package; import; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.Message; import android.os.RemoteCallbackList; import android.os.RemoteException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import net.i2p.router.Job; import net.i2p.router.Router; import net.i2p.router.RouterContext; import net.i2p.router.RouterLaunch; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; /** * Runs the router */ public class RouterService extends Service { /** * A request to this service for the current router state. Broadcasting * this will trigger a state notification. */ public static final String LOCAL_BROADCAST_REQUEST_STATE = ""; /** * A notification of the current state. This is informational; the state * has not changed. */ public static final String LOCAL_BROADCAST_STATE_NOTIFICATION = ""; /** * The state has just changed. */ public static final String LOCAL_BROADCAST_STATE_CHANGED = ""; public static final String LOCAL_BROADCAST_EXTRA_STATE = ""; /** * The locale has just changed. */ public static final String LOCAL_BROADCAST_LOCALE_CHANGED = ""; private LocaleManager localeManager = new LocaleManager(); private RouterContext _context; private String _myDir; //private String _apkPath; private State _state = State.INIT; private Thread _starterThread; private StatusBar _statusBar; private Notifications _notif; private I2PReceiver _receiver; private IBinder _binder; private final Object _stateLock = new Object(); private Handler _handler; private Runnable _updater; private static final String SHARED_PREFS = ""; private static final String LAST_STATE = "service.lastState"; private static final String EXTRA_RESTART = "restart"; private static final String MARKER = "************************************** "; /** * This is a list of callbacks that have been registered with the * service. Note that this is package scoped (instead of private) so * that it can be accessed more efficiently from inner classes. */ final RemoteCallbackList<IRouterStateCallback> mStateCallbacks = new RemoteCallbackList<>(); @Override public void onCreate() { State lastState = getSavedState(); setState(State.INIT); Util.d(this + " onCreate called" + " Saved state is: " + lastState + " Current state is: " + _state); //(new File(getFilesDir(), "wrapper.log")).delete(); _myDir = getFilesDir().getAbsolutePath(); // init other stuff here, delete log, etc. Init init = new Init(this); init.initialize(); //_apkPath = init.getAPKPath(); _statusBar = new StatusBar(this); // Remove stale notification icon. _statusBar.remove(); _notif = new Notifications(this); _binder = new RouterBinder(this); _handler = new Handler(); _updater = new Updater(); LocalBroadcastManager lbm = LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(this); lbm.registerReceiver(onStateRequested, new IntentFilter(LOCAL_BROADCAST_REQUEST_STATE)); lbm.registerReceiver(onLocaleChanged, new IntentFilter(LOCAL_BROADCAST_LOCALE_CHANGED)); if(lastState == State.RUNNING || lastState == State.ACTIVE) { Intent intent = new Intent(this, RouterService.class); intent.putExtra(EXTRA_RESTART, true); onStartCommand(intent, 12345, 67890); } else if(lastState == State.MANUAL_QUITTING || lastState == State.GRACEFUL_SHUTDOWN) { synchronized(_stateLock) { setState(State.MANUAL_QUITTED); stopSelf(); // Die. } } } private BroadcastReceiver onStateRequested = new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { // Broadcast the current state within this app. Intent ni = new Intent(LOCAL_BROADCAST_STATE_NOTIFICATION); ni.putExtra(LOCAL_BROADCAST_EXTRA_STATE, (android.os.Parcelable) _state); LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(RouterService.this).sendBroadcast(ni); } }; private BroadcastReceiver onLocaleChanged = new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { localeManager.updateServiceLocale(RouterService.this); } }; /** * NOT called by system if it restarts us after a crash */ @Override public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) { Util.d(this + " onStart called" + " Intent is: " + intent + " Flags is: " + flags + " ID is: " + startId + " Current state is: " + _state); boolean restart = intent != null && intent.getBooleanExtra(EXTRA_RESTART, false); if(restart) { Util.d(this + " RESTARTING"); } synchronized(_stateLock) { if(_state != State.INIT) //return START_STICKY; { return