package hk.hku.cecid.piazza.corvus.core.main.admin.hc.module; import; import; import; import; import; import hk.hku.cecid.edi.as2.AS2Processor; import hk.hku.cecid.edi.as2.dao.MessageDAO; import hk.hku.cecid.edi.as2.dao.MessageDVO; import hk.hku.cecid.edi.as2.dao.MessageDataSourceDAO; import hk.hku.cecid.edi.as2.dao.RepositoryDAO; import hk.hku.cecid.edi.as2.dao.RepositoryDVO; import hk.hku.cecid.piazza.commons.dao.DAOException; import hk.hku.cecid.piazza.commons.dao.Transaction; import hk.hku.cecid.piazza.commons.mail.SmtpMail; import hk.hku.cecid.piazza.commons.mail.SmtpMailException; import hk.hku.cecid.piazza.commons.mail.SmtpMailProperties; import hk.hku.cecid.piazza.commons.module.ActiveTask; import hk.hku.cecid.piazza.commons.servlet.http.HttpDispatcherContext; import hk.hku.cecid.piazza.commons.util.PropertyTree; import hk.hku.cecid.piazza.corvus.core.main.admin.AdminMainProcessor; import hk.hku.cecid.piazza.corvus.core.main.admin.hc.util.AdminProperties; import hk.hku.cecid.piazza.corvus.core.main.admin.hc.util.AdminPropertiesException; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import javax.mail.Address; import javax.mail.MessagingException; import javax.mail.Session; import javax.mail.internet.AddressException; import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress; import com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPMessage; public class SchedulerTask implements ActiveTask { // private int retried; private AdminProperties props; /** * Status messages */ private static final String IN_PROGESS = "processing"; private static final String COMPLETE = "success"; private static final String FAILED = "failed"; /** * Default values */ private static final int DEFAULT_CUTOFF = 3; private static final int DEFAULT_DAY = Calendar.SUNDAY; private static final String DEFAULT_TIME = "00.00.00"; /** * Formats */ public static final String DATE_FORMAT = "y.M.d.k.m.s"; public static final String TIME_FORMAT = "k.m.s"; public void execute() throws Exception { /** * Transactions */ Transaction as2 = null; Transaction ebms = null; try { // load the properties props = loadProps(); // check to see if housecleaning is turned on if (!props.isOn()) { return; } // check if the status is in progress if (props.getStatus().equals(IN_PROGESS)) { AdminLogging("Previous housecleaning was interrupted while in progress."); AdminLogging("Rescheduling housecleaning."); // set the status to failed props.setStatus(FAILED); props .setReason("Previous housecleaning was interupted while in progress."); // set the last run time props.setLastRun(getDateFormat().format(new Date())); // set the next run date Date time = getTimeFormat().parse(props.getTime()); Calendar cal = GregorianCalendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(time); if (!setNextRunDateFromNow(props)) { AdminError("Could not set the next run date."); } props.write(); } if (checkStartTime(props.getNextRun())) { // set the start status setStartStatus(); if (checkNotExceeded(props.getNextRun())) { // halt the context listeners if (HttpDispatcherContext.getDefaultContext().halt()) { // clean the as2 database as2 = cleanAS2(props.getCutoff()); // clean the ebms database ebms = cleanEBMS(props.getCutoff()); // commit the transactions commitTx(new Transaction[] { as2, ebms }); AdminLogging("Transactions commited."); // resume the context listeners if (HttpDispatcherContext.getDefaultContext().resume()) { // set the end status : success setEndStatus(true, props); props.setReason(""); } else { // set the end status : fail - could not restart the // context listeners setEndStatus(false, props); AdminError("Unable to start up servlet."); props .setReason("House cleaning was successful but unable to restart the servlet."); } } else { // set the end status: failed - could not halt the // context listeners setEndStatus(false, props); AdminError("Listeners cannot be halted."); props.setReason("Listeners cannot be halted."); } } else { // set the end status: fail - the runtime has expired setEndStatus(false, props); AdminError("Runtime has expired."); props.setReason("Runtime has expired."); } // set the next run date from now if (!setNextRunDateFromNow(props)) { AdminError("Failed to update the next run date."); } props.write(); } else { // return since the next run time has not been reached yet. return; } } // catch any exceptions related to malformed property entries catch (AdminPropertiesException e) { // roll back the transaction rollbackTx(new Transaction[] { as2, ebms }); // resume the context listeners if they were halted if (HttpDispatcherContext.getDefaultContext().isHalted()) { HttpDispatcherContext.getDefaultContext().resume(); } // set the default properties setDefaultProperties(props); // set the end status: fail setEndStatus(false, props); // log the