/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.util; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Collections; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.PathFilter; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.InputSplit; import org.apache.pig.FuncSpec; import org.apache.pig.PigException; import org.apache.pig.backend.executionengine.ExecException; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.PigMapReduce; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.PhysicalOperator; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.plans.PhysicalPlan; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.relationalOperators.POStore; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.PigSplit; import org.apache.pig.data.DataBag; import org.apache.pig.data.DataType; import org.apache.pig.data.Tuple; import org.apache.pig.data.TupleFactory; import org.apache.pig.impl.PigContext; import org.apache.pig.impl.builtin.PartitionSkewedKeys; import org.apache.pig.impl.io.FileLocalizer; import org.apache.pig.impl.io.FileSpec; import org.apache.pig.impl.io.ReadToEndLoader; import org.apache.pig.impl.plan.NodeIdGenerator; import org.apache.pig.impl.plan.OperatorKey; import org.apache.pig.impl.util.Pair; import org.apache.pig.impl.util.UDFContext; import org.apache.pig.impl.util.Utils; /** * A class of utility static methods to be used in the hadoop map reduce backend */ public class MapRedUtil { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(MapRedUtil.class); public static final String FILE_SYSTEM_NAME = "fs.default.name"; /** * Loads the key distribution sampler file * * @param keyDistFile the name for the distribution file * @param totalReducers gets set to the total number of reducers as found in the dist file * @param keyType Type of the key to be stored in the return map. It currently treats Tuple as a special case. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <E> Map<E, Pair<Integer, Integer>> loadPartitionFileFromLocalCache( String keyDistFile, Integer[] totalReducers, byte keyType) throws IOException { Map<E, Pair<Integer, Integer>> reducerMap = new HashMap<E, Pair<Integer, Integer>>(); // use local file system to get the keyDistFile Configuration conf = new Configuration(false); if (PigMapReduce.sJobConf.get("fs.file.impl")!=null) conf.set("fs.file.impl", PigMapReduce.sJobConf.get("fs.file.impl")); if (PigMapReduce.sJobConf.get("fs.hdfs.impl")!=null) conf.set("fs.hdfs.impl", PigMapReduce.sJobConf.get("fs.hdfs.impl")); if (PigMapReduce.sJobConf.getBoolean("pig.tmpfilecompression", false)) { conf.setBoolean("pig.tmpfilecompression", true); if (PigMapReduce.sJobConf.get("pig.tmpfilecompression.codec")!=null) conf.set("pig.tmpfilecompression.codec", PigMapReduce.sJobConf.get("pig.tmpfilecompression.codec")); } conf.set(MapRedUtil.FILE_SYSTEM_NAME, "file:///"); ReadToEndLoader loader = new ReadToEndLoader(Utils.getTmpFileStorageObject(PigMapReduce.sJobConf), conf, keyDistFile, 0); DataBag partitionList; Tuple t = loader.getNext(); if (t == null) { // this could happen if the input directory for sampling is empty log.warn("Empty dist file: " + keyDistFile); return reducerMap; } // The keydist file is structured as (key, min, max) // min, max being the index of the reducers Map<String, Object > distMap = (Map<String, Object>) t.get (0); partitionList = (DataBag) distMap.get(PartitionSkewedKeys.PARTITION_LIST); totalReducers[0] = Integer.valueOf(""+distMap.get(PartitionSkewedKeys.TOTAL_REDUCERS)); Iterator<Tuple> it = partitionList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Tuple idxTuple = it.next(); Integer maxIndex = (Integer) idxTuple.get(idxTuple.size() - 1); Integer minIndex = (Integer) idxTuple.get(idxTuple.size() - 2); // Used to replace the maxIndex with the number of reducers if (maxIndex < minIndex) { maxIndex = totalReducers[0] + maxIndex; } E keyT; // if the join is on more than 1 key if (idxTuple.size() > 3) { // remove the last 2 fields of the tuple, i.e: minIndex and maxIndex and store // it in the reducer map Tuple keyTuple = TupleFactory.getInstance().newTuple(); for (int i=0; i < idxTuple.size() - 2; i++) { keyTuple.append(idxTuple.get(i)); } keyT = (E) keyTuple; } else { if (keyType == DataType.TUPLE) { keyT = (E)TupleFactory.getInstance().newTuple(1); ((Tuple)keyT).set(0,idxTuple.get(0)); } else { keyT = (E) idxTuple.get(0); } } // number of reducers Integer cnt = maxIndex - minIndex; reducerMap.put(keyT, new Pair(minIndex, cnt));// 1 is added to account for the 0 index } return reducerMap; } public static void setupUDFContext(Configuration job) throws IOException { UDFContext udfc = UDFContext.getUDFContext(); udfc.addJobConf(job); // don't deserialize in front-end if (udfc.isUDFConfEmpty()) { udfc.deserialize(); } } public static FileSpec checkLeafIsStore( PhysicalPlan plan, PigContext pigContext) throws ExecException { try { PhysicalOperator leaf = plan.getLeaves().get(0); FileSpec spec = null; if(!