/* * ICOEncoder.java * * Created on 12 May 2006, 04:08 * * To change this template, choose Tools | Template Manager * and open the template in the editor. * * */ package net.sf.image4j.codec.ico; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.awt.image.IndexColorModel; import java.awt.image.Raster; import java.awt.image.WritableRaster; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.List; import javax.imageio.ImageWriter; import net.sf.image4j.codec.bmp.BMPEncoder; import net.sf.image4j.codec.bmp.InfoHeader; import net.sf.image4j.io.LittleEndianOutputStream; import net.sf.image4j.util.ConvertUtil; /** * Encodes images in ICO format. * @author Ian McDonagh */ public class ICOEncoder { /** Creates a new instance of ICOEncoder */ private ICOEncoder() { } /** * Encodes and writes a single image to file without colour depth conversion. * @param image the source image to encode * @param file the output file to which the encoded image will be written * @throws java.io.IOException if an exception occurs */ public static void write(BufferedImage image, java.io.File file) throws IOException { write(image, -1, file); } /** * Encodes and writes a single image without colour depth conversion. * @param image the source image to encode * @param os the output to which the encoded image will be written * @throws java.io.IOException if an exception occurs */ public static void write(BufferedImage image, java.io.OutputStream os) throws IOException { write(image, -1, os); } /** * Encodes and writes multiple images without colour depth conversion. * @param images the list of source images to be encoded * @param os the output to which the encoded image will be written * @throws java.io.IOException if an error occurs */ public static void write(List<BufferedImage> images, java.io.OutputStream os) throws IOException { write(images, null, null, os); } /** * Encodes and writes multiple images to file without colour depth conversion. * @param images the list of source images to encode * @param file the file to which the encoded images will be written * @throws java.io.IOException if an exception occurs */ public static void write(List<BufferedImage> images, java.io.File file) throws IOException { write(images, null, file); } /** * Encodes and writes multiple images to file with the colour depth conversion using the specified values. * @param images the list of source images to encode * @param bpp array containing desired colour depths for colour depth conversion * @param file the output file to which the encoded images will be written * @throws java.io.IOException if an error occurs */ public static void write(List<BufferedImage> images, int[] bpp, java.io.File file) throws IOException { write(images, bpp, new java.io.FileOutputStream(file)); } /** * Encodes and outputs a list of images in ICO format. The first image in the list will be at index #0 in the ICO file, the second at index #1, and so on. * @param images List of images to encode, which will be output in the order supplied in the list. * @param bpp Array containing the color depth (bits per pixel) for encoding the corresponding image at each index in the <tt>images</tt> list. If the array is <tt>null</tt>, no colour depth conversion will be performed. A colour depth value of <tt>-1</tt> at a particular index indicates that no colour depth conversion should be performed for that image. * @param compress Array containing the compression flag for the corresponding image at each index in the <tt>images</tt> list. If the array is <tt>null</tt>, no compression will be peformed. A value of <tt>true</tt> specifies that compression should be performed, while a value of <tt>false</tt> specifies that no compression should be performed. * @param file the file to which the encoded images will be written. * @throws java.io.IOException if an error occurred. * @since 0.6 */ public static void write(List<BufferedImage> images, int[] bpp, boolean[] compress, java.io.File file) throws IOException { write(images, bpp, compress, new java.io.FileOutputStream(file)); } /** * Encodes and writes a single image to file with colour depth conversion using the specified value. * @param image the source image to encode * @param bpp the colour depth (bits per pixel) for the colour depth conversion, or <tt>-1</tt> if no colour depth conversion should be performed * @param file the output file to which the encoded image will be written * @throws java.io.IOException if an error occurs */ public static void write(BufferedImage image, int bpp, java.io.File file) throws IOException { write(image, bpp, new java.io.FileOutputStream(file)); } /** * Encodes and outputs a single image in ICO format. * Convenience method, which calls {@link #write(java.util.List,int[],java.io.OutputStream) write(java.util.List,int[],java.io.OutputStream)}. * @param image The image to encode. * @param bpp Colour depth (in bits per pixel) for the colour depth conversion, or <tt>-1</tt> if no colour depth conversion should be performed. * @param os The output to which the encoded image will be written. * @throws java.io.IOException if an error occurs when trying to write the