package com.github.mikephil.charting.charts; import android.content.Context; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.util.AttributeSet; import; import; import; import; import com.github.mikephil.charting.renderer.PieChartRenderer; import com.github.mikephil.charting.utils.Utils; import java.util.List; /** * View that represents a pie chart. Draws cake like slices. * * @author Philipp Jahoda */ public class PieChart extends PieRadarChartBase<PieData> { /** * rect object that represents the bounds of the piechart, needed for * drawing the circle */ private RectF mCircleBox = new RectF(); /** flag indicating if the x-labels should be drawn or not */ private boolean mDrawXLabels = true; /** array that holds the width of each pie-slice in degrees */ private float[] mDrawAngles; /** array that holds the absolute angle in degrees of each slice */ private float[] mAbsoluteAngles; /** if true, the white hole inside the chart will be drawn */ private boolean mDrawHole = true; /** if true, the values inside the piechart are drawn as percent values */ private boolean mUsePercentValues = false; /** * variable for the text that is drawn in the center of the pie-chart. If * this value is null, the default is "Total Value\n + getYValueSum()" */ private String mCenterText = ""; /** * indicates the size of the hole in the center of the piechart, default: * radius / 2 */ private float mHoleRadiusPercent = 50f; /** * the radius of the transparent circle next to the chart-hole in the center */ private float mTransparentCircleRadiusPercent = 55f; /** if enabled, centertext is drawn */ private boolean mDrawCenterText = true; public PieChart(Context context) { super(context); } public PieChart(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); } public PieChart(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) { super(context, attrs, defStyle); } @Override protected void init() { super.init(); mRenderer = new PieChartRenderer(this, mAnimator, mViewPortHandler); } @Override protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { super.onDraw(canvas); if (mDataNotSet) return; mRenderer.drawData(canvas); if (mHighlightEnabled && valuesToHighlight()) mRenderer.drawHighlighted(canvas, mIndicesToHightlight); mRenderer.drawExtras(canvas); mRenderer.drawValues(canvas); mLegendRenderer.renderLegend(canvas); drawDescription(canvas); // canvas.drawBitmap(mDrawBitmap, 0, 0, mDrawPaint); } @Override protected void calculateOffsets() { super.calculateOffsets(); // prevent nullpointer when no data set if (mDataNotSet) return; float diameter = getDiameter(); float boxSize = diameter / 2f; PointF c = getCenterOffsets(); // create the circle box that will contain the pie-chart (the bounds of // the pie-chart) mCircleBox.set(c.x - boxSize, c.y - boxSize, c.x + boxSize, c.y + boxSize); } @Override protected void calcMinMax() { super.calcMinMax(); calcAngles(); } /** PieChart does not support MarkerView */ @Override protected float[] getMarkerPosition(Entry e, int dataSetIndex) { return new float[0]; } /** * calculates the needed angles for the chart slices */ private void calcAngles() { mDrawAngles = new float[mData.getYValCount()]; mAbsoluteAngles = new float[mData.getYValCount()]; List<PieDataSet> dataSets = mData.getDataSets(); int cnt = 0; for (int i = 0; i < mData.getDataSetCount(); i++) { PieDataSet set = dataSets.get(i); List<Entry> entries = set.getYVals(); for (int j = 0; j < entries.size(); j++) { mDrawAngles[cnt] = calcAngle(Math.abs(entries.get(j).getVal())); if (cnt == 0) { mAbsoluteAngles[cnt] = mDrawAngles[cnt]; } else { mAbsoluteAngles[cnt] = mAbsoluteAngles[cnt - 1] + mDrawAngles[cnt]; } cnt++; } } } /** * checks if the given index in the given DataSet is set for highlighting or * not * * @param xIndex * @param dataSetIndex * @return */ public boolean needsHighlight(int xIndex, int dataSetIndex) { // no highlight if (!valuesToHighlight() || dataSetIndex < 0) return false; for (int i = 0; i < mIndicesToHightlight.length; i++) // check if the xvalue for the given dataset needs highlight if (mIndicesToHightlight[i].getXIndex() == xIndex && mIndicesToHightlight[i].getDataSetIndex() == dataSetIndex) return true; return false; } /** * calculates the needed angle for a given value * * @param value * @return */ private float calcAngle(float value) { return value / mData.getYValueSum() * 360f; } @Override public int getIndexForAngle(float angle) { // take the current angle of the chart into consideration float a = (angle - mRotationAngle + 360) % 360f; for (int i = 0; i < mAbsoluteAngles.length; i++) { if (mAbsoluteAngles[i] > a) return i; } return -1; // return -1 if no index found } /** * Returns the index of the DataSet this x-index belongs to. * * @param xIndex * @return */ public int getDataSetIndexForIndex(int xIndex) { List<? extends DataSet<? extends Entry>> dataSets = mData.getDataSets(); for (int i = 0; i < dataSets.size(); i++) { if (dataSets.get(i).getEntryForXIndex(xIndex) != null) return i; } return -1; } /** * returns an integer array of all the different angles the chart slices * have the angles in the returned array determine how much space (of 360°) * each slice takes * * @return */ public float[] getDrawAngles() { return mDrawAngles; } /** * returns the absolute angles of the different