @Override public boolean permit(ReqContext context, String operation, Map topology_conf) { if (!context.isImpersonating()) { LOG.debug("Not an impersonation attempt."); return true; } String impersonatingPrincipal = context.realPrincipal().getName(); String impersonatingUser = _ptol.toLocal(context.realPrincipal()); String userBeingImpersonated = _ptol.toLocal(context.principal()); InetAddress remoteAddress = context.remoteAddress();"user = {}, principal = {} is attmepting to impersonate user = {} for operation = {} from host = {}", impersonatingUser, impersonatingPrincipal, userBeingImpersonated, operation, remoteAddress); /** * no config is present for impersonating principal or user, do not permit impersonation. */ if (!userImpersonationACL.containsKey(impersonatingPrincipal) && !userImpersonationACL.containsKey(impersonatingUser)) {"user = {}, principal = {} is trying to impersonate user {}, but config {} does not have entry for impersonating user or principal." + "Please see SECURITY.MD to learn how to configure users for impersonation.", impersonatingUser, impersonatingPrincipal, userBeingImpersonated, Config.NIMBUS_IMPERSONATION_ACL); return false; } ImpersonationACL principalACL = userImpersonationACL.get(impersonatingPrincipal); ImpersonationACL userACL = userImpersonationACL.get(impersonatingUser); Set<String> authorizedHosts = new HashSet<String>(); Set<String> authorizedGroups = new HashSet<String>(); if (principalACL != null) { authorizedHosts.addAll(principalACL.authorizedHosts); authorizedGroups.addAll(principalACL.authorizedGroups); } if (userACL != null) { authorizedHosts.addAll(userACL.authorizedHosts); authorizedGroups.addAll(userACL.authorizedGroups); } LOG.debug("user = {}, principal = {} is allowed to impersonate groups = {} from hosts = {} ", impersonatingUser, impersonatingPrincipal, authorizedGroups, authorizedHosts); if (!isAllowedToImpersonateFromHost(authorizedHosts, remoteAddress)) {"user = {}, principal = {} is not allowed to impersonate from host {} ", impersonatingUser, impersonatingPrincipal, remoteAddress); return false; } if (!isAllowedToImpersonateUser(authorizedGroups, userBeingImpersonated)) {"user = {}, principal = {} is not allowed to impersonate any group that user {} is part of.", impersonatingUser, impersonatingPrincipal, userBeingImpersonated); return false; }"Allowing impersonation of user {} by user {}", userBeingImpersonated, impersonatingUser); return true; } private boolean isAllowedToImpersonateFromHost(Set<String> authorizedHosts, InetAddress remoteAddress) { return authorizedHosts.contains(WILD_CARD) || authorizedHosts.contains(remoteAddress.getCanonicalHostName()) || authorizedHosts.contains(remoteAddress.getHostName()) || authorizedHosts.contains(remoteAddress.getHostAddress()); } private boolean isAllowedToImpersonateUser(Set<String> authorizedGroups, String userBeingImpersonated) { if (authorizedGroups.contains(WILD_CARD)) { return true; } Set<String> groups = null; try { groups = _groupMappingProvider.getGroups(userBeingImpersonated); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("failed to get groups for user " + userBeingImpersonated); } if (groups == null || groups.isEmpty()) { return false; } for (String group : groups) { if (authorizedGroups.contains(group)) { return true; } } return false; } protected class ImpersonationACL { public String impersonatingUser; // Groups this user is authorized to impersonate. public Set<String> authorizedGroups; // Hosts this user is authorized to impersonate from. public Set<String> authorizedHosts; private ImpersonationACL(String impersonatingUser, Set<String> authorizedGroups, Set<String> authorizedHosts) { this.impersonatingUser = impersonatingUser; this.authorizedGroups = authorizedGroups; this.authorizedHosts = authorizedHosts; } @Override public String toString() { return "ImpersonationACL{" + "impersonatingUser='" + impersonatingUser + '\'' + ", authorizedGroups=" + authorizedGroups + ", authorizedHosts=" + authorizedHosts + '}'; } } }