/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.pig.test; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileWriter; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.io.StringReader; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import junit.framework.Assert; import org.apache.pig.ExecType; import org.apache.pig.PigException; import org.apache.pig.PigServer; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.MapReduceLauncher; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.MapReduceOper; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.plans.MROperPlan; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.PhysicalOperator; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.plans.PhysicalPlan; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.relationalOperators.POSplit; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.relationalOperators.POStore; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.util.MapRedUtil; import org.apache.pig.impl.PigContext; import org.apache.pig.impl.io.FileLocalizer; import org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.LogicalPlan; import org.apache.pig.impl.plan.Operator; import org.apache.pig.impl.plan.OperatorPlan; import org.apache.pig.impl.util.LogUtils; import org.apache.pig.tools.grunt.GruntParser; import org.apache.pig.tools.pigscript.parser.ParseException; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.JUnit4; @RunWith(JUnit4.class) public class TestMultiQueryCompiler { private static MiniCluster cluster; private PigServer myPig; @BeforeClass public static void setUpBeforeClass() throws IOException { cluster = MiniCluster.buildCluster(); Util.copyFromLocalToCluster(cluster, "test/org/apache/pig/test/data/passwd", "passwd"); Util.copyFromLocalToCluster(cluster, "test/org/apache/pig/test/data/passwd2", "passwd2"); } @AfterClass public static void tearDownAfterClass() throws IOException { Util.deleteFile(cluster, "passwd"); Util.deleteFile(cluster, "passwd2"); cluster.shutDown(); } @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { cluster.setProperty("opt.multiquery", ""+true); myPig = new PigServer(ExecType.MAPREDUCE, cluster.getProperties()); deleteOutputFiles(); } @After public void tearDown() throws Exception { myPig = null; } @Test public void testMultiQueryJiraPig1438() { // test case: merge multiple distinct jobs -- one group by job, one distinct job String INPUT_FILE = "abc"; try { myPig.setBatchOn(); myPig.registerQuery("A = load '" + INPUT_FILE + "' as (col1:int, col2:int, col3:int);"); myPig.registerQuery("B1 = foreach A generate col1, col2;"); myPig.registerQuery("B2 = foreach A generate col2, col3;"); myPig.registerQuery("C1 = distinct B1;"); myPig.registerQuery("C2 = group B2 by (col2, col3);"); myPig.registerQuery("D1 = foreach C1 generate col1, col2;"); myPig.registerQuery("D2 = foreach C2 generate B2.col2, B2.col3;"); myPig.registerQuery("store D1 into '/tmp/output1';"); myPig.registerQuery("store D2 into '/tmp/output2';"); LogicalPlan lp = checkLogicalPlan(1, 2, 13); PhysicalPlan pp = checkPhysicalPlan(lp, 1, 2, 15); checkMRPlan(pp, 1, 1, 2); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.fail(); } } @Test public void testMultiQueryJiraPig1060() { // test case: String INPUT_FILE = "pig-1060.txt"; try { PrintWriter w = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(INPUT_FILE)); w.println("apple\t2"); w.println("apple\t12"); w.println("orange\t3"); w.println("orange\t23"); w.println("strawberry\t10"); w.println("strawberry\t34"); w.close(); Util.copyFromLocalToCluster(cluster, INPUT_FILE, INPUT_FILE); myPig.setBatchOn(); myPig.registerQuery("data = load '" + INPUT_FILE + "' as (name:chararray, gid:int);"); myPig.registerQuery("f1 = filter data by gid < 5;"); myPig.registerQuery("g1 = group f1 by name;"); myPig.registerQuery("p1 = foreach g1 generate group, COUNT(f1.gid);"); myPig.registerQuery("store p1 into '/tmp/output1';"); myPig.registerQuery("f2 = filter data by gid > 5;"); myPig.registerQuery("g2 = group f2 by name;"); myPig.registerQuery("p2 = foreach g2 generate group, COUNT(f2.gid);"); myPig.registerQuery("store p2 into '/tmp/output2';"); myPig.registerQuery("f3 = filter f2 by gid > 10;"); myPig.registerQuery("g3 = group f3 by name;"); myPig.registerQuery("p3 = foreach g3 generate group, COUNT(f3.gid);"); myPig.registerQuery("store p3 into '/tmp/output3';"); myPig.registerQuery("f4 = filter f3 by gid < 20;"); myPig.registerQuery("g4 = group f4 by name;"); myPig.registerQuery("p4 = foreach g4 generate group, COUNT(f4.gid);"); myPig.registerQuery("store p4 into '/tmp/output4';"); LogicalPlan lp = checkLogicalPlan(1, 4, 27); PhysicalPlan pp = checkPhysicalPlan(lp, 1, 4, 35); checkMRPlan(pp, 1, 1, 1); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.fail(); } finally { new File(INPUT_FILE).delete(); try { Util.deleteFile(cluster, INPUT_FILE); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.fail(); } } } @Test public void testMultiQueryJiraPig920() { // test case: a simple diamond query try { myPig.setBatchOn(); myPig.registerQuery("a = load 'passwd' " + "using PigStorage(':') as (uname:chararray, passwd:chararray, uid:int, gid:int);"); myPig.registerQuery("b = filter a by uid < 5;"); myPig.registerQuery("c = filter a by gid >= 5;"); myPig.registerQuery("d = cogroup c by $0, b by $0;"); myPig.registerQuery("e = foreach d generate group, COUNT(c), COUNT(b);"); myPig.registerQuery("store e into '/tmp/output1';"); LogicalPlan lp = checkLogicalPlan(1, 1, 10); PhysicalPlan pp = checkPhysicalPlan(lp, 1, 1, 13); checkMRPlan(pp, 1, 1, 1); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.fail(); } } @Test public void testMultiQueryJiraPig920_1() { // test case: a query with two diamonds try { myPig.setBatchOn(); myPig.registerQuery("a = load 'passwd' " + "using PigStorage(':') as (uname:chararray, passwd:chararray, uid:int, gid:int);"); myPig.registerQuery("b = filter a by uid < 5;"); myPig.registerQuery("c = filter a by gid >= 5;"); myPig.registerQuery("d = filter a by uid >= 5;"); myPig.registerQuery("e = filter a by gid < 5;"); myPig.registerQuery("f = cogroup c by $0, b by $0;"); myPig.registerQuery("f1 = foreach f generate group, COUNT(c), COUNT(b);"); myPig.registerQuery("store f1 into '/tmp/output1';"); myPig.registerQuery("g = cogroup d by $0, e by $0;"); myPig.registerQuery("g1 = foreach g generate group, COUNT(d), COUNT(e);"); myPig.registerQuery("store g1 into '/tmp/output2';"); LogicalPlan lp = checkLogicalPlan(1, 2, 17); PhysicalPlan pp = checkPhysicalPlan(lp, 1, 2, 23); checkMRPlan(pp, 2, 2, 2); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.fail(); } } @Test public void testMultiQueryWithDemoCase() { System.out.println("===== multi-query with demo case 2 ====="); try { myPig.setBatchOn(); myPig.registerQuery("a = load 'passwd' " + "using PigStorage(':') as (uname:chararray, passwd:chararray, uid:int, gid:int);"); myPig.registerQuery("b = foreach a generate uname, uid, gid;"); myPig.registerQuery("c = filter b by uid < 5;"); myPig.registerQuery("d = filter c by gid >= 5;"); myPig.registerQuery("store d into '/tmp/output1';"); myPig.registerQuery("e = filter b by uid >= 5;"); myPig.registerQuery("store e into '/tmp/output2';"); myPig.registerQuery("f = filter c by gid < 5;"); myPig.registerQuery("g = group f by uname;"); myPig.registerQuery("h = foreach g generate group, COUNT(f.uid);"); myPig.registerQuery("store h into '/tmp/output3';"); LogicalPlan lp = checkLogicalPlan(1, 3, 18); PhysicalPlan pp = checkPhysicalPlan(lp, 1, 3, 20); checkMRPlan(pp, 1, 1, 1); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.fail(); } } @Test public void testMultiQueryWithSingleMapReduceSplittee() { System.out.println("===== multi-query with single map reduce splittee ====="); try { myPig.setBatchOn(); myPig.registerQuery("a = load 'passwd' " + "using PigStorage(':') as (uname, passwd, uid, gid);"); myPig.registerQuery("b = foreach a generate uname, uid, gid;"); myPig.registerQuery("split b into c1 if uid > 5, c2 if uid <= 5 ;"); myPig.registerQuery("f = group c2 by uname;"); myPig.registerQuery("f1 = foreach f generate group, SUM(c2.gid);"); myPig.registerQuery("store f1 into '/tmp/output1';"); LogicalPlan lp = checkLogicalPlan(1, 1, 6); PhysicalPlan pp = checkPhysicalPlan(lp, 1, 1, 9); checkMRPlan(pp, 1, 1, 1); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.fail(); } } @Test public void testMultiQueryPhase3BaseCase() { System.out.println("===== multi-query phase 3 base case ====="); try { myPig.setBatchOn(); myPig.registerQuery("a = load 'passwd' " + "using PigStorage(':') as (uname:chararray, passwd:chararray, uid:int, gid:int);"); myPig.registerQuery("b = filter a by uid < 5;"); myPig.registerQuery("c = filter a by uid >= 5 and uid < 10;"); myPig.registerQuery("d = filter a by uid >= 10;"); myPig.registerQuery("b1 = group b by gid;"); myPig.registerQuery("b2 = foreach b1 generate group, COUNT(b.uid);"); myPig.registerQuery("b3 = filter b2 by $1 > 5;"); myPig.registerQuery("store b3 into '/tmp/output1';"); myPig.registerQuery("c1 = group c by gid;"); myPig.registerQuery("c2 = foreach c1 generate group, SUM(c.uid);"); myPig.registerQuery("store c2 into '/tmp/output2';"); myPig.registerQuery("d1 = group d by gid;"); myPig.registerQuery("d2 = foreach d1 generate group, AVG(d.uid);"); myPig.registerQuery("store d2 into '/tmp/output3';"); LogicalPlan lp = checkLogicalPlan(1, 3, 19); PhysicalPlan pp = checkPhysicalPlan(lp, 1, 3, 25); checkMRPlan(pp, 1, 1, 1); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.fail(); } } @Test public void testMultiQueryJiraPig983() { System.out.println("===== multi-query Jira Pig-983 ====="); try { myPig.setBatchOn(); myPig.registerQuery("a = load 'passwd' " + "using PigStorage(':') as (uname:chararray, passwd:chararray, uid:int, gid:int);"); myPig.registerQuery("b = filter a by uid < 5;"); myPig.registerQuery("c = filter a by uid >= 5;"); myPig.registerQuery("d = join b by uname, c by uname;"); myPig.registerQuery("e = group d by b::gid;"); myPig.registerQuery("e1 = foreach e generate group, COUNT(d.b::uid);"); myPig.registerQuery("store e1 into '/tmp/output1';"); myPig.registerQuery("f = group d by c::gid;"); myPig.registerQuery("f1 = foreach f generate group, SUM(d.c::uid);"); myPig.registerQuery("store f1 into '/tmp/output2';"); LogicalPlan lp = checkLogicalPlan(1, 2, 17); PhysicalPlan pp = checkPhysicalPlan(lp, 1, 2, 25); checkMRPlan(pp, 1, 1, 2); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.fail(); } } @Test public void testMultiQueryPhase3WithoutCombiner() { System.out.println("===== multi-query phase 3 without combiner ====="); try { myPig.setBatchOn(); myPig.registerQuery("a = load 'passwd' " + "using PigStorage(':') as (uname:chararray, passwd:chararray, uid:int, gid:int);"); myPig.registerQuery("b = filter a by uid < 5;"); myPig.registerQuery("c = filter a by uid >= 5 and uid < 10;"); myPig.registerQuery("d = filter a by uid >= 