/* * Copyright(c) 2005 Center for E-Commerce Infrastructure Development, The * University of Hong Kong (HKU). All Rights Reserved. * * This software is licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2.0 [1] * * [1] http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.txt */ package hk.hku.cecid.corvus.ws.data; import java.net.URL; import java.util.Map; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import hk.hku.cecid.piazza.commons.test.utils.FixtureStore; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.slf4j.Logger; import hk.hku.cecid.piazza.commons.util.PropertyTree; /** * The <code>DataFactoryUnitTest</code> is unit test of <code>DataFactory</code>. * * @author Twinsen Tsang * @version 1.0.0 * @since JDK5.0, H2O 0908 */ // TODO: Add negative test-case public class DataFactoryUnitTest extends TestCase { // Instance logger final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass()); // Class loader for loading fixture data private static ClassLoader FIXTURE_LOADER = FixtureStore.createFixtureLoader(false, DataFactoryUnitTest.class); // Fixture name. public static final String AS2_ADMIN_DATA_SAMPLE0 = "as2-admin-request.xml"; public static final String AS2_MESSAGE_DATA_SAMPLE0 = "as2-request-load.xml"; public static final String AS2_MESSAGE_DATA_STORE0 = "as2-request-store.xml"; /** * This is the fixture name for testing the reading capabilities for AS2Partnership in DataFactory. */ public static final String AS2_PARTNERSHIP_DATA_LOAD0 = "as2-partnership-load.xml"; /** * This is the fixture name for testing the storing capabilities for DataFactory. * This fixture does not contains any data initially. */ public static final String AS2_PARTNERSHIP_DATA_STORE0 = "as2-partnership-store.xml"; public static final String EBMS_ADMIN_DATA_SAMPLE0 = "ebms-admin-request.xml"; public static final String EBMS_MESSAGE_DATA_SAMPLE0 = "ebms-request-load.xml"; public static final String EBMS_MESSAGE_DATA_STORE0 = "ebms-request-store.xml"; /** * This is the fixture name for testing the reading capabilities for EBMSPartnership in DataFactory. */ public static final String EBMS_PARTNERSHIP_DATA_LOAD0 = "ebms-partnership-load.xml"; /** * This is the fixture name for testing the storing capabilities for DataFactory. * This fixture does not contains any data initially. */ public static final String EBMS_PARTNERSHIP_DATA_STORE0 = "ebms-partnership-store.xml"; public static final String EBMS_CONFIG_DATA_SAMPLE0 = "ebms-config-request.xml"; public static final String EBMS_HISTORY_QUERY_DATA_STORE0 = "ebms-history-query-request.xml"; /* (non-Javadoc) * @see junit.framework.TestCase#setUp() */ protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); this.logger.info("------- {} START ------", this.getName()); } public void testCreateAS2MessageData() throws Exception { } /** Test whether the DataFactory able to store AS2 Message Data to the fixture **/ public void testStoreAS2MessageData() throws Exception { DataFactory df = DataFactory.getInstance(); AS2MessageData d = new AS2MessageData(); d.setSendEndpoint("http://localhost:8080/corvus/httpd/as2/sender"); d.setRecvEndpoint("http://localhost:8080/corvus/httpd/as2/receiver"); d.setRecvlistEndpoint("http://localhost:8080/corvus/httpd/as2/receiver_list"); d.setType("xml"); d.setMessageIdForReceive(""); // Use default parameter for storing. URL storeURL = FIXTURE_LOADER.getResource(AS2_MESSAGE_DATA_STORE0); // Test method. df.storeAS2MessageDataToXML(d, storeURL); // Assertion