/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.pig.tools.pigstats; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.URI; import java.net.URISyntaxException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Counters; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobClient; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobID; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.RunningJob; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskReport; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Counters.Counter; import org.apache.pig.PigCounters; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.JobControlCompiler; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.MapReduceOper; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.relationalOperators.POStore; import org.apache.pig.classification.InterfaceAudience; import org.apache.pig.classification.InterfaceStability; import org.apache.pig.newplan.Operator; import org.apache.pig.newplan.PlanVisitor; import org.apache.pig.impl.io.FileSpec; import org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.FrontendException; import org.apache.pig.impl.util.ObjectSerializer; import org.apache.pig.tools.pigstats.PigStats.JobGraph; import org.apache.pig.tools.pigstats.PigStats.JobGraphPrinter; /** * This class encapsulates the runtime statistics of a MapReduce job. * Job statistics is collected when job is completed. */ @InterfaceAudience.Public @InterfaceStability.Evolving public final class JobStats extends Operator { public static final String ALIAS = "JobStatistics:alias"; public static final String FEATURE = "JobStatistics:feature"; public static final String SUCCESS_HEADER = "JobId\tMaps\tReduces\t" + "MaxMapTime\tMinMapTIme\tAvgMapTime\tMaxReduceTime\t" + "MinReduceTime\tAvgReduceTime\tAlias\tFeature\tOutputs"; public static final String FAILURE_HEADER = "JobId\tAlias\tFeature\tMessage\tOutputs"; // currently counters are not working in local mode - see PIG-1286 public static final String SUCCESS_HEADER_LOCAL = "JobId\tAlias\tFeature\tOutputs"; private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(JobStats.class); public static enum JobState { UNKNOWN, SUCCESS, FAILED; } private JobState state = JobState.UNKNOWN; private Configuration conf; private List<POStore> mapStores = null; private List<POStore> reduceStores = null; private List<FileSpec> loads = null; private ArrayList<OutputStats> outputs; private ArrayList<InputStats> inputs; private String errorMsg; private Exception exception = null; @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private JobID jobId; private long maxMapTime = 0; private long minMapTime = 0; private long avgMapTime = 0; private long maxReduceTime = 0; private long minReduceTime = 0; private long avgReduceTime = 0; private int numberMaps = 0; private int numberReduces = 0; private long mapInputRecords = 0; private long mapOutputRecords = 0; private long reduceInputRecords = 0; private long reduceOutputRecords = 0; private long hdfsBytesWritten = 0; private long hdfsBytesRead = 0; private long spillCount = 0; private long activeSpillCountObj = 0; private long activeSpillCountRecs = 0; private HashMap<String, Long> multiStoreCounters = new HashMap<String, Long>(); private HashMap<String, Long> multiInputCounters = new HashMap<String, Long>(); @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private Counters counters = null; JobStats(String name, JobGraph plan) { super(name, plan); outputs = new ArrayList<OutputStats>(); inputs = new ArrayList<InputStats>(); } public String getJobId() { return (jobId == null) ? null : jobId.toString(); } public JobState getState() { return state; } public boolean isSuccessful() { return (state == JobState.SUCCESS); } public String getErrorMessage() { return errorMsg; } public Exception getException() { return exception; } public int getNumberMaps() { return numberMaps; } public int getNumberReduces() { return numberReduces; } public long getMaxMapTime() { return maxMapTime; } public long getMinMapTime() { return minMapTime; } public long getAvgMapTime() { return avgMapTime; } public long getMaxReduceTime() { return maxReduceTime; } public long getMinReduceTime() { return minReduceTime; } public long getAvgREduceTime() { return avgReduceTime; } public long getMapInputRecords() { return mapInputRecords; } public long getMapOutputRecords() { return mapOutputRecords; } public long getReduceOutputRecords() { return reduceOutputRecords; } public long getReduceInputRecords() { return reduceInputRecords; } public long getSMMSpillCount() { return spillCount; } public long getProactiveSpillCountObjects() { return activeSpillCountObj; } public long getProactiveSpillCountRecs() { return activeSpillCountRecs; } public long getHdfsBytesWritten() { return hdfsBytesWritten; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public Counters getHadoopCounters() { return counters; } public List<OutputStats> getOutputs() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(outputs); } public