/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.rules; import java.util.List; import java.util.Iterator; import org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.FrontendException; import org.apache.pig.impl.util.Pair; import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.expression.*; import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LOFilter; import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LogicalPlan; import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LogicalRelationalOperator; import org.apache.pig.newplan.ReverseDependencyOrderWalker; import org.apache.pig.newplan.Operator; import org.apache.pig.newplan.OperatorPlan; import org.apache.pig.newplan.OperatorSubPlan; import org.apache.pig.newplan.optimizer.Rule; import org.apache.pig.newplan.optimizer.Transformer; /** * A FILTER logical expression simplifier * */ public class LogicalExpressionSimplifier extends Rule { enum DNFExpressionType { AND, OR } public LogicalExpressionSimplifier(String n) { super(n, false); } @Override public Transformer getNewTransformer() { return new LogicalExpressionSimplifierTransformer(); } public static class LogicalExpressionSimplifierTransformer extends Transformer { private static final String dnfCountAnnotationKey = "dnfSplitCount"; private OperatorPlan plan; @Override public boolean check(OperatorPlan matched) throws FrontendException { return true; } @Override public void transform(OperatorPlan plan) throws FrontendException { Iterator<Operator> iter = plan.getOperators(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Operator op = iter.next(); if (op instanceof LOFilter) { LOFilter filter = (LOFilter) op; LogicalExpressionPlan filterPlan = filter.getFilterPlan(); this.plan = ((OperatorSubPlan) plan).getBasePlan(); try { // 1: evaluate constant expressions ConstExpEvaluator constExpEvaluator = new ConstExpEvaluator( filterPlan); constExpEvaluator.visit(); NOTConversionVisitor notVisitor = new NOTConversionVisitor( filterPlan); // 2: convert away NOT through the DeMorgan's Law notVisitor.visit(); // 3: DNF generation DNFPlanGenerator dnfVisitor = new DNFPlanGenerator( filterPlan); dnfVisitor.visit(); OperatorPlan dnfPlan = dnfVisitor.getDNFPlan(); // 4: Trim the DNF tree /** * Then the DNF plan is trimmed according to the inference * rules between the operands of the conjunctions first, * and then between the operands of the disjunction in the * DNF plan. If a leaf is trimmed, the counter, DNFSpliCounter * , of the source of the proxy will be decremented. Basically, * the DNF plan is used as a utility to determine if an * original leaf expression can be trimmed from the original * filter plan or not. If all proxies of the original leaf * expression have been trimmed from the DNF plan, the original * leaf expression can be trimmed from the original plan then. * The point is that the DNF plan is not intended to replace * the original filer plan since the DNF plan in general tends * to be more expensive to evaluate than the original filter plan. */ checkDNFLeaves(dnfPlan); // 5: Trim the original filterPlan /** * The original filter plan is traversed in a bottom-up manner * so that if a leaf's DNFSpliCounter is zero, which means all * of its proxies on DNF has been trimmed, the leaf will be trimmed. * For non-leafs of "AND" or "OR" expressions, if one child survives, * the child will be re-linked to the predecessor(s). If either or * both children are trimmed, the non-leaf will be trimmed * too. If the whole new filter plan is empty, the filter operator * will be removed from the logical plan too. */ trimLogicalExpressionPlan(filterPlan); } catch (FrontendException e) { return; } if (filterPlan.size() == 0) { // the whole expression is simplified away so there is no reason for the FILTER itself List<Operator> predList = this.plan.getPredecessors(op), sucList = this.plan.getSuccessors(op); Operator[] sucs = sucList == null ? null : sucList.toArray(new Operator[0]); if (sucs != null) { for (Operator suc : sucs) this.plan.disconnect(op, suc); } if (predList != null) { Operator[] preds = predList.toArray(new Operator[0]); for (Operator pred : preds) { this.plan.disconnect(pred, op); if (sucs != null) { for (Operator suc : sucs) this.plan.connect(pred, suc); } } } this.plan.remove(filter); } } } } static void incrDNFSplitCount(LogicalExpression le) { Integer cnt = (Integer) le.getAnnotation(dnfCountAnnotationKey); if (cnt == null) cnt = 1; le.annotate(dnfCountAnnotationKey, cnt.intValue()+1); } static void decrDNFSplitCount(LogicalExpression le) { Integer cnt = (Integer) le.getAnnotation(dnfCountAnnotationKey); if (cnt == null) le.annotate(dnfCountAnnotationKey, 0); else le.annotate(dnfCountAnnotationKey, cnt.intValue()-1); } static boolean dnfTrimmed(LogicalExpression le) { Integer cnt = (Integer) le.getAnnotation(dnfCountAnnotationKey); if (cnt == null) return false; else return (cnt == 0); } static int getSplitCount(LogicalExpression le) { Integer cnt = (Integer) le.getAnnotation(dnfCountAnnotationKey); if (cnt == null) return 1; return cnt; } private void checkDNFLeaves(OperatorPlan dnfPlan) throws FrontendException { List<Operator> roots = dnfPlan.getSources(); if (roots == null || roots.size() != 1) throw new FrontendException( "DNF root size is expected to be one"); Operator dnf = roots.get(0); if (dnf instanceof AndExpression || (dnf instanceof DNFExpression && ((DNFExpression) dnf).type == DNFExpression.DNFExpressionType.AND)) { handleDNFAnd(dnfPlan, dnf); } else if (dnf instanceof OrExpression || (dnf instanceof DNFExpression && ((DNFExpression) dnf).type == DNFExpression.DNFExpressionType.OR)) { handleDNFOr(dnfPlan, dnf); } else if (dnf instanceof ConstantExpression && (Boolean) (((ConstantExpression) dnf).getValue())) decrDNFSplitCount((ConstantExpression) dnf); } static final byte ImplyLeft = 1, ImplyRight = 2, Exclusive = 4, Equal = 8, Complementary = 16, Unknown = ~(ImplyLeft | ImplyRight | Exclusive | Equal | Complementary); private void handleDNFAnd(OperatorPlan plan, Operator and) throws FrontendException { // Of N^2 complexity: the reason to limit the DNF size // process leaves of an AND in DNF tree to remove implicated subexpressions from others List<Operator> children = plan.getSuccessors(and); if (children == null) return; byte relation; int size = children.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (children.get(i) instanceof ConstantExpression && ((Boolean) ((ConstantExpression) children.get(i)).getValue())) decrDNFSplitCount((LogicalExpression) children.get(i)); } for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { LogicalExpression child1 = (LogicalExpression) children.get(i); for (int j = i + 1; j < size; j++) { LogicalExpression child2 = (LogicalExpression) children.get(j); relation = inferRelationship( child1 instanceof LogicalExpressionProxy ? ((LogicalExpressionProxy) child1).src : child1, child2 instanceof LogicalExpressionProxy ? ((LogicalExpressionProxy) child2).src : child2); if ((relation & Unknown) != 0) { // no-op } else if ((relation & Equal) != 0) { if (getSplitCount(child1) < getSplitCount(child2) && getSplitCount(child1) > 0) { if (getSplitCount(child1) > 0) decrDNFSplitCount(child1); } else { if (getSplitCount(child2) > 0) decrDNFSplitCount(child2); } } else if ((relation & Exclusive) != 0) { // no-op now: in the future may desire to replace with a rudimentary false expression } else if ((relation & ImplyLeft) != 0) { if (getSplitCount(child1) > 0) decrDNFSplitCount(child1); } else if ((relation & ImplyRight) != 0) { if (getSplitCount(child2) > 0) decrDNFSplitCount(child2); } } } cleanupDNFPlan(plan, and); } private void handleDNFOr(OperatorPlan plan, Operator or) throws FrontendException { // Of N^2 complexity: the reason to limit the DNF size // process children of an OR in DNF tree to remove implicated subexpressions from others Operator[] children = plan.getSuccessors(or).toArray( new Operator[0]); int size = children.length; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { if (children[i] instanceof ConstantExpression && !