package com.github.mikephil.charting.charts; import android.content.Context; import; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.util.Log; import; import; import; import; import; import com.github.mikephil.charting.interfaces.BarDataProvider; import com.github.mikephil.charting.renderer.BarChartRenderer; import com.github.mikephil.charting.renderer.XAxisRendererBarChart; import com.github.mikephil.charting.utils.Highlight; /** * Chart that draws bars. * * @author Philipp Jahoda */ public class BarChart extends BarLineChartBase<BarData> implements BarDataProvider { /** flag that enables or disables the highlighting arrow */ private boolean mDrawHighlightArrow = false; /** * if set to true, all values are drawn above their bars, instead of below * their top */ private boolean mDrawValueAboveBar = true; /** * if set to true, all values of a stack are drawn individually, and not * just their sum */ private boolean mDrawValuesForWholeStack = true; /** * if set to true, a grey area is drawn behind each bar that indicates the * maximum value */ private boolean mDrawBarShadow = false; public BarChart(Context context) { super(context); } public BarChart(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); } public BarChart(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) { super(context, attrs, defStyle); } @Override protected void init() { super.init(); mRenderer = new BarChartRenderer(this, mAnimator, mViewPortHandler); mXAxisRenderer = new XAxisRendererBarChart(mViewPortHandler, mXAxis, mLeftAxisTransformer, this); mXChartMin = -0.5f; } @Override protected void calcMinMax() { super.calcMinMax(); // increase deltax by 1 because the bars have a width of 1 mDeltaX += 0.5f; // extend xDelta to make space for multiple datasets (if ther are one) mDeltaX *= mData.getDataSetCount(); int maxEntry = 0; for (int i = 0; i < mData.getDataSetCount(); i++) { DataSet<? extends Entry> set = mData.getDataSetByIndex(i); if (maxEntry < set.getEntryCount()) maxEntry = set.getEntryCount(); } float groupSpace = mData.getGroupSpace(); mDeltaX += maxEntry * groupSpace; mXChartMax = mDeltaX - mXChartMin; } /** * Returns the Highlight object (contains x-index and DataSet index) of the * selected value at the given touch point inside the BarChart. * * @param x * @param y * @return */ @Override public Highlight getHighlightByTouchPoint(float x, float y) { if (mDataNotSet || mData == null) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Can't select by touch. No data set."); return null; } // create an array of the touch-point float[] pts = new float[2]; pts[0] = x; pts[1] = y; mLeftAxisTransformer.pixelsToValue(pts); if (pts[0] < mXChartMin || pts[0] > mXChartMax) return null; return getHighlight(pts[0], pts[1]); } /** * Returns the correct Highlight object (including xIndex and dataSet-index) * for the specified touch position. * * @param xPosition * @return */ protected Highlight getHighlight(double xPosition, double yPosition) { int setCount = mData.getDataSetCount(); int valCount = mData.getXValCount(); int dataSetIndex = 0; int xIndex = 0; // only one dataset exists if (!mData.isGrouped()) { xIndex = (int) Math.round(xPosition); // check bounds if (xIndex < 0) { xIndex = 0; } else if (xIndex >= valCount) { xIndex = valCount - 1; } // if this bardata is grouped into more datasets } else { // calculate how often the group-space appears int steps = (int) ((float) xPosition / ((float) setCount + mData.getGroupSpace())); float groupSpaceSum = mData.getGroupSpace() * (float) steps; float baseNoSpace = (float) xPosition - groupSpaceSum; if (mLogEnabled) Log.i(LOG_TAG, "base: " + xPosition + ", steps: " + steps + ", groupSpaceSum: " + groupSpaceSum + ", baseNoSpace: " + baseNoSpace); dataSetIndex = (int) baseNoSpace % setCount; xIndex = (int) baseNoSpace / setCount; if (mLogEnabled) Log.i(LOG_TAG, "xIndex: " + xIndex + ", dataSet: " + dataSetIndex); // check bounds if (xIndex < 0) { xIndex = 0; dataSetIndex = 0; } else if (xIndex >= valCount) { xIndex = valCount - 1; dataSetIndex = setCount - 1; } // check bounds if (dataSetIndex < 0) dataSetIndex = 0; else if (dataSetIndex >= setCount) dataSetIndex = setCount - 1; } if (!mData.getDataSetByIndex(dataSetIndex).isStacked()) return new Highlight(xIndex, dataSetIndex); else return getStackedHighlight(xIndex, dataSetIndex, yPosition); } /** * This method creates the Highlight object that also indicates which value * of a stacked BarEntry has been selected. * * @param xIndex * @param dataSet * @param yValue * @return */ protected Highlight getStackedHighlight(int xIndex, int dataSet, double yValue) { BarEntry entry = mData.getDataSetByIndex(dataSet).getEntryForXIndex(xIndex); if (entry != null) { int stackIndex = entry.getClosestIndexAbove((float) yValue); Highlight h = new Highlight(xIndex, dataSet, stackIndex); return h; } else return null; } /** * Returns the bounding box of the specified Entry in the specified DataSet. * Returns null if the Entry could not be found in the charts data. * * @param e * @param dataSetIndex * @return */ public RectF getBarBounds(BarEntry e) { BarDataSet set = mData.getDataSetForEntry(e); if (set == null) return null; float barspace = set.getBarSpace(); float y = e.getVal(); float x = e.getXIndex(); float barWidth = 0.5f; float spaceHalf = barspace / 2f; float left = x - barWidth + spaceHalf; float right = x + barWidth - spaceHalf; float top = y >= 0 ? y : 0; float bottom = y <= 0 ? y : 0; RectF bounds = new RectF(left, top, right, bottom); getTransformer(set.getAxisDependency()).rectValueToPixel(bounds); return bounds; } /** * set this to true to draw the highlightning arrow * * @param enabled */ public void setDrawHighlightArrow(boolean enabled) { mDrawHighlightArrow = enabled; } /** * returns true if drawing the highlighting arrow is enabled, false if not * * @return */ public boolean isDrawHighlightArrowEnabled() { return mDrawHighlightArrow; } /** * If set to true, all values are drawn above their bars, instead of below * their top. * * @param enabled */ public void setDrawValueAboveBar(boolean enabled) { mDrawValueAboveBar = enabled; } /** * returns true if drawing values above bars is enabled, false if not * * @return */ public boolean isDrawValueAboveBarEnabled() { return mDrawValueAboveBar; } /** * if set to true, all values of a stack are drawn individually, and not * just their sum * * @param enabled */ public void setDrawValuesForWholeStack(boolean enabled) { mDrawValuesForWholeStack = enabled; } /** * returns true if all values of a stack are drawn, and not just their sum * * @return */ public boolean isDrawValuesForWholeStackEnabled() { return mDrawValuesForWholeStack; } /** * If set to true, a grey area is drawn behind each bar that indicates the * maximum value. Enabling his will reduce performance by about 50%. * * @param enabled */ public void setDrawBarShadow(boolean enabled) { mDrawBarShadow = enabled; } /** * returns true if drawing shadows (maxvalue) for each bar is enabled, false * if not * * @return */ public boolean isDrawBarShadowEnabled() { return mDrawBarShadow; } @Override public BarData getBarData() { return mData; } }