package; import android.content.ContentProvider; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.database.Cursor; import; import android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * Usage: content:// + QUERY_MARKER + ENCODED-QUERY * Where NONCE is set at instantiation * Do not include the fragment. * * * * =================== * * quote: * * * There is no way to see if the ContentProvider is running. It is started and stopped automatically * by ContentResolver as needed. When you start making requests for a specific contentAuthority, * the associated provider will be started if it isn't already running. It will be stopped automatically * by ContentResolver, some time later once it has sat idle and it looks like it might not be needed for a while. * */ public class CacheProvider extends ContentProvider { // FIXME not persistent, use SharedPrefs /** content:// Uri to absolute path of the file */ private SharedPreferences _sharedPrefs; private static final String SHARED_PREFS = ""; //private static final String NONCE = Integer.toString(Math.abs((new java.util.Random()).nextInt())); private static final String NONCE = "0"; private static final String SCHEME = "content"; public static final String AUTHORITY = BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID + ".provider"; /** includes the nonce */ public static final Uri CONTENT_URI = Uri.parse(SCHEME + "://" + AUTHORITY + '/' + NONCE); /** the database keys */ public static final String DATA = "_data"; public static final String CURRENT_BASE = "currentBase"; private static final String QUERY_MARKER = "!!QUERY!!"; private static final String ERROR_HEADER = "<html><head><title>Not Found</title></head><body>"; private static final String ERROR_URL = "<p>Unable to load URL: "; private static final String ERROR_ROUTER = "<p>Your router does not appear to be up.</p>"; private static final String ERROR_FOOTER = "</body></html>"; /** * Generate a cache content (resource) URI for a given URI key * If the key is already a content URI, canonicalize it * by twizzling the query if necessary * * @param key must contain a scheme, authority and path * @return null on error */ public static Uri getContentUri(Uri key) { String s = key.getScheme(); String a = key.getEncodedAuthority(); String p = key.getEncodedPath(); if (s == null || a == null || p == null) return null; String q = key.getEncodedQuery(); // canonicalize resource URI if (s.equals(SCHEME)) { if (q == null || !a.equals(AUTHORITY)) return key; if (p.contains(QUERY_MARKER)) { Util.d("Key contains both queries ?!? " + key); return null; } // twizzle query StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(128); buf.append(s).append("://") .append(a); if (!p.startsWith("/")) buf.append('/'); buf.append(p); buf.append(QUERY_MARKER).append(q); return Uri.parse(buf.toString()); } // convert http URI to resource StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(128); buf.append(CONTENT_URI).append('/') .append(s).append('/') .append(a); if (!p.startsWith("/")) buf.append('/'); buf.append(p); if (q != null) buf.append(QUERY_MARKER).append(q); return Uri.parse(buf.toString()); } @Override public ParcelFileDescriptor openFile(Uri uri, String mode) throws FileNotFoundException { Util.d("CacheProvider open " + uri); // if uri is malformed and we have a current base, rectify it uri = rectifyContentUri(getCurrentBase(), uri); // map the resource URI to a local file URI and return it if it exists String filePath = get(uri); if (filePath != null) { try { File file = new File(filePath); if (file.exists()) Util.d("CacheProvider returning " + file); return, ParcelFileDescriptor.MODE_READ_ONLY); } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) { Util.d("CacheProvider not found", fnfe); remove(uri); } } Util.d("CacheProvider not in cache " + uri); Uri newUri = getI2PUri(uri); Util.d("CacheProvider fetching: " + newUri); return eepFetch(newUri); } /** * Generate an i2p URI for a content URI * * @param uri must contain a scheme, authority and path with nonce etc. as defined above * @return non-null * @throws on error */ public static Uri getI2PUri(Uri uri) throws FileNotFoundException { String resPath = uri.getEncodedPath(); if (resPath == null) throw new FileNotFoundException("Bad uri no path? " + uri); String[] segs = resPath.split("/", 5); // first seg is empty since string starts with / String nonce = segs.length > 1 ? segs[1] : null; String scheme = segs.length > 2 ? segs[2] : null; String host = segs.length > 3 ? segs[3].toLowerCase() : null; String realPath = segs.length > 4 ? segs[4] : ""; String query = uri.getEncodedQuery(); if (query == null) { int marker = realPath.indexOf(QUERY_MARKER); if (marker >= 0) { query = realPath.substring(marker + QUERY_MARKER.length()); realPath = realPath.substring(0, marker); } } String debug = "CacheProvider nonce: " + nonce + " scheme: " + scheme + " host: " + host + " realPath: " + realPath + " query: " + query; Util.d(debug); if ((!NONCE.equals(nonce)) || (!"http".equals(scheme)) || (host == null) || (!host.endsWith(".i2p"))) throw new FileNotFoundException(debug); String i2pUri = scheme + "://" + host + '/' + realPath; if (query != null) i2pUri += '?' + query; return Uri.parse(i2pUri); } /** * Rectify