/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.codehaus.groovy.antlr.treewalker; import groovy.util.GroovyTestCase; /** * Testcases for the antlr AST visitor that prints groovy source code. * * @author <a href="mailto:groovy@ross-rayner.com">Jeremy Rayner</a> * @version $Revision$ */ public class SourcePrinterTest extends GroovyTestCase { public void testAbstract() throws Exception { assertEquals("public abstract class Foo {}", pretty("public abstract class Foo{}")); } public void testAnnotation() throws Exception { assertEquals("@Crimson foo", pretty("@Crimson foo")); assertEquals("@Override int hashCode() {return 0}", pretty("@Override int hashCode() {return 0}")); } public void testAnnotations() throws Exception { assertEquals("@Important @Blue package foo.bar", pretty("@Important @Blue package foo.bar")); } public void testAnnotationArrayInit() throws Exception { // obsolete java syntax } public void testAnnotationDef() throws Exception { // todo - 17 July 2006 - test fine, however this parses but causes error in AntlrParserPlugin assertEquals("public @interface Foo{}", pretty("public @interface Foo{}")); // fails after parser } public void testAnnotationFieldDef() throws Exception { assertEquals("public @interface Foo{int bar() default 123}", pretty("public @interface Foo{int bar() default 123}")); // fails after parser } public void testAnnotationMemberValuePair() throws Exception { assertEquals("@Prime(value = 17) int foo", pretty("@Prime(value=17) int foo")); assertEquals("@Blue(v = 3, v = 5) int bar", pretty("@Blue(v = 3, v = 5) int bar")); } public void testArrayDeclarator() throws Exception { assertEquals("int[] primes = new int[5]", pretty("int[] primes = new int[5]")); } public void testAssign() throws Exception { assertEquals("a = 12", pretty("a=12")); } public void testBand() throws Exception { assertEquals("def x = 1 & 2", pretty("def x=1&2")); } public void testBandAssign() throws Exception { assertEquals("x &= 2", pretty("x&=2")); } public void testBnot() throws Exception { assertEquals("def z = ~123", pretty("def z = ~123")); } public void testBor() throws Exception { assertEquals("def y = 1 | 2", pretty("def y = 1 | 2")); } public void testBorAssign() throws Exception { assertEquals("y |= 2", pretty("y|=2")); } public void testBsr() throws Exception { // unsigned right shift assertEquals("def q = 1 >>> 2", pretty("def q = 1 >>> 2")); } public void testBsrAssign() throws Exception { assertEquals("y >>>= 2", pretty("y>>>=2")); } public void testBxor() throws Exception { assertEquals("def y = true ^ false", pretty("def y = true ^ false")); } public void testBxorAssign() throws Exception { assertEquals("y ^= false", pretty("y^=false")); } public void testCaseGroup() throws Exception { assertEquals("switch (foo) {case bar:x = 1}", pretty("switch(foo){case bar:x=1}")); } public void testClassDef() throws Exception { assertEquals("class Foo {def bar}", pretty("class Foo{def bar}")); } public void testClosedBlock() throws Exception { // not in java assertEquals("[1, 2, 3].each {println it}", pretty("[1,2,3].each{println it}")); // not in java assertEquals("def x = foo.bar(mooky){x,y -> wibble(y, x)}", pretty("def x = foo.bar(mooky) {x,y-> wibble(y,x)}")); // not in java // todo: above is not quite the spacing I would expect, but good enough for now... } public void testClosureList() throws Exception { // not in java assertEquals("for (int i = 0; i++; i < 10){}", pretty("for (int i=0;i++;i<10){}")); // not in java assertEquals("def x = (int i = 0; i++; i < 10)", pretty("def x = (int i=0;i++;i<10)")); // not in java //todo assertEquals("myMethod(int i = 0; i++; i < 10)", pretty("myMethod(int i=0;i++;i<10)")); // not in java } public void testCompareTo() throws Exception { // not in java assertEquals("1 <=> 2", pretty("1<=>2")); // not in java } public void testCtorCall() throws Exception { assertEquals("class Foo {Foo(int x) {this()}}", pretty("class Foo{Foo(int x) {this()}}")); assertEquals("class Foo {Foo(x) {this()}}", pretty("class Foo{Foo(x) {this()}}")); } public void testCtorIdent() throws Exception { assertEquals("class Foo {private Foo() {}}", pretty("class Foo {private Foo() {}}")); } public void testDec() throws Exception { assertEquals("--b", pretty("--b")); } public void testDiv() throws Exception { assertEquals("1 / 2", pretty("1/2")); } public void testDivAssign() throws Exception { assertEquals("x /= 2", pretty("x/=2")); } public void testDot() throws Exception { assertEquals("java.util.Date d = new java.util.Date()", pretty("java.util.Date d = new java.util.Date()")); assertEquals("class Foo extends java.util.Date {}", pretty("class Foo extends java.util.Date {}")); assertEquals("foo.bar.mooky()", pretty("foo.bar.mooky()")); assertEquals("package foo.bar", pretty("package foo.bar")); assertEquals("import java.util.Date", pretty("import java.util.Date")); assertEquals("import java.io.