List<InputStats> getInputs() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(inputs); } public Map<String, Long> getMultiStoreCounters() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(multiStoreCounters); } public String getAlias() { return (String)getAnnotation(ALIAS); } public String getFeature() { return (String)getAnnotation(FEATURE); } /** * Returns the total bytes written to user specified HDFS * locations of this job. */ public long getBytesWritten() { long count = 0; for (OutputStats out : outputs) { long n = out.getBytes(); if (n > 0) count += n; } return count; } /** * Returns the total number of records in user specified output * locations of this job. */ public long getRecordWrittern() { long count = 0; for (OutputStats out : outputs) { long rec = out.getNumberRecords(); if (rec > 0) count += rec; } return count; } @Override public void accept(PlanVisitor v) throws FrontendException { if (v instanceof JobGraphPrinter) { JobGraphPrinter jpp = (JobGraphPrinter)v; jpp.visit(this); } } @Override public boolean isEqual(Operator operator) { if (!(operator instanceof JobStats)) return false; return name.equalsIgnoreCase(operator.getName()); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") void setId(JobID jobId) { this.jobId = jobId; } void setSuccessful(boolean isSuccessful) { this.state = isSuccessful ? JobState.SUCCESS : JobState.FAILED; } void setErrorMsg(String errorMsg) { this.errorMsg = errorMsg; } void setBackendException(Exception e) { exception = e; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") void setConf(Configuration conf) { if (conf == null) return; this.conf = conf; try { mapStores = (List<POStore>) ObjectSerializer.deserialize(conf .get(JobControlCompiler.PIG_MAP_STORES)); reduceStores = (List<POStore>) ObjectSerializer.deserialize(conf .get(JobControlCompiler.PIG_REDUCE_STORES)); loads = (ArrayList<FileSpec>) ObjectSerializer.deserialize(conf .get("pig.inputs")); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Failed to deserialize the store list", e); } } void setMapStat(int size, long max, long min, long avg) { numberMaps = size; maxMapTime = max; minMapTime = min; avgMapTime = avg; } void setReduceStat(int size, long max, long min, long avg) { numberReduces = size; maxReduceTime = max; minReduceTime = min; avgReduceTime = avg; } String getDisplayString(boolean local) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String id = (jobId == null) ? "N/A" : jobId.toString(); if (state == JobState.FAILED || local) { sb.append(id).append("\t") .append(getAlias()).append("\t") .append(getFeature()).append("\t"); if (state == JobState.FAILED) { sb.append("Message: ").append(getErrorMessage()).append("\t"); } } else if (state == JobState.SUCCESS) { sb.append(id).append("\t") .append(numberMaps).append("\t") .append(numberReduces).append("\t") .append(maxMapTime/1000).append("\t") .append(minMapTime/1000).append("\t") .append(avgMapTime/1000).append("\t") .append(maxReduceTime/1000).append("\t") .append(minReduceTime/1000).append("\t") .append(avgReduceTime/1000).append("\t") .append(getAlias()).append("\t") .append(getFeature()).append("\t"); } for (OutputStats os : outputs) { sb.append(os.getLocation()).append(","); } sb.append("\n"); return sb.toString(); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") void addCounters(RunningJob rjob) { Counters counters = null; if (rjob != null) { try { counters = rjob.getCounters(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Unable to get job counters", e); } } if (counters != null) { Counters.Group taskgroup = counters .getGroup(PigStatsUtil.TASK_COUNTER_GROUP); Counters.Group hdfsgroup = counters .getGroup(PigStatsUtil.FS_COUNTER_GROUP); Counters.Group multistoregroup = counters .getGroup(PigStatsUtil.MULTI_STORE_COUNTER_GROUP); Counters.Group multiloadgroup = counters .getGroup(PigStatsUtil.MULTI_INPUTS_COUNTER_GROUP); mapInputRecords = taskgroup.getCounterForName( PigStatsUtil.MAP_INPUT_RECORDS).getCounter(); mapOutputRecords = taskgroup.getCounterForName( PigStatsUtil.MAP_OUTPUT_RECORDS).getCounter(); reduceInputRecords = taskgroup.getCounterForName( PigStatsUtil.REDUCE_INPUT_RECORDS).getCounter(); reduceOutputRecords = taskgroup.getCounterForName( PigStatsUtil.REDUCE_OUTPUT_RECORDS).getCounter(); hdfsBytesRead = hdfsgroup.getCounterForName( PigStatsUtil.HDFS_BYTES_READ).getCounter(); hdfsBytesWritten = hdfsgroup.getCounterForName( PigStatsUtil.HDFS_BYTES_WRITTEN).getCounter(); spillCount = counters.findCounter( PigCounters.SPILLABLE_MEMORY_MANAGER_SPILL_COUNT) .getCounter(); activeSpillCountObj = counters.findCounter( PigCounters.PROACTIVE_SPILL_COUNT_BAGS).getCounter(); activeSpillCountRecs = counters.findCounter( PigCounters.PROACTIVE_SPILL_COUNT_RECS).getCounter(); Iterator<Counter> iter = multistoregroup.