/* * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java * * Copyright (c) 2007-2011, Red Hat Inc. or third-party contributors as * indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution * statements applied by the authors. All third-party contributions are * distributed under license by Red Hat Inc. * * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify, * copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU * Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this distribution; if not, write to: * Free Software Foundation, Inc. * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package org.hibernate.test.filter; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.jboss.logging.Logger; import org.hibernate.Criteria; import org.hibernate.FetchMode; import org.hibernate.Hibernate; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.Transaction; import org.hibernate.cache.spi.CacheKey; import org.hibernate.cache.spi.entry.CollectionCacheEntry; import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration; import org.hibernate.cfg.Environment; import org.hibernate.criterion.DetachedCriteria; import org.hibernate.criterion.Property; import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions; import org.hibernate.criterion.Subqueries; import org.hibernate.dialect.IngresDialect; import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionImplementor; import org.hibernate.persister.collection.CollectionPersister; import org.hibernate.testing.SkipForDialect; import org.hibernate.transform.DistinctRootEntityResultTransformer; import org.junit.Test; import org.hibernate.testing.junit4.BaseCoreFunctionalTestCase; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertSame; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; /** * Implementation of DynamicFilterTest. * * @author Steve Ebersole */ public class DynamicFilterTest extends BaseCoreFunctionalTestCase { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger( DynamicFilterTest.class ); @Override public String[] getMappings() { return new String[]{ "filter/defs.hbm.xml", "filter/LineItem.hbm.xml", "filter/Order.hbm.xml", "filter/Product.hbm.xml", "filter/Salesperson.hbm.xml", "filter/Department.hbm.xml", "filter/Category.hbm.xml" }; } @Override protected String getCacheConcurrencyStrategy() { return "nonstrict-read-write"; } @Override public void configure(Configuration cfg) { cfg.setProperty( Environment.MAX_FETCH_DEPTH, "1" ); cfg.setProperty( Environment.GENERATE_STATISTICS, "true" ); cfg.setProperty( Environment.USE_QUERY_CACHE, "true" ); } @Test @SkipForDialect(IngresDialect.class) public void testSqlSyntaxOfFiltersWithUnions() { Session session = openSession(); session.enableFilter( "unioned" ); session.createQuery( "from Category" ).list(); session.close(); } @Test public void testSecondLevelCachedCollectionsFiltering() { TestData testData = new TestData(); testData.prepare(); Session session = openSession(); long ts = ( ( SessionImplementor ) session ).getTimestamp(); // Force a collection into the second level cache, with its non-filtered elements Salesperson sp = ( Salesperson ) session.load( Salesperson.class, testData.steveId ); Hibernate.initialize( sp.getOrders() ); CollectionPersister persister = sessionFactory().getCollectionPersister( Salesperson.class.getName() + ".orders" ); assertTrue( "No cache for collection", persister.hasCache() ); CacheKey cacheKey = ( (SessionImplementor) session ).generateCacheKey( testData.steveId, persister.getKeyType(), persister.getRole() ); CollectionCacheEntry cachedData = ( CollectionCacheEntry ) persister.getCacheAccessStrategy().get( cacheKey, ts ); assertNotNull( "collection was not in cache", cachedData ); session.close(); session = openSession(); ts = ( ( SessionImplementor ) session ).getTimestamp(); session.enableFilter( "fulfilledOrders" ).setParameter( "asOfDate", testData.lastMonth.getTime() ); sp = ( Salesperson ) session.createQuery( "from Salesperson as s where s.id = :id" ) .setLong( "id", testData.steveId ) .uniqueResult(); assertEquals( "Filtered-collection not bypassing 2L-cache", 1, sp.getOrders().size() ); CacheKey cacheKey2 = ( (SessionImplementor) session ).generateCacheKey( testData.steveId, persister.getKeyType(), persister.getRole() ); CollectionCacheEntry