*", pretty("import java.io.*")); assertEquals("@foo.Bar mooky", pretty("@foo.Bar mooky")); assertEquals("def foo() throws bar.MookyException{}", pretty("def foo() throws bar.MookyException{}")); // fails after parser assertEquals("def x = \"${foo.bar}\"", pretty("def x = \"${foo.bar}\"")); } public void testDynamicMember() throws Exception { // not in java assertEquals("foo.(bar)", pretty("foo.(bar)")); // not in java assertEquals("foo.\"${bar}\"", pretty("foo.\"${bar}\"")); // not in java } public void testElist() throws Exception { assertEquals("println 2 + 2", pretty("println 2 + 2")); assertEquals("for (i = 0; j = 2; i < 10; i++; j--){print i}", pretty("for (i = 0;j = 2;i < 10; i++; j--) {print i}")); // fails after parser assertEquals("foo()", pretty("foo()")); // empty ELIST assertEquals("foo(bar, mooky)", pretty("foo( bar , mooky )")); } public void testEnumConstantDef() throws Exception { assertEquals("enum Coin {PENNY(1), DIME(10), QUARTER(25)}", pretty("enum Coin {PENNY(1), DIME(10), QUARTER(25)}")); // fails after parser } public void testEnumDef() throws Exception { assertEquals("enum Season {WINTER, SPRING, SUMMER, AUTUMN}", pretty("enum Season{WINTER,SPRING,SUMMER,AUTUMN}")); // fails after parser assertEquals("enum Operation {ADDITION{double eval(x, y) {return x + y}}}", pretty("enum Operation {ADDITION {double eval(x,y) {return x + y}}}")); // fails after parser } public void testEqual() throws Exception { assertEquals("a == b", pretty("a==b")); } public void testEsc_FAILS() throws Exception { if (notYetImplemented()) return; // dquote-tab-dquote assertEquals("println \"\\\"\t\\\"\"", pretty("println \"\\\"\t\\\"\"")); } public void testExponent() throws Exception { assertEquals("println 1.2e-10", pretty("println 1.2e-10")); } public void testExpr_FAILS() throws Exception { if (notYetImplemented()) return; assertEquals("System.out.println(x)", pretty("System.out.println(x)")); assertEquals("return f", pretty("return f")); assertEquals("foo(bar);mooky(bar)", pretty("foo(bar);mooky(bar)")); } public void testExtendsClause() throws Exception { assertEquals("class Foo extends Bar {}", pretty("class Foo extends Bar {}")); assertEquals("interface Wibble extends Mooky{}", pretty("interface Wibble extends Mooky {}")); //todo spacing is odd, c.f. last space in class vs interface above } public void testFinal() throws Exception { assertEquals("public final int getX() {return 0}", pretty("public final int getX() {return 0}")); } public void testForCondition() throws Exception { assertEquals("for (i = 0; i < 10; i++){println i}", pretty("for (i=0;i<10;i++) {println i}")); // fails after parser } // testForInit() covered by testForCondition() public void testForInIterable() throws Exception { // not in java assertEquals("for (i in [1, 2]) {}", pretty("for (i in [1,2]) {}")); // not in java } // testForIterator() covered by testForCondition() public void testGe() throws Exception { assertEquals("if (60 >= 70) {}", pretty("if (60>=70) {}")); } public void testGt() throws Exception { assertEquals("if (2070 > 354) {}", pretty("if (2070 > 354) {}")); } public void testHexDigit() throws Exception { assertEquals("def bar = 0xCaFe", pretty("def bar = 0xCaFe")); } public void testHexDigitInUnicodeEscape_FAILS() throws Exception { if (notYetImplemented()) return; assertEquals("def foo = '\\ubabe'", pretty("def foo = '\\ubabe'")); } public void testIdent() throws Exception { // used _everywhere_ , lets assume that the other specific // testcases include enough ident usage for now. assertEquals("foo.bar", pretty("foo.bar")); } public void testImplementsClause() throws Exception { assertEquals("class Foo implements Bar {}", pretty("class Foo implements Bar {}")); } public void testImplicitParameters() throws Exception { // not in java assertEquals("[1, 2, 