/* * Copyright (C) 2010, Christian Halstrick <christian.halstrick@sap.com>, * Copyright (C) 2010, Philipp Thun <philipp.thun@sap.com> * and other copyright owners as documented in the project's IP log. * * This program and the accompanying materials are made available * under the terms of the Eclipse Distribution License v1.0 which * accompanies this distribution, is reproduced below, and is * available at http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or * without modification, are permitted provided that the following * conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * - Neither the name of the Eclipse Foundation, Inc. nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote * products derived from this software without specific prior * written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND * CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF * ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.filter; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static org.junit.Assert.fail; import java.io.File; import org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git; import org.eclipse.jgit.dircache.DirCacheIterator; import org.eclipse.jgit.junit.RepositoryTestCase; import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevCommit; import org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.FileTreeIterator; import org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.TreeWalk; import org.eclipse.jgit.util.FileUtils; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; public class IndexDiffFilterTest extends RepositoryTestCase { private static final String FILE = "file"; private static final String UNTRACKED_FILE = "untracked_file"; private static final String IGNORED_FILE = "ignored_file"; private static final String FILE_IN_FOLDER = "folder/file"; private static final String UNTRACKED_FILE_IN_FOLDER = "folder/untracked_file"; private static final String IGNORED_FILE_IN_FOLDER = "folder/ignored_file"; private static final String FILE_IN_IGNORED_FOLDER = "ignored_folder/file"; private static final String FOLDER = "folder"; private static final String UNTRACKED_FOLDER = "untracked_folder"; private static final String IGNORED_FOLDER = "ignored_folder"; private static final String GITIGNORE = ".gitignore"; private static final String FILE_CONTENT = "content"; private static final String MODIFIED_FILE_CONTENT = "modified_content"; private Git git; @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); git = new Git(db); } @Test public void testRecursiveTreeWalk() throws Exception { RevCommit commit = writeFileInFolderAndCommit(); deleteAll(); writeFileWithFolderName(); TreeWalk treeWalk = createTreeWalk(commit); assertTrue(treeWalk.next()); assertEquals("folder", treeWalk.getPathString()); assertTrue(treeWalk.next()); assertEquals("folder/file", treeWalk.getPathString()); assertFalse(treeWalk.next()); } @Test public void testNonRecursiveTreeWalk() throws Exception { RevCommit commit = writeFileInFolderAndCommit(); deleteAll(); writeFileWithFolderName(); TreeWalk treeWalk = createNonRecursiveTreeWalk(commit); assertTrue(treeWalk.next()); assertEquals("folder", treeWalk.getPathString()); assertTrue(treeWalk.next()); assertEquals("folder", treeWalk.getPathString()); assertTrue(treeWalk.isSubtree()); treeWalk.enterSubtree(); assertTrue(treeWalk.next()); assertEquals("folder/file", treeWalk.getPathString()); assertFalse(treeWalk.next()); } @Test public void testFileCommitted() throws Exception { RevCommit commit = writeFileAndCommit(); TreeWalk treeWalk = createTreeWalk(commit); assertFalse(treeWalk.next()); } @Test