package org.hibernate.envers.test; import; import; import; import org.hibernate.MappingException; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.SessionFactory; import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration; import org.hibernate.envers.AuditReader; import org.hibernate.envers.AuditReaderFactory; import org.hibernate.service.ServiceRegistry; import org.hibernate.testing.AfterClassOnce; import org.hibernate.testing.BeforeClassOnce; import org.hibernate.testing.ServiceRegistryBuilder; import org.junit.Before; /** * Base class for testing envers with Session when the same session and * auditReader must be used for the hole test. * * @author Hernán Chanfreau * */ public abstract class AbstractOneSessionTest extends AbstractEnversTest { protected Configuration config; private ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry; private SessionFactory sessionFactory; private Session session ; private AuditReader auditReader; @BeforeClassOnce public void init() throws URISyntaxException { config = new Configuration(); URL url = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource(getHibernateConfigurationFileName()); config.configure(new File(url.toURI())); String auditStrategy = getAuditStrategy(); if (auditStrategy != null && !"".equals(auditStrategy)) { config.setProperty("org.hibernate.envers.audit_strategy", auditStrategy); } this.initMappings(); serviceRegistry = ServiceRegistryBuilder.buildServiceRegistry( config.getProperties() ); sessionFactory = config.buildSessionFactory( serviceRegistry ); } protected abstract void initMappings() throws MappingException, URISyntaxException ; protected String getHibernateConfigurationFileName(){ return "hibernate.test.session-cfg.xml"; } private SessionFactory getSessionFactory(){ return sessionFactory; } @AfterClassOnce public void closeSessionFactory() { try { sessionFactory.close(); } finally { if ( serviceRegistry != null ) { ServiceRegistryBuilder.destroy( serviceRegistry ); serviceRegistry = null; } } } /** * Creates a new session and auditReader only if there is nothing created * before */ @Before public void initializeSession() { if (getSession() == null) { session = getSessionFactory().openSession(); auditReader = AuditReaderFactory.get(session); } } /** * Creates a new session and auditReader. */ public void forceNewSession() { session = getSessionFactory().openSession(); auditReader = AuditReaderFactory.get(session); } protected Session getSession() { return session; } protected AuditReader getAuditReader() { return auditReader; } }