package jenkins.model; import hudson.Functions; import hudson.Util; import hudson.model.Action; import hudson.model.Actionable; import hudson.model.BallColor; import hudson.model.Computer; import hudson.model.Job; import hudson.model.ModelObject; import hudson.model.Node; import org.apache.commons.jelly.JellyContext; import org.apache.commons.jelly.JellyException; import org.apache.commons.jelly.JellyTagException; import org.apache.commons.jelly.Script; import org.apache.commons.jelly.XMLOutput; import org.kohsuke.stapler.HttpResponse; import org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler; import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest; import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerResponse; import org.kohsuke.stapler.WebApp; import org.kohsuke.stapler.export.Exported; import org.kohsuke.stapler.export.ExportedBean; import org.kohsuke.stapler.export.Flavor; import org.kohsuke.stapler.jelly.JellyClassTearOff; import org.kohsuke.stapler.jelly.JellyFacet; import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; /** * {@link ModelObject} that has context menu in the breadcrumb. * * <p> * When the user is visiting a particular page, all the ancestor objects that has {@link ModelObject} * appears in the breadcrumbs. Among those which that also implements {@link ModelObjectWithContextMenu} * shows the drop-down menu for providing quicker access to the actions to those objects. * * @author Kohsuke Kawaguchi * @see ModelObjectWithChildren */ public interface ModelObjectWithContextMenu extends ModelObject { /** * Generates the context menu. * * The typical implementation is {@code return new ContextMenu().from(this,request,response);}, * which implements the default behaviour. See {@link ContextMenu#from(ModelObjectWithContextMenu, StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse)} * for more details of what it does. This should suit most implementations. */ public ContextMenu doContextMenu(StaplerRequest request, StaplerResponse response) throws Exception; /** * Data object that represents the context menu. * * Via {@link HttpResponse}, this class is capable of converting itself to JSON that <l:breadcrumb/> understands. */ @ExportedBean public class ContextMenu implements HttpResponse { /** * The actual contents of the menu. */ @Exported(inline=true) public final List<MenuItem> items = new ArrayList<MenuItem>(); public void generateResponse(StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp, Object o) throws IOException, ServletException { rsp.serveExposedBean(req,this,Flavor.JSON); } public ContextMenu add(String url, String text) { items.add(new MenuItem(url,null,text)); return this; } public ContextMenu addAll(Collection<? extends Action> actions) { for (Action a : actions) add(a); return this; } /** * @see ContextMenuVisibility */ public ContextMenu add(Action a) { if (!Functions.isContextMenuVisible(a)) { return this; } StaplerRequest req = Stapler.getCurrentRequest(); String text = a.getDisplayName(); String base = Functions.getIconFilePath(a); if (base==null) return this; String icon = Stapler.getCurrentRequest().getContextPath()+(base.startsWith("images/")?Functions.getResourcePath():"")+'/'+base; String url = Functions.getActionUrl(req.findAncestor(ModelObject.class).getUrl(),a); return add(url,icon,text); } public ContextMenu add(String url, String icon, String text) { if (text != null && icon != null && url != null) items.add(new MenuItem(url,icon,text)); return this; } /** @since 1.504 */ public ContextMenu add(String url, String icon, String text, boolean post) { if (text != null && icon != null && url != null) { MenuItem item = new MenuItem(url,icon,text); = post; items.add(item); } return this; } /** @since 1.512 */ public ContextMenu add(String url, String icon, String text, boolean post, boolean requiresConfirmation) { if (text != null && icon != null && url != null) { MenuItem item = new MenuItem(url,icon,text); = post; item.requiresConfirmation = requiresConfirmation; items.add(item); } return this; } /** * Adds a manually constructed {@link MenuItem} * * @since 1.513 */ public ContextMenu add(MenuItem item) { items.add(item); return this; } /** * Adds a node * * @since 1.513 */ public ContextMenu add(Node n) { Computer c = n.toComputer(); return add(new MenuItem() .withDisplayName(n.getDisplayName()) .withStockIcon((c==null) ? "computer.png" : c.getIcon()) .withContextRelativeUrl(n.getSearchUrl())); } /** * Adds a computer * * @since 1.513 */ public ContextMenu add(Computer c) { return add(new MenuItem() .withDisplayName(c.getDisplayName()) .withStockIcon(c.getIcon()) .withContextRelativeUrl(c.getUrl())); } /** * Adds