3].each {println it}", pretty("[1,2,3].each{println it}")); // not in java } public void testImport() throws Exception { assertEquals("import foo.bar.Wibble", pretty("import foo.bar.Wibble")); } public void testInc() throws Exception { assertEquals("++x", pretty("++x")); } public void testIndexOp() throws Exception { assertEquals("foo.bar()[fred.wilma()]", pretty("foo.bar()[fred.wilma()]")); } public void testInterfaceDef() throws Exception { //todo, the spacing here is... unusual assertEquals("interface Foo{void blah() }", pretty("interface Foo{void blah()}")); } public void testInstanceInit() throws Exception { assertEquals("class Foo {{x = 1}}", pretty("class Foo {{x=1}}")); } public void testLabeledArg() throws Exception { // not in java assertEquals("myMethod(argOne:123, argTwo:123)", pretty("myMethod(argOne:123,argTwo:123)")); // not in java assertEquals("myMap = [keyOne:123, keyTwo:234]", pretty("myMap = [keyOne:123,keyTwo:234]")); // not in java } public void testLabeledStat() throws Exception { assertEquals("foo:x = 1", pretty("foo:x = 1")); } public void testLand() throws Exception { assertEquals("true && false", pretty("true && false")); } public void testLe() throws Exception { assertEquals("if (60 <= 70) {}", pretty("if (60<=70) {}")); } public void testListConstructor() throws Exception { // not in java assertEquals("[a, b]", pretty("[a,b]")); // not in java } public void testLiteralAs() throws Exception { // not in java assertEquals("import java.util.Date as MyDate", pretty("import java.util.Date as MyDate")); // not in java // todo suspicious spacing in the following assertion assertEquals("x = 12 as Long", pretty("x = 12 as Long")); // not in java } public void testLiteralAssert() throws Exception { assertEquals("assert a == true", pretty("assert a== true")); assertEquals("assert b == true : 99", pretty("assert b==true:99")); // todo is ',' deprecated now? //assertEquals("assert b == true , 99", pretty("assert b==true,99")); } public void testLiteralBoolean() throws Exception { assertEquals("boolean b = true", pretty("boolean b =true")); } public void testLiteralBreak() throws Exception { assertEquals("for (i in 1..100) {break }", pretty("for (i in 1..100) {break}")); assertEquals("switch (foo) {default:break }", pretty("switch(foo){default:break}")); assertEquals("def myMethod() {break }", pretty("def myMethod(){break}")); // fails after parser // deprecated -> assertEquals("for (i in 1..100) {break 2}", pretty("for (i in 1..100) {break 2}")); // fails after parser //todo should the colon be postfixed to the label? // deprecated -> assertEquals("for (i in 1..100) {break label1:}", pretty("for (i in 1..100) {break label1:}")); // fails after parser assertEquals("for (i in 1..100) {break label1}", pretty("for (i in 1..100) {break label1}")); } public void testLiteralByte() throws Exception { assertEquals("byte b = 1", pretty("byte b=1")); } public void testLiteralCase() throws Exception { assertEquals("switch (foo) {case 1:x = 3}", pretty("switch(foo){case 1:x=3}")); } public void testLiteralCatch() throws Exception { assertEquals("try {} catch (Exception e) {}", pretty("try {} catch (Exception e) {}")); assertEquals("try {} catch (Exception e1) {} catch (Exception2 e2) {}", pretty("try {} catch (Exception e1) {} catch (Exception2 e2) {}")); } public void testLiteralChar() throws Exception { assertEquals("char c = \"a\"", pretty("char c = \"a\"")); } public void testLiteralClass() throws Exception { assertEquals("public class Foo {int bar}", pretty("public class Foo{int bar}")); } public void testLiteralContinue() throws Exception { assertEquals("for (i in 1..100) {continue }", pretty("for (i in 1..100) {continue}")); // deprecated -> assertEquals("for (i in 1..100) {continue 2}", pretty("for (i in 1..100) {continue 2}")); // fails after parser //todo should the colon be postfixed to the label? // deprecate -> assertEquals("for (i in 1..100) {continue label1:}", pretty("for (i in 1..100) {continue label1:}")); // fails after parser assertEquals("for (i in 1..100) {continue label1}", pretty("for (i in 1..100) {continue label1}")); // fails after parser assertEquals("[1, 2, 3].each {continue }", pretty("[1,2,3].each{continue}")); // fails after parser } public void testLiteralDef() throws Exception { // not in java assertEquals("def x = 123", pretty("def x=123")); // not