cachedData2 = ( CollectionCacheEntry ) persister.getCacheAccessStrategy().get( cacheKey2, ts ); assertNotNull( "collection no longer in cache!", cachedData2 ); assertSame( "Different cache values!", cachedData, cachedData2 ); session.close(); session = openSession(); session.enableFilter( "fulfilledOrders" ).setParameter( "asOfDate", testData.lastMonth.getTime() ); sp = ( Salesperson ) session.load( Salesperson.class, testData.steveId ); assertEquals( "Filtered-collection not bypassing 2L-cache", 1, sp.getOrders().size() ); session.close(); // Finally, make sure that the original cached version did not get over-written session = openSession(); sp = ( Salesperson ) session.load( Salesperson.class, testData.steveId ); assertEquals( "Actual cached version got over-written", 2, sp.getOrders().size() ); session.close(); testData.release(); } @Test public void testCombinedClassAndCollectionFiltersEnabled() { TestData testData = new TestData(); testData.prepare(); Session session = openSession(); session.enableFilter( "regionlist" ).setParameterList( "regions", new String[]{"LA", "APAC"} ); session.enableFilter( "fulfilledOrders" ).setParameter( "asOfDate", testData.lastMonth.getTime() ); // test retreival through hql with the collection as non-eager List salespersons = session.createQuery( "select s from Salesperson as s" ).list(); assertEquals( "Incorrect salesperson count", 1, salespersons.size() ); Salesperson sp = ( Salesperson ) salespersons.get( 0 ); assertEquals( "Incorrect order count", 1, sp.getOrders().size() ); session.clear(); session.disableFilter( "regionlist" ); session.enableFilter( "regionlist" ).setParameterList( "regions", new String[]{"LA", "APAC", "APAC"} ); // Second test retreival through hql with the collection as non-eager with different region list salespersons = session.createQuery( "select s from Salesperson as s" ).list(); assertEquals( "Incorrect salesperson count", 1, salespersons.size() ); sp = ( Salesperson ) salespersons.get( 0 ); assertEquals( "Incorrect order count", 1, sp.getOrders().size() ); session.clear(); // test retreival through hql with the collection join fetched salespersons = session.createQuery( "select s from Salesperson as s left join fetch s.orders" ).list(); assertEquals( "Incorrect salesperson count", 1, salespersons.size() ); sp = ( Salesperson ) salespersons.get( 0 ); assertEquals( "Incorrect order count", 1, sp.getOrders().size() ); session.close(); testData.release(); } @Test public void testHqlFilters() { //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // HQL test //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ log.info( "Starting HQL filter tests" ); TestData testData = new TestData(); testData.prepare(); Session session = openSession(); session.enableFilter( "region" ).setParameter( "region", "APAC" ); session.enableFilter( "effectiveDate" ) .setParameter( "asOfDate", testData.lastMonth.getTime() ); log.info( "HQL against Salesperson..." ); List results = session.createQuery( "select s from Salesperson as s left join fetch s.orders" ).list(); assertTrue( "Incorrect filtered HQL result count [" + results.size() + "]", results.size() == 1 ); Salesperson result = ( Salesperson ) results.get( 0 ); assertTrue( "Incorrect collectionfilter count", result.getOrders().size() == 1 ); log.info( "HQL against Product..." ); results = session.createQuery( "from Product as p where p.stockNumber = ?" ).setInteger( 0, 124 ).list(); assertTrue( results.size() == 1 ); session.close(); testData.release(); } @Test public void testFiltersWithCustomerReadAndWrite() { //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // Custom SQL read/write with filter //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ log.info("Starting HQL filter with custom SQL get/set tests"); TestData testData = new TestData(); testData.prepare(); Session session = openSession(); session.enableFilter( "heavyProducts" ).setParameter("weightKilograms", 4d); log.info( "HQL against Product..." ); List results = session.createQuery( "from Product").list(); assertEquals( 1, results.size() ); session.close(); testData.release(); } @Test public void testCriteriaQueryFilters() { //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // Criteria-query test //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ log.info("Starting Criteria-query filter tests"); TestData testData = new TestData(); testData.prepare(); Session session = openSession(); session.enableFilter( "region" ).setParameter( "region", "APAC" ); session.enableFilter( "fulfilledOrders" ) .setParameter( "asOfDate", testData.lastMonth.getTime() ); session.enableFilter( "effectiveDate" ) .setParameter( "asOfDate", testData.lastMonth.getTime() ); log.info("Criteria query against Salesperson..."); List salespersons = session.createCriteria( Salesperson.class ) .setFetchMode( "orders", FetchMode.JOIN ) .list(); assertEquals( "Incorrect salesperson count", 1, salespersons.size() ); assertEquals( "Incorrect order count", 1, ( ( Salesperson ) salespersons.get( 0 ) ).getOrders().size() ); log.info("Criteria query against Product..."); List products = session.createCriteria( Product.class ) .add( Restrictions.eq( "stockNumber", 124 ) ) .list(); assertEquals( "Incorrect product count", 1, products.size() ); session.close(); testData.release(); } @Test public void testCriteriaControl() { TestData testData = new TestData(); testData.prepare(); // the subquery... DetachedCriteria subquery = DetachedCriteria.forClass( Salesperson.class ) .setProjection( Property.forName( "name" ) ); Session session = openSession(); session.beginTransaction(); session.enableFilter( "fulfilledOrders" ).setParameter( "asOfDate", testData.lastMonth.getTime() ); session.enableFilter( "regionlist" ).setParameterList( "regions", new String[] {"APAC"} ); List result = session.createCriteria( Order.class ) .add( Subqueries.in( "steve", subquery ) ) .list(); assertEquals( 1, result.size() ); session.getTransaction().commit(); session.close(); testData.release(); } @Test public void testCriteriaSubqueryWithFilters() { //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // Criteria-subquery test //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ log.info("Starting Criteria-subquery filter tests"); TestData testData = new TestData(); testData.prepare(); Session session = openSession(); session.enableFilter("region").setParameter("region", "APAC"); log.info("Criteria query against Department with a subquery on Salesperson in the APAC reqion..."); DetachedCriteria salespersonSubquery = DetachedCriteria.forClass(Salesperson.class) .add(Restrictions.eq("name", "steve")) .setProjection(Property.forName("department")); Criteria departmentsQuery = session.createCriteria(Department.class).add(Subqueries.propertyIn("id", salespersonSubquery)); List departments = departmentsQuery.list(); assertEquals("Incorrect department count", 1, departments.size()); log.info("Criteria query against Department with a subquery on Salesperson in the FooBar reqion..."); session.enableFilter("region").setParameter("region", "Foobar"); departments = departmentsQuery.list(); assertEquals("Incorrect department count", 0, departments.size()); log.info("Criteria query against Order with a subquery for line items with a subquery on product and sold by a given sales person..."); session.enableFilter("region").setParameter("region", "APAC"); DetachedCriteria lineItemSubquery = DetachedCriteria.forClass(LineItem.class) .add( Restrictions.ge( "quantity", 1L ) ) .createCriteria( "product" ) .add( Restrictions.eq( "name", "Acme Hair Gel" ) ) .setProjection( Property.forName( "id" ) ); List orders = session.createCriteria(Order.class) .add(Subqueries.exists(lineItemSubquery)) .add(Restrictions.eq("buyer", "gavin")) .list(); assertEquals("Incorrect orders count", 1, orders.size()); log.info("query against Order with a subquery for line items with a subquery line items where the product name is Acme Hair Gel and the quantity is greater than 1 in a given region and the product is effective as of last month"); session.enableFilter("region").setParameter("region", "APAC"); session.enableFilter("effectiveDate").setParameter("asOfDate", testData.lastMonth.getTime()); DetachedCriteria productSubquery = DetachedCriteria.forClass(Product.class) .add(Restrictions.eq("name", "Acme Hair Gel")) .setProjection(Property.forName("id")); lineItemSubquery = DetachedCriteria.forClass(LineItem.class) .add(Restrictions.ge("quantity", 1L )) .createCriteria("product") .add(Subqueries.propertyIn("id", productSubquery)) .setProjection(Property.forName("id")); orders = session.createCriteria(Order.class) .add(Subqueries.exists(lineItemSubquery)) .add(Restrictions.eq("buyer", "gavin")) .list(); assertEquals("Incorrect orders count", 1, orders.size()); log.info("query against Order with a subquery for line items with a subquery line items where the product name is Acme Hair Gel and the quantity is greater than 1 in a given region and the product is effective as of 4 months ago"); session.enableFilter("region").setParameter("region", "APAC"); session.enableFilter("effectiveDate").setParameter("asOfDate", testData.fourMonthsAgo.getTime()); orders = session.createCriteria(Order.class) .add(Subqueries.exists(lineItemSubquery)) .add(Restrictions.eq("buyer", "gavin")) .list(); assertEquals("Incorrect orders count", 0, orders.size()); session.close(); testData.release(); } @Test public void testHQLSubqueryWithFilters() { //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // HQL subquery with filters test //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ log.info("Starting HQL subquery with filters tests"); TestData testData = new TestData(); testData.prepare(); Session session = openSession(); session.enableFilter("region").setParameter("region", "APAC"); log.info("query against Department with a subquery on Salesperson in the APAC reqion..."); List departments = session.createQuery( "select d from Department as d where d.id in (select s.department from Salesperson s where s.name = ?)" ).setString( 0, "steve" ).list(); assertEquals("Incorrect department count", 1, departments.size()); log.info("query against Department with a subquery on Salesperson in the FooBar reqion..."); session.enableFilter("region").setParameter( "region", "Foobar" ); departments = session.createQuery("select d from Department as d where d.id in (select s.department from Salesperson s where s.name = ?)").setString(0, "steve").list(); assertEquals( "Incorrect department count", 0, departments.size() ); log.info("query against Order with a subquery for line items with a subquery line items where the product name is Acme Hair Gel and the quantity is greater than 1 in a given region for a given buyer"); session.enableFilter("region").setParameter( "region", "APAC" ); List orders = session.createQuery("select o from Order as o where exists (select li.id from LineItem li, Product as p where p.id = li.product and li.quantity >= ? and p.name = ?) and o.buyer = ?") .setLong(0, 1L).setString(1, "Acme Hair Gel").setString(2, "gavin").list(); assertEquals( "Incorrect orders count", 1, orders.size() ); log.info("query against Order with a subquery for line items with a subquery line items where the product name is Acme Hair Gel and the quantity is greater than 1 in a given region and the product is effective as of last month"); session.enableFilter("region").setParameter("region", "APAC"); session.enableFilter("effectiveDate").setParameter( "asOfDate", testData.lastMonth.getTime() ); orders = session.createQuery("select o from Order as o where exists (select li.id from LineItem li where li.quantity >= ? and li.product in (select p.id from Product p where p.name = ?)) and o.buyer = ?") .setLong(0, 1L).setString(1, "Acme Hair Gel").setString(2, "gavin").list(); assertEquals( "Incorrect orders count", 1, orders.size() ); log.info( "query against Order with a subquery for line items with a subquery line items where the product name is Acme Hair Gel and the quantity is greater than 1 in a given region and the product is effective as of 4 months ago" ); session.enableFilter("region").setParameter("region", "APAC"); session.enableFilter("effectiveDate").setParameter("asOfDate", testData.fourMonthsAgo.getTime()); orders = session.createQuery("select o from Order as o where exists (select li.id from LineItem li where li.quantity >= ? and li.product in (select p.id from Product p where p.name = ?)) and o.buyer = ?") .setLong( 0, 1L ).setString( 1, "Acme Hair Gel" ).setString( 2, "gavin" ).list(); assertEquals("Incorrect orders count", 0, orders.size()); log.info("query against Order with a subquery for line items with a subquery line items where the product name is Acme Hair Gel and the quantity is greater than 1 in a given region and the product is effective as of last