package org.jcodec.codecs.vpx; import static java.lang.System.arraycopy; import static; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.util.Arrays; import org.jcodec.common.ArrayUtil; import org.jcodec.common.VideoEncoder; import org.jcodec.common.model.ColorSpace; import org.jcodec.common.model.Picture8Bit; import; /** * This class is part of JCodec ( ) This software is distributed * under FreeBSD License * * @author The JCodec project * */ public class VP8Encoder extends VideoEncoder { private VPXBitstream bitstream; private byte[][] leftRow; private byte[][] topLine; private VPXQuantizer quantizer; private int[] tmp; private RateControl rc; private ByteBuffer headerBuffer; private ByteBuffer dataBuffer; public static VP8Encoder createVP8Encoder(int qp) { return new VP8Encoder(new NopRateControl(qp)); } public VP8Encoder(RateControl rc) { this.rc = rc; this.tmp = new int[16]; } @Override public EncodedFrame encodeFrame8Bit(Picture8Bit pic, ByteBuffer _buf) { ByteBuffer out = _buf.duplicate(); int mbWidth = ((pic.getWidth() + 15) >> 4); int mbHeight = ((pic.getHeight() + 15) >> 4); prepareBuffers(mbWidth, mbHeight); bitstream = new VPXBitstream(VPXConst.tokenDefaultBinProbs, mbWidth); leftRow = new byte[][] { new byte[16], new byte[8], new byte[8] }; topLine = new byte[][] { new byte[mbWidth << 4], new byte[mbWidth << 3], new byte[mbWidth << 3] }; initValue(leftRow, (byte)1); initValue(topLine, (byte)-1); quantizer = new VPXQuantizer(); Picture8Bit outMB = Picture8Bit.create(16, 16, ColorSpace.YUV420); int[] segmentQps = rc.getSegmentQps(); VPXBooleanEncoder boolEnc = new VPXBooleanEncoder(dataBuffer); int[] segmentMap = new int[mbWidth * mbHeight]; // MB residuals for (int mbY = 0, mbAddr = 0; mbY < mbHeight; mbY++) { initValue(leftRow, (byte)1); for (int mbX = 0; mbX < mbWidth; mbX++, mbAddr++) { int before = boolEnc.position(); int segment = rc.getSegment(); segmentMap[mbAddr] = segment; luma(pic, mbX, mbY, boolEnc, segmentQps[segment], outMB); chroma(pic, mbX, mbY, boolEnc, segmentQps[segment], outMB); - before); collectPredictors(outMB, mbX); } } boolEnc.stop(); dataBuffer.flip(); boolEnc = new VPXBooleanEncoder(headerBuffer); int[] probs = calcSegmentProbs(segmentMap); writeHeader2(boolEnc, segmentQps, probs); // MB modes for (int mbY = 0, mbAddr = 0; mbY < mbHeight; mbY++) { for (int mbX = 0; mbX < mbWidth; mbX++, mbAddr++) { writeSegmetId(boolEnc, segmentMap[mbAddr], probs); // Luma mode DC boolEnc.writeBit(145, 1); boolEnc.writeBit(156, 0); boolEnc.writeBit(163, 0); // Chroma mode DC boolEnc.writeBit(142, 0); } } boolEnc.stop(); headerBuffer.flip(); out.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); writeHeader(out, pic.getWidth(), pic.getHeight(), headerBuffer.remaining()); out.put(headerBuffer); out.put(dataBuffer); out.flip(); return new EncodedFrame(out, true); } private void prepareBuffers(int mbWidth, int mbHeight) { int dataBufSize = (mbHeight * mbHeight) << 10; int headerBufSize = 256 + mbWidth * mbHeight; if (headerBuffer == null || headerBuffer.capacity() < headerBufSize) headerBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(headerBufSize); else headerBuffer.clear(); if (dataBuffer == null || dataBuffer.capacity() < dataBufSize) dataBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(dataBufSize); else dataBuffer.clear(); } private void writeSegmetId(VPXBooleanEncoder boolEnc, int id, int[] probs) { int bit1 = (id >> 1) & 1; boolEnc.writeBit(probs[0], bit1); boolEnc.writeBit(probs[1 + bit1], id & 1); } private