a child item when rendering context menu of its parent. * * @since 1.513 */ public ContextMenu add(Job job) { return add(new MenuItem() .withDisplayName(job.getDisplayName()) .withIcon(job.getIconColor()) .withUrl(job.getSearchUrl())); } /** * Default implementation of the context menu generation. * * <p> * This method uses {@code sidepanel.groovy} to run the side panel generation, captures * the use of <l:task> tags, and then converts those into {@link MenuItem}s. This is * supposed to make this work with most existing {@link ModelObject}s that follow the standard * convention. * * <p> * Unconventional {@link ModelObject} implementations that do not use {@code sidepanel.groovy} * can override {@link ModelObjectWithContextMenu#doContextMenu(StaplerRequest, StaplerResponse)} * directly to provide alternative semantics. */ public ContextMenu from(ModelObjectWithContextMenu self, StaplerRequest request, StaplerResponse response) throws JellyException, IOException { return from(self,request,response,"sidepanel"); } public ContextMenu from(ModelObjectWithContextMenu self, StaplerRequest request, StaplerResponse response, String view) throws JellyException, IOException { WebApp webApp = WebApp.getCurrent(); final Script s = webApp.getMetaClass(self).getTearOff(JellyClassTearOff.class).findScript(view); if (s!=null) { JellyFacet facet = webApp.getFacet(JellyFacet.class); request.setAttribute("taskTags",this); // <l:task> will look for this variable and populate us request.setAttribute("mode","side-panel"); // run sidepanel but ignore generated HTML facet.scriptInvoker.invokeScript(request,response,new Script() { public Script compile() throws JellyException { return this; } public void run(JellyContext context, XMLOutput output) throws JellyTagException { Functions.initPageVariables(context);,output); } },self,new XMLOutput(new DefaultHandler())); } else if (self instanceof Actionable) { // fallback this.addAll(((Actionable)self).getAllActions()); } return this; } } /** * Menu item in {@link ContextMenu} */ @ExportedBean public class MenuItem { /** * Target of the link. * * This can start with '/', but it must not be a relative URL, since * you cannot really tell which page this context menu is used. */ @Exported public String url; /** * Human readable caption of the menu item. Do not use HTML. */ @Exported public String displayName; /** * Optional URL to the icon image. Rendered as 24x24. */ @Exported public String icon; /** * True to make a POST request rather than GET. * @since 1.504 */ @Exported public boolean post; /** * True to require confirmation after a click. * @since 1.512 */ @Exported public boolean requiresConfirmation; /** * If this is a submenu, definition of subitems. */ @Exported(inline=true) public ContextMenu subMenu; public MenuItem(String url, String icon, String displayName) { withUrl(url).withIcon(icon).withDisplayName(displayName); } public MenuItem() { } public MenuItem withUrl(String url) { try { this.url = new URI(Stapler.getCurrentRequest().getRequestURI()).resolve(new URI(url)).toString(); } catch (URISyntaxException x) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bad URI from " + Stapler.getCurrentRequest().getRequestURI() + " vs. " + url, x); } return this; } /** * Sets the URL by passing in a URL relative to the context path of Jenkins */ public MenuItem withContextRelativeUrl(String url) { if (!url.startsWith("/")) url = '/'+url; this.url = Stapler.getCurrentRequest().getContextPath()+url; return this; } public MenuItem withIcon(String icon) { this.icon = icon; return this; } public MenuItem withIcon(BallColor color) { return withStockIcon(color.getImage()); } /** * Sets the icon from core's stock icon * * @param icon * String like "gear.png" that resolves to 24x24 stock icon in the core */ public MenuItem withStockIcon(String icon) { this.icon = Stapler.getCurrentRequest().getContextPath() + Jenkins.RESOURCE_PATH + "/images/24x24/"+icon; return this; } public MenuItem withDisplayName(String displayName) { this.displayName = Util.escape(displayName); return this; } public MenuItem withDisplayName(ModelObject o) { return withDisplayName(o.getDisplayName()); } } /** * Allows an action to decide whether it will be visible in a context menu. * @since 1.538 */ interface ContextMenuVisibility extends Action { /** * Determines whether to show this action right now. * Can always return false, for an action which should never be in the context menu; * or could examine {@link Stapler#getCurrentRequest}. * @return true to display it, false to hide * @see ContextMenu#add(Action) */ boolean isVisible(); } }