package org.jcodec.codecs.mpeg12; import static org.jcodec.codecs.mpeg12.MPEGConst.BLOCK_TO_CC; import static org.jcodec.codecs.mpeg12.MPEGConst.EXTENSION_START_CODE; import static org.jcodec.codecs.mpeg12.MPEGConst.GROUP_START_CODE; import static org.jcodec.codecs.mpeg12.MPEGConst.PICTURE_START_CODE; import static org.jcodec.codecs.mpeg12.MPEGConst.SEQUENCE_HEADER_CODE; import static org.jcodec.codecs.mpeg12.MPEGConst.SLICE_START_CODE_FIRST; import static org.jcodec.codecs.mpeg12.MPEGConst.SLICE_START_CODE_LAST; import static org.jcodec.codecs.mpeg12.MPEGConst.SQUEEZE_X; import static org.jcodec.codecs.mpeg12.MPEGConst.SQUEEZE_Y; import static org.jcodec.codecs.mpeg12.MPEGConst.USER_DATA_START_CODE; import static org.jcodec.codecs.mpeg12.MPEGConst.vlcAddressIncrement; import static org.jcodec.codecs.mpeg12.MPEGConst.vlcCBP; import static org.jcodec.codecs.mpeg12.MPEGConst.vlcCoeff0; import static org.jcodec.codecs.mpeg12.MPEGConst.vlcCoeff1; import static org.jcodec.codecs.mpeg12.MPEGConst.vlcDCSizeChroma; import static org.jcodec.codecs.mpeg12.MPEGConst.vlcDCSizeLuma; import static org.jcodec.codecs.mpeg12.MPEGUtil.gotoNextMarker; import static org.jcodec.codecs.mpeg12.MPEGUtil.nextSegment; import static org.jcodec.codecs.mpeg12.bitstream.PictureCodingExtension.Frame; import static org.jcodec.codecs.mpeg12.bitstream.SequenceExtension.Chroma420; import static org.jcodec.codecs.mpeg12.bitstream.SequenceExtension.Chroma422; import static org.jcodec.codecs.mpeg12.bitstream.SequenceExtension.Chroma444; import static org.jcodec.common.model.ColorSpace.YUV420; import static org.jcodec.common.model.ColorSpace.YUV422; import static org.jcodec.common.model.ColorSpace.YUV444; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import org.jcodec.codecs.mpeg12.MPEGConst.MBType; import org.jcodec.codecs.mpeg12.bitstream.GOPHeader; import org.jcodec.codecs.mpeg12.bitstream.PictureHeader; import org.jcodec.codecs.mpeg12.bitstream.SequenceDisplayExtension; import org.jcodec.codecs.mpeg12.bitstream.SequenceExtension; import org.jcodec.codecs.mpeg12.bitstream.SequenceHeader; import org.jcodec.codecs.mpeg12.bitstream.SequenceScalableExtension; import org.jcodec.common.Assert; import org.jcodec.common.VideoCodecMeta; import org.jcodec.common.VideoDecoder; import org.jcodec.common.dct.SparseIDCT; import; import; import org.jcodec.common.model.ColorSpace; import org.jcodec.common.model.Picture8Bit; import org.jcodec.common.model.Rect; import org.jcodec.common.model.Size; /** * This class is part of JCodec ( ) This software is distributed * under FreeBSD License * * MPEG 1/2 Decoder * * Supports I/P/B frames, frame/field/interlaced frame encoding * * Conforms to H.262 ( ISO/IEC 13818-2, ISO/IEC 11172-2 ) specifications * * @author The JCodec project * */ public class MPEGDecoder extends VideoDecoder { protected SequenceHeader sh; protected GOPHeader gh; private Picture8Bit[] refFrames; private Picture8Bit[] refFields; public static MPEGDecoder createMpegDecoder(int downscale) { if (downscale == 2) return new Mpeg2Thumb4x4(); else if (downscale == 4) return new Mpeg2Thumb2x2(); else return new MPEGDecoder(); } public MPEGDecoder() { this.refFrames = new Picture8Bit[2]; this.refFields = new Picture8Bit[2]; } public static class Context { int[] intra_dc_predictor; public int mbWidth; int mbNo; public int codedWidth; public