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Counter cter = iter.next(); multiStoreCounters.put(cter.getName(), cter.getValue()); } Iterator<Counter> iter2 = multiloadgroup.iterator(); while (iter2.hasNext()) { Counter cter = iter2.next(); multiInputCounters.put(cter.getName(), cter.getValue()); } } } void addMapReduceStatistics(JobClient client) { TaskReport[] maps = null; try { maps = client.getMapTaskReports(jobId); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Failed to get map task report", e); } if (maps != null && maps.length > 0) { int size = maps.length; long max = 0; long min = Long.MAX_VALUE; long total = 0; for (TaskReport rpt : maps) { long duration = rpt.getFinishTime() - rpt.getStartTime(); max = (duration > max) ? duration : max; min = (duration < min) ? duration : min; total += duration; } long avg = total / size; setMapStat(size, max, min, avg); } TaskReport[] reduces = null; try { reduces = client.getReduceTaskReports(jobId); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Failed to get reduce task report", e); } if (reduces != null && reduces.length > 0) { int size = reduces.length; long max = 0; long min = Long.MAX_VALUE; long total = 0; for (TaskReport rpt : reduces) { long duration = rpt.getFinishTime() - rpt.getStartTime(); max = (duration > max) ? duration : max; min = (duration < min) ? duration : min; total += duration; } long avg = total / size; setReduceStat(size, max, min, avg); } } void setAlias(MapReduceOper mro) { annotate(ALIAS, ScriptState.get().getAlias(mro)); annotate(FEATURE, ScriptState.get().getPigFeature(mro)); } void addOutputStatistics() { if (mapStores == null || reduceStores == null) { LOG.warn("unable to get stores of the job"); return; } if (mapStores.size() + reduceStores.size() == 1) { POStore sto = (mapStores.size() > 0) ? mapStores.get(0) : reduceStores.get(0); if (!sto.isTmpStore() || state != JobState.SUCCESS) { long records = (mapStores.size() > 0) ? mapOutputRecords : reduceOutputRecords; OutputStats ds = new OutputStats(sto.getSFile().getFileName(), hdfsBytesWritten, records, (state == JobState.SUCCESS)); ds.setPOStore(sto); ds.setConf(conf); outputs.add(ds); if (state == JobState.SUCCESS) { ScriptState.get().emitOutputCompletedNotification(ds); } } } else { for (POStore sto : mapStores) { if (sto.isTmpStore()) continue; addOneOutputStats(sto); } for (POStore sto : reduceStores) { if (sto.isTmpStore()) continue; addOneOutputStats(sto); } } } private void addOneOutputStats(POStore sto) { long records = -1; if (sto.isMultiStore()) { Long n = multiStoreCounters.get(PigStatsUtil.getMultiStoreCounterName(sto)); if (n != null) records = n; } else { records = mapOutputRecords; } String location = sto.getSFile().getFileName(); URI uri = null; try { uri = new URI(location); } catch (URISyntaxException e1) { LOG.warn("invalid syntax for output location: " + location, e1); } long bytes = -1; if (uri != null && (uri.getScheme() == null || uri.getScheme() .equalsIgnoreCase("hdfs"))) { try { Path p = new Path(location); FileSystem fs = p.getFileSystem(conf); FileStatus[] lst = fs.listStatus(p); if (lst != null) { for (FileStatus status : lst) { bytes += status.getLen(); } } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("unable to get byte written of the job", e); } } OutputStats ds = new OutputStats(location, bytes, records, (state == JobState.SUCCESS)); ds.setPOStore(sto); ds.setConf(conf); outputs.add(ds); if (state == JobState.SUCCESS) { ScriptState.get().emitOutputCompletedNotification(ds); } } void addInputStatistics() { if (loads == null) { LOG.warn("unable to get inputs of the job"); return; } if (loads.size() == 1) { FileSpec fsp = loads.get(0); if (!PigStatsUtil.isTempFile(fsp.getFileName())) { long records = mapInputRecords; InputStats is = new InputStats(fsp.getFileName(), hdfsBytesRead, records, (state == JobState.SUCCESS)); is.setConf(conf); if (isSampler()) is.markSampleInput(); if (isIndexer()) is.markIndexerInput(); inputs.add(is); } } else { // check for self-join (duplicated input file names) HashMap<String, Integer> dupmap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); for (FileSpec fsp : loads) { String name = PigStatsUtil.getMultiInputsCounterName(fsp.getFileName()); if (name == null) continue; if (dupmap.containsKey(name)) { int n = dupmap.get(name); dupmap.put(name, (n+1)); } else { dupmap.put(name, 1); } } for (FileSpec fsp : loads) { if (PigStatsUtil.isTempFile(fsp.getFileName())) continue; addOneInputStats(fsp.getFileName(), dupmap); } } } private void addOneInputStats(String fileName, Map<String, Integer> dupmap) { long records = -1; Long n = multiInputCounters.get( PigStatsUtil.getMultiInputsCounterName(fileName)); if (n != null) { Integer m = dupmap.get(PigStatsUtil.getMultiInputsCounterName(fileName)); records = (m != null && m > 0) ? (n / m) : n; } else { LOG.warn("unable to get input counter for " + fileName); } InputStats is = new InputStats(fileName, -1, records, (state == JobState.SUCCESS)); is.setConf(conf); inputs.add(is); } private boolean isSampler() { return getFeature().contains(ScriptState.PIG_FEATURE.SAMPLER.name()); } private boolean isIndexer() { return getFeature().contains(ScriptState.PIG_FEATURE.INDEXER.name()); } }