PropertyTree assertionTree = new PropertyTree(storeURL); // All key prefix. final String[] xPathPrefix = { AS2MessageData.CONFIG_PREFIX, AS2MessageData.PARAM_PREFIX}; // All key set final String[][] keySet = { AS2MessageData.CONFIG_KEY_SET,AS2MessageData.PARAM_KEY_SET }; this.assertData(d, assertionTree, xPathPrefix, keySet); } /** Test whether the DataFactory able to store EBMS Message Data to the fixture **/ public void testStoreEBMSMessageData() throws Exception { DataFactory df = DataFactory.getInstance(); EBMSMessageData d = new EBMSMessageData(); d.setSendEndpoint("http://localhost:8080/corvus/httpd/ebms/sender"); d.setRecvEndpoint("http://localhost:8080/corvus/httpd/ebms/receiver"); d.setRecvlistEndpoint("http://localhost:8080/corvus/httpd/ebms/receiver_list"); d.setConversationId("convId"); d.setFromPartyId("fromPartyId"); d.setFromPartyType("fromPartyType"); d.setToPartyId("toPartyId"); d.setToPartyType("toPartyType"); d.setRefToMessageId(""); d.setServiceType(""); d.setMessageIdForReceive(""); // Use default parameter for storing. URL storeURL = FIXTURE_LOADER.getResource(EBMS_MESSAGE_DATA_STORE0); // Test method. df.storeEBMSMessageDataToXML(d, storeURL); // Assertion PropertyTree assertionTree = new PropertyTree(storeURL); // All key prefix. final String[] xPathPrefix = { EBMSMessageData.CONFIG_PREFIX, EBMSMessageData.PARAM_PREFIX}; // All key set final String[][] keySet = { EBMSMessageData.CONFIG_KEY_SET,EBMSMessageData.PARAM_KEY_SET}; this.assertData(d, assertionTree, xPathPrefix, keySet); } /** Test whether the DataFactory able to create EBMS Partnership Data from the fixture **/ public void testCreateAS2PartnershipData() throws Exception { DataFactory df = DataFactory.getInstance(); PropertyTree t = this.getFixtureAsTree(AS2_PARTNERSHIP_DATA_LOAD0); AS2PartnershipData d = df.createAS2PartnershipFromXML(t); // All key prefix. final String[] xPathPrefix = { AS2PartnershipData.PARAM_PREFIX}; // All key set final String[][] keySet = { AS2PartnershipData.PARAM_KEY_SET }; this.assertData(d, t, xPathPrefix, keySet); // Assert data field which data-type is not String. String encryptCert = new String(d.getEncryptCert(), "UTF-8"); assertEquals(encryptCert, "I am testing load cert"); String verifyCert = new String(d.getVerifyCert(), "UTF-8"); assertEquals(verifyCert, "I am verifying load cert"); } /** Test whether the DataFactory able to store AS2 Partnership Data to the fixture **/ public void testStoreAS2PartnershipData() throws Exception { DataFactory df = DataFactory.getInstance(); AS2PartnershipData d = new AS2PartnershipData(); d.setPartnershipId("as2"); d.setIsDisabled(false); d.setIsSyncReply(false); d.setSubject("AS2 web service client default subject"); d.setRecipientAddress(""); d.setIsHostnameVerified(false); d.setReceiptAddress(""); d.setIsReceiptRequired(false); d.setIsOutboundSignRequired(false); d.setIsOutboundEncryptRequired(false); d.setIsOutboundCompressRequired(false); d.setIsReceiptSignRequired(false); d.setIsInboundSignRequired(false); d.setIsInboundEncryptRequired(false); d.setRetries(3); d.setRetryInterval(30000); d.setSignAlgorithm("sha1"); d.setEncryptAlgorithm("rc2"); d.setMicAlgorithm("sha1"); d.setAs2From("as2From"); d.setAs2To("as2To"); d.setVerifyCert(new byte[]{}); d.setEncryptCert(new byte[]{}); // Use default parameter for storing. URL storeURL = FIXTURE_LOADER.getResource(AS2_PARTNERSHIP_DATA_STORE0); /* * We want to test if it is able to convert data-type