int codedHeight; public int mbHeight; public ColorSpace color; public MBType lastPredB; public int[][] qMats; public int[] scan; public int picWidth; public int picHeight; public Context() { this.intra_dc_predictor = new int[3]; } } @Override public Picture8Bit decodeFrame8Bit(ByteBuffer buffer, byte[][] buf) { PictureHeader ph = readHeader(buffer); if (refFrames[0] == null && ph.picture_coding_type > 1 || refFrames[1] == null && ph.picture_coding_type > 2) { throw new RuntimeException( "Not enough references to decode " + (ph.picture_coding_type == 1 ? "P" : "B") + " frame"); } Context context = initContext(sh, ph); Picture8Bit pic = new Picture8Bit(context.codedWidth, context.codedHeight, buf, context.color, new Rect(0, 0, context.picWidth, context.picHeight)); if (ph.pictureCodingExtension != null && ph.pictureCodingExtension.picture_structure != Frame) { decodePicture(context, ph, buffer, buf, ph.pictureCodingExtension.picture_structure - 1, 1); ph = readHeader(buffer); context = initContext(sh, ph); decodePicture(context, ph, buffer, buf, ph.pictureCodingExtension.picture_structure - 1, 1); } else { decodePicture(context, ph, buffer, buf, 0, 0); } if (ph.picture_coding_type == MPEGConst.IntraCoded || ph.picture_coding_type == MPEGConst.PredictiveCoded) { Picture8Bit unused = refFrames[1]; refFrames[1] = refFrames[0]; refFrames[0] = copyAndCreateIfNeeded(pic, unused); } return pic; } private Picture8Bit copyAndCreateIfNeeded(Picture8Bit src, Picture8Bit dst) { if (dst == null || !dst.compatible(src)) { dst = src.createCompatible(); } dst.copyFrom(src); return dst; } private PictureHeader readHeader(ByteBuffer buffer) { PictureHeader ph = null; ByteBuffer segment; ByteBuffer fork = buffer.duplicate(); while ((segment = nextSegment(fork)) != null) { int code = segment.getInt() & 0xff; if (code == SEQUENCE_HEADER_CODE) { SequenceHeader newSh =; if (sh != null) { newSh.copyExtensions(sh); } sh = newSh; } else if (code == GROUP_START_CODE) { gh =; } else if (code == PICTURE_START_CODE) { ph =; } else if (code == EXTENSION_START_CODE) { int extType = segment.get(4) >> 4; if (extType == SequenceExtension.Sequence_Extension || extType == SequenceScalableExtension.Sequence_Scalable_Extension || extType == SequenceDisplayExtension.Sequence_Display_Extension) SequenceHeader.readExtension(segment, sh); else PictureHeader.readExtension(segment, ph, sh); } else if (code == USER_DATA_START_CODE) { // do nothing } else { break; } buffer.position(fork.position()); } return ph; } protected Context initContext(SequenceHeader sh, PictureHeader ph) { Context context = new Context(); context.codedWidth = (sh.horizontal_size + 15) & ~0xf; context.codedHeight = getCodedHeight(sh, ph); context.mbWidth = (sh.horizontal_size + 15) >> 4; context.mbHeight = (sh.vertical_size + 15) >> 4; context.picWidth = sh.horizontal_size; context.picHeight = sh.vertical_size; int chromaFormat = Chroma420; if (sh.sequenceExtension != null) chromaFormat = sh.sequenceExtension.chroma_format; context.color = getColor(chromaFormat); context.scan = MPEGConst.scan[ph.pictureCodingExtension == null ? 