package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.std; import*; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonToken; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.*; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.ContextualDeserializer; @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class JdkDeserializers { public static StdDeserializer<?>[] all() { return new StdDeserializer[] { // from String types: new StringDeserializer(), new UUIDDeserializer(), new URLDeserializer(), new URIDeserializer(), new CurrencyDeserializer(), new PatternDeserializer(), new LocaleDeserializer(), new InetAddressDeserializer(), new CharsetDeserializer(), // other types: // (note: AtomicInteger/Long work due to single-arg constructor; new AtomicBooleanDeserializer(), new ClassDeserializer(), new StackTraceElementDeserializer() }; } /* /********************************************************** /* Deserializer implementations: from-String deserializers /********************************************************** */ /** * Note: final as performance optimization: not expected to need sub-classing; * if sub-classing was needed could re-factor into reusable part, final * "Impl" sub-class */ /* @JacksonStdImpl public final static class StringDeserializer extends StdScalarDeserializer<String> { public StringDeserializer() { super(String.class); } @Override public String deserialize(JsonParser jp, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException { // 22-Sep-2012, tatu: For 2.1, use this new method, may force coercion: String text = jp.getValueAsString(); if (text != null) { return text; } // [JACKSON-330]: need to gracefully handle byte[] data, as base64 JsonToken curr = jp.getCurrentToken(); if (curr == JsonToken.VALUE_EMBEDDED_OBJECT) { Object ob = jp.getEmbeddedObject(); if (ob == null) { return null; } if (ob instanceof byte[]) { return Base64Variants.getDefaultVariant().encode((byte[]) ob, false); } // otherwise, try conversion using toString()... return ob.toString(); } throw ctxt.mappingException(_valueClass, curr); } // 1.6: since we can never have type info ("natural type"; String, Boolean, Integer, Double): // (is it an error to even call this version?) @Override public String deserializeWithType(JsonParser jp, DeserializationContext ctxt, TypeDeserializer typeDeserializer) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException { return deserialize(jp, ctxt); } } */ public static class UUIDDeserializer extends FromStringDeserializer<UUID> { public UUIDDeserializer() { super(UUID.class); } @Override protected UUID _deserialize(String value, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException { return UUID.fromString(value); } @Override protected UUID _deserializeEmbedded(Object ob, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException { if (ob instanceof byte[]) { byte[] bytes = (byte[]) ob; if (bytes.length != 16) { ctxt.mappingException("Can only construct UUIDs from 16 byte arrays; got "+bytes.length+" bytes"); } // clumsy, but should work for now... DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes)); long l1 = in.readLong(); long l2 = in.readLong(); return new UUID(l1, l2); } super._deserializeEmbedded(ob, ctxt); return null; // never gets here } } public static class URLDeserializer extends FromStringDeserializer<URL> { public URLDeserializer() { super(URL.class); } @Override protected URL _deserialize(String value, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException { return new URL(value); } } public static class URIDeserializer extends FromStringDeserializer<URI> { public URIDeserializer() { super(URI.class); } @Override protected URI _deserialize(String value, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IllegalArgumentException { return URI.create(value); } } public static class CurrencyDeserializer extends FromStringDeserializer<Currency> { public CurrencyDeserializer() { super(Currency.class); } @Override protected Currency _deserialize(String value, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IllegalArgumentException { // will throw IAE if unknown: return Currency.getInstance(value); } } public static class PatternDeserializer extends FromStringDeserializer<Pattern> { public PatternDeserializer() { super(Pattern.class); } @Override protected Pattern _deserialize(String value, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IllegalArgumentException { // will throw IAE (or its subclass) if malformed return Pattern.compile(value); } } /** * Kept protected as it's not meant to be extensible at this point */ protected static class LocaleDeserializer extends FromStringDeserializer<Locale> { public LocaleDeserializer() { super(Locale.class); } @Override protected Locale _deserialize(String value, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException { int ix = value.indexOf('_'); if (ix < 0) { // single argument return new Locale(value); } String first = value.substring(0, ix); value = value.substring(ix+1); ix = value.indexOf('_'); if (ix < 0) { // two pieces return new Locale(first, value); } String second = value.substring(0, ix); return new Locale(first, second, value.substring(ix+1)); } } /** * As per [JACKSON-484], also need special handling for InetAddress... */ protected static class InetAddressDeserializer extends FromStringDeserializer<InetAddress> { public InetAddressDeserializer() { super(InetAddress.class); } @Override protected InetAddress _deserialize(String value, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException { return InetAddress.getByName(value); } } // [JACKSON-789] protected static class CharsetDeserializer extends FromStringDeserializer<Charset> { public CharsetDeserializer() { super(Charset.class); } @Override protected Charset _deserialize(String value, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException { return Charset.forName(value); } } /* /********************************************************** /* AtomicXxx types /********************************************************** */ public static class AtomicReferenceDeserializer extends StdScalarDeserializer<AtomicReference<?>> implements ContextualDeserializer { /** * Type of value that we reference */ protected final JavaType _referencedType; protected final JsonDeserializer<?> _valueDeserializer; /** * @param referencedType Parameterization of this reference */ public AtomicReferenceDeserializer(JavaType referencedType) { this(referencedType, null); } public AtomicReferenceDeserializer(JavaType referencedType, JsonDeserializer<?> deser) { super(AtomicReference.class); _referencedType = referencedType; _valueDeserializer = deser; } @Override public AtomicReference<?> deserialize(JsonParser jp, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException { return new AtomicReference<Object>(_valueDeserializer.deserialize(jp, ctxt)); } // @Override public JsonDeserializer<?> createContextual(DeserializationContext ctxt, BeanProperty property) throws JsonMappingException { JsonDeserializer<?> deser = _valueDeserializer; if (deser != null) { return this; } return new AtomicReferenceDeserializer(_referencedType, ctxt.findContextualValueDeserializer(_referencedType, property)); } } public static class AtomicBooleanDeserializer extends StdScalarDeserializer<AtomicBoolean> { public AtomicBooleanDeserializer() { super(AtomicBoolean.class); } @Override public AtomicBoolean deserialize(JsonParser jp, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException { // 16-Dec-2010, tatu: Should we actually convert null to null AtomicBoolean? return new AtomicBoolean(_parseBooleanPrimitive(jp, ctxt)); } } /* /********************************************************** /* Deserializers for other JDK types /********************************************************** */ public static class StackTraceElementDeserializer extends StdScalarDeserializer<StackTraceElement> { public StackTraceElementDeserializer() { super(StackTraceElement.class); } @Override public StackTraceElement deserialize(JsonParser jp, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException { JsonToken t = jp.getCurrentToken(); // Must get an Object if (t == JsonToken.START_OBJECT) { String className = "", methodName = "", fileName = ""; int lineNumber = -1; while ((t = jp.nextValue()) != JsonToken.END_OBJECT) { String propName = jp.getCurrentName(); if ("className".equals(propName)) { className = jp.getText(); } else if ("fileName".equals(propName)) { fileName = jp.getText(); } else if ("lineNumber".equals(propName)) { if (t.isNumeric()) { lineNumber = jp.getIntValue(); } else { throw JsonMappingException.from(jp, "Non-numeric token ("+t+") for property 'lineNumber'"); } } else if ("methodName".equals(propName)) { methodName = jp.getText(); } else if ("nativeMethod".equals(propName)) { // no setter, not passed via constructor: ignore } else { handleUnknownProperty(jp, ctxt, _valueClass, propName); } } return new StackTraceElement(className, methodName, fileName, lineNumber); } throw ctxt.mappingException(_valueClass, t); } } }