package org.jcodec.codecs.h264; import static java.lang.System.arraycopy; import static org.jcodec.codecs.h264.H264Utils.escapeNAL; import org.jcodec.codecs.h264.encode.DumbRateControl; import org.jcodec.codecs.h264.encode.EncodedMB; import org.jcodec.codecs.h264.encode.MBEncoderHelper; import org.jcodec.codecs.h264.encode.MBEncoderI16x16; import org.jcodec.codecs.h264.encode.MBEncoderP16x16; import org.jcodec.codecs.h264.encode.MotionEstimator; import org.jcodec.codecs.h264.encode.RateControl; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.jcodec.common.VideoEncoder; import; import org.jcodec.common.logging.Logger; import org.jcodec.common.model.ColorSpace; import org.jcodec.common.model.Picture8Bit; import org.jcodec.common.model.Size; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; /** * This class is part of JCodec ( ) This software is distributed * under FreeBSD License * * MPEG 4 AVC ( H.264 ) Encoder * * Conforms to H.264 ( ISO/IEC 14496-10 ) specifications * * @author The JCodec project * */ public class H264Encoder extends VideoEncoder { // private static final int QP = 20; private static final int KEY_INTERVAL_DEFAULT = 25; public static H264Encoder createH264Encoder() { return new H264Encoder(new DumbRateControl()); } private CAVLC[] cavlc; private byte[][] leftRow; private byte[][] topLine; private RateControl rc; private int frameNumber; private int keyInterval; private int maxPOC; private int maxFrameNumber; private SeqParameterSet sps; private PictureParameterSet pps; private MBEncoderI16x16 mbEncoderI16x16; private MBEncoderP16x16 mbEncoderP16x16; private Picture8Bit ref; private Picture8Bit picOut; private EncodedMB[] topEncoded; private EncodedMB outMB; public H264Encoder(RateControl rc) { this.rc = rc; this.keyInterval = KEY_INTERVAL_DEFAULT; } public int getKeyInterval() { return keyInterval; } public void setKeyInterval(int keyInterval) { this.keyInterval = keyInterval; } /** * Encode this picture into h.264 frame. Frame type will be selected by * encoder. */ public EncodedFrame encodeFrame8Bit(Picture8Bit pic, ByteBuffer _out) { if (frameNumber >= keyInterval) { frameNumber = 0; } SliceType sliceType = frameNumber == 0 ? SliceType.I : SliceType.P; boolean idr = frameNumber == 0; ByteBuffer data = doEncodeFrame8Bit(pic, _out, idr, frameNumber++, sliceType); return new EncodedFrame(data, idr); } /** * Encode this picture as an IDR frame. IDR frame starts a new independently * decodeable video sequence * * @param pic * @param _out * @return */ public ByteBuffer encodeIDRFrame(Picture8Bit pic, ByteBuffer _out) { frameNumber = 0; return doEncodeFrame8Bit(pic, _out, true, frameNumber, SliceType.I); } /** * Encode this picture as a P-frame. P-frame is an frame predicted from one * or more of the previosly decoded frame and is usually 10x less in size * then the IDR frame. * * @param pic * @param _out * @return */ public ByteBuffer encodePFrame(Picture8Bit pic, ByteBuffer _out) { frameNumber++; return doEncodeFrame8Bit(pic, _out, true, frameNumber, SliceType.P); } public ByteBuffer doEncodeFrame8Bit(Picture8Bit pic, ByteBuffer _out, boolean idr, int frameNumber, SliceType frameType) { ByteBuffer dup = _out.duplicate(); if (idr) { sps = initSPS(new Size(pic.getCroppedWidth(), pic.getCroppedHeight())); pps = initPPS(); maxPOC = 1 << (sps.log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4 + 4); maxFrameNumber = 1 << (sps.log2_max_frame_num_minus4 + 4); } if (idr) { dup.putInt(0x1); new NALUnit(NALUnitType.SPS, 3).write(dup); writeSPS(dup, sps); dup.putInt(0x1); new NALUnit(NALUnitType.PPS, 3).write(dup); writePPS(dup, pps); } int mbWidth = sps.pic_width_in_mbs_minus1 + 1; int mbHeight = sps.pic_height_in_map_units_minus1 + 1; leftRow = new byte[][] { new byte[16], new byte[8], new byte[8] }; topLine = new byte[][] { new byte[mbWidth << 4], new byte[mbWidth << 3], new byte[mbWidth << 3] }; picOut = Picture8Bit.create(mbWidth << 4, mbHeight << 4, pic.getColor()); outMB = new EncodedMB(); topEncoded = new EncodedMB[mbWidth]; for (int i = 0; i < mbWidth; i++) topEncoded[i] = new EncodedMB(); encodeSlice(sps, pps, pic, dup, idr, frameNumber, frameType); putLastMBLine(); ref = picOut; dup.flip(); return dup; } private void writePPS(ByteBuffer dup, PictureParameterSet pps) { ByteBuffer tmp = ByteBuffer.allocate(1024); pps.write(tmp); tmp.flip(); escapeNAL(tmp, dup); } private void writeSPS(ByteBuffer dup, SeqParameterSet sps) { ByteBuffer tmp = ByteBuffer.allocate(1024); sps.write(tmp); tmp.flip(); escapeNAL(tmp, dup); } public PictureParameterSet initPPS() { PictureParameterSet pps = new PictureParameterSet(); pps.pic_init_qp_minus26 = rc.getInitQp(SliceType.I) - 26; return pps; } public SeqParameterSet initSPS(Size sz) { SeqParameterSet sps = new SeqParameterSet(); sps.pic_width_in_mbs_minus1 = ((sz.getWidth() + 15) >> 4) - 1; sps.pic_height_in_map_units_minus1 = ((sz.getHeight() + 15) >> 4) - 1; sps.chroma_format_idc = ColorSpace.YUV420J; sps.profile_idc = 66; sps.level_idc = 40; sps.frame_mbs_only_flag = true; sps.log2_max_frame_num_minus4 = Math.max(0, MathUtil.log2(keyInterval) - 3); int codedWidth = (sps.pic_width_in_mbs_minus1 + 1) << 4; int codedHeight = (sps.pic_height_in_map_units_minus1 + 1) << 4; sps.frame_cropping_flag = codedWidth != sz.getWidth() || codedHeight != sz.getHeight(); sps.frame_crop_right_offset = (codedWidth - sz.getWidth() + 1) >> 1; sps.frame_crop_bottom_offset = (codedHeight - sz.getHeight() + 1) >> 1; return sps; } private void encodeSlice(SeqParameterSet sps, PictureParameterSet pps, Picture8Bit pic, ByteBuffer dup, boolean idr, int frameNum, SliceType sliceType) { if (idr && sliceType != SliceType.I) { idr = false; Logger.warn("Illegal value of idr = true when sliceType != I"); } cavlc = new CAVLC[] { new CAVLC(sps, pps, 2, 2), new CAVLC(sps, pps, 1, 1), new CAVLC(sps, pps, 1, 1) }; mbEncoderI16x16 = new MBEncoderI16x16(cavlc, leftRow, topLine); mbEncoderP16x16 = new MBEncoderP16x16(sps, ref, cavlc, new MotionEstimator(16)); rc.reset(); int qp = rc.getInitQp(sliceType); dup.putInt(0x1); new NALUnit(idr ? NALUnitType.IDR_SLICE : NALUnitType.NON_IDR_SLICE, 3).write(dup); SliceHeader sh = new SliceHeader(); sh.slice_type = sliceType; if (idr) sh.refPicMarkingIDR = new RefPicMarkingIDR(false, false); sh.pps = pps; sh.sps = sps; sh.pic_order_cnt_lsb = (frameNum << 1) % maxPOC; sh.frame_num = frameNum % maxFrameNumber; sh.slice_qp_delta = qp - (pps.pic_init_qp_minus26 + 26); ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(pic.getWidth() * pic.getHeight()); BitWriter sliceData = new BitWriter(buf); new SliceHeaderWriter().write(sh, idr, 2, sliceData); for (int mbY = 0; mbY < sps.pic_height_in_map_units_minus1 + 1; mbY++) { for (int mbX = 0; mbX < sps.pic_width_in_mbs_minus1 + 1; mbX++) { if (sliceType == SliceType.P) { CAVLCWriter.writeUE(sliceData, 0); // number of skipped mbs } MBType mbType = selectMBType(sliceType); if (mbType == MBType.I_16x16) { // I16x16 carries part of layout information in the // macroblock type // itself for this reason we'll have to decide it now to // embed into // macroblock type int predMode = mbEncoderI16x16.getPredMode(pic, mbX, mbY); int cbpChroma = mbEncoderI16x16.getCbpChroma(pic, mbX, mbY); int cbpLuma = mbEncoderI16x16.getCbpLuma(pic, mbX, mbY); int i16x16TypeOffset = (cbpLuma / 15) * 12 + cbpChroma * 4 + predMode; int mbTypeOffset = sliceType == SliceType.P ? 5 : 0; CAVLCWriter.writeUE(sliceData, mbTypeOffset + mbType.code() + i16x16TypeOffset); } else { CAVLCWriter.writeUE(sliceData, mbType.code()); } BitWriter candidate; int qpDelta; do { candidate = sliceData.fork(); qpDelta = rc.getQpDelta(); encodeMacroblock(mbType, pic, mbX, mbY, candidate, qp, qpDelta); } while (!rc.accept(candidate.position() - sliceData.position())); sliceData = candidate; qp += qpDelta; collectPredictors(outMB.getPixels(), mbX); addToReference(mbX, mbY); } } sliceData.write1Bit(1); sliceData.flush(); buf = sliceData.getBuffer(); buf.flip(); escapeNAL(buf, dup); } private void encodeMacroblock(MBType mbType, Picture8Bit pic, int mbX, int mbY, BitWriter candidate, int qp, int qpDelta) { if (mbType == MBType.I_16x16) mbEncoderI16x16.encodeMacroblock(pic, mbX, mbY, candidate, outMB, mbX > 0 ? topEncoded[mbX - 1] : null, mbY > 0 ? topEncoded[mbX] : null, qp + qpDelta, qpDelta); else if (mbType == MBType.P_16x16) mbEncoderP16x16.encodeMacroblock(pic, mbX, mbY, candidate, outMB, mbX > 0 ? topEncoded[mbX - 1] : null, mbY > 0 ? topEncoded[mbX] : null, qp + qpDelta, qpDelta); else throw new RuntimeException("Macroblock of type " + mbType + " is not supported."); } private MBType selectMBType(SliceType sliceType) { if (sliceType == SliceType.I) return MBType.I_16x16; else if (sliceType == SliceType.P) return MBType.P_16x16; else throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported slice type"); } private void addToReference(int mbX, int mbY) { if (mbY > 0) MBEncoderHelper.putBlkPic(picOut, topEncoded[mbX].getPixels(), mbX << 4, (mbY - 1) << 4); EncodedMB tmp = topEncoded[mbX]; topEncoded[mbX] = outMB; outMB = tmp; } private void putLastMBLine() { int mbWidth = sps.pic_width_in_mbs_minus1 + 1; int mbHeight = sps.pic_height_in_map_units_minus1 + 1; for (int mbX = 0; mbX < mbWidth; mbX++) MBEncoderHelper.putBlkPic(picOut, topEncoded[mbX].getPixels(), mbX << 4, (mbHeight - 1) << 4); } private void collectPredictors(Picture8Bit outMB, int mbX) { arraycopy(outMB.getPlaneData(0), 240, topLine[0], mbX << 4, 16); arraycopy(outMB.getPlaneData(1), 56, topLine[1], mbX << 3, 8); arraycopy(outMB.getPlaneData(2), 56, topLine[2], mbX << 3, 8); copyCol(outMB.getPlaneData(0), 15, 16, leftRow[0]); copyCol(outMB.getPlaneData(1), 7, 8, leftRow[1]); copyCol(outMB.getPlaneData(2), 7, 8, leftRow[2]); } private void copyCol(byte[] planeData, int off, int stride, byte[] out) { for (int i = 0; i < out.length; i++) { out[i] = planeData[off]; off += stride; } } @Override public ColorSpace[] getSupportedColorSpaces() { return new ColorSpace[] { ColorSpace.YUV420J }; } @Override public int estimateBufferSize(Picture8Bit frame) { return frame.getWidth() * frame.getHeight() / 2; } }