month with named types"); session.enableFilter("region").setParameter("region", "APAC"); session.enableFilter("effectiveDate").setParameter("asOfDate", testData.lastMonth.getTime()); orders = session.createQuery("select o from Order as o where exists (select li.id from LineItem li where li.quantity >= :quantity and li.product in (select p.id from Product p where p.name = :name)) and o.buyer = :buyer") .setLong("quantity", 1L).setString("name", "Acme Hair Gel").setString("buyer", "gavin").list(); assertEquals("Incorrect orders count", 1, orders.size()); log.info("query against Order with a subquery for line items with a subquery line items where the product name is Acme Hair Gel and the quantity is greater than 1 in a given region and the product is effective as of last month with mixed types"); session.enableFilter("region").setParameter("region", "APAC"); session.enableFilter("effectiveDate").setParameter("asOfDate", testData.lastMonth.getTime()); orders = session.createQuery("select o from Order as o where exists (select li.id from LineItem li where li.quantity >= ? and li.product in (select p.id from Product p where p.name = ?)) and o.buyer = :buyer") .setLong( 0, 1L ).setString( 1, "Acme Hair Gel" ).setString( "buyer", "gavin" ).list(); assertEquals("Incorrect orders count", 1, orders.size()); session.close(); testData.release(); } @Test public void testFilterApplicationOnHqlQueryWithImplicitSubqueryContainingPositionalParameter() { TestData testData = new TestData(); testData.prepare(); Session session = openSession(); session.beginTransaction(); final String queryString = "from Order o where ? in ( select sp.name from Salesperson sp )"; // first a control-group query List result = session.createQuery( queryString ).setParameter( 0, "steve" ).list(); assertEquals( 2, result.size() ); // now lets enable filters on Order... session.enableFilter( "fulfilledOrders" ).setParameter( "asOfDate", testData.lastMonth.getTime() ); result = session.createQuery( queryString ).setParameter( 0, "steve" ).list(); assertEquals( 1, result.size() ); // now, lets additionally enable filter on Salesperson. First a valid one... session.enableFilter( "regionlist" ).setParameterList( "regions", new String[] { "APAC" } ); result = session.createQuery( queryString ).setParameter( 0, "steve" ).list(); assertEquals( 1, result.size() ); // ... then a silly one... session.enableFilter( "regionlist" ).setParameterList( "regions", new String[] { "gamma quadrant" } ); result = session.createQuery( queryString ).setParameter( 0, "steve" ).list(); assertEquals( 0, result.size() ); session.getTransaction().commit(); session.close(); testData.release(); } @Test public void testFilterApplicationOnHqlQueryWithImplicitSubqueryContainingNamedParameter() { TestData testData = new TestData(); testData.prepare(); Session session = openSession(); session.beginTransaction(); final String queryString = "from Order o where :salesPersonName in ( select sp.name from Salesperson sp )"; // first a control-group query List result = session.createQuery( queryString ).setParameter( "salesPersonName", "steve" ).list(); assertEquals( 2, result.size() ); // now lets enable filters on Order... session.enableFilter( "fulfilledOrders" ).setParameter( "asOfDate", testData.lastMonth.getTime() ); result = session.createQuery( queryString ).setParameter( "salesPersonName", "steve" ).list(); assertEquals( 1, result.size() ); // now, lets additionally enable filter on Salesperson. First a valid one... session.enableFilter( "regionlist" ).setParameterList( "regions", new String[] { "APAC" } ); result = session.createQuery( queryString ).setParameter( "salesPersonName", "steve" ).list(); assertEquals( 1, result.size() ); // ... then a silly one... session.enableFilter( "regionlist" ).setParameterList( "regions", new String[] { "gamma quadrant" } ); result = session.createQuery( queryString ).setParameter( "salesPersonName", "steve" ).list(); assertEquals( 0, result.size() ); session.getTransaction().commit(); session.close(); testData.release(); } @Test public void testFiltersOnSimpleHqlDelete() { Session session = openSession(); session.beginTransaction(); Salesperson sp = new Salesperson(); sp.setName( "steve" ); sp.setRegion( "NA" ); session.persist( sp ); Salesperson