package org.jcodec.codecs.h264.decode; import static; import static org.jcodec.codecs.h264.decode.CAVLCReader.readBool; import static org.jcodec.codecs.h264.decode.CAVLCReader.readSE; import static org.jcodec.codecs.h264.decode.CAVLCReader.readU; import static org.jcodec.codecs.h264.decode.CAVLCReader.readUEtrace; import static org.jcodec.common.model.ColorSpace.MONO; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.jcodec.common.IntArrayList; import; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * This class is part of JCodec ( ) This software is distributed * under FreeBSD License * * Reads header of the coded slice * * @author The JCodec project * */ public class SliceHeaderReader { public SliceHeader readPart1(BitReader _in) { SliceHeader sh = new SliceHeader(); sh.first_mb_in_slice = readUEtrace(_in, "SH: first_mb_in_slice"); int sh_type = readUEtrace(_in, "SH: slice_type"); sh.slice_type = SliceType.fromValue(sh_type % 5); sh.slice_type_restr = (sh_type / 5) > 0; sh.pic_parameter_set_id = readUEtrace(_in, "SH: pic_parameter_set_id"); return sh; } public SliceHeader readPart2(SliceHeader sh, NALUnit nalUnit, SeqParameterSet sps, PictureParameterSet pps, BitReader _in) { sh.pps = pps; sh.sps = sps; sh.frame_num = readU(_in, sps.log2_max_frame_num_minus4 + 4, "SH: frame_num"); if (!sps.frame_mbs_only_flag) { sh.field_pic_flag = readBool(_in, "SH: field_pic_flag"); if (sh.field_pic_flag) { sh.bottom_field_flag = readBool(_in, "SH: bottom_field_flag"); } } if (nalUnit.type == NALUnitType.IDR_SLICE) { sh.idr_pic_id = readUEtrace(_in, "SH: idr_pic_id"); } if (sps.pic_order_cnt_type == 0) { sh.pic_order_cnt_lsb = readU(_in, sps.log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4 + 4, "SH: pic_order_cnt_lsb"); if (pps.pic_order_present_flag && !sps.field_pic_flag) { sh.delta_pic_order_cnt_bottom = readSE(_in, "SH: delta_pic_order_cnt_bottom"); } } sh.delta_pic_order_cnt = new int[2]; if (sps.pic_order_cnt_type == 1 && !sps.delta_pic_order_always_zero_flag) { sh.delta_pic_order_cnt[0] = readSE(_in, "SH: delta_pic_order_cnt[0]"); if (pps.pic_order_present_flag && !sps.field_pic_flag) sh.delta_pic_order_cnt[1] = readSE(_in, "SH: delta_pic_order_cnt[1]"); } if (pps.redundant_pic_cnt_present_flag) { sh.redundant_pic_cnt = readUEtrace(_in, "SH: redundant_pic_cnt"); } if (sh.slice_type == SliceType.B) { sh.direct_spatial_mv_pred_flag = readBool(_in, "SH: direct_spatial_mv_pred_flag"); } if (sh.slice_type == SliceType.P || sh.slice_type == SliceType.SP || sh.slice_type == SliceType.B) { sh.num_ref_idx_active_override_flag = readBool(_in, "SH: num_ref_idx_active_override_flag"); if (sh.num_ref_idx_active_override_flag) { sh.num_ref_idx_active_minus1[0] = readUEtrace(_in, "SH: num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1"); if (sh.slice_type == SliceType.B) { sh.num_ref_idx_active_minus1[1] = readUEtrace(_in, "SH: num_ref_idx_l1_active_minus1"); } } } readRefPicListReordering(sh, _in); if ((pps.weighted_pred_flag && (sh.slice_type == SliceType.P || sh.slice_type == SliceType.SP)) || (pps.weighted_bipred_idc == 1 && sh.slice_type == SliceType.B)) readPredWeightTable(sps, pps, sh, _in); if (nalUnit.nal_ref_idc != 0) readDecoderPicMarking(nalUnit, sh, _in); if (pps.entropy_coding_mode_flag && sh.slice_type.isInter()) { sh.cabac_init_idc = readUEtrace(_in, "SH: cabac_init_idc"); } sh.slice_qp_delta = readSE(_in, "SH: slice_qp_delta"); if (sh.slice_type == SliceType.SP || sh.slice_type == SliceType.SI) { if (sh.slice_type == SliceType.SP) { sh.sp_for_switch_flag = readBool(_in, "SH: sp_for_switch_flag"); } sh.slice_qs_delta = readSE(_in, "SH: slice_qs_delta"); } if (pps.deblocking_filter_control_present_flag) { sh.disable_deblocking_filter_idc = readUEtrace(_in, "SH: disable_deblocking_filter_idc"); if (sh.disable_deblocking_filter_idc != 1) { sh.slice_alpha_c0_offset_div2 = readSE(_in, "SH: slice_alpha_c0_offset_div2"); sh.slice_beta_offset_div2 = readSE(_in, "SH: slice_beta_offset_div2"); } } if (pps.num_slice_groups_minus1 > 0 && pps.slice_group_map_type >= 3 && pps.slice_group_map_type <= 5) { int len = getPicHeightInMbs(sps) * (sps.pic_width_in_mbs_minus1 + 1) / (pps.slice_group_change_rate_minus1 + 1); if ((getPicHeightInMbs(sps) * (sps.pic_width_in_mbs_minus1 + 1)) % (pps.slice_group_change_rate_minus1 + 1) > 0) len += 1; len = CeilLog2(len + 1); sh.slice_group_change_cycle = readU(_in, len, "SH: slice_group_change_cycle"); } return sh; } private static int CeilLog2(int uiVal) { int uiTmp = uiVal - 1; int uiRet = 0; while (uiTmp != 0) { uiTmp >>= 1; uiRet++; } return uiRet; } // static int i = 0; private static void readDecoderPicMarking(NALUnit nalUnit, SliceHeader sh, BitReader _in) { if (nalUnit.type == NALUnitType.IDR_SLICE) { boolean no_output_of_prior_pics_flag = readBool(_in, "SH: no_output_of_prior_pics_flag"); boolean long_term_reference_flag = readBool(_in, "SH: long_term_reference_flag"); sh.refPicMarkingIDR = new RefPicMarkingIDR(no_output_of_prior_pics_flag, long_term_reference_flag); } else { boolean adaptive_ref_pic_marking_mode_flag = readBool(_in, "SH: adaptive_ref_pic_marking_mode_flag"); if (adaptive_ref_pic_marking_mode_flag) { ArrayList<Instruction> mmops = new ArrayList<Instruction>(); int memory_management_control_operation; do { memory_management_control_operation = readUEtrace(_in, "SH: memory_management_control_operation"); Instruction instr = null; switch (memory_management_control_operation) { case 1: instr = new RefPicMarking.Instruction(InstrType.REMOVE_SHORT, readUEtrace(_in, "SH: difference_of_pic_nums_minus1") + 1, 0); break; case 2: instr = new RefPicMarking.Instruction(InstrType.REMOVE_LONG, readUEtrace(_in, "SH: long_term_pic_num"), 0); break; case 3: instr = new RefPicMarking.Instruction(InstrType.CONVERT_INTO_LONG, readUEtrace(_in, "SH: difference_of_pic_nums_minus1") + 1, readUEtrace(_in, "SH: long_term_frame_idx")); break; case 4: instr = new RefPicMarking.Instruction(InstrType.TRUNK_LONG, readUEtrace(_in, "SH: max_long_term_frame_idx_plus1") - 1, 0); break; case 5: instr = new RefPicMarking.Instruction(InstrType.CLEAR, 0, 0); break; case 6: instr = new RefPicMarking.Instruction(InstrType.MARK_LONG, readUEtrace(_in, "SH: long_term_frame_idx"), 0); break; } if (instr != null) mmops.add(instr); } while (memory_management_control_operation != 0); sh.refPicMarkingNonIDR = new RefPicMarking(mmops.toArray(new Instruction[] {})); } } } private static void readPredWeightTable(SeqParameterSet sps, PictureParameterSet pps, SliceHeader sh, BitReader _in) { sh.pred_weight_table = new PredictionWeightTable(); int[] numRefsMinus1 = sh.num_ref_idx_active_override_flag ? sh.num_ref_idx_active_minus1 : pps.num_ref_idx_active_minus1; int[] nr = new int[] {numRefsMinus1[0] + 1, numRefsMinus1[1] + 1}; sh.pred_weight_table.luma_log2_weight_denom = readUEtrace(_in, "SH: luma_log2_weight_denom"); if (sps.chroma_format_idc != MONO) { sh.pred_weight_table.chroma_log2_weight_denom = readUEtrace(_in, "SH: chroma_log2_weight_denom"); } int defaultLW = 1 << sh.pred_weight_table.luma_log2_weight_denom; int defaultCW = 1 << sh.pred_weight_table.chroma_log2_weight_denom; for (int list = 0; list < 2; list++) { sh.pred_weight_table.luma_weight[list] = new int[nr[list]]; sh.pred_weight_table.luma_offset[list] = new int[nr[list]]; sh.pred_weight_table.chroma_weight[list] = new int[2][nr[list]]; sh.pred_weight_table.chroma_offset[list] = new int[2][nr[list]]; for (int i = 0; i < nr[list]; i++) { sh.pred_weight_table.luma_weight[list][i] = defaultLW; sh.pred_weight_table.luma_offset[list][i] = 0; sh.pred_weight_table.chroma_weight[list][0][i] = defaultCW; sh.pred_weight_table.chroma_offset[list][0][i] = 0; sh.pred_weight_table.chroma_weight[list][1][i] = defaultCW; sh.pred_weight_table.chroma_offset[list][1][i] = 0; } } readWeightOffset(sps, pps, sh, _in, nr, 0); if (sh.slice_type == SliceType.B) { readWeightOffset(sps, pps, sh, _in, nr, 1); } } private static void readWeightOffset(SeqParameterSet sps, PictureParameterSet pps, SliceHeader sh, BitReader _in, int[] numRefs, int list) { for (int i = 0; i < numRefs[list]; i++) { boolean luma_weight_l0_flag = readBool(_in, "SH: luma_weight_l0_flag"); if (luma_weight_l0_flag) { sh.pred_weight_table.luma_weight[list][i] = readSE(_in, "SH: weight"); sh.pred_weight_table.luma_offset[list][i] = readSE(_in, "SH: offset"); } if (sps.chroma_format_idc != MONO) { boolean chroma_weight_l0_flag = readBool(_in, "SH: chroma_weight_l0_flag"); if (chroma_weight_l0_flag) { sh.pred_weight_table.chroma_weight[list][0][i] = readSE(_in, "SH: weight"); sh.pred_weight_table.chroma_offset[list][0][i] = readSE(_in, "SH: offset"); sh.pred_weight_table.chroma_weight[list][1][i] = readSE(_in, "SH: weight"); sh.pred_weight_table.chroma_offset[list][1][i] = readSE(_in, "SH: offset"); } } } } private static void readRefPicListReordering(SliceHeader sh, BitReader _in) { sh.refPicReordering = new int[2][][]; // System.out.println(i++); if (sh.slice_type.isInter()) { boolean ref_pic_list_reordering_flag_l0 = readBool(_in, "SH: ref_pic_list_reordering_flag_l0"); if (ref_pic_list_reordering_flag_l0) { sh.refPicReordering[0] = readReorderingEntries(_in); } } if (sh.slice_type == SliceType.B) { boolean ref_pic_list_reordering_flag_l1 = readBool(_in, "SH: ref_pic_list_reordering_flag_l1"); if (ref_pic_list_reordering_flag_l1) { sh.refPicReordering[1] = readReorderingEntries(_in); } } } private static int[][] readReorderingEntries(BitReader _in) { IntArrayList ops = IntArrayList.createIntArrayList(); IntArrayList args = IntArrayList.createIntArrayList(); do { int idc = readUEtrace(_in, "SH: reordering_of_pic_nums_idc"); if (idc == 3) break; ops.add(idc); args.add(readUEtrace(_in, "SH: abs_diff_pic_num_minus1")); } while (true); return new int[][] { ops.toArray(), args.toArray() }; } }