output. */ public static void write(BufferedImage image, int bpp, java.io.OutputStream os) throws IOException { List<BufferedImage> list = new java.util.ArrayList<BufferedImage>(1); list.add(image); write(list, new int[] { bpp }, new boolean[] { false }, os); } /** * Encodes and outputs a list of images in ICO format. The first image in the list will be at index #0 in the ICO file, the second at index #1, and so on. * @param images List of images to encode, which will be output in the order supplied in the list. * @param bpp Array containing the color depth (bits per pixel) for encoding the corresponding image at each index in the <tt>images</tt> list. If the array is <tt>null</tt>, no colour depth conversion will be performed. A colour depth value of <tt>-1</tt> at a particular index indicates that no colour depth conversion should be performed for that image. * @param os The output to which the encoded images will be written. * @throws java.io.IOException if an error occurred. */ public static void write(List<BufferedImage> images, int[] bpp, java.io.OutputStream os) throws IOException { write(images, bpp, null, os); } /** * Encodes and outputs a list of images in ICO format. The first image in the list will be at index #0 in the ICO file, the second at index #1, and so on. * @param images List of images to encode, which will be output in the order supplied in the list. * @param bpp Array containing the color depth (bits per pixel) for encoding the corresponding image at each index in the <tt>images</tt> list. If the array is <tt>null</tt>, no colour depth conversion will be performed. A colour depth value of <tt>-1</tt> at a particular index indicates that no colour depth conversion should be performed for that image. * @param compress Array containing the compression flag for the corresponding image at each index in the <tt>images</tt> list. If the array is <tt>null</tt>, no compression will be peformed. A value of <tt>true</tt> specifies that compression should be performed, while a value of <tt>false</tt> specifies that no compression should be performed. * @param os The output to which the encoded images will be written. * @throws java.io.IOException if an error occurred. * @since 0.6 */ public static void write(List<BufferedImage> images, int[] bpp, boolean[] compress, java.io.OutputStream os) throws IOException { LittleEndianOutputStream out = new LittleEndianOutputStream(os); int count = images.size(); //file header 6 writeFileHeader(count, ICOConstants.TYPE_ICON, out); //file offset where images start int fileOffset = 6 + count * 16; List<InfoHeader> infoHeaders = new java.util.ArrayList<InfoHeader>(count); List<BufferedImage> converted = new java.util.ArrayList<BufferedImage>(count); List<byte[]> compressedImages = null; if (compress != null) { compressedImages = new java.util.ArrayList<byte[]>(count); } javax.imageio.ImageWriter pngWriter = null; //icon entries 16 * count for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { BufferedImage img = (BufferedImage)images.get(i); int b = bpp == null ? -1 : bpp[i]; //convert image BufferedImage imgc = b == -1 ? img : convert(img, b); converted.add(imgc); //create info header InfoHeader ih = BMPEncoder.createInfoHeader(imgc); //create icon entry IconEntry e = createIconEntry(ih); if (compress != null && compressedImages!=null) { if (compress[i]) { if (pngWriter == null) { pngWriter = getPNGImageWriter(); } byte[] compressedImage = encodePNG(pngWriter, imgc); compressedImages.add(compressedImage); e.iSizeInBytes = compressedImage.length; } else { compressedImages.add(null); } } ih.iHeight *= 2; e.iFileOffset = fileOffset; fileOffset += e.iSizeInBytes; e.write(out); infoHeaders.add(ih); } //images for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { BufferedImage img = (BufferedImage)images.get(i); BufferedImage imgc = (BufferedImage)converted.get(i); if (compress == null || !compress[i]) { //info header InfoHeader ih = (InfoHeader)infoHeaders.get(i); ih.write(out); //color map if (ih.sBitCount <= 8) { IndexColorModel icm = (IndexColorModel) imgc.getColorModel(); BMPEncoder.writeColorMap(icm, out); } //xor bitmap writeXorBitmap(imgc, ih, out); //and bitmap writeAndBitmap(img, out); } else if(compressedImages!=null){ byte[] compressedImage = compressedImages.get(i); out.write(compressedImage); } //javax.imageio.ImageIO.write(imgc, "png", new java.io.File("test_"+i+".png")); } } /** * Writes the ICO file header for an ICO containing the given number of images. * @param count the number of images in the ICO * @param type one of {@link net.sf.image4j.codec.ico.ICOConstants#TYPE_ICON TYPE_ICON} or * {@link net.sf.image4j.codec.ico.ICOConstants#TYPE_CURSOR TYPE_CURSOR} * @param out the output to which the file header will be written * @throws java.io.IOException if an error occurs */ public static void writeFileHeader(int count, int type, LittleEndianOutputStream out) throws IOException { //reserved 2 out.writeShortLE((short) 0); //type 2 out.writeShortLE((short) type); //count 2 out.writeShortLE((short) count); } /** * Constructs an <tt>IconEntry</tt> from the given <tt>InfoHeader</tt> * structure. * @param ih the <tt>InfoHeader</tt> structure from which to construct the <tt>IconEntry</tt> structure. * @return the <tt>IconEntry</tt> structure constructed from the <tt>IconEntry</tt> structure. */ public static IconEntry createIconEntry(InfoHeader ih) { IconEntry ret = new IconEntry(); //width 1 ret.bWidth = ih.iWidth == 256 ? 