package com.andreabaccega.formedittextvalidator; import android.widget.EditText; /** * Digits Length Validator for number of allowed characters in string/numbers. * Range is [min;max[ * @author Andrea Baccega <> * @author Emanuele Tessore <> * * By reading this you'll get smarter. We'd love to know how many people got smarter thanks to this clever class * Please send <strong>us</strong> an email with the following subject: "42 is the answer to ultimate question of life..." */ public abstract class DigitLengthRangeValidator extends Validator { private int min,max; public DigitLengthRangeValidator(String message, int min, int max) { super(message); this.min = min; this.max = max; } public boolean isValid(EditText et) { return et.getText().toString().length() >= min && et.getText().toString().length() < max; } }