stack trace stackTraceToLog(e.getCause()); // set the reason of the exception props.setReason(e.getMessage()); // set the next run date from now setNextRunDateFromNow(props); } // catch any other exception catch (Exception e) { // roll back transaction if the transaction has not been commited rollbackTx(new Transaction[] { as2, ebms }); // resume context listeners if they are halted if (HttpDispatcherContext.getDefaultContext().isHalted()) { HttpDispatcherContext.getDefaultContext().resume(); } // log the stack trace of the exception stackTraceToLog(e.getCause()); // set the end status: fail setEndStatus(false, props); // set the failure reason props.setReason(e.getMessage()); // set the next run date setNextRunDateFromNow(props); } try { if (!props.getEmail().equals("") && !props.getSmtp().equals("")) { AdminLogging("Sending email..."); sendMail(props, props.getReason().equals("")); } else { AdminLogging("Email not set."); } } catch (Exception e) { AdminError("Unable to send email."); stackTraceToLog(e); } } /** * Convenience method for logging errors on housecleaning. * * @param s */ private void AdminError(String s) { AdminMainProcessor.core.log.error("Housecleaning: " + s); } /** * Convenience method for logging general housecleaning info. * * @param s */ private void AdminLogging(String s) {"Housecleaning: " + s); } /** * Convenience method for logging AS2 errors. * * @param s */ private void AS2Error(String s) { AdminMainProcessor.core.log.error("AS2 Cleaning: " + s); } /** * Convenience method for logging AS2. * * @param s */ private void AS2Logging(String s) {"AS2 Cleaning: " + s); } /** * Checks to see whether the current time has exceeded the parameter 'time'. * * @param time * @return * @throws Exception */ private boolean checkNotExceeded(String time) throws Exception { Calendar cur = GregorianCalendar.getInstance(); Calendar upperLimit = GregorianCalendar.getInstance(); try { Date lowerLimit = getDateFormat().parse(time); upperLimit.setTime(lowerLimit); upperLimit.add(Calendar.MINUTE, 1); return upperLimit.after(cur); } catch (ParseException e) { AdminError("Parse error when checking the start time."); throw new Exception("Parse error when checking the start time.", e); } } /** * Check whether housecleaning should perform or not. * * @param time * @return * @throws ParseException */ private boolean checkStartTime(String time) throws Exception { Date cur = new Date(); try { Date run = getDateFormat().parse(time); return cur.after(run); } catch (ParseException e) { AdminError("Parse error when checking the start time."); throw new Exception("Parse error when checking the start time.", e); } } /** * Attempt to clean out the AS2 database * * @param months * @throws Exception * @throws DAOException * @throws DAOException */ protected Transaction cleanAS2(int months) throws Exception { try { MessageDAO dao = (MessageDAO) AS2Processor.core.dao .createDAO(MessageDAO.class); Transaction tr = ((MessageDataSourceDAO) dao).getFactory() .createTransaction(); RepositoryDAO repDao = (RepositoryDAO) AS2Processor.core.dao .createDAO(RepositoryDAO.class); dao.setTransaction(tr); repDao.setTransaction(tr); tr.begin(); List list = dao.findMessagesBeforeTime(months); AS2Logging(Integer.toString(list.size()) + " messages will be removed."); AS2Logging("Initializing..."); Iterator itr = list.iterator(); MessageDVO dvo; RepositoryDVO repDvo; while (itr.hasNext()) { dvo = (MessageDVO); repDvo = (RepositoryDVO) repDao.createDVO(); repDvo.setMessageId(dvo.getMessageId()); repDvo.setMessageBox(dvo.getMessageBox()); repDao.remove(repDvo); dao.remove(dvo); } return tr; } catch (DAOException e) { AS2Error("Error encountered while cleaning."); throw new Exception("Error encountered while cleaning AS2.", e); } } /** * Attempt to clean the EBMS messages. * * @param months * @return * @throws Exception * @throws Exception * @throws DAOException */ protected Transaction cleanEBMS(int months) throws Exception { try { dao = ( EbmsProcessor.core.dao .createDAO(; InboxDAO inboxDao = (InboxDAO) EbmsProcessor.core.dao .createDAO(InboxDAO.class); OutboxDAO outboxDao = (OutboxDAO) EbmsProcessor.core.dao .createDAO(OutboxDAO.class); repDao = ( EbmsProcessor.core.dao .createDAO(; Transaction tr = (( dao) .getFactory().createTransaction(); dao.setTransaction(tr); inboxDao.setTransaction(tr); outboxDao.setTransaction(tr); repDao.setTransaction(tr); tr.begin(); List list = dao.findMessagesBeforeTime(months); EBMSLogging(Integer.toString(list.size()) + " messages will be removed."); EBMSLogging("Initializing..."); Iterator itr = list.iterator(); dvo; InboxDVO inboxDvo; OutboxDVO outboxDvo; repDvo; while (itr.hasNext()) { dvo = (; if (dvo.getMessageBox().equals("inbox")) { /** * delete the inbox entry */ inboxDvo = (InboxDVO) inboxDao.createDVO(); inboxDvo.setMessageId(dvo.getMessageId()); inboxDao.remove(inboxDvo); } else if (dvo.getMessageBox().equals("outbox")) { /** * delete the outbox entry */ outboxDvo = (OutboxDVO) outboxDao.createDVO(); outboxDvo.setMessageId(dvo.getMessageId()); outboxDao.remove(outboxDvo); } else { EBMSError("Unknown value in MessageBox relation."); throw new Exception( "Error, unknown value in MessageBox relation."); } /** * remove entry in repository */ repDvo = ( repDao .createDVO(); repDvo.setMessageId(dvo.getMessageId()); repDvo.setMessageBox(dvo.getMessageBox()); repDao.remove(repDvo); /** * finally remove from message table */ dao.remove(dvo); } return tr; } catch (DAOException e) { EBMSError("Error encountered while cleaning."); throw new Exception("Error encountered while cleaning EBmS.", e); } } /** * Commit the transactions. If null do nothing. Note: Tx should never be * null as commitTx should only be called when all txs needing commit are * valid. * * @param txs * @throws Exception */ private void commitTx(Transaction[] txs) throws Exception { try { for (int i = 0; i < txs.length; i++) { if (txs[i] != null) { txs[i].commit(); } } } catch (DAOException e) { AdminError("Exception thrown during the commit."); throw new Exception("Exception thrown during commit.", e); } } /** * Convenience method to create a message associated with the session ses. * If success is true, String reasonFailed is ignored. If success is false * and reasonFailed is null, it will be set to "Unknown". * * @param ses * @param time * @param attempt * @param result * @return * @throws MessagingException * @throws MessagingException * @throws MessagingException * @throws AddressException */ private SMTPMessage createMessage(Session ses, Date time, boolean success, String result, String reasonFailed) throws MessagingException { SMTPMessage message = new SMTPMessage(ses); String tag; if (success) { tag = "[Success]"; } else { tag = "[Failed]"; } try { InternetAddress from = new InternetAddress(); from.setAddress(ses.getProperty("mail.smtp.from")); from.setPersonal("Hermes2 Admin"); message.setFrom(from); message.setSubject(tag + "Hermes2 housecleaning"); String theContent = "======== Report for Hermes2 Housecleaning ======== " + "\n" + "\n Hermes2 housecleaning has recently been invoked" + "\n Date: " + time + "\n Result: " + result; if (success) { message.setText(theContent); } else { if (reasonFailed == null) { reasonFailed = "Unknown"; } message.setText(theContent + "\n Reason for failure: " + reasonFailed + "\n\n" + " Please refer to the log files for more details."); } } catch (MessagingException e) { AdminError("Unable to create the message. Messaging Exception thrown."); stackTraceToLog(e); throw e; } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { AdminError("Unsupported encoding in email 'from' name."); } return message; } /** * Convenience method for logging errors for EbMS cleaning. * * @param msg */ private void EBMSError(String msg) { AdminMainProcessor.core.log.error("EBmS Cleaning: " + msg); } /** * Convenience method for logging general messages for EbMS cleaning. * * @param msg */ private void EBMSLogging(String msg) {"EBmS Cleaning: " + msg); } /** * Return the date formatter. * * @return */ private SimpleDateFormat getDateFormat() { return new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT); } /** * Return the time formatter. * * @return */ private SimpleDateFormat getTimeFormat() { return new SimpleDateFormat(TIME_FORMAT); } /** * Load the admin properties. * * @return * @throws Exception */ private AdminProperties loadProps() { return new AdminProperties( (PropertyTree); } /** * Rollback the transactions. If null, do nothing. * * @param txs * @throws Exception */ private void rollbackTx(Transaction[] txs) throws Exception { try { for (int i = 0; i < txs.length; i++) { if (txs[i] != null) { txs[i].rollback(); } } } catch (DAOException e) { AdminError("Exception thrown during rollback."); throw new Exception("Exception thrown during rollback.", e); } } /** * Convenience method to send the notification mail. * * @param p * @param success * @throws Exception */ private void sendMail(AdminProperties p, boolean success) throws Exception { try { SmtpMailProperties mailProps = new SmtpMailProperties(); mailProps.setHost(p.getSmtp()); mailProps.setFrom(p.getEmail()); mailProps.setUsername(p.getUsername()); mailProps.setPassword(p.getPassword()); mailProps.setPort(p.getPort()); SmtpMail mail = new SmtpMail(mailProps, false); SMTPMessage msg; if (success) { msg = createMessage(mail.getSession(), new Date(), success, p .getStatus(), null); } else { msg = createMessage(mail.getSession(), new Date(), success, p .getStatus(), p.getReason()); } mail.transportConnect(); mail.send(msg, new Address[] { new InternetAddress(p.getEmail()) }); mail.transportClose(); } catch (AdminPropertiesException e) { AdminError("Invalid mail properties."); throw new Exception( "Invalid mail properties. Unable to send mail.", e); } catch (SmtpMailException e) { AdminError("SMTP Mail exception thrown."); throw new Exception("Unable to send mail.", e); } catch (MessagingException e) { AdminError("Messaging exception thrown."); throw new Exception( "Messaging exception thrown. Unable to send mail.", e); } } /** * Set and write default properties to the properties file. * * @throws Exception * * @throws AdminPropertiesException */ private void setDefaultProperties(AdminProperties p) throws Exception { p.setOn(true); p.setDay(DEFAULT_DAY); p.setLastRun(""); p.setCutoff(DEFAULT_CUTOFF); p.setStatus(""); p.setTime(DEFAULT_TIME); if (p.getEmail() == null) { p.setEmail(""); } if (p.getPassword() == null) { p.setPassword(""); } p.setPort(25); if (p.getReason() == null) { p.setReason("The property file was invalid and had to be reset."); } if (p.getUsername() == null) { p.setUsername(""); } if (p.getSmtp() == null) { p.setSmtp(""); } try { if (!setNextRunDateFromNow(p)) { AdminError("Could not set the next run time."); } p.write(); AdminLogging("Certain values were missing or null from the properties file. Resetting default values."); } catch (AdminPropertiesException e) { AdminError("Exception occured while updating the properties."); throw new Exception( "Exception occured while updating the properties.", e); } } /** * Set and write properties to indicate completion or failure. * * @throws AdminPropertiesException */ private void setEndStatus(boolean success, AdminProperties p) { if (success) { p.setStatus(COMPLETE); AdminLogging("Housecleaning has completed successfully."); } else { p.setStatus(FAILED); AdminError("Housecleaning was unsuccessful."); } } /** * Set and write properties to indicate initialization of housecleaning. * * @throws Exception * * @throws Exception * */ private void setStartStatus() throws Exception { props.setStatus(IN_PROGESS); props.setLastRun(getDateFormat().format(new Date())); try { props.write(); } catch (AdminPropertiesException e) { AdminError("Exception occured while updating the properties."); throw new Exception( "Exception occured while updating the properties.", e); } } /** * Convenience method for printing the stack trace to the log file. * * @param e */ private void stackTraceToLog(Throwable e) { StackTraceElement[] list = e.getStackTrace(); for (int index = 0; index < list.length; index++) { AdminMainProcessor.core.log.debug("Housecleaning: " + list[index].toString()); } } public boolean isRetryEnabled() { return false; } public long getRetryInterval() { return 0; } public int getMaxRetries() { return 0; } public void setRetried(int retried) { // this.retried = retried; } public void onFailure(Throwable e) { } public void onAwake() { } public boolean isSucceedFast() { return false; } public boolean setNextRunDateFromNow(AdminProperties properties) { try { Calendar runTime = GregorianCalendar.getInstance(); runTime.setTime(getTimeFormat().parse(properties.getTime())); int day_of_week = properties.getDay(); int hour = runTime.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY); int min = runTime.get(Calendar.MINUTE); int sec = runTime.get(Calendar.SECOND); // get an instance of the calendar Calendar newTime = GregorianCalendar.getInstance(); int dif = day_of_week - newTime.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK); if (dif < 0) { dif = 7 + dif; } if (dif == 0) { if (hour < newTime.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) || min < newTime.get(Calendar.MINUTE) || sec < newTime.get(Calendar.SECOND)) { dif = 7 + dif; } else { } } // add the difference of days newTime.add(Calendar.DATE, dif); // set the time newTime.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, hour); newTime.set(Calendar.MINUTE, min); newTime.set(Calendar.SECOND, sec); properties.setNextRun(getDateFormat().format(newTime.getTime())); return true; } catch (AdminPropertiesException e) { return false; } catch (ParseException e) { return false; } } public static Date getNextRunDateFromNow(int day_of_week, int hour, int min, int sec) { // get an instance of the calendar Calendar newTime = GregorianCalendar.getInstance(); int dif = day_of_week - newTime.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK); if (dif < 0) { dif = 7 + dif; } if (dif == 0) { if (hour < newTime.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) || min < newTime.get(Calendar.MINUTE) || sec < newTime.get(Calendar.SECOND)) { dif = 7 + dif; } else { } } // add the difference of days newTime.add(Calendar.DATE, dif); // set the time newTime.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, hour); newTime.set(Calendar.MINUTE, min); newTime.set(Calendar.SECOND, sec); return newTime.getTime(); } }