/* * The MIT License * * Copyright 2015 Jesse Glick. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package jenkins.tasks; import hudson.EnvVars; import hudson.FilePath; import hudson.Functions; import hudson.Launcher; import hudson.console.ConsoleLogFilter; import hudson.console.LineTransformationOutputStream; import hudson.model.AbstractBuild; import hudson.model.AbstractProject; import hudson.model.BuildListener; import hudson.model.Computer; import hudson.model.Descriptor; import hudson.model.FreeStyleBuild; import hudson.model.FreeStyleProject; import hudson.model.JDK; import hudson.model.Run; import hudson.model.Slave; import hudson.model.TaskListener; import hudson.slaves.CommandLauncher; import hudson.slaves.NodeProperty; import hudson.slaves.RetentionStrategy; import hudson.slaves.SlaveComputer; import hudson.tasks.BuildWrapperDescriptor; import hudson.tasks.Shell; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Locale; import org.junit.Test; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import org.junit.Assume; import org.junit.ClassRule; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.rules.TemporaryFolder; import org.jvnet.hudson.test.BuildWatcher; import org.jvnet.hudson.test.CaptureEnvironmentBuilder; import org.jvnet.hudson.test.Issue; import org.jvnet.hudson.test.JenkinsRule; import org.jvnet.hudson.test.TestBuilder; import org.jvnet.hudson.test.TestExtension; public class SimpleBuildWrapperTest { @ClassRule public static BuildWatcher buildWatcher = new BuildWatcher(); @Rule public JenkinsRule r = new JenkinsRule(); @Rule public TemporaryFolder tmp = new TemporaryFolder(); @Test public void envOverride() throws Exception { FreeStyleProject p = r.createFreeStyleProject(); p.getBuildWrappersList().add(new WrapperWithEnvOverride()); CaptureEnvironmentBuilder captureEnvironment = new CaptureEnvironmentBuilder(); p.getBuildersList().add(captureEnvironment); FreeStyleBuild b = r.buildAndAssertSuccess(p); String path = captureEnvironment.getEnvVars().get("PATH"); assertTrue(path, path.startsWith(b.getWorkspace().child("bin").getRemote() + File.pathSeparatorChar)); } public static class WrapperWithEnvOverride extends SimpleBuildWrapper { @Override public void setUp(Context context, Run<?,?> build, FilePath workspace, Launcher launcher, TaskListener listener, EnvVars initialEnvironment) throws IOException, InterruptedException { assertNotNull(initialEnvironment.get("PATH")); context.env("PATH+STUFF", workspace.child("bin").getRemote()); } @TestExtension("envOverride") public static class DescriptorImpl extends BuildWrapperDescriptor { @Override public boolean isApplicable(AbstractProject<?,?> item) { return true; } } } @Test public void envOverrideExpand() throws Exception { Assume.assumeFalse(Functions.isWindows()); FreeStyleProject p = r.createFreeStyleProject(); p.getBuildWrappersList().add(new WrapperWithEnvOverrideExpand()); SpecialEnvSlave slave = new SpecialEnvSlave(tmp.getRoot(), r.createComputerLauncher(null)); r.jenkins.addNode(slave); p.setAssignedNode(slave); JDK jdk = new JDK("test", "/opt/jdk"); r.jenkins.getJDKs().add(jdk); p.setJDK(jdk); CaptureEnvironmentBuilder captureEnvironment = new CaptureEnvironmentBuilder(); p.getBuildersList().add(captureEnvironment); p.getBuildersList().add(new Shell("echo effective PATH=$PATH")); FreeStyleBuild b = r.buildAndAssertSuccess(p); String expected = "/home/jenkins/extra/bin:/opt/jdk/bin:/usr/bin:/bin"; assertEquals(expected, captureEnvironment.getEnvVars().get("PATH")); // TODO why is /opt/jdk/bin added twice? In CommandInterpreter.perform, envVars right before Launcher.launch is correct, but this somehow sneaks in. r.assertLogContains("effective PATH=/opt/jdk/bin:" + expected, b); } public static class WrapperWithEnvOverrideExpand extends SimpleBuildWrapper { @Override public void setUp(Context context, Run<?,?