other than String. */ d.setEncryptCert("I am testing cert".getBytes()); d.setVerifyCert ("I am verifying cert".getBytes()); // Test method. df.storeAS2PartnershipFromXML(d, storeURL); // Assertion PropertyTree assertionTree = new PropertyTree(storeURL); // All key prefix. final String[] xPathPrefix = { AS2PartnershipData.PARAM_PREFIX}; // All key set final String[][] keySet = { AS2PartnershipData.PARAM_KEY_SET }; this.assertData(d, assertionTree, xPathPrefix, keySet); } /** Test whether the DataFactory able to create EBMS Partnership Data from the fixture **/ public void testCreateEBMSPartnershipData() throws Exception { DataFactory df = DataFactory.getInstance(); PropertyTree t = this.getFixtureAsTree(EBMS_PARTNERSHIP_DATA_LOAD0); EBMSPartnershipData d = df.createEBMSPartnershipFromXML(t); // All key prefix. final String[] xPathPrefix = { EBMSPartnershipData.PARAM_PREFIX}; // All key set final String[][] keySet = { EBMSPartnershipData.PARAM_KEY_SET }; this.assertData(d, t, xPathPrefix, keySet); // Assert data field which data-type is not String. String cert = new String(d.getEncryptCert(), "UTF-8"); assertEquals(cert, "I am testing load cert"); } /** Test whether the DataFactory able to store EBMS Partnership Data to the fixture **/ public void testStoreEBMSPartnershipData() throws Exception { DataFactory df = DataFactory.getInstance(); EBMSPartnershipData d = new EBMSPartnershipData(); d.setPartnershipId ("ebms"); d.setCpaId ("ebmscpaid"); d.setService (""); d.setAction ("action"); d.setDisabled ("false"); d.setSyncReplyMode ("none"); d.setTransportEndpoint (""); d.setTransportProtocol ("http"); d.setAckRequested ("never"); d.setAckSignRequested ("never"); d.setDupElimination ("never"); d.setActor (""); d.setMessageOrder ("NotGuaranteed"); d.setPersistDuration ("0"); d.setRetries (1); d.setRetryInterval (30000); d.setSignRequested ("false"); d.setDsAlgorithm (""); d.setMdAlgorithm (""); d.setEncryptAlgorithm ("sha1"); d.setEncryptRequested ("false"); d.setSignCert (new byte[]{}); d.setEncryptCert (new byte[]{}); d.setIsHostnameVerified ("false"); // Use default parameter for storing. URL storeURL = FIXTURE_LOADER.getResource(EBMS_PARTNERSHIP_DATA_STORE0); /* * We want to test if it is able to convert data-type other than String. */ d.setEncryptCert("I am testing cert".getBytes()); // Test method. df.storeEBMSPartnershipFromXML(d, storeURL); // Assertion PropertyTree assertionTree = new PropertyTree(storeURL); // All key prefix. final String[] xPathPrefix = { EBMSPartnershipData.PARAM_PREFIX}; // All key set final String[][] keySet = { EBMSPartnershipData.PARAM_KEY_SET }; this.assertData(d, assertionTree, xPathPrefix, keySet); } /** Test whether the DataFactory able to load AS2 Administrator Data from the fixture **/ public void testCreateAS2AdminData() throws Exception { DataFactory df = DataFactory.getInstance(); AS2AdminData aData = df.createAS2AdminDataFromXML(this.getFixtureAsTree(AS2_ADMIN_DATA_SAMPLE0)); // Fixture dependent assertion assertEquals("as2Testname" , aData.getUsername()); assertEquals("as2Testpassword" , new String(aData.getPassword())); assertEquals("http://as2Test:8080/corvus/admin/as2/partnership" , aData.getManagePartnershipEndpoint()); assertEquals("http://as2Test:8080/corvus/admin/as2/repository" , aData.getEnvelopQueryEndpoint()); } /** Test whether the DataFactory able to load EBMS Administrator Data from the fixture **/ public void testCreateEBMSAdminData() throws Exception { DataFactory df = DataFactory.getInstance(); EBMSAdminData aData = df.createEBMSAdminDataFromXML(this.getFixtureAsTree(EBMS_ADMIN_DATA_SAMPLE0)); // Fixture dependent assertion assertEquals("ebmsTestname" , aData.getUsername()); assertEquals("ebmsTestpassword" , new String(aData.getPassword())); assertEquals("http://ebmsTest:8080/corvus/admin/ebms/partnership" , aData.getManagePartnershipEndpoint()); assertEquals("http://ebmsTest:8080/corvus/admin/ebms/repository" , aData.getEnvelopQueryEndpoint()); assertEquals(0, aData.getPartnershipOperation()); assertEquals("test-ebms-message-id", aData.getMessageIdCriteria()); assertEquals("INBOX", aData.getMessageBoxCriteria()); } public void testCreateEBMSConfigData() throws Exception { DataFactory df = DataFactory.getInstance(); EBMSAdminData aData = df.createEBMSAdminDataFromXML(this.getFixtureAsTree(EBMS_CONFIG_DATA_SAMPLE0)); // Fixture dependent assertion. //TODO: } @Test @Ignore public void xxxtestCcreateEbmsMessageHistoryQueryDataFromXML ()throws Exception { PropertyTree props = new PropertyTree( FIXTURE_LOADER.getResourceAsStream(EBMS_HISTORY_QUERY_DATA_STORE0)); DataFactory df = DataFactory.getInstance(); EBMSMessageHistoryRequestData actualData = df.createEbmsMessageHistoryQueryDataFromXML(props); Assert.assertTrue("%localhost%".equals(actualData.getMessageId())); Assert.assertTrue("*box".equals(actualData.getMessageBox())); Assert.assertTrue(" ".equals(actualData.getConversationId())); Assert.assertTrue("$-_+*^()!?.,".equals(actualData.getCpaId())); Assert.assertTrue("1234567890".equals(actualData.getAction())); Assert.assertTrue("".equals(actualData.getStatus())); Assert.assertNull(actualData.getService()); } protected void tearDown() throws Exception { super.tearDown(); this.logger.info("------- {} END ------", this.getName()); } /** * The helper method for loading the fixture from the class loader and transform * to PropertyTree. */ private PropertyTree getFixtureAsTree(String fixtureName) throws Exception { URL u = FIXTURE_LOADER.getResource(fixtureName); if (u == null) throw new NullPointerException("Missing resource " + fixtureName + " in the classPath."); return new PropertyTree(u); } /** * Assert whether the data from <code>d</code> and the XML tree <code>expectedTree</code> contains * same number of fields and content under <code>xPathPrefix</code>. * * @param d The KVPairData to assert with the <code>expectedTree</code>. * @param expectedTree The XML Tree to assert with the <code>d</code>. * @param xPathPrefix An array contains the XPath prefix used for extracting the data in the node. * @param keySet An array contains the data key for extracting the data in the KVPairData. */ private void assertData(KVPairData d, PropertyTree expectedTree, String[] xPathPrefix, String[][] keySet) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { int len; String dataValue; Object expectedDataValue; Map props = d.getProperties(); // Iterate all key and set the properties. for (int i = 0; i < keySet.length; i++) { len = keySet[i].length; for (int j = 0; j < len; j++) { dataValue = expectedTree.getProperty(xPathPrefix[i] + "/" + keySet[i][j]); expectedDataValue = props.get(keySet[i][j]); if (expectedDataValue instanceof byte[]) { expectedDataValue = new String((byte[])expectedDataValue, "UTF-8"); } assertEquals(keySet[i][j] + " does not match ", dataValue, expectedDataValue); logger.info("Data {} with value {} asserted successfully.", keySet[i][j], dataValue); } } } }