a malformed content uri using the current base content uri. * Any query in uri is also canonicalized. * * @param base a valid content base uri e.g. content:// * if null, uri is returned. * @param uri a malformed content uri e.g. content:// * @return a valid content uri e.g. content://, * or the original uri on error, or if no rectification needed */ public static Uri rectifyContentUri(Uri base, Uri uri) { Util.d("rectifyContentUri base: " + base + " and uri: " + uri); if (base == null) return uri; if (!SCHEME.equals(base.getScheme())) return uri; if (!AUTHORITY.equals(base.getEncodedAuthority())) return uri; String basePath = base.getEncodedPath(); if (basePath == null) return uri; String[] segs = basePath.split("/", 5); if (segs.length < 3) return uri; // first seg is empty since string starts with / if (!segs[1].equals(NONCE)) return uri; if (!segs[2].equals("http")) return uri; String host = segs[3]; if (!SCHEME.equals(uri.getScheme())) return uri; if (!AUTHORITY.equals(uri.getEncodedAuthority())) return uri; String path = uri.getEncodedPath(); if (path != null && (path.startsWith(NONCE + '/') || path.startsWith('/' + NONCE + '/'))) return uri; String query = uri.getEncodedQuery(); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(128); buf.append(SCHEME).append("://") .append(AUTHORITY).append('/') .append(NONCE).append("/http/") .append(host); if (path == null || !path.startsWith("/")) buf.append('/'); if (path != null) buf.append(path); if (query != null) buf.append(QUERY_MARKER).append(query); Util.d("rectified from base: " + base + " and uri: " + uri + " to: " + buf); return Uri.parse(buf.toString()); } private ParcelFileDescriptor eepFetch(Uri uri) throws FileNotFoundException { AppCache cache = AppCache.getInstance(getContext()); OutputStream out; try { out = cache.createCacheFile(uri); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new FileNotFoundException(ioe.toString()); } // in this constructor we don't use the error output, for now EepGetFetcher fetcher = new EepGetFetcher(uri.toString(), out, false); boolean success = fetcher.fetch(); if (success) { File file = cache.getCacheFile(uri); if (file.length() > 0) { // this call will insert it back to us (don't set as current base) Uri content = cache.addCacheFile(uri, false); return, ParcelFileDescriptor.MODE_READ_ONLY); } else { Util.d("CacheProvider Sucess but no data " + uri); } } else { Util.d("CacheProvider Eepget fail " + uri); } AppCache.getInstance().removeCacheFile(uri); throw new FileNotFoundException("eepget fail"); } public int delete(Uri uri, String selection, String[] selectionArgs) { Util.d("CacheProvider delete " + uri); boolean deleted = remove(uri); return deleted ? 1 : 0; } public String getType(Uri uri) { Util.d("CacheProvider getType " + uri); return "text/html"; } /* * _data -> String absolute path of the file (NOT a file:// URI) */ public Uri insert(Uri uri, ContentValues values) { String fileURI = values.getAsString(DATA); if (fileURI != null) { Util.d("CacheProvider insert " + uri); put(uri, fileURI); } Boolean setAsCurrentBase = values.getAsBoolean(CURRENT_BASE); if (setAsCurrentBase != null && setAsCurrentBase) { Util.d("CacheProvider set current base " + uri); setCurrentBase(uri); } return uri; } public boolean onCreate() { _sharedPrefs = getContext().getSharedPreferences(SHARED_PREFS, 0); cleanup(); return true; } public Cursor query(Uri uri, String[] projection, String selection, String[] selecctionArgs, String sortOrder) { Util.d("CacheProvider query " + uri); // TODO return a MatrixCursor with a _data entry return null; } public int update(Uri uri, ContentValues values, String selection, String[] selectionArgs) { return 0; } ///// Map stuff private void cleanup() { String pfx = CONTENT_URI.toString(); List<String> toDelete = new ArrayList<>(); Map<String, ?> map = _sharedPrefs.getAll(); for (Map.Entry<String, ?> e : map.entrySet()) { String path = (String) e.getValue(); if (!path.startsWith(pfx)) continue; File f = new File(path); if (!f.exists()) toDelete.add(e.getKey()); } if (!toDelete.isEmpty()) { SharedPreferences.Editor edit = _sharedPrefs.edit(); for (String key : toDelete) { edit.remove(key); } edit.commit(); } } private String get(Uri uri) { return getPref(uri.toString()); } private void put(Uri uri, String fileURI) { setPref(uri.toString(), fileURI); } /** @return may be null */ private Uri getCurrentBase() { String url = getPref(CURRENT_BASE); if (url != null) return Uri.parse(url); return null; } private void setCurrentBase(Uri contentURI) { setPref(CURRENT_BASE, contentURI.toString()); } /** @return true if it was removed */ private boolean remove(Uri uri) { String old = getPref(uri.toString()); boolean success = deletePref(uri.toString()); return success && old != null; } /** @return null if not found */ private String getPref(String pref) { return _sharedPrefs.getString(pref, null); } /** @return success */ private boolean setPref(String pref, String val) { SharedPreferences.Editor edit = _sharedPrefs.edit(); edit.putString(pref, val); return edit.commit(); } /** @return success */ private boolean deletePref(String pref) { SharedPreferences.Editor edit = _sharedPrefs.edit(); edit.remove(pref); return edit.commit(); } }