10;"); myPig.registerQuery("b1 = group b by gid;"); myPig.registerQuery("b2 = foreach b1 generate group, COUNT(b.uid) + SUM(b.uid);"); myPig.registerQuery("b3 = filter b2 by $1 > 5;"); myPig.registerQuery("store b3 into '/tmp/output1';"); myPig.registerQuery("c1 = group c by gid;"); myPig.registerQuery("c2 = foreach c1 generate group, SUM(c.uid) - COUNT(c.uid);"); myPig.registerQuery("store c2 into '/tmp/output2';"); myPig.registerQuery("d1 = group d by gid;"); myPig.registerQuery("d2 = foreach d1 generate group, MAX(d.uid) - MIN(d.uid);"); myPig.registerQuery("store d2 into '/tmp/output3';"); LogicalPlan lp = checkLogicalPlan(1, 3, 19); PhysicalPlan pp = checkPhysicalPlan(lp, 1, 3, 25); checkMRPlan(pp, 1, 1, 1); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.fail(); } } @Test public void testMultiQueryPhase3WithMixedCombiner() { System.out.println("===== multi-query phase 3 with mixed combiner ====="); try { myPig.setBatchOn(); myPig.registerQuery("a = load 'passwd' " + "using PigStorage(':') as (uname:chararray, passwd:chararray, uid:int, gid:int);"); myPig.registerQuery("b = filter a by uid < 5;"); myPig.registerQuery("c = filter a by uid >= 5 and uid < 10;"); myPig.registerQuery("d = filter a by uid >= 10;"); myPig.registerQuery("b1 = group b by gid;"); myPig.registerQuery("b2 = foreach b1 generate group, COUNT(b.uid);"); myPig.registerQuery("b3 = filter b2 by $1 > 5;"); myPig.registerQuery("store b3 into '/tmp/output1';"); myPig.registerQuery("c1 = group c by gid;"); myPig.registerQuery("c2 = foreach c1 generate group, SUM(c.uid);"); myPig.registerQuery("store c2 into '/tmp/output2';"); myPig.registerQuery("d1 = group d by gid;"); myPig.registerQuery("d2 = foreach d1 generate group, MAX(d.uid) - MIN(d.uid);"); myPig.registerQuery("store d2 into '/tmp/output3';"); LogicalPlan lp = checkLogicalPlan(1, 3, 19); PhysicalPlan pp = checkPhysicalPlan(lp, 1, 3, 25); checkMRPlan(pp, 1, 1, 2); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.fail(); } } @Test public void testMultiQueryPhase3WithDifferentMapDataTypes() { System.out.println("===== multi-query phase 3 with different map datatypes ====="); try { myPig.setBatchOn(); myPig.registerQuery("a = load 'passwd' " + "using PigStorage(':') as (uname:chararray, passwd:chararray, uid:int, gid:int);"); myPig.registerQuery("b = filter a by uid < 5;"); myPig.registerQuery("c = filter a by uid >= 5 and uid < 10;"); myPig.registerQuery("d = filter a by uid >= 10;"); myPig.registerQuery("b1 = group b by gid parallel 2;"); myPig.registerQuery("b2 = foreach b1 generate group, COUNT(b.uid);"); myPig.registerQuery("b3 = filter b2 by $1 > 5;"); myPig.registerQuery("store b3 into '/tmp/output1';"); myPig.registerQuery("c1 = group c by $1 parallel 3;"); myPig.registerQuery("c2 = foreach c1 generate group, SUM(c.uid);"); myPig.registerQuery("store c2 into '/tmp/output2';"); myPig.registerQuery("d1 = group d by $1 parallel 4;"); myPig.registerQuery("d2 = foreach d1 generate group, COUNT(d.uid);"); myPig.registerQuery("store d2 into '/tmp/output3';"); LogicalPlan lp = checkLogicalPlan(1, 3, 19); PhysicalPlan pp = checkPhysicalPlan(lp, 1, 3, 25); checkMRPlan(pp, 1, 1, 1); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.fail(); } } @Test public void testMultiQueryPhase3StreamingInReducer() { System.out.println("===== multi-query phase 3 with streaming in reducer ====="); try { myPig.setBatchOn(); myPig.registerQuery("A = load 'passwd';"); myPig.registerQuery("Split A into A1 if $2 > 5, A2 if $2 >= 5;"); myPig.registerQuery("Split A1 into A3 if $0 > 'm', A4 if $0 >= 'm';"); myPig.registerQuery("B = group A3 by $2;"); myPig.registerQuery("C = foreach B generate flatten(A3);"); myPig.registerQuery("D = stream B through `cat`;"); myPig.registerQuery("store D into '/tmp/output1';"); myPig.registerQuery("E = group A4 by $2;"); myPig.registerQuery("F = foreach E generate group, COUNT(A4);"); myPig.registerQuery("store F into '/tmp/output2';"); myPig.registerQuery("G = group A1 by $2;"); myPig.registerQuery("H = foreach G generate group, COUNT(A1);"); myPig.registerQuery("store H into '/tmp/output3';"); LogicalPlan lp = checkLogicalPlan(1, 3, 16); PhysicalPlan pp = checkPhysicalPlan(lp, 1, 3, 24); checkMRPlan(pp, 1, 1, 2); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.fail(); } } @Test public void testMultiQueryWithPigMixL12() { System.out.println("===== multi-query with PigMix L12 ====="); try { myPig.setBatchOn(); myPig.registerQuery("a = load 'passwd' " + "using PigStorage(':') as (uname, passwd, uid, gid);"); myPig.registerQuery("b = foreach a generate uname, passwd, uid, gid;"); myPig.registerQuery("split b into c1 if uid > 5, c2 if uid <= 5 ;"); myPig.registerQuery("split c1 into d1 if gid < 5, d2 if gid >= 5;"); myPig.registerQuery("e = group d1 by uname;"); myPig.registerQuery("e1 = foreach e generate group, MAX(d1.uid);"); myPig.registerQuery("store e1 into '/tmp/output1';"); myPig.registerQuery("f = group c2 by uname;"); myPig.registerQuery("f1 = foreach f generate group, SUM(c2.gid);"); myPig.registerQuery("store f1 into '/tmp/output2';"); myPig.registerQuery("g = group d2 by uname;"); myPig.registerQuery("g1 = foreach g generate group, COUNT(d2);"); myPig.registerQuery("store g1 into '/tmp/output3';"); LogicalPlan lp = checkLogicalPlan(1, 3, 15); PhysicalPlan pp = checkPhysicalPlan(lp, 1, 3, 23); checkMRPlan(pp, 1, 1, 1); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.fail(); } } @Test public void