in java assertEquals("def myMethod() {return 0}", pretty("def myMethod(){return 0}")); // not in java // note: def not needed in parameter declarations, but it is valid //todo: is it ok to strip out 'def' from parameter declarations? assertEquals("def foo(bar) {}", pretty("def foo(def bar){}")); // not in java } public void testLiteralDefault() throws Exception { assertEquals("switch (foo) {default:x = 2}", pretty("switch(foo){default:x=2}")); assertEquals("public @interface Foo{int bar() default 123}", pretty("public @interface Foo{int bar() default 123}")); // fails after parser } public void testLiteralDouble() throws Exception { assertEquals("double d = 1.0", pretty("double d = 1.0")); } public void testLiteralElse() throws Exception { assertEquals("if (false) {a = 1} else {a = 2}", pretty("if (false) {a=1} else {a=2}")); } public void testLiteralEnum() throws Exception { assertEquals("enum Season {WINTER, SPRING, SUMMER, AUTUMN}", pretty("enum Season{WINTER,SPRING,SUMMER,AUTUMN}")); // fails after parser } public void testLiteralExtends() throws Exception { assertEquals("class Foo extends java.util.Date {}", pretty("class Foo extends java.util.Date {}")); assertEquals("class Foo extends Bar {}", pretty("class Foo extends Bar {}")); assertEquals("interface Wibble extends Mooky{}", pretty("interface Wibble extends Mooky {}")); //todo spacing is odd, c.f. last space in class vs interface above assertEquals("public boolean process(Set<? extends TypeElement> annotations) {println annotations}", pretty("public boolean process(Set<? extends TypeElement> annotations) {println annotations}")); } public void testLiteralFalse() throws Exception { assertEquals("if (false) {}", pretty("if (false) {}")); } public void testLiteralFinally() throws Exception { assertEquals("try {}finally {}", pretty("try {}finally {}")); } public void testLiteralFloat() throws Exception { assertEquals("float x", pretty("float x")); } public void testLiteralFor() throws Exception { assertEquals("for (i in [1, 2, 3]) {}", pretty("for (i in [1,2,3]) {}")); // check non-braced single statement assertEquals("for (i in 1..100) rotateAntiClockwise()", pretty("for (i in 1..100) rotateAntiClockwise()")); } public void testLiteralIf() throws Exception { assertEquals("if (a == b) return false", pretty("if (a==b) return false")); assertEquals("if (a == b) {}", pretty("if (a==b) {}")); } public void testLiteralImplements() throws Exception { assertEquals("class Foo implements Bar {}", pretty("class Foo implements Bar {}")); //todo the following is legal Java, but pretty strange...? assertEquals("enum EarthSeason implements Season {SPRING}", pretty("enum EarthSeason implements Season{SPRING}")); // fails after parser } public void testLiteralImport() throws Exception { assertEquals("import foo.Bar", pretty("import foo.Bar")); assertEquals("import mooky.*", pretty("import mooky.*")); } public void testLiteralIn() throws Exception { // not in java assertEquals("for (i in 1..10) {}", pretty("for (i in 1..10) {}")); // not in java assertEquals("if (i in myList) {}", pretty("if (i in myList) {}")); // not in java } public void testLiteralInstanceOf() throws Exception { assertEquals("if (a instanceof String) {}", pretty("if (a instanceof String) {}")); } public void testLiteralInt() throws Exception { assertEquals("int a", pretty("int a")); } public void testLiteralInterface() throws Exception { assertEquals("interface Foo{}", pretty("interface Foo{}")); // fails after parser } public void testLiteralLong() throws Exception { assertEquals("long a = 1", pretty("long a = 1")); } public void testLiteralNative() throws Exception { assertEquals("public class R {public native void seek(long pos) }", pretty("public class R{public native void seek(long pos)}")); // fails after parser assertEquals("native foo() ", pretty("native foo()")); // fails after parser } public void testLiteralNew() throws Exception { assertEquals("new Foo()", pretty("new Foo()")); assertEquals("def x = new int[5]", pretty("def x = new int[5]")); } public void testLiteralNull() throws Exception { assertEquals("def foo = null", pretty("def foo=null")); } public void testLiteralPackage() throws Exception { assertEquals("package foo.bar", pretty("package foo.bar")); } public void testLiteralPrivate() throws Exception { assertEquals("private bar", pretty("private