/* * Copyright(c) 2005 Center for E-Commerce Infrastructure Development, The * University of Hong Kong (HKU). All Rights Reserved. * * This software is licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2.0 [1] * * [1] http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.txt */ package hk.hku.cecid.corvus.http; import java.io.File; import java.io.InputStream; import java.net.URL; import hk.hku.cecid.corvus.ws.data.EBMSAdminData; import hk.hku.cecid.piazza.commons.io.IOHandler; import hk.hku.cecid.piazza.commons.util.FileLogger; import hk.hku.cecid.piazza.commons.test.utils.FixtureStore; /** * The <code>EBMSEnvelopQuerySenderUnitTest</code> is unit test of <code>EBMSEnvelopQuerySender</code>. * * @author Twinsen Tsang * @version 1.0.0 * @since H2O 28/11/2007 */ public class EBMSEnvelopQuerySenderUnitTest extends EnvelopQuerySenderUnitTest { // Fixture name. public static final String TEST_LOG = "test.log"; // Fixture loader private static ClassLoader FIXTURE_LOADER = FixtureStore.createFixtureLoader(false, EBMSEnvelopQuerySenderUnitTest.class); /** * The testing target which is an EBMSEnvelopQuerySender and the associated data. * The testing target variable is available in the super class. */ /* private EBMSPartnershipSender target */ private EBMSAdminData adata; /** Initialize the test data **/ public void initTestData() { super.initTestData(); // Create a EBMS administration data. this.adata = new EBMSAdminData(); this.adata.setUsername(USER_NAME); this.adata.setPassword(PASSWORD); this.adata.setEnvelopQueryEndpoint(TEST_ENDPOINT); this.adata.setMessageIdCriteria("test-message-id"); this.adata.setMessageBoxCriteria("INBOX"); } /** Initialize the test target which is a PartnershipSender. */ public void initTestTarget() throws Exception { URL logURL = FIXTURE_LOADER.getResource(TEST_LOG); if (logURL == null) throw new NullPointerException("Missing fixture " + TEST_LOG + " in the fixture path"); File log = new File(logURL.getFile()); this.testClassLogger = new FileLogger(log); // Create an AS2EnvelopQuerySender sender. this.target = new EBMSEnvelopQuerySender(this.testClassLogger, this.adata); // Set something for preventing throwing exception this.target.setMessageCriteriaToDownload("test-message-id", "INBOX"); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see hk.hku.cecid.corvus.http.EnvelopQuerySenderUnitTest#testEnvelopQuery() */ public void testEnvelopQuery() throws Exception { super.testEnvelopQuery(); InputStream eins = this.target.getEnvelopStream(); String envelop = IOHandler.readString(eins, null); this.logger.info(envelop); } /* * Used for debug purpose only ! Because it depends H2O has been started up property ! */ /*public void testEnvelopQueryToH2O() throws Exception { // To use this test-case, change the value in the message criteria and the end-point. // Also one thing ! Your H2O MUST start up properly and that message must exist !. this.target.setMessageCriteriaToDownload("20071127-102629-93702@", "INBOX"); this.target.setServiceEndPoint("http://localhost:8080/corvus/admin/ebms/repository"); this.target.run(); InputStream eins = this.target.getEnvelopStream(); String envelop = IOHandler.readString(eins, null); this.logger.info(envelop); }*/ }