package in.srain.cube.request; import android.text.TextUtils; import in.srain.cube.cache.CacheManager; import in.srain.cube.cache.CacheResultType; import in.srain.cube.concurrent.SimpleTask; import in.srain.cube.util.CLog; import in.srain.cube.util.CubeDebug; import; import; public class CacheAbleRequest<T> extends RequestBase<T> implements ICacheAbleRequest<T> { public static enum ResultType { USE_CACHE_NOT_EXPIRED, USE_CACHE_ANYWAY, USE_CACHE_ON_TIMEOUT, USE_DATA_FROM_SERVER, USE_CACHE_ON_FAIL, } protected static final boolean DEBUG = CubeDebug.DEBUG_CACHE; protected static final String LOG_TAG = "cube-cache-request"; private CacheAbleRequestHandler<T> mHandler; private T mCacheData; private boolean mOutOfDate; private String mCacheKey = null; private int mTimeout = 0; private boolean mHasTimeout = false; private boolean mUseCacheAnyway = false; private boolean mHasNotified = false; protected boolean mForceQueryFromServer = false; private String mInitDataPath; private boolean mDisableCache = false; private long mCacheTime; public CacheAbleRequest() { } public CacheAbleRequest(final CacheAbleRequestHandler<T> handler) { setCacheAbleRequestHandler(handler); } public void setCacheAbleRequestHandler(CacheAbleRequestHandler<T> handler) { mHandler = handler; } public void forceQueryFromServer(boolean force) { mForceQueryFromServer = force; } // =========================================================== // Override parent // =========================================================== @Override public void doSendRequest() { RequestCacheManager.getInstance().requestCache(this); } /** * Timeout will not be considerate * * @return */ @Override protected T doRequestSync() { T data = RequestCacheManager.getInstance().requestCacheSync(this); if (data == null) { data = RequestManager.getInstance().getRequestProxy(this).requestSync(this); } return data; } /** * prepare request */ @Override protected void prepareRequest() { RequestManager.getInstance().getRequestProxy(this).prepareRequest(this); } // =========================================================== // Override Interface // =========================================================== @Override public void setTimeout(int timeOut) { mTimeout = timeOut; } @Override public CacheAbleRequest<T> setUseCacheAnyway(boolean use) { mUseCacheAnyway = use; return this; } @Override public boolean useCacheAnyway() { return mUseCacheAnyway; } @Override public void onRequestSuccess(T data) { if (DEBUG) { CLog.d(LOG_TAG, "%s, onRequestSuccess", getCacheKey()); } if (hasBeenCanceled()) { return; } if (null != mHandler) { mHandler.onRequestFinish(data); // cache data is not available or // cache is available and time duration not reach timeout or not always use the cache if (mCacheData == null || (!mHasTimeout && !mUseCacheAnyway)) { notifyRequestFinish(ResultType.USE_DATA_FROM_SERVER, data, false); } else { if (DEBUG) { CLog.d(LOG_TAG, "%s, will not notifyRequestFinish", getCacheKey()); } } } } @Override public void onRequestFail(FailData failData) { RequestManager.getInstance().getRequestProxy(this).onRequestFail(this, failData); if (DEBUG) { CLog.d(LOG_TAG, "%s, onRequestFail", getCacheKey()); } if (hasBeenCanceled()) { return; } if (null != mHandler) { mHandler.onRequestFail(failData); if (mCacheData != null && !cacheIsDisabled() && !mUseCacheAnyway) { notifyRequestFinish(ResultType.USE_CACHE_ON_FAIL, mCacheData, true); } } } @Override public void onNoCacheData(CacheManager cacheManager) { if (DEBUG) { CLog.d(LOG_TAG, "%s, onNoCacheData", getCacheKey()); } if (hasBeenCanceled()) { return; } doQueryFromServer(); beginTimeout(); } protected void doQueryFromServer() { RequestManager.getInstance().getRequestProxy(this).sendRequest(this); } protected boolean cacheRequestResult() { return mForceQueryFromServer || !cacheIsDisabled(); } @Override public boolean cacheIsDisabled() { if (mForceQueryFromServer) { return true; } return mDisableCache; } // =========================================================== // Implements Interface {@link ICacheAble} // =========================================================== @Override public void onCacheData(CacheResultType cacheResultType, T data, boolean outOfDate) { if (DEBUG) { CLog.d(LOG_TAG, "%s, onQueryFinish, out of date: %s", getCacheKey(), outOfDate); } if (hasBeenCanceled()) { return; } mCacheData = data; mOutOfDate = outOfDate; if (mHandler != null) { mHandler.onCacheData(data, outOfDate); if (mUseCacheAnyway) { notifyRequestFinish(ResultType.USE_CACHE_ANYWAY, data, mOutOfDate); } else { if (!outOfDate) { notifyRequestFinish(ResultType.USE_CACHE_NOT_EXPIRED, data, false); } } } } @Override public long getCacheTime() { return mCacheTime; } @Override public String getCacheKey() { if (mCacheKey == null) { String cacheKey = null; String url = getRequestData().getRequestUrl(); try { URI uri = null; uri = new URI(url); cacheKey = uri.getPath(); if (cacheKey.startsWith("/")) { cacheKey = cacheKey.substring(1); } cacheKey = cacheKey.replace("/", "-"); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if (TextUtils.isEmpty(cacheKey)) { throw new RuntimeException("Cache key is null"); } mCacheKey = cacheKey; } return mCacheKey; } @Override public String getAssertInitDataPath() { return mInitDataPath; } @Override public T onDataFromServer(String data) { if (DEBUG) { CLog.d(LOG_TAG, "%s, onDataFromServer", getCacheKey()); } T ret = super.onDataFromServer(data); // cache the data if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(data) && ret != null && cacheRequestResult()) { RequestCacheManager.getInstance().setCacheData(this.getCacheKey(), data); } return ret; } @Override public T processOriginDataFromServer(JsonData rawData) { rawData = RequestManager.getInstance().getRequestProxy(this).processOriginDataFromServer(this, rawData); return mHandler.processOriginData(rawData); } @Override public T processRawDataFromCache(JsonData rawData) { return mHandler.processOriginData(rawData); } /** * will only notify once * * @param type * @param outOfDate */ private void notifyRequestFinish(ResultType type, T cacheData, boolean outOfDate) { if (DEBUG) { CLog.d(LOG_TAG, "%s, notifyRequestFinish: %s, %s", getCacheKey(), type, outOfDate); } if (mHasNotified) { return; } mHasNotified = true; mHandler.onCacheAbleRequestFinish(cacheData, type, outOfDate); } private void timeout() { mHasTimeout = true; if (mCacheData != null && mHandler != null) { notifyRequestFinish(ResultType.USE_CACHE_ON_TIMEOUT, mCacheData, true); } } private void beginTimeout() { if (mTimeout > 0 && mCacheData != null) { SimpleTask.postDelay(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { timeout(); } }, mTimeout); } } @Override public CacheAbleRequest<T> setCacheKey(String cacheKey) { mCacheKey = cacheKey; return this; } @Override public CacheAbleRequest<T> setDisableCache(boolean disable) { mDisableCache = disable; return this; } @Override public CacheAbleRequest<T> setAssertInitDataPath(String path) { mInitDataPath = path; return this; } @Override public CacheAbleRequest<T> setCacheTime(long time) { mCacheTime = time; return this; } }