public void testConflicts() throws Exception { RevCommit initial = git.commit().setMessage("initial").call(); writeTrashFile(FILE, "master"); git.add().addFilepattern(FILE).call(); RevCommit master = git.commit().setMessage("master").call(); git.checkout().setName("refs/heads/side") .setCreateBranch(true).setStartPoint(initial).call(); writeTrashFile(FILE, "side"); git.add().addFilepattern(FILE).call(); RevCommit side = git.commit().setMessage("side").call(); assertFalse(git.merge().include("master", master).call() .getMergeStatus() .isSuccessful()); assertEquals(read(FILE), "<<<<<<< HEAD\nside\n=======\nmaster\n>>>>>>> master\n"); writeTrashFile(FILE, "master"); TreeWalk treeWalk = createTreeWalk(side); int count = 0; while (treeWalk.next()) count++; assertEquals(2, count); } @Test public void testFileInFolderCommitted() throws Exception { RevCommit commit = writeFileInFolderAndCommit(); TreeWalk treeWalk = createTreeWalk(commit); assertFalse(treeWalk.next()); } @Test public void testEmptyFolderCommitted() throws Exception { RevCommit commit = createEmptyFolderAndCommit(); TreeWalk treeWalk = createTreeWalk(commit); assertFalse(treeWalk.next()); } @Test public void testFileCommittedChangedNotModified() throws Exception { RevCommit commit = writeFileAndCommit(); writeFile(); TreeWalk treeWalk = createTreeWalk(commit); assertFalse(treeWalk.next()); } @Test public void testFileInFolderCommittedChangedNotModified() throws Exception { RevCommit commit = writeFileInFolderAndCommit(); writeFileInFolder(); TreeWalk treeWalk = createTreeWalk(commit); assertFalse(treeWalk.next()); } @Test public void testFileCommittedModified() throws Exception { RevCommit commit = writeFileAndCommit(); writeFileModified(); TreeWalk treeWalk = createTreeWalk(commit); assertPaths(treeWalk, FILE); } @Test public void testFileInFolderCommittedModified() throws Exception { RevCommit commit = writeFileInFolderAndCommit(); writeFileInFolderModified(); TreeWalk treeWalk = createTreeWalk(commit); assertPaths(treeWalk, FILE_IN_FOLDER); } @Test public void testFileCommittedDeleted() throws Exception { RevCommit commit = writeFileAndCommit(); deleteFile(); TreeWalk treeWalk = createTreeWalk(commit); assertPaths(treeWalk, FILE); } @Test public void testFileInFolderCommittedDeleted() throws Exception { RevCommit commit = writeFileInFolderAndCommit(); deleteFileInFolder(); TreeWalk treeWalk = createTreeWalk(commit); assertPaths(treeWalk, FILE_IN_FOLDER); } @Test public void testFileInFolderCommittedAllDeleted() throws Exception { RevCommit commit = writeFileInFolderAndCommit(); deleteAll(); TreeWalk treeWalk = createTreeWalk(commit); assertPaths(treeWalk, FILE_IN_FOLDER); } @Test public void testEmptyFolderCommittedDeleted() throws Exception { RevCommit commit = createEmptyFolderAndCommit(); deleteFolder(); TreeWalk treeWalk = createTreeWalk(commit); assertFalse(treeWalk.next()); } @Test public void testFileCommittedModifiedCommittedComparedWithInitialCommit() throws Exception { RevCommit commit = writeFileAndCommit(); writeFileModifiedAndCommit(); TreeWalk treeWalk = createTreeWalk(commit); assertPaths(treeWalk, FILE); } @Test public void testFileInFolderCommittedModifiedCommittedComparedWithInitialCommit() throws Exception { RevCommit commit = writeFileInFolderAndCommit(); writeFileInFolderModifiedAndCommit(); TreeWalk treeWalk = createTreeWalk(commit); assertPaths(treeWalk, FILE_IN_FOLDER); } @Test public void testFileCommittedDeletedCommittedComparedWithInitialCommit() throws Exception { RevCommit commit = writeFileAndCommit(); deleteFileAndCommit(); TreeWalk treeWalk = createTreeWalk(commit); assertPaths(treeWalk, FILE); } @Test public void testFileInFolderCommittedDeletedCommittedComparedWithInitialCommit() throws Exception { RevCommit commit = writeFileInFolderAndCommit(); deleteFileInFolderAndCommit(); TreeWalk treeWalk = createTreeWalk(commit); assertPaths(treeWalk, FILE_IN_FOLDER); } @Test public void testFileInFolderCommittedAllDeletedCommittedComparedWithInitialCommit() throws Exception { RevCommit commit = writeFileInFolderAndCommit(); deleteAllAndCommit(); TreeWalk treeWalk = createTreeWalk(commit); assertPaths(treeWalk, FILE_IN_FOLDER); } @Test public void testEmptyFolderCommittedDeletedCommittedComparedWithInitialCommit() throws Exception { RevCommit commit = createEmptyFolderAndCommit(); deleteFolderAndCommit(); TreeWalk treeWalk = createTreeWalk(commit); assertFalse(treeWalk.next()); } @Test public void testFileUntracked() throws Exception { RevCommit commit = writeFileAndCommit(); writeFileUntracked(); TreeWalk treeWalk = createTreeWalk(commit); assertPaths(treeWalk, UNTRACKED_FILE); } @Test public void testFileInFolderUntracked() throws Exception { RevCommit commit = writeFileInFolderAndCommit(); writeFileInFolderUntracked(); TreeWalk treeWalk = createTreeWalk(commit); assertPaths(treeWalk, UNTRACKED_FILE_IN_FOLDER); } @Test public void testEmptyFolderUntracked() throws Exception { RevCommit commit = createEmptyFolderAndCommit(); createEmptyFolderUntracked(); TreeWalk treeWalk = createTreeWalk(commit); assertFalse(treeWalk.next()); } @Test public void testFileIgnored() throws Exception { RevCommit commit = writeFileAndCommit(); writeFileIgnored(); TreeWalk treeWalk = createTreeWalk(commit); assertFalse(treeWalk.next()); } @Test public void testFileInFolderIgnored() throws Exception { RevCommit commit = writeFileInFolderAndCommit(); writeFileInFolderIgnored(); TreeWalk treeWalk = createTreeWalk(commit); assertFalse(treeWalk.next()); } @Test public void testFileInFolderAllIgnored() throws Exception { RevCommit commit = writeFileInFolderAndCommit(); writeFileInFolderAllIgnored(); TreeWalk treeWalk = createTreeWalk(commit); assertFalse(treeWalk.next()); } @Test public void testEmptyFolderIgnored() throws Exception { RevCommit commit = createEmptyFolderAndCommit(); createEmptyFolderIgnored(); TreeWalk treeWalk = createTreeWalk(commit); assertFalse(treeWalk.next()); } @Test public void testFileIgnoredNotHonored() throws Exception { RevCommit commit = writeFileAndCommit(); writeFileIgnored(); TreeWalk treeWalk = createTreeWalkDishonorIgnores(commit); assertPaths(treeWalk, IGNORED_FILE, GITIGNORE); } @Test public void testFileCommittedModifiedIgnored() throws Exception { RevCommit commit = writeFileAndCommit(); writeFileModifiedIgnored(); TreeWalk treeWalk = createTreeWalk(commit); assertPaths(treeWalk, FILE); } @Test public void testFileInFolderCommittedModifiedIgnored() throws Exception { RevCommit commit = writeFileInFolderAndCommit(); writeFileInFolderModifiedIgnored(); TreeWalk treeWalk = createTreeWalk(commit); assertPaths(treeWalk, FILE_IN_FOLDER); } @Test public void testFileInFolderCommittedModifiedAllIgnored() throws Exception { RevCommit commit = writeFileInFolderAndCommit(); writeFileInFolderModifiedAllIgnored(); TreeWalk treeWalk = createTreeWalk(commit); assertPaths(treeWalk, FILE_IN_FOLDER); } @Test public void testFileCommittedDeletedCommittedIgnoredComparedWithInitialCommit() throws Exception { RevCommit commit = writeFileAndCommit(); deleteFileAndCommit(); rewriteFileIgnored(); TreeWalk treeWalk = createTreeWalk(commit); assertPaths(treeWalk, FILE); } @Test public void