((Boolean) ((ConstantExpression) children[i]).getValue())) decrDNFSplitCount((LogicalExpression) children[i]); } for (int ii = 0; ii < size; ii++) { LogicalExpression child = (LogicalExpression) children[ii]; if (child instanceof AndExpression || (child instanceof DNFExpression && ((DNFExpression) child).type == DNFExpression.DNFExpressionType.AND)) { handleDNFAnd(plan, child); } } byte relation; children = plan.getSuccessors(or).toArray(new Operator[0]); size = children.length; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { LogicalExpression child1 = (LogicalExpression) children[i]; boolean proxy1 = (child1 instanceof LogicalExpressionProxy); for (int j = i + 1; j < size; j++) { LogicalExpression child2 = (LogicalExpression) children[j]; boolean proxy2 = child2 instanceof LogicalExpressionProxy; relation = inferRelationship( proxy1 ? ((LogicalExpressionProxy) child1).src : child1, proxy2 ? ((LogicalExpressionProxy) child2).src : child2); if ((relation & Unknown) != 0) { // no-op } else if ((relation & Equal) != 0) { if (getSplitCount(child1) < getSplitCount(child2) && getSplitCount(child1) > 0) { if (getSplitCount(child1) > 0) decrDNFSplitCount(child1); } else { if (getSplitCount(child2) > 0) decrDNFSplitCount(child2); } } else if ((relation & ImplyLeft) != 0) { if (getSplitCount(child2) > 0) decrDNFSplitCount(child2); } else if ((relation & ImplyRight) != 0) { if (getSplitCount(child1) > 0) decrDNFSplitCount(child1); } else if ((relation & Complementary) != 0) { if (getSplitCount(child1) > 0) decrDNFSplitCount(child1); decrDNFSplitCount(child2); } else if ((relation & Exclusive) != 0) { // no-op } } } cleanupDNFPlan(plan, or); } private void removeDescendants(OperatorPlan plan, Operator op) throws FrontendException { // remove recursively a operator and it descendants from the plan if (plan.getSuccessors(op) == null) return; Object[] children = plan.getSuccessors(op).toArray(); if (children != null) { for (Object c : children) { Operator child = (Operator) c; removeDescendants(plan, child); plan.disconnect(op, child); if (child instanceof LogicalExpressionProxy) ((LogicalExpressionProxy) child).decrSrcDNFSplitCounter(); else decrDNFSplitCount((LogicalExpression) child); plan.remove(child); } } } private void cleanupDNFPlan(OperatorPlan plan, Operator root) throws FrontendException { // clean up the DNF subtree rooted at 'root' Object[] children = plan.getSuccessors(root).toArray(); for (Object c : children) { LogicalExpression child = (LogicalExpression) c; if (dnfTrimmed(child)) { removeDescendants(plan, child); plan.disconnect(root, child); if (child instanceof LogicalExpressionProxy) ((LogicalExpressionProxy) child).decrSrcDNFSplitCounter(); plan.remove(child); } } if (plan.getSuccessors(root) != null && plan.getSuccessors(root).size() == 1) { Operator child = plan.getSuccessors(root).get(0); plan.disconnect(root, child); if (plan.getPredecessors(root) != null) { Operator[] preds = plan.getPredecessors(root).toArray( new Operator[0]); for (Operator pred : preds) { plan.disconnect(pred, root); plan.connect(pred, child); } } if (root instanceof LogicalExpressionProxy) ((LogicalExpressionProxy) root).decrSrcDNFSplitCounter(); else decrDNFSplitCount((LogicalExpression) root); plan.remove(root); } else if (plan.getSuccessors(root) == null) { plan.remove(root); } } private byte inferRelationship(LogicalExpression e1, LogicalExpression e2) throws FrontendException { // process DNF subexpressions: both could be AND of Leaves, or LEAF byte result = 0; if (e1.isEqual(e2)) { result = Equal | ImplyLeft | ImplyRight; return