package; import*; import*; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.sql.Timestamp; import hk.hku.cecid.piazza.commons.dao.DAOException; import hk.hku.cecid.piazza.commons.module.ActiveModule; import hk.hku.cecid.piazza.commons.module.ModuleException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * The <code>ClusterAudit</code> audits messages in the cluster and redistributes them if needed * * It uses the table cluster inside the database to determine which hosts are part of the cluster * and to find out if it should wait for or start to audit the hosts and when needed their related * messages. * * Creation Date: 25/11/2014 * * @author Hans Sinnige * @version 1.0.1 * */ public class ClusterAudit extends ActiveModule { // Internal Message DAO object. private MessageDAO msgDAO; private ClusterDAO clusterDAO; // The flag for initializing monitor related objects. private boolean initialized = false; // Our current hostname private static String Hostname; // Static properties, values are set inside under <cluster> private static int Interval = 180000; private static String Port = "8080"; private static int Timeout = 10000; /** * Creates a new instance of MessageMonitor. * * @param descriptorLocation the module descriptor. * @param loader the class loader for this module. * @param shouldInitialize true if the module should be initialized. */ public ClusterAudit(String descriptorLocation, ClassLoader loader, boolean shouldInitialize) { super(descriptorLocation, loader, shouldInitialize); } /** * Invoke for initialization. */ public void init() { super.init(); } /** * Post/Lazy initialization. This method is invoked at the firs time only * this module execute.<br/><br/> * * Initialize all class data and register this host in the cluster list. */ public void initialize(){ try{ msgDAO = (MessageDAO) EbmsProcessor.core.dao.createDAO(MessageDAO.class); clusterDAO = (ClusterDAO) EbmsProcessor.core.dao.createDAO(ClusterDAO.class); this.Port ="/ebms/cluster/port"); this.Interval = Integer.parseInt("/ebms/cluster/interval")); this.Timeout = Integer.parseInt("/ebms/cluster/connectiontimeout")); this.Hostname = HostInfo.GetLocalhostAddress(); registerCurrentHost(); this.initialized = true; }catch(DAOException daoe){ EbmsProcessor.core.log.fatal("ClusterAudit: Unable to intialize." + daoe); } } /** * The method is invoked constantly with interval defined in the configuration * descriptor or 60 second by default. * * @return true if this method should be invoked again after a defined interval. */ public boolean execute() { // Lazy initialization. if (!this.initialized) this.initialize(); int counter = 0; try { long timeStamp = getHostTimestamp(Hostname); String oldHostname = ""; Date date = new Date(); long currentTimestamp = date.getTime(); // Check if audit starttime is passed or not if (timeStamp > currentTimestamp) { date.setTime( timeStamp ); EbmsProcessor.core.log.debug ( "ClusterAudit: wait (" + date.toString() + ")"); } else { EbmsProcessor.core.log.debug ( "ClusterAudit: start (" + date.toString() + ")"); // To prevent more hosts auditing the cluster at the same time the // status of our host is set to auditor. Then the cluster is checked // if this is the only auditor in the cluster. In case this is the // only auditor the audit will start. In case it is not the only // auditor the audit will be skipped and this host will be added // at the end of the cluster list. updateStatusHostname( Hostname, "auditor" ); if (uniqueAuditor(Hostname)) { // Walk through the list of hosts inside this cluster List clusterDVOList = clusterDAO.findClusterAllEntries(); Iterator i = clusterDVOList.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { ClusterDVO clusterEntry = (ClusterDVO); oldHostname = clusterEntry.getHostname(); EbmsProcessor.core.log.debug ( "ClusterAudit: check host: " + oldHostname ); counter = 0; // Skip this host and check if the host is available if (!oldHostname.equals(Hostname) && !hostIsAvailable(oldHostname)) { EbmsProcessor.core.log.debug ( "ClusterAudit: host no longer available: " + oldHostname ); // Replace hostname for those messages that are still related to the other host counter = replaceHostname( Hostname, oldHostname ); if (counter == 0) { // If there are no messages left in the other host remove it from the cluster list EbmsProcessor.core.log.debug ( "ClusterAudit: remove host: " + oldHostname ); removeHostname( oldHostname ); } else { // Update the status of the host to inactive EbmsProcessor.core.log.debug ( "ClusterAudit: inactive host: " + oldHostname + " message(s) moved" ); updateStatusHostname( oldHostname, "inactive" ); } } } } // Put us at the end of the cluster list registerCurrentHost(); EbmsProcessor.core.log.debug ( "ClusterAudit: end (" + date.toString() + ")"); } }catch(DAOException daoe){ EbmsProcessor.core.log.fatal("ClusterAudit: Unable to complete cluster audit." + daoe); } return true; } /** * getHostTimestamp() - retrieves the value of attribute timestamp from * the database table 'cluster' for the provided host * * @param hostname the host for which information is requested * * @return timeStamp value of the provided host, or 0 in case the host isn't found */ private long getHostTimestamp(String hostname) throws DAOException { long timeStamp = 0; List clusterDVOList = clusterDAO.findClusterEntry(hostname); Iterator i = clusterDVOList.