testMultiQueryWithCoGroup() { System.out.println("===== multi-query with CoGroup ====="); try { myPig.setBatchOn(); myPig.registerQuery("a = load 'passwd' " + "using PigStorage(':') as (uname, passwd, uid, gid);"); myPig.registerQuery("store a into '/tmp/output1' using BinStorage();"); myPig.registerQuery("b = load '/tmp/output1' using BinStorage() as (uname, passwd, uid, gid);"); myPig.registerQuery("c = load 'passwd2' " + "using PigStorage(':') as (uname, passwd, uid, gid);"); myPig.registerQuery("d = cogroup b by (uname, uid) inner, c by (uname, uid) inner;"); myPig.registerQuery("e = foreach d generate flatten(b), flatten(c);"); myPig.registerQuery("store e into '/tmp/output2';"); LogicalPlan lp = checkLogicalPlan(2, 1, 7); PhysicalPlan pp = checkPhysicalPlan(lp, 2, 1, 10); checkMRPlan(pp, 1, 1, 2); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.fail(); } } @Test public void testMultiQueryWithFJ() { System.out.println("===== multi-query with FJ ====="); try { myPig.setBatchOn(); myPig.registerQuery("a = load 'passwd' " + "using PigStorage(':') as (uname:chararray, passwd:chararray, uid:int, gid:int);"); myPig.registerQuery("b = load 'passwd' " + "using PigStorage(':') as (uname:chararray, passwd:chararray, uid:int, gid:int);"); myPig.registerQuery("c = filter a by uid > 5;"); myPig.registerQuery("store c into '/tmp/output1';"); myPig.registerQuery("d = filter b by gid > 10;"); myPig.registerQuery("store d into '/tmp/output2';"); myPig.registerQuery("e = join c by gid, d by gid using \"repl\";"); myPig.registerQuery("store e into '/tmp/output3';"); LogicalPlan lp = checkLogicalPlan(2, 3, 16); PhysicalPlan pp = checkPhysicalPlan(lp, 2, 3, 16); checkMRPlan(pp, 2, 1, 3); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.fail(); } } @Test public void testMultiQueryWithExplicitSplitAndSideFiles() { System.out.println("===== multi-query with explicit split and side files ====="); try { myPig.setBatchOn(); myPig.registerQuery("a = load 'passwd' " + "using PigStorage(':') as (uname:chararray, passwd:chararray, uid:int, gid:int);"); myPig.registerQuery("split a into b if uid > 500, c if uid <= 500;"); myPig.registerQuery("store b into '/tmp/output1';"); myPig.registerQuery("store c into '/tmp/output2';"); myPig.registerQuery("e = cogroup b by gid, c by gid;"); myPig.registerQuery("d = foreach e generate flatten(c), flatten(b);"); myPig.registerQuery("store d into '/tmp/output3';"); LogicalPlan lp = checkLogicalPlan(1, 3, 15); PhysicalPlan pp = checkPhysicalPlan(lp, 1, 3, 19); checkMRPlan(pp, 1, 1, 2); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.fail(); } } @Test public void testMultiQueryWithExplicitSplitAndOrderByAndSideFiles() { System.out.println("===== multi-query with explicit split, orderby and side files ====="); try { myPig.setBatchOn(); myPig.registerQuery("a = load 'passwd' " + "using PigStorage(':') as (uname:chararray, passwd:chararray, uid:int, gid:int);"); myPig.registerQuery("split a into a1 if uid > 500, a2 if gid > 500;"); myPig.registerQuery("b1 = distinct a1;"); myPig.registerQuery("b2 = order a2 by uname;"); myPig.registerQuery("store b1 into '/tmp/output1';"); myPig.registerQuery("store b2 into '/tmp/output2';"); myPig.registerQuery("c = cogroup b1 by uname, b2 by uname;"); myPig.registerQuery("d = foreach c generate flatten(group), flatten($1), flatten($2);"); myPig.registerQuery("store d into '/tmp/output3';"); LogicalPlan lp = checkLogicalPlan(1, 3, 17); PhysicalPlan pp = checkPhysicalPlan(lp, 1, 3, 21); checkMRPlan(pp, 1, 1, 4); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.fail(); } } @Test public void testMultiQueryWithIntermediateStores() { System.out.println("===== multi-query with intermediate stores ====="); try { myPig.setBatchOn(); myPig.registerQuery("a = load 'passwd' " + "using PigStorage(':') as (uname:chararray, passwd:chararray, uid:int, gid:int);"); myPig.registerQuery("store a into '/tmp/output1';"); myPig.registerQuery("b = load '/tmp/output1' using PigStorage(':'); "); myPig.registerQuery("store b into '/tmp/output2';"); LogicalPlan lp = checkLogicalPlan(1, 1, 5); PhysicalPlan pp = checkPhysicalPlan(lp, 1, 1, 5); checkMRPlan(pp, 1, 1, 2); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.fail(); } } @Test public void testMultiQueryWithImplicitSplitAndSideFiles() { System.out.println("===== multi-query with implicit split and side files ====="); try { myPig.setBatchOn(); myPig.registerQuery("a = load 'passwd' " + "using PigStorage(':') as (uname:chararray, passwd:chararray, uid:int, gid:int);"); myPig.registerQuery("b = filter a by uid > 500;"); myPig.registerQuery("c = filter a by gid > 500;"); myPig.registerQuery("store c into '/tmp/output1';"); myPig.registerQuery("d = cogroup b by uname, c by uname;"); myPig.registerQuery("e = foreach d generate flatten(c), flatten(b);"); myPig.registerQuery("store e into '/tmp/output2';"); myPig.registerQuery("f = filter e by b::uid < 1000;"); myPig.registerQuery("store f into '/tmp/output3';"); LogicalPlan lp = checkLogicalPlan(1, 3, 19); PhysicalPlan pp = checkPhysicalPlan(lp, 1, 3, 22); checkMRPlan(pp, 1, 1, 2); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.fail(); } } @Test public void testMultiQueryWithTwoLoadsAndTwoStores() { System.out.println("===== multi-query with two loads and two stores ====="); try { myPig.setBatchOn(); myPig.registerQuery("a = load 'passwd' " + "using PigStorage(':') as (uname:chararray, passwd:chararray, uid:int,gid:int);"); myPig.registerQuery("b = load 'passwd2' " + "using PigStorage(':') as (uname:chararray, passwd:chararray, uid:int,gid:int);"); myPig.registerQuery("c = filter a by uid > 5;"); myPig.registerQuery("d = filter b by uid > 10;"); myPig.registerQuery("e = cogroup c by uid, d by uid;"); myPig.registerQuery("f = foreach e generate flatten(c), flatten(d);"); myPig.registerQuery("g = group f by d::gid;"); myPig.registerQuery("h = filter f by c::gid > 5;"); myPig.registerQuery("store g into '/tmp/output1';"); myPig.registerQuery("store h into '/tmp/output2';"); LogicalPlan lp = checkLogicalPlan(2, 2, 15); PhysicalPlan pp = checkPhysicalPlan(lp, 2, 2, 20); checkMRPlan(pp, 1, 1, 2); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.fail(); } } @Test public void testMultiQueryWithSplitInReduce() { System.out.println("===== multi-query with split in reduce ====="); try { myPig.setBatchOn(); myPig.registerQuery("a = load 'passwd' " + "using PigStorage(':') as (uname:chararray, passwd:chararray, uid:int, gid:int);"); myPig.registerQuery("b = filter a by uid > 5;"); myPig.registerQuery("c = group b by gid;"); myPig.registerQuery("d = foreach c generate group, COUNT(b.uid);"); myPig.registerQuery("store d into '/tmp/output1';"); myPig.registerQuery("e = filter d by $1 > 5;"); myPig.registerQuery("store e into '/tmp/output2';"); LogicalPlan lp = checkLogicalPlan(1, 2, 11); PhysicalPlan pp = checkPhysicalPlan(lp, 1, 2, 13); checkMRPlan(pp, 1, 1, 1); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.fail(); } } @Test public void testMultiQueryWithSplitInReduceAndReduceSplitee() { System.out.println("===== multi-query with split in reduce and reduce splitee ====="); try { myPig.setBatchOn(); myPig.registerQuery("a = load 'passwd' " + "using PigStorage(':') as (uname:chararray, passwd:chararray, uid:int, gid:int);"); myPig.registerQuery("b = filter a by uid > 5;"); myPig.registerQuery("c = group b by gid;"); myPig.registerQuery("d = foreach c generate group, COUNT(b.uid);"); myPig.registerQuery("store d into '/tmp/output1';"); myPig.registerQuery("e = filter d by $1 > 5;"); myPig.registerQuery("f = group e by $1;"); myPig.registerQuery("g = foreach f generate group, SUM(e.$0);"); myPig.registerQuery("store g into '/tmp/output2';"); LogicalPlan lp = checkLogicalPlan(1, 2, 13); PhysicalPlan pp = checkPhysicalPlan(lp, 1, 2, 17); checkMRPlan(pp, 1, 1, 2); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.fail(); } } @Test public void testMultiQueryWithSplitInReduceAndReduceSplitees() { System.out.println("===== multi-query with split in reduce and reduce splitees ====="); try { myPig.setBatchOn(); myPig.registerQuery("a = load 'passwd' " + "using PigStorage(':') as (uname:chararray, passwd:chararray, uid:int, gid:int);"); myPig.registerQuery("b = filter a by uid > 5;"); myPig.registerQuery("c = group b by gid;"); myPig.registerQuery("d = foreach c generate group, COUNT(b.uid);"); myPig.registerQuery("e = filter d by $1 > 5;"); myPig.registerQuery("e1 = group e by $1;"); myPig.registerQuery("e2 = foreach e1 generate group, SUM(e.$0);"); myPig.registerQuery("store e2 into '/tmp/output1';"); myPig.registerQuery("f = filter d by $1 < 5;"); myPig.registerQuery("f1 = group f by $1;"); myPig.registerQuery("f2 = foreach f1 generate group, COUNT(f.$0);"); myPig.registerQuery("store f2 into '/tmp/output2';"); LogicalPlan lp = checkLogicalPlan(1, 2, 16); PhysicalPlan pp = checkPhysicalPlan(lp, 1, 2, 22); checkMRPlan(pp, 1, 1, 2); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.fail(); } } @Test public void testMultiQueryWithSplitInReduceAndReduceSpliteesAndMore() { System.out.println("===== multi-query with split in reduce and reduce splitees and more ====="); try { myPig.setBatchOn(); myPig.registerQuery("a = load 'passwd' " + "using PigStorage(':') as (uname:chararray, passwd:chararray, uid:int, gid:int);"); myPig.registerQuery("b = filter a by uid > 500;"); myPig.registerQuery("c = group b by gid;"); myPig.registerQuery("d = foreach c generate group, COUNT(b.uid);"); myPig.registerQuery("e = filter d by $1 > 5;"); myPig.registerQuery("e1 = group e by $1;"); myPig.registerQuery("e2 = foreach e1 generate group, SUM(e.$0);"); myPig.registerQuery("e3 = filter e2 by $1 > 10;"); myPig.registerQuery("e4 = group e3 by $1;"); myPig.registerQuery("e5 = foreach e4 generate group, SUM(e3.$0);"); myPig.registerQuery("store e5 into '/tmp/output1';"); myPig.registerQuery("f = filter d by $1 < 5;"); myPig.registerQuery("f1 = group f by $1;"); myPig.registerQuery("f2 = foreach f1 generate group, COUNT(f.$0);"); myPig.registerQuery("f3 = filter f2 by $1 < 100;"); myPig.registerQuery("f4 = group f3 by $1;"); myPig.registerQuery("f5 = foreach f4 generate group, COUNT(f3.