> build, FilePath workspace, Launcher launcher, TaskListener listener, EnvVars initialEnvironment) throws IOException, InterruptedException { assertEquals("/opt/jdk/bin:/usr/bin:/bin", initialEnvironment.get("PATH")); assertEquals("/home/jenkins", initialEnvironment.get("HOME")); context.env("EXTRA", "${HOME}/extra"); context.env("PATH+EXTRA", "${EXTRA}/bin"); } @TestExtension("envOverrideExpand") public static class DescriptorImpl extends BuildWrapperDescriptor { @Override public boolean isApplicable(AbstractProject<?,?> item) { return true; } } } private static class SpecialEnvSlave extends Slave { SpecialEnvSlave(File remoteFS, CommandLauncher launcher) throws Descriptor.FormException, IOException { super("special", "SpecialEnvSlave", remoteFS.getAbsolutePath(), 1, Mode.NORMAL, "", launcher, RetentionStrategy.NOOP, Collections.<NodeProperty<?>>emptyList()); } @Override public Computer createComputer() { return new SpecialEnvComputer(this); } } private static class SpecialEnvComputer extends SlaveComputer { SpecialEnvComputer(SpecialEnvSlave slave) { super(slave); } @Override public EnvVars getEnvironment() throws IOException, InterruptedException { EnvVars env = super.getEnvironment(); env.put("PATH", "/usr/bin:/bin"); env.put("HOME", "/home/jenkins"); return env; } } @Test public void disposer() throws Exception { FreeStyleProject p = r.createFreeStyleProject(); p.getBuildWrappersList().add(new WrapperWithDisposer()); r.assertLogContains("ran DisposerImpl", r.buildAndAssertSuccess(p)); } public static class WrapperWithDisposer extends SimpleBuildWrapper { @Override public void setUp(Context context, Run<?,?> build, FilePath workspace, Launcher launcher, TaskListener listener, EnvVars initialEnvironment) throws IOException, InterruptedException { context.setDisposer(new DisposerImpl()); } private static final class DisposerImpl extends Disposer { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1; @Override public void tearDown(Run<?,?> build, FilePath workspace, Launcher launcher, TaskListener listener) throws IOException, InterruptedException { listener.getLogger().println("ran DisposerImpl"); } } @TestExtension("disposer") public static class DescriptorImpl extends BuildWrapperDescriptor { @Override public boolean isApplicable(AbstractProject<?,?> item) { return true; } } } @Issue("JENKINS-27392") @Test public void loggerDecorator() throws Exception { FreeStyleProject p = r.createFreeStyleProject(); p.getBuildWrappersList().add(new WrapperWithLogger()); p.getBuildersList().add(new TestBuilder() { @Override public boolean perform(AbstractBuild<?,?> build, Launcher launcher, BuildListener listener) throws InterruptedException, IOException { listener.getLogger().println("sending a message"); return true; } }); r.assertLogContains("SENDING A MESSAGE", r.buildAndAssertSuccess(p)); } public static class WrapperWithLogger extends SimpleBuildWrapper { @Override public void setUp(Context context, Run<?,?> build, FilePath workspace, Launcher launcher, TaskListener listener, EnvVars initialEnvironment) throws IOException, InterruptedException {} @Override public ConsoleLogFilter createLoggerDecorator(Run<?,?> build) { return new UpcaseFilter(); } private static class UpcaseFilter extends ConsoleLogFilter implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1; @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") // inherited @Override public OutputStream decorateLogger(AbstractBuild _ignore, final OutputStream logger) throws IOException, InterruptedException { return new LineTransformationOutputStream() { @Override protected void eol(byte[] b, int len) throws IOException { logger.write(new String(b, 0, len).toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT).getBytes()); } }; } } @TestExtension("loggerDecorator") public static class DescriptorImpl extends BuildWrapperDescriptor { @Override public boolean isApplicable(AbstractProject<?,?> item) { return true; } } } }