sp2 = new Salesperson(); sp2.setName( "john" ); sp2.setRegion( "APAC" ); session.persist( sp2 ); session.getTransaction().commit(); session.close(); session = openSession(); session.beginTransaction(); session.enableFilter( "region" ).setParameter( "region", "NA" ); int count = session.createQuery( "delete from Salesperson" ).executeUpdate(); assertEquals( 1, count ); session.delete( sp2 ); session.getTransaction().commit(); session.close(); } @Test public void testFiltersOnMultiTableHqlDelete() { Session session = openSession(); session.beginTransaction(); Salesperson sp = new Salesperson(); sp.setName( "steve" ); sp.setRegion( "NA" ); session.persist( sp ); Salesperson sp2 = new Salesperson(); sp2.setName( "john" ); sp2.setRegion( "APAC" ); session.persist( sp2 ); session.getTransaction().commit(); session.close(); session = openSession(); session.beginTransaction(); session.enableFilter( "region" ).setParameter( "region", "NA" ); int count = session.createQuery( "delete from Salesperson" ).executeUpdate(); assertEquals( 1, count ); session.delete( sp2 ); session.getTransaction().commit(); session.close(); } @Test public void testGetFilters() { //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // Get() test //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ log.info("Starting get() filter tests (eager assoc. fetching)."); TestData testData = new TestData(); testData.prepare(); Session session = openSession(); session.enableFilter( "region" ).setParameter( "region", "APAC" ); log.info("Performing get()..."); Salesperson salesperson = ( Salesperson ) session.get( Salesperson.class, testData.steveId ); assertNotNull( salesperson ); assertEquals( "Incorrect order count", 1, salesperson.getOrders().size() ); session.close(); testData.release(); } @Test public void testOneToManyFilters() { //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // one-to-many loading tests //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ log.info("Starting one-to-many collection loader filter tests."); TestData testData = new TestData(); testData.prepare(); Session session = openSession(); session.enableFilter( "seniorSalespersons" ) .setParameter( "asOfDate", testData.lastMonth.getTime() ); log.info("Performing load of Department..."); Department department = ( Department ) session.load( Department.class, testData.deptId ); Set salespersons = department.getSalespersons(); assertEquals( "Incorrect salesperson count", 1, salespersons.size() ); session.close(); testData.release(); } @Test public void testInStyleFilterParameter() { //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // one-to-many loading tests //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ log.info("Starting one-to-many collection loader filter tests."); TestData testData = new TestData(); testData.prepare(); Session session = openSession(); session.enableFilter( "regionlist" ) .setParameterList( "regions", new String[]{"LA", "APAC"} ); log.debug("Performing query of Salespersons"); List salespersons = session.createQuery( "from Salesperson" ).list(); assertEquals( "Incorrect salesperson count", 1, salespersons.size() ); session.close(); testData.release(); } @Test public void testManyToManyFilterOnCriteria() { TestData testData = new TestData(); testData.prepare(); Session session = openSession(); session.enableFilter( "effectiveDate" ).setParameter( "asOfDate", new Date() ); Product prod = ( Product ) session.createCriteria( Product.class ) .setResultTransformer( DistinctRootEntityResultTransformer.INSTANCE ) .add( Restrictions.eq( "id", testData.prod1Id ) ) .uniqueResult(); assertNotNull( prod ); assertEquals( "Incorrect Product.categories count for filter", 1, prod.getCategories().size() ); session.close(); testData.release(); } @Test public void testManyToManyFilterOnLoad() { TestData testData = new TestData(); testData.prepare(); Session session = openSession(); session.enableFilter( "effectiveDate" ).setParameter( "asOfDate", new Date() ); Product prod = ( Product ) session.get( Product.class, testData.prod1Id ); long initLoadCount = sessionFactory().getStatistics().getCollectionLoadCount(); long initFetchCount = sessionFactory().getStatistics().getCollectionFetchCount(); // should already have been initialized... int size = prod.getCategories().size(); assertEquals( "Incorrect filtered collection count", 1, size ); long currLoadCount = sessionFactory().getStatistics().getCollectionLoadCount(); long currFetchCount = sessionFactory().getStatistics().getCollectionFetchCount(); assertTrue( "load with join fetch of many-to-many did not trigger join fetch", ( initLoadCount == currLoadCount ) && ( initFetchCount == currFetchCount ) ); // make sure we did not get back a collection of proxies long initEntityLoadCount = sessionFactory().getStatistics().getEntityLoadCount(); Iterator itr = prod.getCategories().iterator(); while ( itr.hasNext() ) { Category cat = ( Category ) itr.next(); System.out.println( " ===> " + cat.getName() ); } long currEntityLoadCount = sessionFactory().getStatistics().getEntityLoadCount(); assertTrue( "load with join fetch of many-to-many did not trigger *complete* join fetch", ( initEntityLoadCount == currEntityLoadCount ) ); session.close(); testData.release(); } @Test public void testManyToManyOnCollectionLoadAfterHQL() { TestData testData = new TestData(); testData.prepare(); Session session = openSession(); session.enableFilter( "effectiveDate" ).setParameter( "asOfDate", new Date() ); // Force the categories to not get initialized here List result = session.createQuery( "from Product as p where p.id = :id" ) .setLong( "id", testData.prod1Id ) .list(); assertTrue( "No products returned from HQL", !result.isEmpty() ); Product prod = ( Product ) result.get( 0 ); assertNotNull( prod ); assertEquals( "Incorrect Product.categories count for filter on collection load", 1, prod.getCategories().size() ); session.close(); testData.release(); } @Test public void testManyToManyFilterOnQuery() { TestData testData = new TestData(); testData.prepare(); Session session = openSession(); session.enableFilter( "effectiveDate" ).setParameter( "asOfDate", new Date() ); List result = session.createQuery( "from Product p inner join fetch p.categories" ).list(); assertTrue( "No products returned from HQL many-to-many filter case", !result.isEmpty() ); Product prod = ( Product ) result.get( 0 ); assertNotNull( prod ); assertEquals( "Incorrect Product.categories count for filter with HQL", 1, prod.getCategories().size() ); session.close(); testData.release(); } @Test public void testManyToManyBase() { TestData testData = new TestData(); testData.prepare(); Session session = openSession(); Product prod = ( Product ) session.get( Product.class, testData.prod1Id ); long initLoadCount = sessionFactory().getStatistics().getCollectionLoadCount(); long initFetchCount = sessionFactory().getStatistics().getCollectionFetchCount(); // should already have been initialized... int size = prod.getCategories().size(); assertEquals( "Incorrect non-filtered collection count", 2, size ); long currLoadCount = sessionFactory().getStatistics().getCollectionLoadCount(); long currFetchCount = sessionFactory().getStatistics().getCollectionFetchCount(); assertTrue( "load with join fetch of many-to-many did not trigger join fetch", ( initLoadCount == currLoadCount ) && ( initFetchCount == currFetchCount ) ); // make sure we did not get back a collection of proxies long initEntityLoadCount = sessionFactory().getStatistics().getEntityLoadCount(); Iterator itr = prod.getCategories().iterator(); while ( itr.hasNext() ) { Category cat = ( Category ) itr.next(); System.out.println( " ===> " + cat.getName() ); } long currEntityLoadCount = sessionFactory().getStatistics().getEntityLoadCount(); assertTrue( "load with join fetch of many-to-many did not trigger *complete* join fetch", ( initEntityLoadCount == currEntityLoadCount ) ); session.close(); testData.release(); } @Test public void testManyToManyBaseThruCriteria() { TestData testData = new TestData(); testData.prepare(); Session session = openSession(); List result = session.createCriteria( Product.class ) .add( Restrictions.eq( "id", testData.prod1Id ) ) .list(); Product prod = ( Product ) result.get( 0 ); long initLoadCount = sessionFactory().getStatistics().getCollectionLoadCount(); long initFetchCount = sessionFactory().getStatistics().getCollectionFetchCount(); // should already have been initialized... int size = prod.getCategories().size(); assertEquals( "Incorrect non-filtered collection count", 2, size ); long currLoadCount = sessionFactory().getStatistics().getCollectionLoadCount(); long currFetchCount = sessionFactory().getStatistics().getCollectionFetchCount(); assertTrue( "load with join fetch of many-to-many did not trigger join fetch", ( initLoadCount == currLoadCount ) && ( initFetchCount == currFetchCount ) ); // make sure we did not get back a collection of proxies long initEntityLoadCount = sessionFactory().getStatistics().getEntityLoadCount(); Iterator itr = prod.getCategories().iterator(); while ( itr.hasNext() ) { Category cat = ( Category ) itr.next(); System.out.println( " ===> " + cat.getName() ); } long currEntityLoadCount = sessionFactory().getStatistics().getEntityLoadCount(); assertTrue( "load with join fetch of many-to-many did not trigger *complete* join fetch", ( initEntityLoadCount == currEntityLoadCount ) ); session.close(); testData.release(); } private class TestData { private Long steveId; private Long deptId; private Long prod1Id; private Calendar lastMonth; private Calendar nextMonth; private Calendar sixMonthsAgo; private Calendar fourMonthsAgo; private List entitiesToCleanUp = new ArrayList(); private void prepare() { Session session = openSession(); Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction(); lastMonth = new GregorianCalendar(); lastMonth.add( Calendar.MONTH, -1 ); nextMonth = new GregorianCalendar(); nextMonth.add( Calendar.MONTH, 1 ); sixMonthsAgo = new GregorianCalendar(); sixMonthsAgo.add( Calendar.MONTH, -6 ); fourMonthsAgo = new GregorianCalendar(); fourMonthsAgo.add( Calendar.MONTH, -4 ); Department dept = new Department(); dept.setName( "Sales" ); session.save( dept ); deptId = dept.getId(); entitiesToCleanUp.add( dept ); Salesperson steve = new Salesperson(); steve.setName( "steve" ); steve.setRegion( "APAC" ); steve.setHireDate( sixMonthsAgo.getTime() ); steve.setDepartment( dept ); dept.getSalespersons().add( steve ); Salesperson max = new Salesperson(); max.setName( "max" ); max.setRegion( "EMEA" ); max.setHireDate( nextMonth.getTime() ); max.setDepartment( dept ); dept.getSalespersons().add( max ); session.save( steve ); session.save( max ); entitiesToCleanUp.add( steve ); entitiesToCleanUp.add( max ); steveId = steve.getId(); Category cat1 = new Category( "test cat 1", lastMonth.getTime(), nextMonth.getTime() ); Category cat2 = new Category( "test cat 2", sixMonthsAgo.getTime(), fourMonthsAgo.getTime() ); Product product1 = new Product(); product1.setName( "Acme Hair Gel" ); product1.setStockNumber( 123 ); product1.setWeightPounds( 0.25 ); product1.setEffectiveStartDate( lastMonth.getTime() ); product1.setEffectiveEndDate( nextMonth.getTime() ); product1.addCategory( cat1 ); product1.addCategory( cat2 ); session.save( product1 ); entitiesToCleanUp.add( product1 ); prod1Id = product1.getId(); Order order1 = new Order(); order1.setBuyer( "gavin" ); order1.setRegion( "APAC" ); order1.setPlacementDate( sixMonthsAgo.getTime() ); order1.setFulfillmentDate( fourMonthsAgo.getTime() ); order1.setSalesperson( steve ); order1.addLineItem( product1, 500 ); session.save( order1 ); entitiesToCleanUp.add( order1 ); Product product2 = new Product(); product2.setName( "Acme Super-Duper DTO Factory" ); product2.setStockNumber( 124 ); product1.setWeightPounds( 10.0 ); product2.setEffectiveStartDate( sixMonthsAgo.getTime() ); product2.setEffectiveEndDate( new Date() ); Category cat3 = new Category( "test cat 2", sixMonthsAgo.getTime(), new Date() ); product2.addCategory( cat3 ); session.save( product2 ); entitiesToCleanUp.add( product2 ); // An uncategorized product Product product3 = new Product(); product3.setName( "Uncategorized product" ); session.save( product3 ); entitiesToCleanUp.add( product3 ); Order order2 = new Order(); order2.setBuyer( "christian" ); order2.setRegion( "EMEA" ); order2.setPlacementDate( lastMonth.getTime() ); order2.setSalesperson( steve ); order2.addLineItem( product2, -1 ); session.save( order2 ); entitiesToCleanUp.add( order2 ); transaction.commit(); session.close(); } private void release() { Session session = openSession(); Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction(); Iterator itr = entitiesToCleanUp.iterator(); while ( itr.hasNext() ) { session.delete( itr.next() ); } transaction.commit(); session.close(); } } }