package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.impl; import; import java.util.*; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.*; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationContext; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.SettableBeanProperty; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.util.TokenBuffer; /** * Helper class that is used to flatten JSON structure when using * "external type id" (see {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonTypeInfo.As#EXTERNAL_PROPERTY}). * This is needed to store temporary state and buffer tokens, as the structure is * rearranged a bit so that actual type deserializer can resolve type and * finalize deserialization. */ public class ExternalTypeHandler { private final ExtTypedProperty[] _properties; private final HashMap<String, Integer> _nameToPropertyIndex; private final String[] _typeIds; private final TokenBuffer[] _tokens; protected ExternalTypeHandler(ExtTypedProperty[] properties, HashMap<String, Integer> nameToPropertyIndex, String[] typeIds, TokenBuffer[] tokens) { _properties = properties; _nameToPropertyIndex = nameToPropertyIndex; _typeIds = typeIds; _tokens = tokens; } protected ExternalTypeHandler(ExternalTypeHandler h) { _properties = h._properties; _nameToPropertyIndex = h._nameToPropertyIndex; int len = _properties.length; _typeIds = new String[len]; _tokens = new TokenBuffer[len]; } public ExternalTypeHandler start() { return new ExternalTypeHandler(this); } /** * Method called to see if given property/value pair is an external type * id; and if so handle it. This is <b>only</b> to be called in case * containing POJO has similarly named property as the external type id; * otherwise {@link #handlePropertyValue} should be called instead. */ public boolean handleTypePropertyValue(JsonParser jp, DeserializationContext ctxt, String propName, Object bean) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException { Integer I = _nameToPropertyIndex.get(propName); if (I == null) { return false; } int index = I.intValue(); ExtTypedProperty prop = _properties[index]; if (!prop.hasTypePropertyName(propName)) { return false; } _typeIds[index] = jp.getText(); // note: can NOT skip child values (should always be String anyway) boolean canDeserialize = (bean != null) && (_tokens[index] != null); // Minor optimization: deserialize properties as soon as we have all we need: if (canDeserialize) { _deserializeAndSet(jp, ctxt, bean, index); // clear stored data, to avoid deserializing+setting twice: _typeIds[index] = null; _tokens[index] = null; } return true; } /** * Method called to ask handler to handle value of given property, * at point where parser points to the first token of the value. * Handling can mean either resolving type id it contains (if it matches type * property name), or by buffering the value for further use. * * @return True, if the given property was properly handled */ public boolean handlePropertyValue(JsonParser jp, DeserializationContext ctxt, String propName, Object bean) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException { Integer I = _nameToPropertyIndex.get(propName); if (I == null) { return false; } int index = I.intValue(); ExtTypedProperty prop = _properties[index]; boolean canDeserialize; if (prop.hasTypePropertyName(propName)) { _typeIds[index] = jp.getText(); jp.skipChildren(); canDeserialize = (bean != null) && (_tokens[index] != null); } else { TokenBuffer tokens = new TokenBuffer(jp.getCodec()); tokens.copyCurrentStructure(jp); _tokens[index] = tokens; canDeserialize = (bean != null) && (_typeIds[index] != null); } /* Minor optimization: let's deserialize properties as soon as * we have all pertinent information: */ if (canDeserialize) { _deserializeAndSet(jp, ctxt, bean, index); // clear stored data, to avoid deserializing+setting twice: _typeIds[index] = null; _tokens[index] = null; } return true; } public Object complete(JsonParser jp, DeserializationContext ctxt, Object bean) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException { for (int i = 0, len = _properties.length; i < len; ++i) { if (_typeIds[i] == null) { // let's allow missing both type and property (may already have been set, too) if (_tokens[i] == null) { continue; } // but not just one throw ctxt.mappingException("Missing external type id property '"+_properties[i].getTypePropertyName()); } else if (_tokens[i] == null) { SettableBeanProperty