//$Id: MoreStuff.java 4599 2004-09-26 05:18:27Z oneovthafew $ package org.hibernate.test.legacy; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.Collection; public class MoreStuff implements Serializable { private String stringId; private int intId; private Collection stuffs; private String name; public boolean equals(Object other) { return ( (MoreStuff) other ).getIntId()==intId && ( (MoreStuff) other ).getStringId().equals(stringId); } public int hashCode() { return stringId.hashCode(); } /** * Returns the stuffs. * @return Collection */ public Collection getStuffs() { return stuffs; } /** * Sets the stuffs. * @param stuffs The stuffs to set */ public void setStuffs(Collection stuffs) { this.stuffs = stuffs; } /** * Returns the name. * @return String */ public String getName() { return name; } /** * Sets the name. * @param name The name to set */ public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } /** * Returns the intId. * @return int */ public int getIntId() { return intId; } /** * Returns the stringId. * @return String */ public String getStringId() { return stringId; } /** * Sets the intId. * @param intId The intId to set */ public void setIntId(int intId) { this.intId = intId; } /** * Sets the stringId. * @param stringId The stringId to set */ public void setStringId(String stringId) { this.stringId = stringId; } }