0 : ph.pictureCodingExtension.alternate_scan]; int[] inter = sh.non_intra_quantiser_matrix == null ? zigzag(MPEGConst.defaultQMatInter, context.scan) : sh.non_intra_quantiser_matrix; int[] intra = sh.intra_quantiser_matrix == null ? zigzag(MPEGConst.defaultQMatIntra, context.scan) : sh.intra_quantiser_matrix; context.qMats = new int[][] { inter, inter, intra, intra }; if (ph.quantMatrixExtension != null) { if (ph.quantMatrixExtension.non_intra_quantiser_matrix != null) context.qMats[0] = ph.quantMatrixExtension.non_intra_quantiser_matrix; if (ph.quantMatrixExtension.chroma_non_intra_quantiser_matrix != null) context.qMats[1] = ph.quantMatrixExtension.chroma_non_intra_quantiser_matrix; if (ph.quantMatrixExtension.intra_quantiser_matrix != null) context.qMats[2] = ph.quantMatrixExtension.intra_quantiser_matrix; if (ph.quantMatrixExtension.chroma_intra_quantiser_matrix != null) context.qMats[3] = ph.quantMatrixExtension.chroma_intra_quantiser_matrix; } return context; } private int[] zigzag(int[] array, int[] scan) { int[] result = new int[64]; for (int i = 0; i < scan.length; i++) result[i] = array[scan[i]]; return result; } public static int getCodedHeight(SequenceHeader sh, PictureHeader ph) { int field = ph.pictureCodingExtension != null && ph.pictureCodingExtension.picture_structure != Frame ? 1 : 0; return (((sh.vertical_size >> field) + 15) & ~0xf) << field; } public Picture8Bit decodePicture(Context context, PictureHeader ph, ByteBuffer buffer, byte[][] buf, int vertOff, int vertStep) { int planeSize = context.codedWidth * context.codedHeight; if (buf.length < 3 || buf[0].length < planeSize || buf[1].length < planeSize || buf[2].length < planeSize) { throw new RuntimeException("ByteBuffer too small to hold output picture [" + context.codedWidth + "x" + context.codedHeight + "]"); } try { ByteBuffer segment; while ((segment = nextSegment(buffer)) != null) { int startCode = segment.get(3) & 0xff; if (startCode >= SLICE_START_CODE_FIRST && startCode <= SLICE_START_CODE_LAST) { doDecodeSlice(context, ph, buf, vertOff, vertStep, segment); } else if (startCode >= 0xB3 && startCode != 0xB6 && startCode != 0xB7) { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected start code " + startCode); } else if (startCode == 0x0) { buffer.reset(); break; } } Picture8Bit pic = Picture8Bit.createPicture8Bit(context.codedWidth, context.codedHeight, buf, context.color); if ((ph.picture_coding_type == MPEGConst.IntraCoded || ph.picture_coding_type == MPEGConst.PredictiveCoded) && ph.pictureCodingExtension != null && ph.pictureCodingExtension.picture_structure != Frame) { refFields[ph.pictureCodingExtension.picture_structure - 1] = copyAndCreateIfNeeded(pic, refFields[ph.pictureCodingExtension.picture_structure - 1]); } return pic; } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } private void doDecodeSlice(Context context, PictureHeader ph, byte[][] buf, int vertOff, int vertStep, ByteBuffer segment) throws IOException { int startCode = segment.get(3) & 0xff; ByteBuffer dup = segment.duplicate(); dup.position(4); try { decodeSlice(ph, startCode, context, buf, BitReader.createBitReader(dup), vertOff, vertStep); } catch (RuntimeException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private ColorSpace getColor(int chromaFormat) { switch (chromaFormat) { case Chroma420: return YUV420; case Chroma422: return YUV422; case Chroma444: return YUV444; } return null; } public void decodeSlice(PictureHeader ph, int verticalPos, Context context, byte[][] buf, BitReader _in, int vertOff, int vertStep) throws IOException { int stride = context.codedWidth; resetDCPredictors(context, ph); int mbRow = verticalPos - 1; if (sh.vertical_size > 2800) { mbRow += (_in.readNBit(3) << 7); } if (sh.sequenceScalableExtension != null && sh.sequenceScalableExtension.scalable_mode == SequenceScalableExtension.DATA_PARTITIONING) { int priorityBreakpoint = _in.readNBit(7); } int qScaleCode = _in.readNBit(5); if (_in.read1Bit() == 1) { int intraSlice = _in.read1Bit(); _in.skip(7); while (_in.read1Bit() == 1) _in.readNBit(8); } MPEGPred pred = new MPEGPred( ph.pictureCodingExtension != null ? ph.pictureCodingExtension.f_code : new int[][] { new int[] { ph.forward_f_code, ph.forward_f_code }, new int[] { ph.backward_f_code, ph.backward_f_code } }, sh.sequenceExtension != null ? sh.sequenceExtension.chroma_format : Chroma420, ph.pictureCodingExtension != null && ph.pictureCodingExtension.top_field_first == 0 ? false : true); int[] ctx = new int[] { qScaleCode }; for (int prevAddr = mbRow * context.mbWidth - 1; _in.checkNBit(23) != 0;) { // TODO: decode skipped!!! prevAddr = decodeMacroblock(ph, context, prevAddr, ctx, buf, stride, _in, vertOff, vertStep, pred); context.mbNo++; } } private void resetDCPredictors(Context context, PictureHeader ph) { int rval = 1 << 7; if (ph.pictureCodingExtension != null) rval = 1 << (7 + ph.pictureCodingExtension.intra_dc_precision); context.intra_dc_predictor[0] = context.intra_dc_predictor[1] = context.intra_dc_predictor[2] = rval; } public int decodeMacroblock(PictureHeader ph, Context context, int prevAddr, int[] qScaleCode, byte[][] buf, int stride, BitReader bits, int vertOff, int vertStep, MPEGPred pred) { int mbAddr = prevAddr; while (bits.checkNBit(11) == 0x8) { bits.skip(11); mbAddr += 33; } mbAddr += vlcAddressIncrement.readVLC(bits) + 1; int chromaFormat = Chroma420; if (sh.sequenceExtension != null) chromaFormat = sh.sequenceExtension.chroma_format; for (int i = prevAddr + 1; i < mbAddr; i++) { int[][] predFwd = new int[][] { new int[256], new int[1 << (chromaFormat + 5)], new int[1 << (chromaFormat + 5)] }; int mbX = i % context.mbWidth; int mbY = i / context.mbWidth; if (ph.picture_coding_type == MPEGConst.PredictiveCoded) pred.reset(); mvZero(context, ph, pred, mbX, mbY, predFwd); put(predFwd, buf, stride, chromaFormat, mbX, mbY, context.codedWidth, context.codedHeight >> vertStep, vertOff, vertStep); } VLC vlcMBType = SequenceScalableExtension.vlcMBType(ph.picture_coding_type, sh.sequenceScalableExtension); MBType[] mbTypeVal = SequenceScalableExtension.mbTypeVal(ph.picture_coding_type, sh.sequenceScalableExtension); MBType mbType = mbTypeVal[vlcMBType.readVLC(bits)]; if (mbType.macroblock_intra != 1 || (mbAddr - prevAddr) > 1) { resetDCPredictors(context, ph); } int spatial_temporal_weight_code = 0; if (mbType.spatial_temporal_weight_code_flag == 1 && ph.pictureSpatialScalableExtension != null && ph.pictureSpatialScalableExtension.spatial_temporal_weight_code_table_index != 0) { spatial_temporal_weight_code = bits.readNBit(2); } int motion_type = -1; if (mbType.macroblock_motion_forward != 0 || mbType.macroblock_motion_backward != 0) { if (ph.pictureCodingExtension == null || ph.pictureCodingExtension.picture_structure == Frame && ph.pictureCodingExtension.frame_pred_frame_dct == 1) motion_type = 2; else motion_type = bits.readNBit(2); } int dctType = 0; if (ph.pictureCodingExtension != null && ph.pictureCodingExtension.picture_structure == Frame && ph.pictureCodingExtension.frame_pred_frame_dct == 0 && (mbType.macroblock_intra != 0 || mbType.macroblock_pattern != 0)) { dctType = bits.read1Bit(); } // buf[3][mbAddr] = dctType; if (mbType.macroblock_quant != 0) { qScaleCode[0] = bits.readNBit(5); } boolean concealmentMv = ph.pictureCodingExtension != null && ph.pictureCodingExtension.concealment_motion_vectors != 0; int[][] predFwd = null; int mbX = mbAddr % context.mbWidth; int mbY = mbAddr / context.mbWidth; if (mbType.macroblock_intra == 1) { if (concealmentMv) { // TODO read consealment vectors } else pred.reset(); } else if (mbType.macroblock_motion_forward != 0) { int refIdx = ph.picture_coding_type == MPEGConst.PredictiveCoded ? 0 : 1; predFwd = new int[][] { new int[256], new int[1 << (chromaFormat + 5)], new int[1 << (chromaFormat + 5)] }; if (ph.pictureCodingExtension == null || ph.pictureCodingExtension.picture_structure == Frame) { pred.predictInFrame(refFrames[refIdx], mbX << 4, mbY << 4, predFwd, bits, motion_type, 0, spatial_temporal_weight_code); } else { if (ph.picture_coding_type == MPEGConst.PredictiveCoded) { pred.predictInField(refFields, mbX << 4, mbY << 4, predFwd, bits, motion_type, 0, ph.pictureCodingExtension.picture_structure - 1); } else { pred.predictInField(new Picture8Bit[] { refFrames[refIdx], refFrames[refIdx] }, mbX << 4, mbY << 4, predFwd, bits, motion_type, 0, ph.pictureCodingExtension.picture_structure - 1); } } } else if (ph.picture_coding_type == MPEGConst.PredictiveCoded) { predFwd = new int[][] { new int[256], new int[1 << (chromaFormat + 5)], new int[1 << (chromaFormat + 5)] }; pred.reset(); mvZero(context, ph, pred, mbX, mbY, predFwd); } int[][] predBack = null; if (mbType.macroblock_motion_backward != 0) { predBack = new int[][] { new int[256], new int[1 << (chromaFormat + 5)], new int[1 << (chromaFormat + 5)] }; if (ph.pictureCodingExtension == null || ph.pictureCodingExtension.picture_structure == Frame) { pred.predictInFrame(refFrames[0], mbX << 4, mbY << 4, predBack, bits, motion_type, 1, spatial_temporal_weight_code); } else { pred.predictInField(new Picture8Bit[] { refFrames[0], refFrames[0] }, mbX << 4, mbY << 4, predBack, bits, motion_type, 1, ph.pictureCodingExtension.picture_structure - 1); } } context.lastPredB = mbType; int[][] pp = mbType.macroblock_intra == 1 ? new int[][] { new int[256], new int[1 << (chromaFormat + 5)], new int[1 << (chromaFormat + 5)] } : buildPred(predFwd, predBack); if (mbType.macroblock_intra != 0 && concealmentMv) Assert.assertEquals(1, bits.read1Bit()); // Marker int cbp = mbType.macroblock_intra == 1 ? 0xfff : 0; if (mbType.macroblock_pattern != 0) { cbp = readCbPattern(bits); } VLC vlcCoeff = vlcCoeff0; if (ph.pictureCodingExtension != null && mbType.macroblock_intra == 1 && ph.pictureCodingExtension.intra_vlc_format == 1) vlcCoeff = vlcCoeff1; int[] qScaleTab = ph.pictureCodingExtension != null && ph.pictureCodingExtension.q_scale_type == 1 ? MPEGConst.qScaleTab2 : MPEGConst.qScaleTab1; int qScale = qScaleTab[qScaleCode[0]]; int intra_dc_mult = 8; if (ph.pictureCodingExtension != null) intra_dc_mult = 8 >> ph.pictureCodingExtension.intra_dc_precision; int blkCount = 6 + (chromaFormat == Chroma420 ? 0 : (chromaFormat == Chroma422 ? 