chart slices (where the * slices end) * * @return */ public float[] getAbsoluteAngles() { return mAbsoluteAngles; } /** * Sets the color for the hole that is drawn in the center of the PieChart * (if enabled). NOTE: Use setHoleColorTransparent(boolean enabled) to make * the hole transparent. * * @param color */ public void setHoleColor(int color) { ((PieChartRenderer) mRenderer).getPaintHole().setXfermode(null); ((PieChartRenderer) mRenderer).getPaintHole().setColor(color); } /** * Set the hole in the center of the PieChart transparent. Thank you, code * provided by: * * @link * @param enable */ public void setHoleColorTransparent(boolean enable) { if (enable) { ((PieChartRenderer) mRenderer).getPaintHole().setColor(0xFFFFFFFF); ((PieChartRenderer) mRenderer).getPaintHole().setXfermode( new PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.CLEAR)); } else { ((PieChartRenderer) mRenderer).getPaintHole().setXfermode(null); } } /** * Returns true if the hole in the center of the PieChart is transparent, * false if not. * * @return true if hole is transparent. */ public boolean isHoleTransparent() { return ((PieChartRenderer) mRenderer).getPaintHole().getXfermode() != null; } /** * set this to true to draw the pie center empty * * @param enabled */ public void setDrawHoleEnabled(boolean enabled) { this.mDrawHole = enabled; } /** * returns true if the hole in the center of the pie-chart is set to be * visible, false if not * * @return */ public boolean isDrawHoleEnabled() { return mDrawHole; } /** * sets the text that is displayed in the center of the pie-chart. By * default, the text is "Total Value + sumofallvalues" * * @param text */ public void setCenterText(String text) { mCenterText = text; } /** * returns the text that is drawn in the center of the pie-chart * * @return */ public String getCenterText() { return mCenterText; } /** * set this to true to draw the text that is displayed in the center of the * pie chart * * @param enabled */ public void setDrawCenterText(boolean enabled) { this.mDrawCenterText = enabled; } /** * returns true if drawing the center text is enabled * * @return */ public boolean isDrawCenterTextEnabled() { return mDrawCenterText; } @Override protected float getRequiredBottomOffset() { return mLegendRenderer.getLabelPaint().getTextSize() * 4f; } @Override protected float getRequiredBaseOffset() { return 0; } @Override public float getRadius() { if (mCircleBox == null) return 0; else return Math.min(mCircleBox.width() / 2f, mCircleBox.height() / 2f); } /** * returns the circlebox, the boundingbox of the pie-chart slices * * @return */ public RectF getCircleBox() { return mCircleBox; } /** * returns the center of the circlebox * * @return */ public PointF getCenterCircleBox() { return new PointF(mCircleBox.centerX(), mCircleBox.centerY()); } /** * sets the typeface for the center-text paint * * @param t */ public void setCenterTextTypeface(Typeface t) { ((PieChartRenderer) mRenderer).getPaintCenterText().setTypeface(t); } /** * Sets the size of the center text of the PieChart in dp. * * @param size */ public void setCenterTextSize(float sizeDp) { ((PieChartRenderer) mRenderer).getPaintCenterText().setTextSize( Utils.convertDpToPixel(sizeDp)); } /** * Sets the size of the center text of the PieChart in pixels. * * @param size */ public void setCenterTextSizePixels(float sizePixels) { ((PieChartRenderer) mRenderer).getPaintCenterText().setTextSize(sizePixels); } /** * Sets the color of the center text of the PieChart. * * @param color */ public void setCenterTextColor(int color) { ((PieChartRenderer) mRenderer).getPaintCenterText().setColor(color); } /** * sets the radius of the hole in the center of the piechart in percent of * the maximum radius (max = the radius of the whole chart), default 50% * * @param size */ public void setHoleRadius(final float percent) { mHoleRadiusPercent = percent; } public float getHoleRadius() { return mHoleRadiusPercent; } public void setTransparentCircleColor(int color) { ((PieChartRenderer) mRenderer).getPaintTransparentCircle().setColor(color); } /** * sets the radius of the transparent circle that is drawn next to the hole * in the piechart in percent of the maximum radius (max = the radius of the * whole chart), default 55% -> means 5% larger than the center-hole by * default * * @param percent */ public void setTransparentCircleRadius(final float percent) { mTransparentCircleRadiusPercent = percent; } public float getTransparentCircleRadius() { return mTransparentCircleRadiusPercent; } /** * set this to true to draw the x-value text into the pie slices * * @param enabled */ public void setDrawSliceText(boolean enabled) { mDrawXLabels = enabled; } /** * returns true if drawing x-values is enabled, false if not * * @return */ public boolean isDrawSliceTextEnabled() { return mDrawXLabels; } /** * If this is enabled, values inside the PieChart are drawn in percent and * not with their original value. Values provided for the ValueFormatter to * format are then provided in percent. * * @param enabled */ public void setUsePercentValues(boolean enabled) { mUsePercentValues = enabled; } /** * Returns true if using percentage values is enabled for the chart. * * @return */ public boolean isUsePercentValuesEnabled() { return mUsePercentValues; } }