result; } boolean and1 = (e1 instanceof AndExpression || (e1 instanceof DNFExpression && ((DNFExpression) e1).type == DNFExpression.DNFExpressionType.AND)); boolean and2 = (e2 instanceof AndExpression || (e2 instanceof DNFExpression && ((DNFExpression) e2).type == DNFExpression.DNFExpressionType.AND)); if (e1 instanceof NotExpression && e2 instanceof IsNullExpression) { return handleNot((NotExpression) e1, (IsNullExpression) e2); } else if (e2 instanceof NotExpression && e1 instanceof IsNullExpression) { return switchImplicationSides(handleNot((NotExpression) e2, (IsNullExpression) e1)); } else if (and1 && !and2) { return handleAndSimple(e1, e2); } else if (and2 && !and1) { return switchImplicationSides(handleAndSimple(e2, e1)); } else if (and1 && and2) { return handleAnd(e1, e2); } else if (e1 instanceof BinaryExpression && e2 instanceof BinaryExpression) { return handleBinary(e1, e2); } else return Unknown; } private byte switchImplicationSides(byte ori) { byte result = ori; result &= ~(ImplyLeft | ImplyRight); if ((ori & ImplyLeft) != 0) result |= ImplyRight; if ((ori & ImplyRight) != 0) result |= ImplyLeft; return result; } private byte handleAnd(LogicalExpression e1, LogicalExpression e2) throws FrontendException { // get the inference relation between two AND expressions List<Operator> children1 = e1.getPlan().getSuccessors(e1), children2 = e2.getPlan().getSuccessors( e2); byte result = 0; // knownFlags is used to track which two children from lhs and rhs has inferrable relationships // The purpose is to avoid calling handleBinary more than necessary // The scenario is that is one side is inferrable from the other, then none of this side's children // should have un-inferrable relationship from the other although the other side's children could // have un-inferrable relationship with this side's. An example is "C1 > 3" is inferrable from // "C1 > 5 AND C2 != null", although "C1 > 3" has no relationship with "C2 != null". boolean[][] knownFlags = new boolean[children1.size()][children2.size()]; boolean[][] equalFlags = new boolean[children1.size()][children2.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < children1.size(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < children2.size(); j++) { byte inferResult = handleBinary( (LogicalExpression) children1.get(i), (LogicalExpression) children2.get(j)); if ((inferResult & Unknown) != 0) { knownFlags[i][j] = false; equalFlags[i][j] = false; } else { knownFlags[i][j] = true; result |= inferResult; if ((inferResult & Equal) != 0) equalFlags[i][j] = true; } } } if ((result & Exclusive) != 0) return Exclusive; if ((result & ImplyRight) != 0 && (result & ImplyLeft) == 0) { boolean allUnknown = true; for (int j = 0; j < children2.size(); j++) { allUnknown = true; for (int i = 0; i < children1.size(); i++) { if (knownFlags[i][j]) { allUnknown = false; break; } } if (allUnknown) break; } if (!allUnknown) result |= ImplyRight; } if ((result & ImplyLeft) != 0 && (result & ImplyRight) == 0) { boolean allUnknown = true; for (int i = 0; i < children1.size(); i++) { allUnknown = true; for (int j = 0; j < children2.size(); j++) { if (knownFlags[i][j]) { allUnknown = false; break; } } if (allUnknown) break; } if (!allUnknown) result |= ImplyRight; } if ((result & ImplyRight) != 0 && (result & ImplyLeft) != 0) { // only if all children of either one AND expr have equal counterpart in the other's children // can the two AND exprs be declared as equal boolean allEqual = true; for (int i = 0; i < children1.size(); i++) { allEqual = true; for (int j = 0; j < children2.size(); j++) { if (!equalFlags[i][j]) { allEqual = false; break; } } if (!allEqual) break; } if (allEqual) { for (int j = 0; j < children1.size(); j++) { allEqual = true; for (int i = 0; i < children2.size(); i++) { if (!equalFlags[i][j]) { allEqual = false; break; } } if (!allEqual) break; } } if (allEqual) result |= Equal; else result = Unknown; } if (result == 0) return Unknown; else return result; } private byte handleAndSimple(LogicalExpression e1, LogicalExpression e2) throws FrontendException { if (e2 instanceof ConstantExpression) // no relationship between an AND and a constant return Unknown; // get the inference relation between e1, an AND expression, and e2, a leaf logical expression List<Operator> andChildren = e1.getPlan().getSuccessors(e1); boolean hasUnknown = false; byte result = 0; int size = andChildren.