2 : 6)); int[] block = new int[64]; // System.out.print(mbAddr + ": "); for (int i = 0, cbpMask = 1 << (blkCount - 1); i < blkCount; i++, cbpMask >>= 1) { if ((cbp & cbpMask) == 0) continue; int[] qmat = context.qMats[(i >= 4 ? 1 : 0) + (mbType.macroblock_intra << 1)]; if (mbType.macroblock_intra == 1) blockIntra(bits, vlcCoeff, block, context.intra_dc_predictor, i, context.scan, sh.hasExtensions() || ph.hasExtensions() ? 12 : 8, intra_dc_mult, qScale, qmat); else blockInter(bits, vlcCoeff, block, context.scan, sh.hasExtensions() || ph.hasExtensions() ? 12 : 8, qScale, qmat); mapBlock(block, pp[BLOCK_TO_CC[i]], i, dctType, chromaFormat); } put(pp, buf, stride, chromaFormat, mbX, mbY, context.codedWidth, context.codedHeight >> vertStep, vertOff, vertStep); return mbAddr; } protected void mapBlock(int[] block, int[] out, int blkIdx, int dctType, int chromaFormat) { int stepVert = chromaFormat == Chroma420 && (blkIdx == 4 || blkIdx == 5) ? 0 : dctType; int log2stride = blkIdx < 4 ? 4 : 4 - SQUEEZE_X[chromaFormat]; int blkIdxExt = blkIdx + (dctType << 4); int x = MPEGConst.BLOCK_POS_X[blkIdxExt]; int y = MPEGConst.BLOCK_POS_Y[blkIdxExt]; int off = (y << log2stride) + x, stride = 1 << (log2stride + stepVert); for (int i = 0, coeff = 0; i < 8; i++, coeff += 8) { out[off] += block[coeff]; out[off + 1] += block[coeff + 1]; out[off + 2] += block[coeff + 2]; out[off + 3] += block[coeff + 3]; out[off + 4] += block[coeff + 4]; out[off + 5] += block[coeff + 5]; out[off + 6] += block[coeff + 6]; out[off + 7] += block[coeff + 7]; off += stride; } } private static final int[][] buildPred(int[][] predFwd, int[][] predBack) { if (predFwd != null && predBack != null) { avgPred(predFwd, predBack); return predFwd; } else if (predFwd != null) return predFwd; else if (predBack != null) return predBack; else throw new RuntimeException("Omited pred _in B-frames --> invalid"); } private static final void avgPred(int[][] predFwd, int[][] predBack) { for (int i = 0; i < predFwd.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < predFwd[i].length; j += 4) { predFwd[i][j] = (predFwd[i][j] + predBack[i][j] + 1) >> 1; predFwd[i][j + 1] = (predFwd[i][j + 1] + predBack[i][j + 1] + 1) >> 1; predFwd[i][j + 2] = (predFwd[i][j + 2] + predBack[i][j + 2] + 1) >> 1; predFwd[i][j + 3] = (predFwd[i][j + 3] + predBack[i][j + 3] + 1) >> 1; } } } private void mvZero(Context context, PictureHeader ph, MPEGPred pred, int mbX, int mbY, int[][] mbPix) { if (ph.picture_coding_type == MPEGConst.PredictiveCoded) { pred.predict16x16NoMV(refFrames[0], mbX << 4, mbY << 4, ph.pictureCodingExtension == null ? Frame : ph.pictureCodingExtension.picture_structure, 0, mbPix); } else { int[][] pp = mbPix; if (context.lastPredB.macroblock_motion_backward == 1) { pred.predict16x16NoMV(refFrames[0], mbX << 4, mbY << 4, ph.pictureCodingExtension == null ? Frame : ph.pictureCodingExtension.picture_structure, 1, pp); pp = new int[][] { new int[mbPix[0].length], new int[mbPix[1].length], new int[mbPix[2].length] }; } if (context.lastPredB.macroblock_motion_forward == 1) { pred.predict16x16NoMV(refFrames[1], mbX << 4, mbY << 4, ph.pictureCodingExtension == null ? Frame : ph.pictureCodingExtension.picture_structure, 0, pp); if (mbPix != pp) avgPred(mbPix, pp); } } } protected void put(int[][] mbPix, byte[][] buf, int stride, int chromaFormat, int mbX, int mbY, int width, int height, int vertOff, int vertStep) { int chromaStride = (stride + (1 << SQUEEZE_X[chromaFormat]) - 1) >> SQUEEZE_X[chromaFormat]; int chromaMBW = 4 - SQUEEZE_X[chromaFormat]; int chromaMBH = 4 - SQUEEZE_Y[chromaFormat]; putSub(buf[0], (mbY << 4) * (stride << vertStep) + vertOff * stride + (mbX << 4), stride << vertStep, mbPix[0], 4, 4); putSub(buf[1], (mbY << chromaMBH) * (chromaStride << vertStep) + vertOff * chromaStride + (mbX << chromaMBW), chromaStride << vertStep, mbPix[1], chromaMBW, chromaMBH); putSub(buf[2], (mbY << chromaMBH) * (chromaStride << vertStep) + vertOff * chromaStride + (mbX << chromaMBW), chromaStride << vertStep, mbPix[2], chromaMBW, chromaMBH); } protected void putSub(byte[] big, int off, int stride, int[] block, int mbW, int mbH) { int blOff = 0; if (mbW == 3) { for (int i = 0; i < (1 << mbH); i++) { big[off] = clipTo8Bit(block[blOff]); big[off + 1] = clipTo8Bit(block[blOff + 1]); big[off + 2] = clipTo8Bit(block[blOff + 2]); big[off + 3] = clipTo8Bit(block[blOff + 3]); big[off + 4] = clipTo8Bit(block[blOff + 4]); big[off + 5] = clipTo8Bit(block[blOff + 5]); big[off + 6] = clipTo8Bit(block[blOff + 6]); big[off + 7] = clipTo8Bit(block[blOff + 7]); blOff += 8; off += stride; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < (1 << mbH); i++) { big[off] = clipTo8Bit(block[blOff]); big[off + 1] = clipTo8Bit(block[blOff + 1]); big[off + 2] = clipTo8Bit(block[blOff + 2]); big[off + 3] = clipTo8Bit(block[blOff + 3]); big[off + 4] = clipTo8Bit(block[blOff + 4]); big[off + 5] = clipTo8Bit(block[blOff + 5]); big[off + 6] = clipTo8Bit(block[blOff + 6]); big[off + 7] = clipTo8Bit(block[blOff + 7]); big[off + 8] = clipTo8Bit(block[blOff + 8]); big[off + 9] = clipTo8Bit(block[blOff + 9]); big[off + 10] = clipTo8Bit(block[blOff + 10]); big[off + 11] = clipTo8Bit(block[blOff + 11]); big[off + 12] = clipTo8Bit(block[blOff + 12]); big[off + 13] = clipTo8Bit(block[blOff + 13]); big[off + 14] = clipTo8Bit(block[blOff + 14]); big[off + 15] = clipTo8Bit(block[blOff + 15]); blOff += 16; off += stride; } } } protected static final byte clipTo8Bit(int val) { return (byte) ((val < 0 ? 0 : (val > 255 ? 255 : val)) - 128); } protected static final int clip(int val) { return val < 0 ? 0 : (val > 255 ? 255 : val); } protected static final int quantInter(int level, int quant) { return (((level << 1) + 1) * quant) >> 5; } protected static final int quantInterSigned(int level, int quant) { return level >= 0 ? quantInter(level, quant) : -quantInter(-level, quant); } protected void blockIntra(BitReader bits, VLC vlcCoeff, int[] block, int[] intra_dc_predictor, int blkIdx, int[] scan, int escSize, int intra_dc_mult, int qScale, int[] qmat) { int cc = BLOCK_TO_CC[blkIdx]; int size = (cc == 0 ? vlcDCSizeLuma : vlcDCSizeChroma).readVLC(bits); int delta = (size != 0) ? mpegSigned(bits, size) : 0; intra_dc_predictor[cc] = intra_dc_predictor[cc] + delta; int dc = intra_dc_predictor[cc] * intra_dc_mult; SparseIDCT.start(block, dc); for (int idx = 0; idx < 64;) { int readVLC = vlcCoeff.readVLC(bits); int level; if (readVLC == MPEGConst.CODE_END) { break; } else if (readVLC == MPEGConst.CODE_ESCAPE) { idx += bits.readNBit(6) + 1; level = twosSigned(bits, escSize) * qScale * qmat[idx]; level = level >= 0 ? (level >> 4) : -(-level >> 4); } else { idx += (readVLC >> 6) + 1; level = toSigned(((readVLC & 0x3f) * qScale * qmat[idx]) >> 4, bits.read1Bit()); } SparseIDCT.coeff(block, scan[idx], level); } SparseIDCT.finish(block); } protected