$0);"); myPig.registerQuery("store f5 into '/tmp/output2';"); LogicalPlan lp = checkLogicalPlan(1, 2, 22); PhysicalPlan pp = checkPhysicalPlan(lp, 1, 2, 32); checkMRPlan(pp, 1, 2, 4); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.fail(); } } @Test public void testMultiQueryWithSplitInMapAndReduceSplitees() { System.out.println("===== multi-query with split in map and reduce splitees ====="); try { myPig.setBatchOn(); myPig.registerQuery("a = load 'passwd' " + "using PigStorage(':') as (uname:chararray, passwd:chararray, uid:int, gid:int);"); myPig.registerQuery("b = filter a by uid < 5;"); myPig.registerQuery("c = filter a by uid >= 5 and uid < 10;"); myPig.registerQuery("d = filter a by uid >= 10;"); myPig.registerQuery("b1 = group b by gid;"); myPig.registerQuery("b2 = foreach b1 generate group, COUNT(b.uid);"); myPig.registerQuery("b3 = filter b2 by $1 > 5;"); myPig.registerQuery("store b3 into '/tmp/output1';"); myPig.registerQuery("c1 = group c by $1;"); myPig.registerQuery("c2 = foreach c1 generate group, SUM(c.uid);"); myPig.registerQuery("store c2 into '/tmp/output2';"); myPig.registerQuery("d1 = group d by $1;"); myPig.registerQuery("d2 = foreach d1 generate group, COUNT(d.uid);"); myPig.registerQuery("store d2 into '/tmp/output3';"); LogicalPlan lp = checkLogicalPlan(1, 3, 19); PhysicalPlan pp = checkPhysicalPlan(lp, 1, 3, 25); checkMRPlan(pp, 1, 1, 1); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.fail(); } } @Test public void testMultiQueryWithTwoStores() { System.out.println("===== multi-query with 2 stores ====="); try { myPig.setBatchOn(); myPig.registerQuery("a = load 'passwd' " + "using PigStorage(':') as (uname:chararray, passwd:chararray, uid:int,gid:int);"); myPig.registerQuery("b = filter a by uid > 5;"); myPig.registerQuery("store b into '/tmp/output1';"); myPig.registerQuery("c = group b by gid;"); myPig.registerQuery("store c into '/tmp/output2';"); LogicalPlan lp = checkLogicalPlan(1, 2, 9); PhysicalPlan pp = checkPhysicalPlan(lp, 1, 2, 11); checkMRPlan(pp, 1, 1, 1); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.fail(); } } @Test public void testMultiQueryWithThreeStores() { System.out.println("===== multi-query with 3 stores ====="); try { myPig.setBatchOn(); myPig.registerQuery("a = load 'passwd' " + "using PigStorage(':') as (uname:chararray, passwd:chararray, uid:int,gid:int);"); myPig.registerQuery("b = filter a by uid > 5;"); myPig.registerQuery("store b into '/tmp/output1';"); myPig.registerQuery("c = filter b by uid > 10;"); myPig.registerQuery("store c into '/tmp/output2';"); myPig.registerQuery("d = filter c by uid > 15;"); myPig.registerQuery("store d into '/tmp/output3';"); LogicalPlan lp = checkLogicalPlan(1, 3, 14); PhysicalPlan pp = checkPhysicalPlan(lp, 1, 3, 14); checkMRPlan(pp, 1, 1, 1); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.fail(); } } @Test public void testMultiQueryWithTwoLoads() { System.out.println("===== multi-query with two loads ====="); try { myPig.setBatchOn(); myPig.registerQuery("a = load 'passwd' " + "using PigStorage(':') as (uname:chararray, passwd:chararray, uid:int,gid:int);"); myPig.registerQuery("b = load 'passwd2' " + "using PigStorage(':') as (uname:chararray, passwd:chararray, uid:int,gid:int);"); myPig.registerQuery("c = filter a by uid > 5;"); myPig.registerQuery("d = filter b by uid > 10;"); myPig.registerQuery("store c into '/tmp/output1';"); myPig.registerQuery("store d into '/tmp/output2';"); myPig.registerQuery("e = cogroup c by uid, d by uid;"); myPig.registerQuery("store e into '/tmp/output3';"); LogicalPlan lp = checkLogicalPlan(2, 3, 16); PhysicalPlan pp = checkPhysicalPlan(lp, 2, 3, 19); checkMRPlan(pp, 2, 1, 3); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.fail(); } } @Test public void testStoreOrder() { System.out.println("===== multi-query store order ====="); try { myPig.setBatchOn(); myPig.registerQuery("a = load 'passwd';"); myPig.registerQuery("store a into '/tmp/output1' using BinStorage();"); myPig.registerQuery("a = load '/tmp/output1';"); myPig.registerQuery("store a into '/tmp/output2';"); myPig.registerQuery("a = load '/tmp/output1';"); myPig.registerQuery("store a into '/tmp/output3';"); myPig.registerQuery("a = load '/tmp/output2' using BinStorage();"); myPig.registerQuery("store a into '/tmp/output4';"); myPig.registerQuery("a = load '/tmp/output2';"); myPig.registerQuery("b = load '/tmp/output1';"); myPig.registerQuery("c = cogroup a by $0, b by $0;"); myPig.registerQuery("store c into '/tmp/output5';"); LogicalPlan lp = checkLogicalPlan(1, 3, 12); PhysicalPlan pp = checkPhysicalPlan(lp, 1, 3, 15); MROperPlan mp = checkMRPlan(pp, 1, 3, 5); myPig.executeBatch(); myPig.discardBatch(); Assert.assertTrue(myPig.getPigContext().getDfs().isContainer("/tmp/output1")); Assert.assertTrue(myPig.getPigContext().getDfs().isContainer("/tmp/output2")); Assert.assertTrue(myPig.getPigContext().getDfs().isContainer("/tmp/output3")); Assert.assertTrue(myPig.getPigContext().getDfs().isContainer("/tmp/output4")); Assert.assertTrue(myPig.getPigContext().getDfs().isContainer("/tmp/output5")); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.fail(); } } @Test public void testUnnecessaryStoreRemoval() { System.out.println("===== multi-query unnecessary stores ====="); try { myPig.setBatchOn(); myPig.registerQuery("a = load 'passwd' " + "using PigStorage(':') as (uname:chararray, passwd:chararray, uid:int,gid:int);"); myPig.registerQuery("b = group a by uname;"); myPig.registerQuery("store b into '/tmp/output1';"); myPig.registerQuery("store b into '/tmp/output2';"); myPig.registerQuery("c = load '/tmp/output1';"); myPig.registerQuery("d = group c by $0;"); myPig.registerQuery("e = store d into '/tmp/output3';"); myPig.registerQuery("f = load '/tmp/output2';"); myPig.registerQuery("g = group f by $0;"); myPig.registerQuery("store g into '/tmp/output4';"); LogicalPlan lp = checkLogicalPlan(1, 2, 14); PhysicalPlan pp = checkPhysicalPlan(lp, 1, 2, 20); MROperPlan mp = checkMRPlan(pp, 1, 2, 3); MapReduceOper mo1 = mp.getRoots().get(0); MapReduceOper mo2 = mp.getLeaves().get(0); MapReduceOper mo3 = mp.getLeaves().get(1); checkPhysicalPlan(mo1.mapPlan, 1, 1, 3); checkPhysicalPlan(mo1.reducePlan, 1, 1, 2); PhysicalOperator