bar")); } public void testLiteralProtected() throws Exception { assertEquals("protected mooky", pretty("protected mooky")); } public void testLiteralPublic() throws Exception { assertEquals("public foo", pretty("public foo")); } public void testLiteralReturn() throws Exception { assertEquals("def foo() {return false}", pretty("def foo() { return false }")); assertEquals("void bar() {return }", pretty("void bar() {return}")); } public void testLiteralShort() throws Exception { assertEquals("short a = 1", pretty("short a = 1")); } public void testLiteralStatic() throws Exception { assertEquals("static void foo() {}", pretty("static void foo() {}")); //classes, interfaces, class/instance vars and methods assertEquals("static int bar = 1", pretty("static int bar = 1")); //todo: this should parse... assertEquals("private static <T> void foo(List<T> list){}", pretty("private static <T> void foo(List<T> list){}")); assertEquals("class Foo {static {bar = 1}}", pretty("class Foo{static {bar=1}}")); } public void testLiteralSuper() throws Exception { assertEquals("class Foo {public Foo() {super()}}", pretty("class Foo{public Foo(){super()}}")); // todo will 'super' be allowed in non-parentheses method call styles? assertEquals("class Bar {public Bar() {super 99}}", pretty("class Bar{public Bar(){super 99}}")); assertEquals("class Bar {public Bar() {super(1, 2, 3)}}", pretty("class Bar{public Bar(){super(1,2,3)}}")); assertEquals("println(super.toString())", pretty("println(super.toString())")); //todo: doesn't parse correctly... assertEquals("class Foo<T super C> {T t}",pretty("class Foo<T super C> {T t}")); } public void testLiteralSwitch() throws Exception { assertEquals("switch (foo) {case bar:x = 2}", pretty("switch(foo){case bar:x=2}")); } public void testLiteralSynchronized() throws Exception { assertEquals("synchronized foo() {}", pretty("synchronized foo(){}")); assertEquals("synchronized (t) {doStuff(t)}", pretty("synchronized (t) {doStuff(t)}")); } public void testLiteralThis() throws Exception { assertEquals("this", pretty("this")); assertEquals("this 2", pretty("this 2")); assertEquals("this()", pretty("this()")); assertEquals("this(1, 2, 3)", pretty("this(1,2,3)")); assertEquals("this.x = this.y", pretty("this.x=this.y")); } public void testLiteralThreadsafe() throws Exception { assertEquals("threadsafe foo() {}", pretty("threadsafe foo() {}")); // fails after parser } public void testLiteralThrow() throws Exception { assertEquals("def foo() {if (false) throw new RuntimeException()}", pretty("def foo() {if (false) throw new RuntimeException()}")); } public void testLiteralThrows() throws Exception { //todo AntlrParserPlugin: Unexpected node type: '.' found when expecting type: an identifier assertEquals("def foo() throws java.io.IOException{}", pretty("def foo() throws java.io.IOException{}")); // fails after parser } public void testLiteralTransient() throws Exception { assertEquals("transient bar", pretty("transient bar")); } public void testLiteralTrue() throws Exception { assertEquals("foo = true", pretty("foo = true")); } public void testLiteralTry() throws Exception { assertEquals("try {} catch (Exception e) {}", pretty("try {} catch (Exception e) {}")); } public void testLiteralVoid() throws Exception { assertEquals("void foo() {}", pretty("void foo(){}")); } public void testLiteralVolatile() throws Exception { assertEquals("volatile mooky", pretty("volatile mooky")); } public void testLiteralWhile() throws Exception { assertEquals("while (true) {}", pretty("while(true){}")); } // deprecated // public void testLiteralWith() throws Exception { // not in java // assertEquals("with (myObject) {x = 1}", pretty("with(myObject) {x = 1}")); // fails after parser // not in java // } public void testLnot() throws Exception { assertEquals("if (!isRaining) {}", pretty("if (!isRaining) {}")); } public void testLor() throws Exception { assertEquals("true || false", pretty("true || false")); } public void testLparen_FAILS() throws Exception { if (notYetImplemented()) return; assertEquals("for (i in (history.size() - 1)..0) {}", pretty("for (i in (history.size() - 1)..0) {}")); } public void testLt() throws Exception { assertEquals("if (3.4f < 12f) {}", pretty("if (3.4f < 12f) {}")); } public void testMapConstructor() throws Exception { // not in java assertEquals("Map foo = [:]", pretty("Map foo = [:]")); // not in java assertEquals("[a:1, b:2]", pretty("[a:1,b:2]")); // not in java } public void testMemberPointer() throws Exception { // not in java assertEquals("def x = foo.