START_NOT_STICKY; } _receiver = new I2PReceiver(this); if(Connectivity.isConnected(this)) { if(restart) { _statusBar.replace(StatusBar.ICON_STARTING, R.string.notification_status_restarting); } else { _statusBar.replace(StatusBar.ICON_STARTING, R.string.notification_status_starting); } setState(State.STARTING); _starterThread = new Thread(new Starter()); _starterThread.start(); } else { _statusBar.replace(StatusBar.ICON_WAITING_NETWORK, R.string.notification_status_waiting); setState(State.WAITING); _handler.postDelayed(new Waiter(), 10 * 1000); } } _handler.removeCallbacks(_updater); _handler.postDelayed(_updater, 50); if(!restart) { startForeground(1337, _statusBar.getNote()); } //return START_STICKY; return START_NOT_STICKY; } /** * maybe this goes away when the receiver can bind to us */ private class Waiter implements Runnable { public void run() { Util.d(MARKER + this + " waiter handler" + " Current state is: " + _state); if(_state == State.WAITING) { if(Connectivity.isConnected(RouterService.this)) { synchronized(_stateLock) { if(_state != State.WAITING) { return; } _statusBar.replace(StatusBar.ICON_STARTING, R.string.notification_status_starting_after_waiting); setState(State.STARTING); _starterThread = new Thread(new Starter()); _starterThread.start(); } return; } _handler.postDelayed(this, 15 * 1000); } } } private class Starter implements Runnable { public void run() { Util.d(MARKER + this + " starter thread" + " Current state is: " + _state); //Util.d(MARKER + this + " JBigI speed test started"); //NativeBigInteger.main(null); //Util.d(MARKER + this + " JBigI speed test finished, launching router"); // Launch the router! RouterLaunch.main(null); synchronized(_stateLock) { if(_state != State.STARTING) { return; } setState(State.RUNNING); _statusBar.replace(StatusBar.ICON_RUNNING, R.string.notification_status_running); _context = Util.getRouterContext(); if (_context == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("No contexts. This is usually because the router is either starting up or shutting down."); } _context.router().setKillVMOnEnd(false); Job loadJob = new LoadClientsJob(RouterService.this, _context, _notif); _context.jobQueue().addJob(loadJob); _context.addShutdownTask(new ShutdownHook()); _context.addFinalShutdownTask(new FinalShutdownHook()); _starterThread = null; } Util.d("Router.main finished"); } } private class Updater implements Runnable { public void run() { RouterContext ctx = _context; if(ctx != null && (_state == State.RUNNING || _state == State.ACTIVE || _state == State.GRACEFUL_SHUTDOWN)) { Router router = ctx.router(); if(router.isAlive()) { updateStatus(ctx); } } _handler.postDelayed(this, 15 * 1000); } } private String _currTitle; private boolean _hadTunnels; private void updateStatus(RouterContext ctx) { int active = ctx.commSystem().countActivePeers(); int known = Math.max(ctx.netDb().getKnownRouters() - 1, 0); int inEx = ctx.tunnelManager().getFreeTunnelCount(); int outEx = ctx.tunnelManager().getOutboundTunnelCount(); int inCl = ctx.tunnelManager().getInboundClientTunnelCount(); int outCl = ctx.tunnelManager().getOutboundClientTunnelCount(); String uptime = DataHelper.formatDuration(ctx.router().getUptime()); double inBW = ctx.bandwidthLimiter().getReceiveBps(); double outBW = ctx.bandwidthLimiter().getSendBps(); String text = getResources().getString(R.string.notification_status_text, Util.formatSpeed(inBW), Util.formatSpeed(outBW)); String bigText = getResources().getString(R.string.notification_status_bw, Util.formatSpeed(inBW), Util.formatSpeed(outBW)) + '\n' + getResources().getString(R.string.notification_status_peers, active, known) + '\n' + getResources().getString(R.string.notification_status_expl, inEx, outEx) + '\n' + getResources().getString(R.string.notification_status_client, inCl, outCl); boolean haveTunnels = inCl > 0 && outCl > 0; if (isGracefulShutdownInProgress()) { long ms = ctx.router().getShutdownTimeRemaining(); if (ms > 1000) { _currTitle = getString(R.string.notification_status_graceful, DataHelper.formatDuration(ms)); } else { _currTitle = getString(R.string.notification_status_stopping); } } else if (haveTunnels != _hadTunnels) { if(haveTunnels) { _currTitle = getString(R.string.notification_status_client_ready); setState(State.ACTIVE); _statusBar.replace(StatusBar.ICON_ACTIVE, _currTitle); } else { _currTitle = getString(R.string.notification_status_client_down); setState(State.RUNNING); _statusBar.replace(StatusBar.ICON_RUNNING, _currTitle); } _hadTunnels = haveTunnels; } else if (_currTitle == null || _currTitle.equals("")) _currTitle = getString(R.string.notification_status_running); _statusBar.update(_currTitle, text, bigText); } @Override public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) { Util.d(this + "onBind called" + " Current state is: " + _state); Util.d("Intent action: " + intent.getAction()); // Select the interface to return. if (RouterBinder.class.getName().equals(intent.getAction())) { // Local Activity wanting access to the RouterContext Util.d("Returning RouterContext binder"); return _binder; } if (IRouterState.class.getName().equals(intent.getAction())) { // Someone wants to monitor the router state. Util.d("Returning state binder"); return mStatusBinder; } Util.d("Unknown binder request, returning null"); return null; } /** * IRouterState is defined through IDL */ private final IRouterState.Stub mStatusBinder = new IRouterState.Stub() { public void registerCallback(IRouterStateCallback cb) throws RemoteException { if (cb != null) mStateCallbacks.register(cb); } public void unregisterCallback(IRouterStateCallback cb) throws RemoteException { if (cb != null) mStateCallbacks.unregister(cb); } public boolean isStarted() throws RemoteException { return _state != State.INIT && _state != State.STOPPED && _state != State.MANUAL_STOPPED && _state != State.MANUAL_QUITTED; } public State getState() throws RemoteException { return _state; } }; @Override public boolean onUnbind(Intent intent) { return super.onUnbind(intent); } // ******** following methods may be accessed from Activities and Receivers ************ /** * @return null if router is not running */ public RouterContext getRouterContext() { RouterContext rv = _context; if(rv == null) { return null; } if(!rv.router().isAlive()) { return null; } if(_state != State.RUNNING && _state != State.ACTIVE && _state != State.STOPPING && _state != State.MANUAL_STOPPING && _state != State.MANUAL_QUITTING && _state != State.NETWORK_STOPPING && _state != State.GRACEFUL_SHUTDOWN) { return null; } return rv; } /** * debug */ public String getState() { return _state.toString(); } public boolean canManualStop() { return _state == State.WAITING || _state == State.RUNNING || _state == State.ACTIVE || _state == State.GRACEFUL_SHUTDOWN; } /** * Stop and don't restart the router, but keep the service * * Apparently unused - see manualQuit() */ public void manualStop() { Util.d("manualStop called" + " Current state is: " + _state); synchronized(_stateLock) { if(!canManualStop()) { return; } if(_state == State.STARTING) { _starterThread.interrupt(); } if(_state == State.STARTING || _state == State.RUNNING || _state == State.ACTIVE || _state == State.GRACEFUL_SHUTDOWN) { _statusBar.replace(StatusBar.ICON_STOPPING, R.string.notification_status_stopping); Thread stopperThread = new Thread(new Stopper(State.MANUAL_STOPPING, State.MANUAL_STOPPED)); stopperThread.start(); } } } /** * Stop the router and kill the service */ public void manualQuit() { Util.d("manualQuit called" + " Current state is: " + _state); synchronized(_stateLock) { if(!canManualStop()) { return; } if(_state == State.STARTING) { _starterThread.interrupt(); } if(_state == State.STARTING || _state == State.RUNNING || _state == State.ACTIVE || _state == State.GRACEFUL_SHUTDOWN) { _statusBar.replace(StatusBar.ICON_STOPPING, R.string.notification_status_stopping); Thread stopperThread = new Thread(new Stopper(State.MANUAL_QUITTING, State.MANUAL_QUITTED)); stopperThread.start(); } else if(_state == State.WAITING) { setState(State.MANUAL_QUITTING); (new FinalShutdownHook()).run(); } } } /** * Stop and then spin waiting for a network connection, then restart */ public void networkStop() { Util.d("networkStop called" + " Current state is: " + _state); synchronized(_stateLock) { if(_state == State.STARTING) { _starterThread.interrupt(); } if(_state == State.STARTING || _state == State.RUNNING || _state == State.ACTIVE || _state == State.GRACEFUL_SHUTDOWN) { _statusBar.replace(StatusBar.ICON_STOPPING, R.string.notification_status_stopping_after_net); // don't change state, let the