leaf = mo1.reducePlan.getLeaves().get(0); Assert.assertTrue(leaf instanceof POSplit); POSplit split = (POSplit)leaf; int i = 0; for (PhysicalPlan p: split.getPlans()) { checkPhysicalPlan(p, 1, 1, 1); ++i; } Assert.assertEquals(i,2); checkPhysicalPlan(mo2.mapPlan, 1, 1, 2); checkPhysicalPlan(mo2.reducePlan, 1, 1, 2); leaf = mo2.reducePlan.getLeaves().get(0); Assert.assertTrue(leaf instanceof POStore); checkPhysicalPlan(mo3.mapPlan, 1, 1, 2); checkPhysicalPlan(mo3.reducePlan, 1, 1, 2); leaf = mo3.reducePlan.getLeaves().get(0); Assert.assertTrue(leaf instanceof POStore); myPig.executeBatch(); myPig.discardBatch(); Assert.assertTrue(myPig.getPigContext().getDfs().isContainer("/tmp/output1")); Assert.assertTrue(myPig.getPigContext().getDfs().isContainer("/tmp/output2")); Assert.assertTrue(myPig.getPigContext().getDfs().isContainer("/tmp/output3")); Assert.assertTrue(myPig.getPigContext().getDfs().isContainer("/tmp/output4")); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.fail(); } } @Test public void testUnnecessaryStoreRemovalCollapseSplit() { System.out.println("===== multi-query unnecessary stores collapse split ====="); try { myPig.setBatchOn(); myPig.registerQuery("a = load 'passwd' " + "using PigStorage(':') as (uname:chararray, passwd:chararray, uid:int,gid:int);"); myPig.registerQuery("b = group a by uname;"); myPig.registerQuery("store b into '/tmp/output1';"); myPig.registerQuery("c = load '/tmp/output1';"); myPig.registerQuery("d = group c by $0;"); myPig.registerQuery("e = store d into '/tmp/output2';"); LogicalPlan lp = checkLogicalPlan(1, 1, 7); PhysicalPlan pp = checkPhysicalPlan(lp, 1, 1, 11); MROperPlan mp = checkMRPlan(pp, 1, 1, 2); MapReduceOper mo1 = mp.getRoots().get(0); MapReduceOper mo2 = mp.getLeaves().get(0); checkPhysicalPlan(mo1.mapPlan, 1, 1, 3); checkPhysicalPlan(mo1.reducePlan, 1, 1, 2); PhysicalOperator leaf = mo1.reducePlan.getLeaves().get(0); Assert.assertTrue(leaf instanceof POStore); checkPhysicalPlan(mo2.mapPlan, 1, 1, 2); checkPhysicalPlan(mo2.reducePlan, 1, 1, 2); leaf = mo2.reducePlan.getLeaves().get(0); Assert.assertTrue(leaf instanceof POStore); myPig.executeBatch(); myPig.discardBatch(); Assert.assertTrue(myPig.getPigContext().getDfs().isContainer("/tmp/output1")); Assert.assertTrue(myPig.getPigContext().getDfs().isContainer("/tmp/output2")); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.fail(); } } @Test public void testEmptyFilterRemoval() { System.out.println("===== multi-query empty filters ====="); try { myPig.setBatchOn(); myPig.registerQuery("a = load 'passwd' " + "using PigStorage(':') as (uname:chararray, passwd:chararray, uid:int,gid:int);"); myPig.registerQuery("b = filter a by uid>0;"); myPig.registerQuery("c = filter a by uid>5;"); myPig.registerQuery("d = filter c by uid<10;"); myPig.registerQuery("store b into '/tmp/output1';"); myPig.registerQuery("store b into '/tmp/output2';"); myPig.registerQuery("store b into '/tmp/output3';"); LogicalPlan lp = checkLogicalPlan(1, 3, 10); PhysicalPlan pp = checkPhysicalPlan(lp, 1, 3, 10); MROperPlan mp = checkMRPlan(pp, 1, 1, 1); MapReduceOper mo = mp.getRoots().get(0); checkPhysicalPlan(mo.mapPlan, 1, 1, 4); PhysicalOperator leaf = mo.mapPlan.getLeaves().get(0); Assert.assertTrue(leaf instanceof POSplit); POSplit split = (POSplit)leaf; int i = 0; for (PhysicalPlan p: split.getPlans()) { checkPhysicalPlan(p, 1, 1, 1); ++i; } Assert.assertEquals(i,3); myPig.executeBatch(); myPig.discardBatch(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.fail(); } } @Test public void testMultiQueryWithDescribe() { System.out.println("===== multi-query with describe ====="); try { String script = "a = load 'passwd' " + "using PigStorage(':') as (uname:chararray, passwd:chararray, uid:int,gid:int);" + "b = filter a by uid > 5;" + "describe b;" + "store b into '/tmp/output1';\n"; GruntParser parser = new GruntParser(new StringReader(script)); parser.setInteractive(false); parser.setParams(myPig); parser.parseStopOnError(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.fail(); } } @Test public void testMultiQueryWithIllustrate() { System.out.println("===== multi-query with illustrate ====="); try { String script = "a = load 'passwd' " + "using PigStorage(':') as (uname:chararray, passwd:chararray, uid:int,gid:int);" + "b = filter a by uid > 5;" + "illustrate b;" + "store b into '/tmp/output1';\n"; GruntParser parser = new GruntParser(new StringReader(script)); parser.setInteractive(false); parser.setParams(myPig); parser.parseStopOnError(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.fail(); } } @Test public void testMultiQueryWithExplain() { System.out.println("===== multi-query with explain ====="); try { String script = "a = load 'passwd' " + "using PigStorage(':') as (uname:chararray, passwd:chararray, uid:int,gid:int);" + "b = filter a by uid > 5;" + "explain b;" + "store b into '/tmp/output1';\n"; GruntParser parser = new GruntParser(new StringReader(script)); parser.setInteractive(false); parser.setParams(myPig); parser.parseStopOnError(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.fail(); } } @Test public void testMultiQueryWithDump() { System.out.println("===== multi-query with dump ====="); try { String script = "a = load 'passwd' " + "using PigStorage(':') as (uname:chararray, passwd:chararray, uid:int,gid:int);" + "b = filter a by uid > 5;" + "dump b;" + "store b into '/tmp/output1';\n"; GruntParser parser = new GruntParser(new