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { byte inferResult = handleBinary( (LogicalExpression) andChildren.get(i), e2); if (!hasUnknown && (inferResult & Unknown) != 0) hasUnknown = true; else { result |= inferResult; } } if ((result & Exclusive) != 0) return Exclusive; else if (hasUnknown) { if ((result & ImplyRight) != 0) return ImplyRight; else return Unknown; } else { if ((result & ImplyRight) != 0) return ImplyRight; else if (result == ImplyLeft) return ImplyLeft; else return Unknown; } } private byte handleNot(NotExpression not, IsNullExpression isnull) throws FrontendException { if (not.getExpression().isEqual(isnull)) return Complementary | Exclusive; else return Unknown; } private byte handleBinary(LogicalExpression e1, LogicalExpression e2) throws FrontendException { boolean proxy1 = e1 instanceof LogicalExpressionProxy, proxy2 = e2 instanceof LogicalExpressionProxy; LogicalExpression le1 = proxy1 ? ((LogicalExpressionProxy) e1).src : e1, le2 = proxy2 ? ((LogicalExpressionProxy) e2).src : e2; if (le1 instanceof NotExpression || le1 instanceof IsNullExpression || le2 instanceof NotExpression || le2 instanceof IsNullExpression) { if (((le1 instanceof NotExpression && ((NotExpression)le1).getExpression() instanceof IsNullExpression) && le2 instanceof IsNullExpression) || ((le2 instanceof NotExpression && ((NotExpression)le2).getExpression() instanceof IsNullExpression) && le1 instanceof IsNullExpression)) return Exclusive; else return Unknown; } BinaryExpression b1 = !proxy1 ? (BinaryExpression) e1 : (BinaryExpression) ((LogicalExpressionProxy) e1).src, b2 = !proxy2 ? (BinaryExpression) e2 : (BinaryExpression) ((LogicalExpressionProxy) e2).src; LogicalExpression l1 = b1.getLhs(), r1 = b1.getRhs(), l2 = b2.getLhs(), r2 = b2.getRhs(); if (l1 instanceof ConstantExpression && l2 instanceof ConstantExpression && r1.isEqual(r2)) { return handleComparison( l1, r1, l2, r2, proxy1 ? ((LogicalExpressionProxy) e1).src : e1, proxy2 ? ((LogicalExpressionProxy) e2).src : e2); } else if (r1 instanceof ConstantExpression && l2 instanceof ConstantExpression && l1.isEqual(r2)) { return handleComparison( r1, l1, l2, r2, proxy1 ? ((LogicalExpressionProxy) e1).src : e1, proxy2 ? ((LogicalExpressionProxy) e2).src : e2); } else if (l1 instanceof ConstantExpression && r2 instanceof ConstantExpression && r1.isEqual(l2)) { return handleComparison( l1, r1, r2, l2, proxy1 ? ((LogicalExpressionProxy) e1).src : e1, proxy2 ? ((LogicalExpressionProxy) e2).src : e2); } else if (r1 instanceof ConstantExpression && r2 instanceof ConstantExpression && l1.isEqual(l2)) { return handleComparison( r1, l1, r2, l2, proxy1 ? ((LogicalExpressionProxy) e1).src : e1, proxy2 ? ((LogicalExpressionProxy) e2).src : e2); } else return Unknown; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private byte handleComparison(LogicalExpression val1, LogicalExpression k1, LogicalExpression val2, LogicalExpression k2, LogicalExpression e1, LogicalExpression e2) { Object v1 = ((ConstantExpression) val1).getValue(), v2 = ((ConstantExpression) val2).getValue(); boolean comparable1 = v1 instanceof Comparable, comparable2 = v2 instanceof Comparable; boolean isEqual1 = e1 instanceof EqualExpression, isEqual2 = e2 instanceof EqualExpression, isNotEqual1 = e1 instanceof NotEqualExpression, isNotEqual2 = e2 instanceof NotEqualExpression, isGT1 = e1 instanceof GreaterThanExpression, isGT2 = e2 instanceof GreaterThanExpression, isGE1 = e1 instanceof GreaterThanEqualExpression, isGE2 = e2 instanceof GreaterThanEqualExpression, isLT1 = e1 instanceof LessThanExpression, isLT2 = e2 instanceof LessThanExpression, isLE1 = e1 instanceof LessThanEqualExpression, isLE2 = e2 instanceof LessThanEqualExpression; if (isEqual1 && isEqual2) { if (val1.equals(val2)) return Equal | ImplyLeft | ImplyRight; else return Exclusive; } else if (isEqual1 && isNotEqual2) { if (val1.equals(val2)) return Exclusive; else return ImplyRight; } else if (isNotEqual1 && isEqual2) { if (val1.equals(v2)) return Exclusive; else return ImplyLeft; } else if (isNotEqual1 && isNotEqual2) { if (val1.equals(v2)) return Equal | ImplyLeft | ImplyRight; else return Unknown; } else if (isEqual1 && isGT2) { if (v1.equals(v2)) return Exclusive; if (comparable1) { if (((Comparable) v1).compareTo((Comparable) v2) > 0) return ImplyRight; else return Exclusive; } else return Unknown; } else if (isEqual1 && isGE2) { if (v1.equals(v2)) return ImplyRight; if (comparable1) { if (((Comparable) v1).compareTo((Comparable) v2) > 0) return ImplyRight; else return Exclusive; } else return Unknown; } else if (isEqual1 && isLT2) { if (v1.equals(v2)) return Exclusive; if (comparable1) { if (((Comparable) v1).compareTo((Comparable) v2) > 0) return Exclusive; else return ImplyRight; } else return Unknown; } else if (isNotEqual1 && isGT2) { if (v1.equals(v2)) return ImplyLeft; if (comparable1) { if (((Comparable) v1).compareTo((Comparable) v2) < 0) return ImplyLeft; else return Unknown; } else return Unknown; } else if (isNotEqual1 && isGE2) { if (v1.equals(v2)) return Complementary | Exclusive; if (comparable1) { if (((Comparable) v1).compareTo((Comparable) v2) < 0) return ImplyLeft; else return Unknown; } else return Unknown; } else if (isNotEqual1 && isLT2) { if (v1.equals(v2)) return ImplyLeft; if (comparable1) { if (((Comparable) v1).compareTo((Comparable) v2) < 0) return Unknown; else return ImplyLeft; } else return Unknown; } else if (isNotEqual1 && isLE2) { if (v1.equals(v2)) return Complementary | Exclusive; if (comparable1) { if (((Comparable) v1).compareTo((Comparable) v2) < 0) return Unknown; else return ImplyLeft; } else return Unknown; } else if (isGT1 && isGT2) { if (v1.equals(v2)) return Equal | ImplyLeft | ImplyRight; if (((Comparable) v1).compareTo((Comparable) v2) < 0) return ImplyLeft; else return ImplyRight; } else if (isGT1 && isGE2) { if (v1.equals(v2)) return ImplyRight; if (((Comparable) v1).compareTo((Comparable) v2) < 0) return ImplyLeft; else return ImplyRight; } else if (isGT1 && isLT2) { if (v1.equals(v2)) return Unknown; if (((Comparable) v1).compareTo((Comparable) v2) < 0) return Unknown; else return Exclusive; } else if (isGT1 && isLE2) { if (v1.equals(v2)) return Complementary | Exclusive; if (((Comparable) v1).compareTo((Comparable) v2) < 0) return Unknown; else return Exclusive; } else if (isGE1 && isGT2) { if (v1.equals(v2)) return ImplyLeft; if (((Comparable) v1).compareTo((Comparable) v2) > 0) return ImplyRight; else return ImplyLeft; } else if (isGE1 && isGE2) { if (v1.equals(v2)) return Equal | ImplyLeft | ImplyRight; if (((Comparable) v1).compareTo((Comparable) v2) > 0) return ImplyRight; else return ImplyLeft; } else if (isGE1 && isLT2) { if (v1.equals(v2)) return Complementary | Exclusive; if (((Comparable) v1).compareTo((Comparable) v2) > 0) return Exclusive; else return Unknown; } else if (isGE1 && isLE2) { if (v1.equals(v2)) return Complementary | Exclusive; if (((Comparable) v1).compareTo((Comparable) v2) > 0) return Exclusive; else return Unknown; } else if (isLT1 && isGT2) { if (v1.equals(v2)) return Unknown; if (((Comparable) v1).compareTo((Comparable) v2) < 0) return Exclusive; else return Unknown; } else if (isLT1 && isGE2) { if (v1.equals(v2)) return Complementary | Exclusive; if (((Comparable) v1).compareTo((Comparable) v2) < 0) return Exclusive; else return Unknown; } else if (isLT1 && isLT2) { if (v1.equals(v2)) return Equal | ImplyLeft | ImplyRight; if (((Comparable) v1).compareTo((Comparable) v2) < 0) return ImplyRight; else return ImplyLeft; } else if (isLT1 && isLE2) { if (v1.equals(v2)) return ImplyRight; if (((Comparable) v1).compareTo((Comparable) v2) < 0) return ImplyRight; else return ImplyLeft; } else if (isLE1 && isGT2) { if (v1.equals(v2)) return Complementary | Exclusive; if (((Comparable) v1).compareTo((Comparable) v2) > 0) return Unknown; else return Exclusive; } else if (isLE1 && isGE2) { if (v1.equals(v2)) return Complementary | Exclusive; if (((Comparable) v1).compareTo((Comparable) v2) < 0) return Exclusive; else return Unknown; } else if (isLE1 && isLT2) { if (v1.equals(v2)) return ImplyRight; if (((Comparable) v1).compareTo((Comparable) v2) > 0) return ImplyLeft; else return ImplyRight; } else if (isLE1 && isLE2) { if (v1.equals(v2)) return Equal | ImplyLeft | ImplyRight; if (((Comparable) v1).compareTo((Comparable) v2) > 0) return ImplyLeft; else return ImplyRight; } else if (isNotEqual2 && isGT1) { if (v1.equals(v2)) return ImplyRight; if (comparable2) { if (((Comparable) v2).compareTo((Comparable) v1) < 0) return ImplyRight; else return Unknown; } else return Unknown; } else if (isNotEqual2 && isGE1) { if (v1.equals(v2)) return Complementary | Exclusive; if (comparable2) { if (((Comparable) v2).compareTo((Comparable) v1) < 0) return ImplyRight; else return Unknown; } else return Unknown; } else if (isNotEqual2 && isLT1) { if (v1.equals(v2)) return ImplyRight; if (comparable2) { if (((Comparable) v2).compareTo((Comparable) v1) < 0) return Unknown; else return ImplyRight; } else return Unknown; } else if (isNotEqual2 && isLE1) { if (v1.equals(v2)) return Complementary | Exclusive; if (comparable2) { if (((Comparable) v2).compareTo((Comparable) v1) < 0) return Unknown; else return ImplyRight; } else return Unknown; } else if (isGT2 && isGT1) { if (v1.equals(v2)) return Equal | ImplyLeft | ImplyRight; if (((Comparable) v2).compareTo((Comparable) v1) < 0) return ImplyRight; else return Unknown; } else if (isGT2 && isGE1) { if (v1.equals(v2)) return ImplyLeft; if (((Comparable) v2).compareTo((Comparable) v1) < 0) return ImplyRight; else return ImplyLeft; } else if (isGT2 && isLT1) { if (v1.equals(v2)) return Unknown; if (((Comparable) v2).compareTo((Comparable) v1) < 0) return Unknown; else return Exclusive; } else if (isGT2 && isLE1) { if (v1.equals(v2)) return Complementary | Exclusive; if (((Comparable) v2).compareTo((Comparable) v1) < 0) return Unknown; else return Exclusive; } else if (isGE2 && isGT1) { if (v1.equals(v2)) return ImplyRight; if (((Comparable) v2).compareTo((Comparable) v1) > 0) return ImplyLeft; else return ImplyRight; } else if (isGE2 && isGE1) { if (v1.equals(v2)) return Equal | ImplyLeft | ImplyRight; if (((Comparable) v2).compareTo((Comparable) v1) > 0) return ImplyLeft; else return ImplyRight; } else if (isGE2 && isLT1) { if (v1.equals(v2)) return Complementary | Exclusive; if (((Comparable) v2).compareTo((Comparable) v1) > 0) return Exclusive; else return Unknown; } else if (isGE2 && isLE1) { if (v1.equals(v2)) return Complementary | Exclusive; if (((Comparable) v2).compareTo((Comparable) v1) > 0) return Exclusive; else return Unknown; } else if (isLT2 && isGT1) { if (v1.equals(v2)) return Unknown; if (((Comparable) v2).compareTo((Comparable) v1) < 0) return Exclusive; else return Unknown; } else if (isLT2 && isGE1) { if (v1.equals(v2)) return Complementary | Exclusive; if (((Comparable) v2).compareTo((Comparable) v1) < 0) return Exclusive; else return Unknown; } else if (isLT2 && isLT1) { if (v1.equals(v2)) return Equal | ImplyLeft | ImplyRight; if (((Comparable) v2).compareTo((Comparable) v1) < 0) return ImplyLeft; else