(leaf instanceof POStore)){ String scope = leaf.getOperatorKey().getScope(); POStore str = new POStore(new OperatorKey(scope, NodeIdGenerator.getGenerator().getNextNodeId(scope))); spec = new FileSpec(FileLocalizer.getTemporaryPath( pigContext).toString(), new FuncSpec(Utils.getTmpFileCompressorName(pigContext))); str.setSFile(spec); plan.addAsLeaf(str); } else{ spec = ((POStore)leaf).getSFile(); } return spec; } catch (Exception e) { int errCode = 2045; String msg = "Internal error. Not able to check if the leaf node is a store operator."; throw new ExecException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e); } } /** * Get all files recursively from the given list of files * * @param files a list of FileStatus * @param conf the configuration object * @return the list of fileStatus that contains all the files in the given * list and, recursively, all the files inside the directories in * the given list * @throws IOException */ public static List<FileStatus> getAllFileRecursively( List<FileStatus> files, Configuration conf) throws IOException { List<FileStatus> result = new ArrayList<FileStatus>(); int len = files.size(); for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { FileStatus file = files.get(i); if (file.isDir()) { Path p = file.getPath(); FileSystem fs = p.getFileSystem(conf); addInputPathRecursively(result, fs, p, hiddenFileFilter); } else { result.add(file); } } log.info("Total input paths to process : " + result.size()); return result; } private static void addInputPathRecursively(List<FileStatus> result, FileSystem fs, Path path, PathFilter inputFilter) throws IOException { for (FileStatus stat: fs.listStatus(path, inputFilter)) { if (stat.isDir()) { addInputPathRecursively(result, fs, stat.getPath(), inputFilter); } else { result.add(stat); } } } private static final PathFilter hiddenFileFilter = new PathFilter(){ public boolean accept(Path p){ String name = p.getName(); return !name.startsWith("_") && !name.startsWith("."); } }; /* The following codes are for split combination: see PIG-1518 * */ private static Comparator<Node> nodeComparator = new Comparator<Node>() { @Override public int compare(Node o1, Node o2) { long cmp = o1.length - o2.length; return cmp == 0 ? 0 : cmp < 0 ? -1 : 1; } }; private static final class ComparableSplit implements Comparable<ComparableSplit> { private InputSplit rawInputSplit; private HashSet<Node> nodes; // id used as a tie-breaker when two splits are of equal size. private long id; ComparableSplit(InputSplit split, long id) { rawInputSplit = split; nodes = new HashSet<Node>(); this.id = id; } void add(Node node) { nodes.add(node); } void removeFromNodes() { for (Node node : nodes) node.remove(this); } public InputSplit getSplit() { return rawInputSplit; } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (other == null || !(other instanceof ComparableSplit)) return false; return (compareTo((ComparableSplit) other) == 0); } @Override public int hashCode() { return 41; } @Override public int compareTo(ComparableSplit other) { try { long cmp = rawInputSplit.getLength() - other.rawInputSplit.getLength(); // in descending order return cmp == 0 ? (id == other.id ? 0 : id < other.id ? -1 : 1) : cmp < 0 ? 1 : -1; } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } private static class DummySplit extends InputSplit { private long length; @Override public String[] getLocations() { return null; } @Override public long getLength() { return length; } public void setLength(long length) { this.length = length; } } private static class Node { private long length = 0; private ArrayList<ComparableSplit> splits; private boolean sorted; Node() throws IOException, InterruptedException { length = 0; splits = new ArrayList<ComparableSplit>(); sorted = false; } void add(ComparableSplit split) throws IOException, InterruptedException { splits.add(split); length++; } void remove(ComparableSplit split) { if (!sorted) sort(); int index = Collections.binarySearch(splits, split); if (index >= 0) { splits.remove(index); length--; } } void sort() { if (!sorted) { Collections.sort(splits); sorted = true; } } ArrayList<ComparableSplit> getSplits() { return splits; } public long getLength() { return length; } } public static List<List<InputSplit>> getCombinePigSplits(List<InputSplit> oneInputSplits, long maxCombinedSplitSize, Configuration conf) throws IOException, InterruptedException { ArrayList<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<Node>(); HashMap<String, Node> nodeMap = new HashMap<String, Node>(); List<List<InputSplit>> result = new ArrayList<List<InputSplit>>(); List<Long> resultLengths = new ArrayList<Long>(); long comparableSplitId = 0; int size = 0, nSplits = oneInputSplits.size(); InputSplit lastSplit = null; int emptyCnt = 0; for (InputSplit split : oneInputSplits) { if (split.getLength() == 0) { emptyCnt++; continue; } if (split.getLength() >= maxCombinedSplitSize) { comparableSplitId++; ArrayList<InputSplit> combinedSplits = new ArrayList<InputSplit>(); combinedSplits.add(split); result.add(combinedSplits); resultLengths.add(split.getLength()); } else { ComparableSplit csplit = new ComparableSplit(split, comparableSplitId++); String[] locations = split.getLocations(); HashSet<String> locationSeen = new HashSet<String>(); for (String location : locations) { if (!locationSeen.contains(location)) { Node node = nodeMap.get(location); if (node == null) { node = new Node(); nodes.add(node); nodeMap.put(location, node); } node.add(csplit); csplit.add(node); locationSeen.add(location); } } lastSplit = split; size++; } } /* verification code: debug purpose { ArrayList<ComparableSplit> leftoverSplits = new ArrayList<ComparableSplit>(); HashSet<InputSplit> seen = new HashSet<InputSplit>(); for (Node node : nodes) { if (node.getLength() > 0) { ArrayList<ComparableSplit> splits = node.getSplits(); for (ComparableSplit split : splits) { if (!seen.contains(split.getSplit())) { // remove duplicates. The set has to be on the raw input split not the // comparable input split as the latter overrides the compareTo method // so its equality semantics is changed and not we want here seen.add(split.getSplit()); leftoverSplits.add(split); } } } } int combinedSplitLen = 0; for (PigSplit split : result) combinedSplitLen += split.getNumPaths(); if (combinedSplitLen + leftoverSplits.size()!= nSplits-emptyCnt) { throw new AssertionError("number of combined splits {"+combinedSplitLen+"+"+leftoverSplits.size()+"-"+size+"} does not match the number of original splits ["+nSplits+"]."); } } */ if (nSplits > 0 && emptyCnt == nSplits) { // if all splits are empty, add a single empty split as currently an empty directory is // not properly handled somewhere ArrayList<InputSplit> combinedSplits = new ArrayList<InputSplit>(); combinedSplits.add(oneInputSplits.get(0)); result.add(combinedSplits); } else if (size == 1) { ArrayList<InputSplit> combinedSplits = new ArrayList<InputSplit>(); combinedSplits.add(lastSplit); result.add(combinedSplits); } else if (size > 1) { // combine small splits Collections.sort(nodes, nodeComparator); DummySplit dummy = new DummySplit(); // dummy is used to search for next split of suitable size to be combined ComparableSplit dummyComparableSplit = new ComparableSplit(dummy, -1); for (Node node : nodes) { // sort the splits on this node in descending order node.sort(); long totalSize = 0; ArrayList<ComparableSplit> splits = node.getSplits(); int idx; int lenSplits; ArrayList<InputSplit> combinedSplits = new ArrayList<InputSplit>(); ArrayList<ComparableSplit> combinedComparableSplits = new ArrayList<ComparableSplit>(); while (!splits.isEmpty()) { combinedSplits.add(splits.get(0).getSplit()); combinedComparableSplits.add(splits.get(0)); int startIdx = 1; lenSplits = splits.size(); totalSize += splits.get(0).getSplit().getLength(); long spaceLeft = maxCombinedSplitSize - totalSize; dummy.setLength(spaceLeft); idx = Collections.binarySearch(node.getSplits().subList(startIdx, lenSplits), dummyComparableSplit); idx = -idx-1+startIdx; while (idx < lenSplits) { long thisLen = splits.get(idx).getSplit().getLength(); combinedSplits.add(splits.get(idx).getSplit()); combinedComparableSplits.add(splits.get(idx)); totalSize += thisLen; spaceLeft -= thisLen; if (spaceLeft <= 0) break; // find next combinable chunk startIdx = idx + 1; if (startIdx >= lenSplits) break; dummy.setLength(spaceLeft); idx = Collections.binarySearch(node.getSplits().subList(startIdx, lenSplits), dummyComparableSplit); idx = -idx-1+startIdx; } if (totalSize > maxCombinedSplitSize/2) { result.add(combinedSplits); resultLengths.add(totalSize); removeSplits(combinedComparableSplits); totalSize = 0; combinedSplits = new ArrayList<InputSplit>(); combinedComparableSplits.clear(); splits = node.getSplits(); } else { if (combinedSplits.size() != lenSplits) throw new AssertionError("Combined split logic error!"); break; } } } // handle leftovers ArrayList<ComparableSplit> leftoverSplits = new ArrayList<ComparableSplit>(); HashSet<InputSplit> seen = new HashSet<InputSplit>(); for (Node node : nodes) { for (ComparableSplit split : node.getSplits()) { if (!seen.contains(split.getSplit())) { // remove duplicates. The set has to be on the raw input split not the // comparable input split as the latter overrides the compareTo method // so its equality semantics is changed and not we want here seen.add(split.getSplit()); leftoverSplits.add(split); } } } /* verification code int combinedSplitLen = 0; for (PigSplit split : result) combinedSplitLen += split.getNumPaths(); if (combinedSplitLen + leftoverSplits.size()!= nSplits-emptyCnt) throw new AssertionError("number of combined splits ["+combinedSplitLen+"+"+leftoverSplits.size()+"] does not match the number of original splits ["+nSplits+"]."); */ if (!leftoverSplits.isEmpty()) { long totalSize = 0; ArrayList<InputSplit> combinedSplits = new ArrayList<InputSplit>(); ArrayList<ComparableSplit> combinedComparableSplits = new ArrayList<ComparableSplit>(); int splitLen = leftoverSplits.size(); for (int i = 0; i < splitLen; i++) { ComparableSplit split = leftoverSplits.get(i); long thisLen = split.getSplit().getLength(); if (totalSize + thisLen >= maxCombinedSplitSize) { removeSplits(combinedComparableSplits); result.add(combinedSplits); resultLengths.add(totalSize); combinedSplits = new ArrayList<InputSplit>(); combinedComparableSplits.clear(); totalSize = 0; } combinedSplits.add(split.getSplit()); combinedComparableSplits.add(split); totalSize += split.getSplit().getLength(); if (i == splitLen - 1) { // last piece: it could be very small, try to see it can be squeezed into any existing splits for (int j =0; j < result.size(); j++) { if (resultLengths.get(j) + totalSize <= maxCombinedSplitSize) { List<InputSplit> isList = result.get(j); for (InputSplit csplit : combinedSplits) { isList.add(csplit); } removeSplits(combinedComparableSplits); combinedSplits.clear(); break; } } if (!combinedSplits.isEmpty()) { // last piece can not be squeezed in, create a new combined split for them. removeSplits(combinedComparableSplits); result.add(combinedSplits); } } } } } /* verification codes int combinedSplitLen = 0; for (PigSplit split : result) combinedSplitLen += split.getNumPaths(); if (combinedSplitLen != nSplits-emptyCnt) throw new AssertionError("number of combined splits ["+combinedSplitLen+"] does not match the number of original splits ["+nSplits+"]."); long totalLen = 0; for (PigSplit split : result) totalLen += split.getLength(); long origTotalLen = 0; for (InputSplit split : oneInputSplits) origTotalLen += split.getLength(); if (totalLen != origTotalLen) throw new AssertionError("The total length ["+totalLen+"] does not match the original ["+origTotalLen+"]"); */ log.info("Total input paths (combined) to process : " + result.size()); return result; } private static void removeSplits(List<ComparableSplit> splits) { for (ComparableSplit split: splits) split.removeFromNodes(); } public String inputSplitToString(InputSplit[] splits) throws IOException, InterruptedException { // debugging purpose only StringBuilder st = new StringBuilder(); st.append("Number of splits :" + splits.length+"\n"); long len = 0; for (InputSplit split: splits) len += split.getLength(); st.append("Total Length = "+ len +"\n"); for (int i = 0; i < splits.length; i++) { st.append("Input split["+i+"]:\n Length = "+ splits[i].getLength()+"\n Locations:\n"); for (String location : splits[i].getLocations()) st.append(" "+location+"\n"); st.append("\n-----------------------\n"); } return st.toString(); } /* verification code: debug purpose only public String inputSplitToString(ArrayList<ComparableSplit> splits) throws IOException, InterruptedException { StringBuilder st = new StringBuilder(); st.append("Number of splits :" + splits.size()+"\n"); long len = 0; for (ComparableSplit split: splits) len += split.getSplit().getLength(); st.append("Total Length = "+ len +"\n"); for (int i = 0; i < splits.size(); i++) { st.append("Input split["+i+"]:\n Length = "+ splits.get(i).getSplit().getLength()+"\n Locations:\n"); for (String location : splits.get(i).getSplit().getLocations()) st.append(" "+location+"\n"); st.append("\n-----------------------\n"); } return st.toString(); } */ }