StringReader(script)); parser.setInteractive(false); parser.setParams(myPig); parser.parseStopOnError(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.fail(); } } @Test public void testEmptyExecute() { System.out.println("==== empty execute ===="); try { myPig.setBatchOn(); myPig.executeBatch(); myPig.executeBatch(); myPig.discardBatch(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.fail(); } } // A test to verify there is no cycle in the plan if the load location is the same as the store location @Test public void testLoadStoreLoop() { try { String script = "a = load 'dummy'; b = filter a by $0 == 1; store b into 'dummy';\n"; GruntParser parser = new GruntParser(new StringReader(script)); parser.setInteractive(false); parser.setParams(myPig); myPig.getPigContext().inExplain = true; parser.parseStopOnError(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.fail(); } } @Test public void testMultiQueryWithNoStore2() { System.out.println("===== multi-query with no store (2) ====="); try { myPig.setBatchOn(); myPig.registerQuery("a = load 'passwd' " + "using PigStorage(':') as (uname:chararray, passwd:chararray, uid:int,gid:int);"); myPig.registerQuery("b = filter a by uid > 5;"); myPig.registerQuery("group b by gid;"); myPig.executeBatch(); myPig.discardBatch(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.fail(); } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helper methods private <T extends OperatorPlan<? extends Operator<?>>> void showPlanOperators(T p) { System.out.println("Operators:"); ArrayList<Operator<?>> ops = new ArrayList<Operator<?>>(p.getKeys() .values()); Collections.sort(ops); for (Operator<?> op : ops) { System.out.println(" op: " + op.name()); } System.out.println(); } private LogicalPlan checkLogicalPlan(int expectedRoots, int expectedLeaves, int expectedSize) throws IOException, ParseException { System.out.println("===== check logical plan ====="); LogicalPlan lp = null; try { myPig.getPigContext().getProperties().setProperty("pig.usenewlogicalplan", "false"); java.lang.reflect.Method compileLp = myPig.getClass() .getDeclaredMethod("compileLp", new Class[] { String.class }); compileLp.setAccessible(true); lp = (LogicalPlan) compileLp.invoke(myPig, new Object[] { null }); Assert.assertNotNull(lp); } catch (Exception e) { PigException pe = LogUtils.getPigException(e); if (pe != null) { throw pe; } else { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.fail(); } } showPlanOperators(lp); ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); lp.explain(out, System.out); System.out.println("===== Display Logical Plan ====="); System.out.println(out.toString()); Assert.assertEquals(expectedRoots, lp.getRoots().size()); Assert.assertEquals(expectedLeaves, lp.getLeaves().size()); Assert.assertEquals(expectedSize, lp.size()); return lp; } private void checkPhysicalPlan(PhysicalPlan pp, int expectedRoots, int expectedLeaves, int expectedSize) throws IOException { System.out.println("===== check physical plan ====="); showPlanOperators(pp); ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); pp.explain(out); System.out.println("===== Display Physical Plan ====="); System.out.println(out.toString()); Assert.assertEquals(expectedRoots, pp.getRoots().size()); Assert.assertEquals(expectedLeaves, pp.getLeaves().size()); Assert.assertEquals(expectedSize, pp.size()); } private PhysicalPlan checkPhysicalPlan(LogicalPlan lp, int expectedRoots, int expectedLeaves, int expectedSize) throws IOException { System.out.println("===== check physical plan ====="); PhysicalPlan pp = myPig.getPigContext().getExecutionEngine().compile( lp, null); showPlanOperators(pp); ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); pp.explain(out); System.out.println("===== Display Physical Plan ====="); System.out.println(out.toString()); Assert.assertEquals(expectedRoots, pp.getRoots().size()); Assert.assertEquals(expectedLeaves, pp.getLeaves().size()); Assert.assertEquals(expectedSize, pp.size()); return pp; } private MROperPlan checkMRPlan(PhysicalPlan pp, int expectedRoots, int expectedLeaves, int expectedSize) throws IOException { System.out.println("===== check map-reduce plan ====="); MapRedUtil.checkLeafIsStore(pp, myPig.getPigContext()); MapReduceLauncher launcher = new MapReduceLauncher(); MROperPlan mrp = null; try { java.lang.reflect.Method compile = launcher.getClass() .getDeclaredMethod("compile", new Class[] { PhysicalPlan.class, PigContext.class }); compile.setAccessible(true); mrp = (MROperPlan) compile.invoke(launcher, new Object[] { pp, myPig.getPigContext() }); Assert.assertNotNull(mrp); } catch (Exception e) { PigException pe = LogUtils.getPigException(e); if (pe != null) { throw pe; } else { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.fail(); } } showPlanOperators(mrp); System.out.println("===== Display map-reduce Plan ====="); System.out.println(mrp.toString()); Assert.assertEquals(expectedRoots, mrp.getRoots().size()); Assert.assertEquals(expectedLeaves, mrp.getLeaves().size()); Assert.assertEquals(expectedSize, mrp.size()); return mrp; } private void deleteOutputFiles() { try { FileLocalizer.delete("/tmp/output1", myPig.getPigContext()); FileLocalizer.delete("/tmp/output2", myPig.getPigContext()); FileLocalizer.delete("/tmp/output3", myPig.getPigContext()); FileLocalizer.delete("/tmp/output4", myPig.getPigContext()); FileLocalizer.delete("/tmp/output5", myPig.getPigContext()); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.fail(); } } }