return ImplyRight; } else if (isLT2 && isLE1) { if (v1.equals(v2)) return ImplyRight; if (((Comparable) v2).compareTo((Comparable) v1) < 0) return ImplyLeft; else return ImplyRight; } else if (isLE2 && isGT1) { if (v1.equals(v2)) return Complementary | Exclusive; if (((Comparable) v2).compareTo((Comparable) v1) > 0) return Unknown; else return Exclusive; } else if (isLE2 && isGE1) { if (v1.equals(v2)) return Complementary | Exclusive; if (((Comparable) v2).compareTo((Comparable) v1) < 0) return Exclusive; else return Unknown; } else if (isLE2 && isLT1) { if (v1.equals(v2)) return ImplyRight; if (((Comparable) v2).compareTo((Comparable) v1) > 0) return ImplyRight; else return ImplyLeft; } else if (isLE2 && isLE1) { if (v1.equals(v2)) return Equal | ImplyLeft | ImplyRight; if (((Comparable) v2).compareTo((Comparable) v1) > 0) return ImplyRight; else return ImplyLeft; } return Unknown; } private void trimLogicalExpressionPlan(OperatorPlan ori) throws FrontendException { class TrimVisitor extends AllSameExpressionVisitor { LogicalExpressionPlan plan; TrimVisitor(LogicalExpressionPlan plan) throws FrontendException { super(plan, new ReverseDependencyOrderWalker(plan)); // the plan will be trimmed in-place on the original plan: this is // ok because the ReverseDependencyOrderWalker first build the // traversal ordering from the original plan, then starts the // traversal which does not rely upon the topology of the original plan this.plan = plan; } @Override public void execute(LogicalExpression e) throws FrontendException { if (dnfTrimmed(e)) { remove(e); } } @Override public void visit(NotExpression op) throws FrontendException { if (op.getExpression() == null) { remove(op); } else execute(op); } private void remove(Operator op) throws FrontendException { List<Operator> p = plan.getPredecessors(op); if (p != null) { Operator[] preds = p.toArray(new Operator[0]); for (Operator pred : preds) { plan.disconnect(pred, op); } } removeDescendants(op); } private void removeDescendants(Operator op) throws FrontendException { List<Operator> p = plan.getSuccessors(op); if (p != null) { Operator[] sucs = p.toArray(new Operator[0]); for (Operator suc : sucs) { plan.disconnect(op, suc); remove(suc); } } plan.remove(op); } @Override public void visit(OrExpression orExpr) throws FrontendException { List<Operator> children = plan.getSuccessors(orExpr); Operator lhs = children != null && children.size() > 0 ? children.get(0) : null, rhs = children != null && children.size() > 1 ? children.get(1) : null; if ((lhs == null && rhs == null) || dnfTrimmed(orExpr)) { remove(orExpr); } else if (rhs == null) { trimOneChild(orExpr, lhs); plan.remove(orExpr); } } @Override public void visit(AndExpression andExpr) throws FrontendException { List<Operator> children = plan.getSuccessors(andExpr); Operator lhs = children != null && children.size() > 0 ? children.get(0) : null, rhs = children != null && children.size() > 1 ? children.get(1) : null; if ((lhs == null && rhs == null) || dnfTrimmed(andExpr)) { remove(andExpr); } else if (rhs == null) { trimOneChild(andExpr, lhs); plan.remove(andExpr); } } private void trimOneChild(Operator parent, Operator survivingChild) throws FrontendException { plan.disconnect(parent, survivingChild); if (plan.getPredecessors(parent) == null) return; Operator[] preds = plan.getPredecessors(parent).toArray( new Operator[0]); for (Operator pred : preds) { // keep the relative position Pair<Integer, Integer> pos = plan.disconnect(pred, parent); plan.connect(pred, pos.first, survivingChild, pos.second); } } } TrimVisitor worker = new TrimVisitor((LogicalExpressionPlan) ori); worker.visit(); } @Override public OperatorPlan reportChanges() { return plan; } } @Override protected OperatorPlan buildPattern() { LogicalPlan plan = new LogicalPlan(); LogicalRelationalOperator op = new LOFilter(plan); plan.add(op); return plan; } }