prop = _properties[i].getProperty(); throw ctxt.mappingException("Missing property '"+prop.getName()+"' for external type id '"+_properties[i].getTypePropertyName()); } _deserializeAndSet(jp, ctxt, bean, i); } return bean; } /** * Variant called when creation of the POJO involves buffering of creator properties * as well as property-based creator. */ public Object complete(JsonParser jp, DeserializationContext ctxt, PropertyValueBuffer buffer, PropertyBasedCreator creator) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException { // first things first: deserialize all data buffered: final int len = _properties.length; Object[] values = new Object[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if (_typeIds[i] == null) { // let's allow missing both type and property (may already have been set, too) if (_tokens[i] == null) { continue; } // but not just one throw ctxt.mappingException("Missing external type id property '"+_properties[i].getTypePropertyName()); } else if (_tokens[i] == null) { SettableBeanProperty prop = _properties[i].getProperty(); throw ctxt.mappingException("Missing property '"+prop.getName()+"' for external type id '"+_properties[i].getTypePropertyName()); } values[i] = _deserialize(jp, ctxt, i); } // second: fill in creator properties: for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { SettableBeanProperty prop = _properties[i].getProperty(); if (creator.findCreatorProperty(prop.getName()) != null) { buffer.assignParameter(prop.getCreatorIndex(), values[i]); } } Object bean =, buffer); // third: assign non-creator properties for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { SettableBeanProperty prop = _properties[i].getProperty(); if (creator.findCreatorProperty(prop.getName()) == null) { prop.set(bean, values[i]); } } return bean; } protected final Object _deserialize(JsonParser jp, DeserializationContext ctxt, int index) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException { TokenBuffer merged = new TokenBuffer(jp.getCodec()); merged.writeStartArray(); merged.writeString(_typeIds[index]); JsonParser p2 = _tokens[index].asParser(jp); p2.nextToken(); merged.copyCurrentStructure(p2); merged.writeEndArray(); // needs to point to START_OBJECT (or whatever first token is) p2 = merged.asParser(jp); p2.nextToken(); return _properties[index].getProperty().deserialize(p2, ctxt); } protected final void _deserializeAndSet(JsonParser jp, DeserializationContext ctxt, Object bean, int index) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException { /* Ok: time to mix type id, value; and we will actually use "wrapper-array" * style to ensure we can handle all kinds of JSON constructs. */ TokenBuffer merged = new TokenBuffer(jp.getCodec()); merged.writeStartArray(); merged.writeString(_typeIds[index]); JsonParser p2 = _tokens[index].asParser(jp); p2.nextToken(); merged.copyCurrentStructure(p2); merged.writeEndArray(); // needs to point to START_OBJECT (or whatever first token is) p2 = merged.asParser(jp); p2.nextToken(); _properties[index].getProperty().deserializeAndSet(p2, ctxt, bean); } /* /********************************************************** /* Helper classes /********************************************************** */ public static class Builder { private final ArrayList<ExtTypedProperty> _properties = new ArrayList<ExtTypedProperty>(); private final HashMap<String, Integer> _nameToPropertyIndex = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); public void addExternal(SettableBeanProperty property, String extPropName) { Integer index = _properties.size(); _properties.add(new ExtTypedProperty(property, extPropName)); _nameToPropertyIndex.put(property.getName(), index); _nameToPropertyIndex.put(extPropName, index); } public ExternalTypeHandler build() { return new ExternalTypeHandler(_properties.toArray(new ExtTypedProperty[_properties.size()]), _nameToPropertyIndex, null, null); } } private final static class ExtTypedProperty { private final SettableBeanProperty _property; private final String _typePropertyName; public ExtTypedProperty(SettableBeanProperty property, String typePropertyName) { _property = property; _typePropertyName = typePropertyName; } public boolean hasTypePropertyName(String n) { return n.equals(_typePropertyName); } public String getTypePropertyName() { return _typePropertyName; } public SettableBeanProperty getProperty() { return _property; } } }