testFileInFolderCommittedDeletedCommittedIgnoredComparedWithInitialCommit() throws Exception { RevCommit commit = writeFileInFolderAndCommit(); deleteFileInFolderAndCommit(); rewriteFileInFolderIgnored(); TreeWalk treeWalk = createTreeWalk(commit); assertPaths(treeWalk, FILE_IN_FOLDER); } @Test public void testFileInFolderCommittedAllDeletedCommittedAllIgnoredComparedWithInitialCommit() throws Exception { RevCommit commit = writeFileInFolderAndCommit(); deleteAllAndCommit(); rewriteFileInFolderAllIgnored(); TreeWalk treeWalk = createTreeWalk(commit); assertPaths(treeWalk, FILE_IN_FOLDER); } @Test public void testEmptyFolderCommittedDeletedCommittedIgnoredComparedWithInitialCommit() throws Exception { RevCommit commit = createEmptyFolderAndCommit(); deleteFolderAndCommit(); recreateEmptyFolderIgnored(); TreeWalk treeWalk = createTreeWalk(commit); assertFalse(treeWalk.next()); } @Test public void testFileInFolderCommittedNonRecursive() throws Exception { RevCommit commit = writeFileInFolderAndCommit(); TreeWalk treeWalk = createNonRecursiveTreeWalk(commit); assertPaths(treeWalk, FOLDER); } @Test public void testFolderChangedToFile() throws Exception { RevCommit commit = writeFileInFolderAndCommit(); deleteAll(); writeFileWithFolderName(); TreeWalk treeWalk = createTreeWalk(commit); assertPaths(treeWalk, FOLDER, FILE_IN_FOLDER); } @Test public void testFolderChangedToFileCommittedComparedWithInitialCommit() throws Exception { RevCommit commit = writeFileInFolderAndCommit(); deleteAll(); writeFileWithFolderNameAndCommit(); TreeWalk treeWalk = createTreeWalk(commit); assertPaths(treeWalk, FOLDER, FILE_IN_FOLDER); } private void writeFile() throws Exception { writeTrashFile(FILE, FILE_CONTENT); } private RevCommit writeFileAndCommit() throws Exception { writeFile(); return commitAdd(); } private void writeFileModified() throws Exception { writeTrashFile(FILE, MODIFIED_FILE_CONTENT); } private void writeFileModifiedAndCommit() throws Exception { writeFileModified(); commitAdd(); } private void writeFileUntracked() throws Exception { writeTrashFile(UNTRACKED_FILE, FILE_CONTENT); } private void writeFileIgnored() throws Exception { writeTrashFile(IGNORED_FILE, FILE_CONTENT); writeTrashFile(GITIGNORE, GITIGNORE + "\n" + IGNORED_FILE); } private void writeFileModifiedIgnored() throws Exception { writeFileModified(); writeTrashFile(GITIGNORE, GITIGNORE + "\n" + FILE); } private void rewriteFileIgnored() throws Exception { writeFile(); writeTrashFile(GITIGNORE, GITIGNORE + "\n" + FILE); } private void writeFileWithFolderName() throws Exception { writeTrashFile(FOLDER, FILE_CONTENT); } private void writeFileWithFolderNameAndCommit() throws Exception { writeFileWithFolderName(); commitAdd(); } private void deleteFile() throws Exception { deleteTrashFile(FILE); } private void deleteFileAndCommit() throws Exception { deleteFile(); commitRm(FILE); } private void writeFileInFolder() throws Exception { writeTrashFile(FILE_IN_FOLDER, FILE_CONTENT); } private RevCommit writeFileInFolderAndCommit() throws Exception { writeFileInFolder(); return commitAdd(); } private void writeFileInFolderModified() throws Exception { writeTrashFile(FILE_IN_FOLDER, MODIFIED_FILE_CONTENT); } private void writeFileInFolderModifiedAndCommit() throws Exception { writeFileInFolderModified(); commitAdd(); } private void writeFileInFolderUntracked() throws Exception { writeTrashFile(UNTRACKED_FILE_IN_FOLDER, FILE_CONTENT); } private void writeFileInFolderIgnored() throws Exception { writeTrashFile(IGNORED_FILE_IN_FOLDER, FILE_CONTENT); writeTrashFile(GITIGNORE, GITIGNORE + "\n" + IGNORED_FILE_IN_FOLDER); } private void