/* * File : GroupReport.java * Created : 11-feb-2003 15:33 * By : fbusquets * * JClic - Authoring and playing system for educational activities * * Copyright (C) 2000 - 2005 Francesc Busquets & Departament * d'Educacio de la Generalitat de Catalunya * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details (see the LICENSE file). */ package edu.xtec.jclic.report.rp; import edu.xtec.jclic.report.SessionData; import java.util.List; import java.util.ResourceBundle; /** * * @author Francesc Busquets (fbusquets@xtec.cat) * @version 13.09.17 */ public class GroupReport extends Report{ public static String TITLE="group_report_title"; public static String URL="groupReport"; List<SessionData> sessionList; public String getTitle(ResourceBundle bundle){ return bundle.getString(TITLE); } public String getUrl(){ return URL; } @Override public boolean init() throws Exception{ type=GRP; if(!super.init()) return false; projects=bridge.getProjListGrup(groupId, dm.dFrom, dm.dTo, kcc); sessionList=getSessionList(); /* if(session==null && sessionList!=null && sessionList.size()>0){ session=new Object[sessionList.size()]; for(int i=0; i<sessionList.size(); i++) session[i]=FALSE; } */ return true; } @Override public void body(java.io.PrintWriter out) throws Exception{ super.body(out); StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder(3000); sb.append("<div class=\"inputForm\">\n"); zona(sb, "report_group", GROUP, true, opcioDefecte, vectorToArray(groups, true), groupId, isEditable, 180); zona(sb, "report_project", PROJECT, true, opcioDefecte, vectorToArray(projects, false, WILDCARD, "report_all_projects"), projectName, isEditable, 180); sb.append("</div>\n"); zonaParams(sb); sb.append("<div class=\"inputForm\">\n"); zonaData(sb); sb.append("</div>\n"); sb.append("</form>\n"); sb.append("<br clear=\"all\">\n"); sb.append("<p>\n"); if(sessionList.isEmpty()){ sb.append(getMsg("report_no_data")).append("\n</p>\n"); } else{ grafic(sb, Img.GROUP_GRAPH, false, true); sb.append("\n"); grafic(sb, Img.GROUP_GRAPH, true, true); sb.append("\n</p>\n"); resumGlobal(sb, sessionList, "tblA", "float: left; margin-right: 10px;"); llistaSessions(sb, sessionList, false, "tblA", null); } out.println(sb.substring(0)); } }