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { ClusterDVO clusterEntry = (ClusterDVO); timeStamp = clusterEntry.getTimestamp(); } return timeStamp; } /** * getLatestClusterTimestamp() - retrieves the 'highest' value of attribute * timestamp from database table cluster. * * @return timeStamp value of the provided host, or 0 in case there is no * value found. */ private long getLatestClusterTimestamp() throws DAOException { long timeStamp = 0; List clusterDVOList = clusterDAO.findClusterLatestTimestamp(); Iterator i = clusterDVOList.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { ClusterDVO clusterEntry = (ClusterDVO); timeStamp = clusterEntry.getTimestamp(); } return timeStamp; } /** * getLatestTimestamp() - retrieves the 'highest' value of timestamp. The * value is based upon the highest value from database table 'cluster' but * in case that value is lower than the current time or in case the cluster * is empty the current time is returned as timestamp. * * @return timeStamp value */ private long getLatestTimestamp() throws DAOException { long timeStamp = getLatestClusterTimestamp(); Date currentDate = new Date(); long currentTimeStamp = currentDate.getTime(); if (currentTimeStamp > timeStamp) { timeStamp = currentTimeStamp; } return timeStamp; } /** * removeHostname() - removes given host from database table cluster * * @param hostname the host to be removed */ private void removeHostname( String hostname ) throws DAOException { // Check if an entry for our host exist and preset all values ClusterDVO clusterDVO = (ClusterDVO) clusterDAO.createDVO(); clusterDVO.setHostname(hostname); clusterDAO.deleteCluster(clusterDVO); } /** * updateStatusHostname() - update the status of given host in * database table cluster * * @param hostname the host to be updated * @param status the new status value * */ private void updateStatusHostname( String hostname, String status ) throws DAOException { ClusterDVO clusterDVO = (ClusterDVO) clusterDAO.createDVO(); clusterDVO.setHostname(hostname); clusterDVO.setStatus(status); clusterDAO.updateCluster(clusterDVO); } /** * updateClusterData() - update the data of given host in * database table cluster. In case the host is unknown in the * table cluster a new entry will be added with given values * * @param hostname the host to be updated * @param status the status value * @param timestamp the timestamp value * */ private void updateClusterData(String hostname, String status, long timestamp) throws DAOException { // Check if an entry for our host exist and preset all values ClusterDVO clusterDVO = (ClusterDVO) clusterDAO.createDVO(); clusterDVO.setHostname(hostname); if (clusterDAO.findCluster(clusterDVO)) { // Update host entry clusterDVO.setHostname(hostname); clusterDVO.setStatus(status); clusterDVO.setTimestamp(timestamp); clusterDAO.updateCluster(clusterDVO); } else { // Insert host entry clusterDVO.setHostname(hostname); clusterDVO.setStatus(status); clusterDVO.setTimestamp(timestamp); clusterDAO.addCluster(clusterDVO); } } /** * registerCurrentHost() - Add the current host to the database * table cluster with an active status and up to date timestamp. * In case the host already exist inside cluster its data will * be updated. * */ private void registerCurrentHost() throws DAOException { // Retrieve the latest registrated timestamp from the cluster long timeStamp = getLatestTimestamp(); timeStamp += Interval; // Update or add entry to the cluster table updateClusterData(Hostname, "active", timeStamp); } /** * hostIsAvailable() - Checks if a given host is still available for receiving * messages. This is done by scanning the listening port of the given host. * * @param hostname the host which is tried * * @return true in case host is available */ private boolean hostIsAvailable(String hostname) { boolean available = true; try { Socket socket = new Socket(); socket.connect(new InetSocketAddress(hostname, Integer.parseInt(Port)), 1000); socket.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { available = false; } return available; } /** * uniqueAuditor() - Is this host the only auditor * * @param hostname the host which is tried * * @return true in case the host is the unique auditor */ private boolean uniqueAuditor(String hostname) throws DAOException { boolean unique = true; String localHostname = ""; List clusterDVOList = clusterDAO.findClusterStatusEntries("auditor"); Iterator i = clusterDVOList.iterator(); while (i.hasNext()) { ClusterDVO clusterEntry = (ClusterDVO); localHostname = clusterEntry.getHostname(); if (!localHostname.equals(hostname) && hostIsAvailable(localHostname)) { unique = false; } } return unique; } /** * replaceHostname() - replace the hostname in case messages are 'stuck' * * @param newhostname the host which will replace the old * @param oldhostname the host which will be replace by the new * * @return number of messages by which the hostname is replaced */ private int replaceHostname(String newhostname, String oldhostname) throws DAOException { int totcounter = 0; int counter = 0; counter = msgDAO.updateOldIncomingMessagesPendingbyTimestamp(newhostname, oldhostname); if (counter > 0) { EbmsProcessor.core.log.debug ( "ClusterAudit: inbox message(s) recovered."); } totcounter += counter; counter = 0; counter = msgDAO.updateOldOutboxPendingMessagesbyTimestamp(newhostname, oldhostname); if (counter > 0) { EbmsProcessor.core.log.debug ( "ClusterAudit: pending outbox message(s) recovered."); } totcounter += counter; counter = 0; counter = msgDAO.updateOldOutboxProcessingMessagesbyTimestamp(newhostname, oldhostname); if (counter > 0) { EbmsProcessor.core.log.debug ( "ClusterAudit: processing outbox message(s) recovered."); } totcounter += counter; return totcounter; } }