shutdown hook do it Thread stopperThread = new Thread(new Stopper(State.NETWORK_STOPPING, State.NETWORK_STOPPING)); stopperThread.start(); } } } public boolean canManualStart() { // We can be in INIT if we restarted after crash but previous state was not RUNNING. return _state == State.INIT || _state == State.MANUAL_STOPPED || _state == State.STOPPED; } public void manualStart() { Util.d("restart called" + " Current state is: " + _state); synchronized(_stateLock) { if(!canManualStart()) { return; } _statusBar.replace(StatusBar.ICON_STARTING, R.string.notification_status_starting); setState(State.STARTING); _starterThread = new Thread(new Starter()); _starterThread.start(); } } /** * Graceful Shutdown * * @since 0.9.19 */ public boolean isGracefulShutdownInProgress() { if (_state == State.GRACEFUL_SHUTDOWN) { RouterContext ctx = _context; return ctx != null && ctx.router().gracefulShutdownInProgress(); } return false; } private String _oldTitle; /** * Graceful Shutdown * * @since 0.9.19 */ public void gracefulShutdown() { Util.d("gracefulShutdown called" + " Current state is: " + _state); synchronized(_stateLock) { if(!canManualStop()) { return; } if(_state == State.STARTING || _state == State.WAITING) { manualQuit(); return; } if(_state == State.RUNNING || _state == State.ACTIVE) { RouterContext ctx = _context; if(ctx != null && ctx.router().isAlive()) { int part = ctx.tunnelManager().getParticipatingCount(); if(part <= 0) { manualQuit(); } else { ctx.router().shutdownGracefully(); _oldTitle = _currTitle; long ms = ctx.router().getShutdownTimeRemaining(); if (ms > 1000) { _statusBar.replace( StatusBar.ICON_STOPPING, getString(R.string.notification_status_graceful, DataHelper.formatDuration(ms)) ); } else { _statusBar.replace(StatusBar.ICON_STOPPING, R.string.notification_status_stopping); } setState(State.GRACEFUL_SHUTDOWN); } } } } } /** * Cancel Graceful Shutdown * * @since 0.9.19 */ public void cancelGracefulShutdown() { Util.d("cancelGracefulShutdown called" + " Current state is: " + _state); synchronized(_stateLock) { if(_state != State.GRACEFUL_SHUTDOWN) { return; } RouterContext ctx = _context; if(ctx != null && ctx.router().isAlive()) { ctx.router().cancelGracefulShutdown(); _currTitle = _oldTitle; if (_hadTunnels) { setState(State.ACTIVE); _statusBar.replace(StatusBar.ICON_ACTIVE, R.string.notification_status_shutdown_cancelled); } else { setState(State.RUNNING); _statusBar.replace(StatusBar.ICON_RUNNING, R.string.notification_status_shutdown_cancelled); } } } } // ******** end methods accessed from Activities and Receivers ************ private static final int STATE_MSG = 1; /** * Our Handler used to execute operations on the main thread. */ private final Handler mHandler = new StateHandler(new WeakReference<>(this)); private static class StateHandler extends Handler { WeakReference<RouterService> mReference; public StateHandler(WeakReference<RouterService> reference) { mReference = reference; } @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { RouterService parent = mReference.get(); if (parent == null) return; switch (msg.what) { case STATE_MSG: final State state = parent._state; // Broadcast to all clients the new state. final int N = parent.mStateCallbacks.beginBroadcast(); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { try { parent.mStateCallbacks.getBroadcastItem(i).stateChanged(state); } catch (RemoteException e) { // The RemoteCallbackList will take care of removing // the dead object for us. } } parent.mStateCallbacks.finishBroadcast(); break; default: super.handleMessage(msg); } } } /** * Turn off the status bar. Unregister the receiver. If we were running, * fire up the Stopper thread. */ @Override public void onDestroy() { Util.d("onDestroy called" + " Current state is: " + _state); _handler.removeCallbacks(_updater); _statusBar.remove(); LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(this).unregisterReceiver(onStateRequested); LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(this).unregisterReceiver(onLocaleChanged); I2PReceiver rcvr = _receiver; if(rcvr != null) { synchronized(rcvr) { try { // throws if not registered unregisterReceiver(rcvr); } catch(IllegalArgumentException iae) { } //rcvr.unbindRouter(); //_receiver = null; } } synchronized(_stateLock) { if(_state == State.STARTING) { _starterThread.interrupt(); } if(_state == State.STARTING || _state == State.RUNNING || _state == State.ACTIVE || _state == State.GRACEFUL_SHUTDOWN) { // should this be in a thread? _statusBar.replace(StatusBar.ICON_SHUTTING_DOWN, R.string.notification_status_shutting_down); Thread stopperThread = new Thread(new Stopper(State.STOPPING, State.STOPPED)); stopperThread.start(); } } } /** * Transition to the next state. If we still have a context, shut down the * router. Turn off the status bar. Then transition to the stop state. */ private class Stopper implements Runnable { private final State nextState; private final State stopState; /** * call holding statelock */ public Stopper(State next, State stop) { nextState = next; stopState = stop; setState(next); } public void run() { try { Util.d(MARKER + this + " stopper thread" + " Current state is: " + _state); RouterContext ctx = _context; if(ctx != null) { ctx.router().shutdown(Router.EXIT_HARD); } _statusBar.remove(); Util.d("********** Router shutdown complete"); synchronized(_stateLock) { if(_state == nextState) { setState(stopState); } } } finally { stopForeground(true); _statusBar.remove(); } } } /** * First (early) hook. Update the status bar. Unregister the receiver. */ private class ShutdownHook implements Runnable { public void run() { Util.d(this + " shutdown hook" + " Current state is: " + _state); _statusBar.replace(StatusBar.ICON_SHUTTING_DOWN, R.string.notification_status_shutting_down); I2PReceiver rcvr = _receiver; if(rcvr != null) { synchronized(rcvr) { try { // throws if not registered unregisterReceiver(rcvr); } catch(IllegalArgumentException iae) { } //rcvr.unbindRouter(); //_receiver = null; } } synchronized(_stateLock) { // null out to release the memory _context = null; if(_state == State.STARTING) { _starterThread.interrupt(); } if(_state == State.WAITING || _state == State.STARTING || _state == State.RUNNING || _state == State.ACTIVE || _state == State.GRACEFUL_SHUTDOWN) { setState(State.STOPPING); } } } } /** * Second (late) hook. Turn off the status bar. Null out the context. If we * were stopped manually, do nothing. If we were stopped because of no * network, start the waiter thread. If it stopped of unknown causes or from * manualQuit(), kill the Service. */ private class FinalShutdownHook implements Runnable { public void run() { try { Util.d(this + " final shutdown hook" + " Current state is: " + _state); //I2PReceiver rcvr = _receiver; synchronized(_stateLock) { // null out to release the memory _context = null; Runtime.getRuntime().gc(); if(_state == State.STARTING) { _starterThread.interrupt(); } if(_state == State.MANUAL_STOPPING) { setState(State.MANUAL_STOPPED); } else if(_state == State.NETWORK_STOPPING) { // start waiter handler setState(State.WAITING); _handler.postDelayed(new Waiter(), 10 * 1000); } else if(_state == State.STARTING || _state == State.RUNNING || _state == State.ACTIVE || _state == State.STOPPING) { Util.w(this + " died of unknown causes"); setState(State.STOPPED); // Unregister all callbacks. mStateCallbacks.kill(); stopForeground(true); stopSelf(); } else if(_state == State.MANUAL_QUITTING || _state == State.GRACEFUL_SHUTDOWN) { setState(State.MANUAL_QUITTED); // Unregister all callbacks. mStateCallbacks.kill(); stopForeground(true); stopSelf(); } } } finally { _statusBar.remove(); } } } private State getSavedState() { SharedPreferences prefs = getSharedPreferences(SHARED_PREFS, 0); String stateString = prefs.getString(LAST_STATE, State.INIT.toString()); try { return State.valueOf(stateString); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { return State.INIT; } } private void setState(State s) { _state = s; saveState(); // Broadcast the new state within this app. Intent intent = new Intent(LOCAL_BROADCAST_STATE_CHANGED); intent.putExtra(LOCAL_BROADCAST_EXTRA_STATE, (android.os.Parcelable) _state); LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(this).sendBroadcast(intent); // Notify other apps that the state has changed mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(STATE_MSG); } /** * @return success */ private boolean saveState() { SharedPreferences prefs = getSharedPreferences(SHARED_PREFS, 0); SharedPreferences.Editor edit = prefs.edit(); edit.putString(LAST_STATE, _state.toString()); return edit.commit(); } }