int[] calcSegmentProbs(int[] segmentMap) { int[] result = new int[3]; for (int i = 0; i < segmentMap.length; i++) { switch (segmentMap[i]) { case 0: result[0]++; result[1]++; break; case 1: result[0]++; break; case 2: result[2]++; } } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) result[i] = MathUtil.clip((result[i] << 8) / segmentMap.length, 1, 255); return result; } private void initValue(byte[][] leftRow2, byte val) { Arrays.fill(leftRow2[0], val); Arrays.fill(leftRow2[1], val); Arrays.fill(leftRow2[2], val); } private void writeHeader2(VPXBooleanEncoder boolEnc, int[] segmentQps, int[] probs) { boolEnc.writeBit(128, 0); // clr_type boolEnc.writeBit(128, 0); // clamp_type boolEnc.writeBit(128, 1); // segmentation enabled boolEnc.writeBit(128, 1); // update_mb_segmentation_map boolEnc.writeBit(128, 1); // update_segment_feature_data boolEnc.writeBit(128, 1); // segment_feature_mode - absolute for (int i = 0; i < segmentQps.length; i++) { boolEnc.writeBit(128, 1); // quantizer_update writeInt(boolEnc, segmentQps[i], 7); // quantizer_update_value boolEnc.writeBit(128, 0); } for (int i = segmentQps.length; i < 4; i++) boolEnc.writeBit(128, 0); // quantizer_update boolEnc.writeBit(128, 0); // loop_filter_update boolEnc.writeBit(128, 0); // loop_filter_update boolEnc.writeBit(128, 0); // loop_filter_update boolEnc.writeBit(128, 0); // loop_filter_update for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { boolEnc.writeBit(128, 1); // segment_prob_update writeInt(boolEnc, probs[i], 8); } boolEnc.writeBit(128, 0); // filter type writeInt(boolEnc, 1, 6); // filter level writeInt(boolEnc, 0, 3); // sharpness level boolEnc.writeBit(128, 0); // deltas enabled writeInt(boolEnc, 0, 2); // partition type writeInt(boolEnc, segmentQps[0], 7); boolEnc.writeBit(128, 0); // y1dc_delta_q boolEnc.writeBit(128, 0); // y2dc_delta_q boolEnc.writeBit(128, 0); // y2ac_delta_q boolEnc.writeBit(128, 0); // uvdc_delta_q boolEnc.writeBit(128, 0); // uvac_delta_q boolEnc.writeBit(128, 0); // refresh entropy probs int[][][][] probFlags = VPXConst.tokenProbUpdateFlagProbs; for (int i = 0; i < probFlags.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < probFlags[i].length; j++) { for (int k = 0; k < probFlags[i][j].length; k++) { for (int l = 0; l < probFlags[i][j][k].length; l++) boolEnc.writeBit(probFlags[i][j][k][l], 0); } } } boolEnc.writeBit(128, 0); // mb_no_coeff_skip } void writeInt(VPXBooleanEncoder boolEnc, int data, int bits) { int bit; for (bit = bits - 1; bit >= 0; bit--) boolEnc.writeBit(128, (1 & (data >> bit))); } private void writeHeader(ByteBuffer out, int width, int height, int firstPart) { int version = 0, type = 0, showFrame = 1; int header = (firstPart << 5) | (showFrame << 4) | (version << 1) | type; out.put((byte) (header & 0xff)); out.put((byte) ((header >> 8) & 0xff)); out.put((byte) ((header >> 16) & 0xff)); out.put((byte) 0x9d); out.put((byte) 0x01); out.put((byte) 0x2a); out.putShort((short) width); out.putShort((short) height); } private void collectPredictors(Picture8Bit outMB, int mbX) { arraycopy(outMB.getPlaneData(0), 240, topLine[0], mbX << 4, 16); arraycopy(outMB.getPlaneData(1), 56, topLine[1], mbX << 3, 8); arraycopy(outMB.getPlaneData(2), 56, topLine[2], mbX << 3, 8); copyCol(outMB.getPlaneData(0), 15, 16, leftRow[0]); copyCol(outMB.getPlaneData(1), 7, 8, leftRow[1]); copyCol(outMB.getPlaneData(2), 7, 8, leftRow[2]); } private void copyCol(byte[] planeData, int off, int stride, byte[] out) { for (int i = 0; i < out.length; i++) { out[i] = planeData[off]; off += stride; } } private void luma(Picture8Bit pic, int mbX, int mbY, VPXBooleanEncoder out, int qp, Picture8Bit outMB) { int x = mbX << 4; int y = mbY << 4; int[][] ac = transform(pic, 0, qp, x, y); int[] dc = extractDC(ac); writeLumaDC(mbX, mbY, out, qp, dc); writeLumaAC(mbX, mbY, out, ac, qp); restorePlaneLuma(dc, ac, qp); putLuma(outMB.getPlaneData(0), lumaDCPred(x, y), ac, 4); } private void writeLumaAC(int mbX, int mbY, VPXBooleanEncoder out, int[][] ac, int qp) { for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { quantizer.quantizeY(ac[i], qp); bitstream.encodeCoeffsDCT15(out, zigzag(ac[i], tmp), mbX, i & 3, i >> 2); } } private void writeLumaDC(int mbX, int mbY, VPXBooleanEncoder out, int qp, int[] dc) { VPXDCT.walsh4x4(dc); quantizer.quantizeY2(dc, qp); bitstream.encodeCoeffsWHT(out, zigzag(dc, tmp), mbX); } private void writeChroma(int comp, int mbX, int mbY, VPXBooleanEncoder boolEnc, int[][] ac, int qp) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { quantizer.quantizeUV(ac[i], qp); bitstream.encodeCoeffsDCTUV(boolEnc, zigzag(ac[i], tmp), comp, mbX, i & 1, i >> 1); } } private int[] zigzag(int[] zz, int[] tmp2) { for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) tmp2[i] = zz[VPXConst.zigzag[i]]; return tmp2; } private void chroma(Picture8Bit pic, int mbX, int mbY, VPXBooleanEncoder boolEnc, int qp, Picture8Bit outMB) { int x = mbX << 3; int y = mbY << 3; int chromaPred1 = chromaPredBlk(1, x, y); int chromaPred2 = chromaPredBlk(2, x, y); int[][] ac1 = transformChroma(pic, 1, qp, x, y, outMB, chromaPred1); int[][] ac2 = transformChroma(pic, 2, qp, x, y, outMB, chromaPred2); writeChroma(1, mbX, mbY, boolEnc, ac1, qp); writeChroma(2, mbX, mbY, boolEnc, ac2, qp); restorePlaneChroma(ac1, qp); putChroma(outMB.getData()[1], 1, x, y, ac1, chromaPred1); restorePlaneChroma(ac2, qp); putChroma(outMB.getData()[2], 2, x, y, ac2, chromaPred2); } private int[][] transformChroma(Picture8Bit pic, int comp, int qp, int x, int y, Picture8Bit outMB, int chromaPred) { int[][] ac = new int[4][16]; for (int blk = 0; blk < ac.length; blk++) { int blkOffX = (blk & 1) << 2; int blkOffY = (blk >> 1) << 2; takeSubtract(pic.getPlaneData(comp), pic.getPlaneWidth(comp), pic.getPlaneHeight(comp), x + blkOffX, y + blkOffY, ac[blk], chromaPred); VPXDCT.fdct4x4(ac[blk]); } return ac; } private void putChroma(byte[] mb, int comp, int x, int y, int[][] ac, int chromaPred) { for (int blk = 0; blk < 4; blk++) putBlk(mb, chromaPred, ac[blk], 3, (blk & 1) << 2, (blk >> 1) << 2); } private final byte chromaPredOne(byte[] pix, int x) { return (byte)((pix[x] + pix[x + 1] + pix[x + 2] + pix[x + 3] + pix[x + 4] + pix[x + 5] + pix[x + 6] + pix[x + 7] + 4) >> 3); } private final byte chromaPredTwo(byte[] pix1, byte[] pix2, int x, int y) { return (byte)((pix1[x] + pix1[x + 1] + pix1[x + 2] + pix1[x + 3] + pix1[x + 4] + pix1[x + 5] + pix1[x + 6] + pix1[x + 7] + pix2[y] + pix2[y + 1] + pix2[y + 2] + pix2[y + 3] + pix2[y + 4] + pix2[y + 5] + pix2[y + 6] + pix2[y + 7] + 8) >> 4); } private byte chromaPredBlk(int comp, int x, int y) { int predY = y & 0x7; if (x != 0 && y != 0) return chromaPredTwo(leftRow[comp], topLine[comp], predY, x); else if (x != 0) return chromaPredOne(leftRow[comp], predY); else if (y != 0) return chromaPredOne(topLine[comp], x); else return 0; } private void putLuma(byte[] planeData, int pred, int[][] ac, int log2stride) { for (int blk = 0; blk < ac.length; blk++) { int blkOffX = (blk & 3) << 2; int blkOffY = blk & ~3; putBlk(planeData, pred, ac[blk], log2stride, blkOffX, blkOffY); } } private void putBlk(byte[] planeData, int pred, int[] block, int log2stride, int blkX, int blkY) { int stride = 1 << log2stride; for (int line = 0, srcOff = 0, dstOff = (blkY << log2stride) + blkX; line < 4; line++) { planeData[dstOff] = (byte)(clip(block[srcOff] + pred, -128, 127)); planeData[dstOff + 1] = (byte)(clip(block[srcOff + 1] + pred, -128, 127)); planeData[dstOff + 2] = (byte)(clip(block[srcOff + 2] + pred, -128, 127)); planeData[dstOff + 3] = (byte)(clip(block[srcOff + 3] + pred, -128, 127)); srcOff += 4; dstOff += stride; } } private void restorePlaneChroma(int[][] ac, int qp) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { quantizer.dequantizeUV(ac[i], qp); VPXDCT.idct4x4(ac[i]); } } private void restorePlaneLuma(int[] dc, int[][] ac, int qp) { quantizer.dequantizeY2(dc, qp); VPXDCT.iwalsh4x4(dc); for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { quantizer.dequantizeY(ac[i], qp); ac[i][0] = dc[i]; VPXDCT.idct4x4(ac[i]); } } private int[] extractDC(int[][] ac) { int[] dc = new int[ac.length]; for (int i = 0; i < ac.length; i++) { dc[i] = ac[i][0]; } return dc; } private byte lumaDCPred(int x, int y) { if (x == 0 && y == 0) return 0; if (y == 0) return (byte)((ArrayUtil.sumByte(leftRow[0]) + 8) >> 4); if (x == 0) return (byte)((ArrayUtil.sumByte3(topLine[0], x, 16) + 8) >> 4); return (byte)((ArrayUtil.sumByte(leftRow[0]) + ArrayUtil.sumByte3(topLine[0], x, 16) + 16) >> 5); } private int[][] transform(Picture8Bit pic, int comp, int qp, int x, int y) { int dcc = lumaDCPred(x, y); int[][] ac = new int[16][16]; for (int i = 0; i < ac.length; i++) { int[] coeff = ac[i]; int blkOffX = (i & 3) << 2; int blkOffY = i & ~3; takeSubtract(pic.getPlaneData(comp), pic.getPlaneWidth(comp), pic.getPlaneHeight(comp), x + blkOffX, y + blkOffY, coeff, dcc); VPXDCT.fdct4x4(coeff); } return ac; } private final void takeSubtract(byte[] planeData, int planeWidth, int planeHeight, int x, int y, int[] coeff, int dc) { if (x + 4 < planeWidth && y + 4 < planeHeight) takeSubtractSafe(planeData, planeWidth, planeHeight, x, y, coeff, dc); else takeSubtractUnsafe(planeData, planeWidth, planeHeight, x, y, coeff, dc); } private final void takeSubtractSafe(byte[] planeData, int planeWidth, int planeHeight, int x, int y, int[] coeff, int dc) { for (int i = 0, srcOff = y * planeWidth + x, dstOff = 0; i < 4; i++, srcOff += planeWidth, dstOff += 4) { coeff[dstOff] = planeData[srcOff] - dc; coeff[dstOff + 1] = planeData[srcOff + 1] - dc; coeff[dstOff + 2] = planeData[srcOff + 2] - dc; coeff[dstOff + 3] = planeData[srcOff + 3] - dc; } } private final void takeSubtractUnsafe(byte[] planeData, int planeWidth, int planeHeight, int x, int y, int[] coeff, int dc) { int outOff = 0; int i; for (i = y; i < Math.min(y + 4, planeHeight); i++) { int off = i * planeWidth + Math.min(x, planeWidth); int j; for (j = x; j < Math.min(x + 4, planeWidth); j++) coeff[outOff++] = planeData[off++] - dc; --off; for (; j < x + 4; j++) coeff[outOff++] = planeData[off] - dc; } for (; i < y + 4; i++) { int off = planeHeight * planeWidth - planeWidth + Math.min(x, planeWidth); int j; for (j = x; j < Math.min(x + 4, planeWidth); j++) coeff[outOff++] = planeData[off++] - dc; --off; for (; j < x + 4; j++) coeff[outOff++] = planeData[off] - dc; } } @Override public ColorSpace[] getSupportedColorSpaces() { return new ColorSpace[] { ColorSpace.YUV420J }; } @Override public int estimateBufferSize(Picture8Bit frame) { return frame.getWidth() * frame.getHeight() / 2; } }