/* * Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java * * Copyright (c) 2009 by Red Hat Inc and/or its affiliates or by * third-party contributors as indicated by either @author tags or express * copyright attribution statements applied by the authors. All * third-party contributions are distributed under license by Red Hat Inc. * * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify, * copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU * Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License * for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this distribution; if not, write to: * Free Software Foundation, Inc. * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ package org.hibernate.ejb.criteria.path; import java.io.Serializable; import java.lang.reflect.Member; import java.util.Map; import javax.persistence.criteria.Join; import javax.persistence.criteria.MapJoin; import javax.persistence.criteria.Path; import javax.persistence.metamodel.Attribute; import javax.persistence.metamodel.Bindable; import javax.persistence.metamodel.ManagedType; import javax.persistence.metamodel.MapAttribute; import javax.persistence.metamodel.SingularAttribute; import javax.persistence.metamodel.Type; import org.hibernate.ejb.criteria.CriteriaBuilderImpl; import org.hibernate.ejb.criteria.MapJoinImplementor; import org.hibernate.ejb.criteria.PathImplementor; import org.hibernate.engine.spi.SessionFactoryImplementor; import org.hibernate.persister.collection.CollectionPersister; /** * {@link MapJoin#key} poses a number of implementation difficulties in terms of the type signatures * amongst the {@link Path}, {@link Join} and {@link Attribute} reference at play. The implementations found here * provide that bridge. * * @author Steve Ebersole */ public class MapKeyHelpers { /** * Models a path to a map key. This is the actual return used from {@link MapJoin#key} * * @param <K> The type of the map key. */ public static class MapKeyPath<K> extends AbstractPathImpl<K> implements PathImplementor<K>, Serializable { private final MapKeyAttribute<K> mapKeyAttribute; public MapKeyPath( CriteriaBuilderImpl criteriaBuilder, MapKeySource<K,?> source, MapKeyAttribute<K> mapKeyAttribute) { super( criteriaBuilder, mapKeyAttribute.getJavaType(), source ); this.mapKeyAttribute = mapKeyAttribute; } @Override public MapKeySource getPathSource() { return (MapKeySource) super.getPathSource(); } public MapKeyAttribute<K> getAttribute() { return mapKeyAttribute; } private boolean isBasicTypeKey() { return Attribute.PersistentAttributeType.BASIC == mapKeyAttribute.getPersistentAttributeType(); } @Override protected boolean canBeDereferenced() { return ! isBasicTypeKey(); } @Override protected Attribute locateAttributeInternal(String attributeName) { if ( ! canBeDereferenced() ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Map key [" + getPathSource().getPathIdentifier() + "] cannot be dereferenced" ); } throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Not yet supported!" ); } public Bindable<K> getModel() { return mapKeyAttribute; } } /** * Defines a {@link Path} for the map which can then be used to represent the source of the * map key "attribute". * * @param <K> The map key type * @param <V> The map value type */ public static class MapKeySource<K,V> extends AbstractPathImpl<Map<K, V>> implements PathImplementor<Map<K, V>>, Serializable { private final MapAttribute<?,K,V> mapAttribute; private final MapJoinImplementor<?,K,V> mapJoin; public MapKeySource( CriteriaBuilderImpl criteriaBuilder, Class<Map<K, V>> javaType, MapJoinImplementor<?,K,V> mapJoin, MapAttribute<?,K,V> attribute) { super( criteriaBuilder, javaType, null ); this.mapJoin = mapJoin; this.mapAttribute = attribute; } public MapAttribute<?,K,V> getAttribute() { return mapAttribute; } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" }) public Bindable<Map<K, V>> getModel() { // TODO : ok??? the attribute is in fact bindable, but its type signature is different return (Bindable<Map<K, V>>) mapAttribute; } @Override public PathImplementor<?> getParentPath() { return (PathImplementor<?>) mapJoin.getParentPath(); } @Override protected boolean canBeDereferenced() { return false; } @Override protected Attribute locateAttributeInternal(String attributeName) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Map [" + mapJoin.getPathIdentifier() + "] cannot be dereferenced" ); } } /** * Disallow instantiation */ private MapKeyHelpers() { } /** * Defines an {@link javax.persistence.metamodel.Attribute} modelling of a map-key. * * @param <K> The type of the map key */ public static class MapKeyAttribute<K> implements SingularAttribute<Map<K,?>,K>, Bindable<K>, Serializable { private final MapAttribute<?,K,?> attribute; private final CollectionPersister mapPersister; private final org.hibernate.type.Type mapKeyType; private final Type<K> jpaType; private final BindableType jpaBindableType; private final Class<K> jpaBinableJavaType; private final PersistentAttributeType persistentAttributeType; public MapKeyAttribute(CriteriaBuilderImpl criteriaBuilder, MapAttribute<?, K, ?> attribute) { this.attribute = attribute; this.jpaType = attribute.getKeyType(); this.jpaBinableJavaType = attribute.getKeyJavaType(); this.jpaBindableType = Type.PersistenceType .ENTITY.equals( jpaType.getPersistenceType() ) ? BindableType.ENTITY_TYPE : BindableType.SINGULAR_ATTRIBUTE; String guessedRoleName = determineRole( attribute ); SessionFactoryImplementor sfi = (SessionFactoryImplementor) criteriaBuilder.getEntityManagerFactory().getSessionFactory(); mapPersister = sfi.getCollectionPersister( guessedRoleName ); if ( mapPersister == null ) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Could not locate collection persister [" + guessedRoleName + "]" ); } mapKeyType = mapPersister.getIndexType(); if ( mapKeyType == null ) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Could not determine map-key type [" + guessedRoleName + "]" ); } this.persistentAttributeType = mapKeyType.isEntityType() ? PersistentAttributeType.MANY_TO_ONE : mapKeyType.isComponentType() ? PersistentAttributeType.EMBEDDED : PersistentAttributeType.BASIC; } private String determineRole(MapAttribute<?,K,?> attribute) { return attribute.getDeclaringType().getJavaType().getName() + '.' + attribute.getName(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public String getName() { // TODO : ??? return "map-key"; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public PersistentAttributeType getPersistentAttributeType() { return persistentAttributeType; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public ManagedType<Map<K, ?>> getDeclaringType() { // TODO : ??? return null; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Class<K> getJavaType() { return attribute.getKeyJavaType(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public Member getJavaMember() { // TODO : ??? return null; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public boolean isAssociation() { return mapKeyType.isEntityType(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public boolean isCollection() { return false; } public boolean isId() { return false; } public boolean isVersion() { return false; } public boolean isOptional() { return false; } public Type<K> getType() { return jpaType; } public BindableType getBindableType() { return jpaBindableType; } public Class<K> getBindableJavaType() { return jpaBinableJavaType; } } }