writeFileInFolderAllIgnored() throws Exception { writeTrashFile(FILE_IN_IGNORED_FOLDER, FILE_CONTENT); writeTrashFile(GITIGNORE, GITIGNORE + "\n" + IGNORED_FOLDER + "/"); } private void writeFileInFolderModifiedIgnored() throws Exception { writeFileInFolderModified(); writeTrashFile(GITIGNORE, GITIGNORE + "\n" + FILE_IN_FOLDER); } private void rewriteFileInFolderIgnored() throws Exception { writeFileInFolder(); writeTrashFile(GITIGNORE, GITIGNORE + "\n" + FILE_IN_FOLDER); } private void writeFileInFolderModifiedAllIgnored() throws Exception { writeFileInFolderModified(); writeTrashFile(GITIGNORE, GITIGNORE + "\n" + FOLDER + "/"); } private void rewriteFileInFolderAllIgnored() throws Exception { writeFileInFolder(); writeTrashFile(GITIGNORE, GITIGNORE + "\n" + FOLDER + "/"); } private void deleteFileInFolder() throws Exception { deleteTrashFile(FILE_IN_FOLDER); } private void deleteFileInFolderAndCommit() throws Exception { deleteFileInFolder(); commitRm(FILE_IN_FOLDER); } private void createEmptyFolder() throws Exception { File path = new File(db.getWorkTree(), FOLDER); FileUtils.mkdir(path); } private RevCommit createEmptyFolderAndCommit() throws Exception { createEmptyFolder(); return commitAdd(); } private void createEmptyFolderUntracked() throws Exception { File path = new File(db.getWorkTree(), UNTRACKED_FOLDER); FileUtils.mkdir(path); } private void createEmptyFolderIgnored() throws Exception { File path = new File(db.getWorkTree(), IGNORED_FOLDER); FileUtils.mkdir(path); writeTrashFile(GITIGNORE, GITIGNORE + "\n" + IGNORED_FOLDER + "/"); } private void recreateEmptyFolderIgnored() throws Exception { createEmptyFolder(); writeTrashFile(GITIGNORE, GITIGNORE + "\n" + FOLDER + "/"); } private void deleteFolder() throws Exception { deleteTrashFile(FOLDER); } private void deleteFolderAndCommit() throws Exception { deleteFolder(); commitRm(FOLDER); } private void deleteAll() throws Exception { deleteFileInFolder(); deleteFolder(); } private void deleteAllAndCommit() throws Exception { deleteFileInFolderAndCommit(); deleteFolderAndCommit(); } private RevCommit commitAdd() throws Exception { git.add().addFilepattern(".").call(); return git.commit().setMessage("commit").call(); } private RevCommit commitRm(String path) throws Exception { git.rm().addFilepattern(path).call(); return git.commit().setMessage("commit").call(); } private TreeWalk createTreeWalk(RevCommit commit) throws Exception { return createTreeWalk(commit, true, true); } private TreeWalk createTreeWalkDishonorIgnores(RevCommit commit) throws Exception { return createTreeWalk(commit, true, false); } private TreeWalk createNonRecursiveTreeWalk(RevCommit commit) throws Exception { return createTreeWalk(commit, false, true); } private TreeWalk createTreeWalk(RevCommit commit, boolean isRecursive, boolean honorIgnores) throws Exception { TreeWalk treeWalk = new TreeWalk(db); treeWalk.setRecursive(isRecursive); treeWalk.addTree(commit.getTree()); treeWalk.addTree(new DirCacheIterator(db.readDirCache())); treeWalk.addTree(new FileTreeIterator(db)); if (!honorIgnores) treeWalk.setFilter(new IndexDiffFilter(1, 2, honorIgnores)); else treeWalk.setFilter(new IndexDiffFilter(1, 2)); return treeWalk; } private static void assertPaths(TreeWalk treeWalk, String... paths) throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) { assertTrue(treeWalk.next()); assertPath(treeWalk.getPathString(), paths); } assertFalse(treeWalk.next()); } private static void assertPath(String path, String... paths) { for (String p : paths) if (p.equals(path)) return; fail("Expected path '" + path + "' is not returned"); } }