void blockInter(BitReader bits, VLC vlcCoeff, int[] block, int[] scan, int escSize, int qScale, int[] qmat) { // System.out.println(); int idx = -1; if (vlcCoeff == vlcCoeff0 && bits.checkNBit(1) == 1) { bits.read1Bit(); int dc = toSigned(quantInter(1, qScale * qmat[0]), bits.read1Bit()); SparseIDCT.start(block, dc); idx++; } else { SparseIDCT.start(block, 0); } for (; idx < 64;) { int readVLC = vlcCoeff.readVLC(bits); int ac; if (readVLC == MPEGConst.CODE_END) { break; } else if (readVLC == MPEGConst.CODE_ESCAPE) { idx += bits.readNBit(6) + 1; ac = quantInterSigned(twosSigned(bits, escSize), qScale * qmat[idx]); } else { idx += (readVLC >> 6) + 1; ac = toSigned(quantInter(readVLC & 0x3f, qScale * qmat[idx]), bits.read1Bit()); } SparseIDCT.coeff(block, scan[idx], ac); // System.out.print(ac + ","); } SparseIDCT.finish(block); } public static final int twosSigned(BitReader bits, int size) { int shift = 32 - size; return (bits.readNBit(size) << shift) >> shift; } public static final int mpegSigned(BitReader bits, int size) { int val = bits.readNBit(size); int sign = (val >>> (size - 1)) ^ 0x1; return val + sign - (sign << size); } public static final int toSigned(int val, int s) { int sign = (s << 31) >> 31; return (val ^ sign) - sign; } private final int readCbPattern(BitReader bits) { int cbp420 = vlcCBP.readVLC(bits); if (sh.sequenceExtension == null || sh.sequenceExtension.chroma_format == SequenceExtension.Chroma420) return cbp420; else if (sh.sequenceExtension.chroma_format == SequenceExtension.Chroma422) return (cbp420 << 2) | bits.readNBit(2); else if (sh.sequenceExtension.chroma_format == SequenceExtension.Chroma444) return (cbp420 << 6) | bits.readNBit(6); throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported chroma format: " + sh.sequenceExtension.chroma_format); } public static int probe(ByteBuffer data) { data = data.duplicate(); data.order(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (gotoNextMarker(data) == null) break; if (!data.hasRemaining()) break; int marker = data.getInt(); if (marker == 0x100 || (marker >= 0x1b0 && marker <= 0x1b8)) return 50 - i * 10; else if (marker > 0x100 && marker < 0x1b0) return 20 - i * 10; } return 0; } private static ByteBuffer getSequenceHeader(ByteBuffer data) { ByteBuffer segment = nextSegment(data); while (segment != null) { int marker = segment.getInt(); if (marker == (0x100 | SEQUENCE_HEADER_CODE)) { return segment; } segment = nextSegment(data); } return null; } private static ByteBuffer getRawPictureHeader(ByteBuffer data) { ByteBuffer segment = nextSegment(data); while (segment != null) { int marker = segment.getInt(); if (marker == (0x100 | PICTURE_START_CODE)) { return segment; } segment = nextSegment(data); } return null; } public static int getSequenceNumber(ByteBuffer data) { PictureHeader ph = getPictureHeader(data); if(ph == null) return -1; return ph.temporal_reference; } public static PictureHeader getPictureHeader(ByteBuffer data) { ByteBuffer bb = getRawPictureHeader(data); if(bb == null) return null; PictureHeader ph =; return ph; } @Override public VideoCodecMeta getCodecMeta(ByteBuffer data) { ByteBuffer codecPrivate = getSequenceHeader(data.duplicate()); SequenceHeader sh =; return new VideoCodecMeta(new Size(sh.horizontal_size, sh.vertical_size), ColorSpace.YUV420); } }