0 : ih.iWidth; //height 1 ret.bHeight = ih.iHeight == 256 ? 0 : ih.iHeight; //color count 1 ret.bColorCount = ih.iNumColors >= 256 ? 0 : ih.iNumColors; //reserved 1 ret.bReserved = 0; //planes 2 = 1 ret.sPlanes = 1; //bit count 2 ret.sBitCount = ih.sBitCount; //sizeInBytes 4 - size of infoHeader + xor bitmap + and bitbmap int cmapSize = BMPEncoder.getColorMapSize(ih.sBitCount); int xorSize = BMPEncoder.getBitmapSize(ih.iWidth, ih.iHeight, ih.sBitCount); int andSize = BMPEncoder.getBitmapSize(ih.iWidth, ih.iHeight, 1); int size = ih.iSize + cmapSize + xorSize + andSize; ret.iSizeInBytes = size; //fileOffset 4 ret.iFileOffset = 0; return ret; } /** * Encodes the <em>AND</em> bitmap for the given image according the its alpha channel (transparency) and writes it to the given output. * @param img the image to encode as the <em>AND</em> bitmap. * @param out the output to which the <em>AND</em> bitmap will be written * @throws java.io.IOException if an error occurs. */ public static void writeAndBitmap(BufferedImage img, net.sf.image4j.io.LittleEndianOutputStream out) throws IOException { WritableRaster alpha = img.getAlphaRaster(); //indexed transparency (eg. GIF files) if (img.getColorModel() instanceof IndexColorModel && img.getColorModel().hasAlpha()) { int w = img.getWidth(); int h = img.getHeight(); int bytesPerLine = BMPEncoder.getBytesPerLine1(w); byte[] line = new byte[bytesPerLine]; IndexColorModel icm = (IndexColorModel) img.getColorModel(); Raster raster = img.getRaster(); for (int y = h - 1; y >= 0; y--) { for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) { int bi = x / 8; int i = x % 8; //int a = alpha.getSample(x, y, 0); int p = raster.getSample(x, y, 0); int a = icm.getAlpha(p); //invert bit since and mask is applied to xor mask int b = ~a & 1; line[bi] = setBit(line[bi], i, b); } out.write(line); } } //no transparency else if (alpha == null) { int h = img.getHeight(); int w = img.getWidth(); //calculate number of bytes per line, including 32-bit padding int bytesPerLine = BMPEncoder.getBytesPerLine1(w); byte[] line = new byte[bytesPerLine]; for (int i = 0; i < bytesPerLine; i++) { line[i] = (byte) 0; } for (int y = h - 1; y >= 0; y--) { out.write(line); } } //transparency (ARGB, etc. eg. PNG) else { //BMPEncoder.write1(alpha, cmap, out); int w = img.getWidth(); int h = img.getHeight(); int bytesPerLine = BMPEncoder.getBytesPerLine1(w); byte[] line = new byte[bytesPerLine]; for (int y = h - 1; y >= 0; y--) { for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) { int bi = x / 8; int i = x % 8; int a = alpha.getSample(x, y, 0); //invert bit since and mask is applied to xor mask int b = ~a & 1; line[bi] = setBit(line[bi], i, b); } out.write(line); } } } private static byte setBit(byte bits, int index, int bit) { int mask = 1 << (7 - index); bits &= ~mask; bits |= bit << (7 - index); return bits; } private static void writeXorBitmap(BufferedImage img, InfoHeader ih, LittleEndianOutputStream out) throws IOException { Raster raster = img.getRaster(); switch (ih.sBitCount) { case 1: BMPEncoder.write1(raster, out); break; case 4: BMPEncoder.write4(raster, out); break; case 8: BMPEncoder.write8(raster, out); break; case 24: BMPEncoder.write24(raster, out); break; case 32: Raster alpha = img.getAlphaRaster(); BMPEncoder.write32(raster, alpha, out); break; } } /** * Utility method, which converts the given image to the specified colour depth. * @param img the image to convert. * @param bpp the target colour depth (bits per pixel) for the conversion. * @return the given image converted to the specified colour depth. */ public static BufferedImage convert(BufferedImage img, int bpp) { BufferedImage ret = null; switch (bpp) { case 1: ret = ConvertUtil.convert1(img); break; case 4: ret = ConvertUtil.convert4(img); break; case 8: ret = ConvertUtil.convert8(img); break; case 24: int b = img.getColorModel().getPixelSize(); if (b == 24 || b == 32) { ret = img; } else { ret = ConvertUtil.convert24(img); } break; case 32: int b2 = img.getColorModel().getPixelSize(); if (b2 == 24 || b2 == 32) { ret = img; } else { ret = ConvertUtil.convert32(img); } break; } return ret; } /** * @since 0.6 */ private static javax.imageio.ImageWriter getPNGImageWriter() { javax.imageio.ImageWriter ret = null; java.util.Iterator itr = javax.imageio.ImageIO.getImageWritersByFormatName("png"); if (itr.hasNext()) { ret = (javax.imageio.ImageWriter)itr.next(); } return ret; } /** * @since 0.6 */ private static byte[] encodePNG(ImageWriter pngWriter, BufferedImage img) throws IOException { java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream(); javax.imageio.stream.ImageOutputStream output = javax.imageio.ImageIO.createImageOutputStream(bout); pngWriter.setOutput(output); pngWriter.write(img); bout.flush(); byte[] ret = bout.toByteArray(); return ret; } }