package; import; import; public class FragmentUtils { public interface TwoPaneProvider { boolean isTwoPane(); } /** * @param frag * The Fragment whose parent is to be found * @param callbackInterface * The interface class that the parent should implement * @return The parent of frag that implements the callbackInterface or null * if no such parent can be found */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // Casts are checked using runtime methods public static <T> T getParent(Fragment frag, Class<T> callbackInterface) { Fragment parentFragment = frag.getParentFragment(); if (parentFragment != null && callbackInterface.isInstance(parentFragment)) { return (T) parentFragment; } else { FragmentActivity activity = frag.getActivity(); if (activity != null && callbackInterface.isInstance(activity)) { return (T) activity; } } return null; } }