&bar()", pretty("def x=foo.&bar()")); // not in java } public void testMethodCall() throws Exception { assertEquals("foo(bar)", pretty("foo(bar)")); assertEquals("[1, 2, 3].each {println it}", pretty("[1,2,3].each{println it}")); assertEquals("foo(bar){mooky()}", pretty("foo(bar){mooky()}")); } public void testMethodDef() throws Exception { assertEquals("def foo(int bar, boolean boo) {}", pretty("def foo(int bar,boolean boo) {}")); } public void testMinus() throws Exception { assertEquals("def bar = 4 - foo", pretty("def bar=4-foo")); } public void testMinusAssign() throws Exception { assertEquals("x -= 23", pretty("x -= 23")); } public void testMod() throws Exception { assertEquals("x = 4 % 3", pretty("x = 4 % 3")); } public void testModifiers() throws Exception { assertEquals("public static transient final native threadsafe synchronized volatile strictfp foo() {}", pretty("public static transient final native threadsafe synchronized volatile strictfp foo() {}")); // fails after parser } public void testModAssign() throws Exception { assertEquals("x %= 23", pretty("x %= 23")); } public void testNotEqual() throws Exception { assertEquals("a != b", pretty("a!=b")); } public void testNumBigDecimal() throws Exception { // not in java assertEquals("a = 9.8g", pretty("a =9.8g")); // not in java } public void testNumBigInt() throws Exception { // not in java assertEquals("a = 12g", pretty("a= 12g")); // not in java } public void testNumDouble() throws Exception { assertEquals("b = 34.4d", pretty("b=34.4d")); assertEquals("b = 34.4D", pretty("b=34.4D")); } public void testNumFloat() throws Exception { assertEquals("b = 34.4f", pretty("b=34.4f")); assertEquals("b = 34.4F", pretty("b=34.4F")); } public void testNumInt() throws Exception { assertEquals("a = 12", pretty("a=12")); } public void testNumLong() throws Exception { assertEquals("a = 12l", pretty("a=12l")); } public void testObjblock() throws Exception { assertEquals("class Foo {def bar}", pretty("class Foo {def bar}")); } public void testOptionalDot() throws Exception { // not in java assertEquals("foo = england.london.kings?.head", pretty("foo = england.london.kings?.head")); // not in java } public void testPackageDef() throws Exception { assertEquals("package foo.bar", pretty("package foo.bar")); } public void testParameterDef() throws Exception { assertEquals("def foo(bar) {}", pretty("def foo(bar){}")); assertEquals("def foo(String bar, String mooky) {}", pretty("def foo(String bar, String mooky){}")); assertEquals("def c = {x -> println x}", pretty("def c = {x->println x}")); assertEquals("def c = {x,y -> println(x + y)}", pretty("def c={x,y->println(x+y)}")); assertEquals("def c = {int x,int y -> println(x + y)}", pretty("def c={int x, int y->println(x+y)}")); } public void testParameters() throws Exception { assertEquals("def foo(String bar, String mooky) {}", pretty("def foo(String bar, String mooky){}")); } public void testPlus() throws Exception { assertEquals("a + b", pretty("a+b")); } public void testPlusAssign() throws Exception { assertEquals("x += 23", pretty("x += 23")); } public void testPostDec() throws Exception { assertEquals("a--", pretty("a--")); } public void testPostInc() throws Exception { assertEquals("a++", pretty("a++")); } public void testQuestion() throws Exception { assertEquals("foo == bar?10:20", pretty("foo==bar?10:20")); assertEquals("public boolean process(Set<? extends B> a) {println a}", pretty("public boolean process(Set<? extends B> a) {println a}")); assertEquals("public boolean process(Set<? extends B, ? super C> a) {println a}", pretty("public boolean process(Set<? extends B, ? super C> a) {println a}")); } public void testRangeExclusive() throws Exception { // not in java assertEquals("foo[45..<89]", pretty("foo[45 ..< 89]")); // not in java } public void testRangeInclusive() throws Exception { // not in java assertEquals("foo[bar..12]", pretty("foo[bar .. 12]")); // not in java } public void testRegexpLiteral() throws Exception { // not in java assertEquals("println", pretty("println //")); // empty regexp_literal should be treated as single line comment // not in java } public void testRegexpLiteral_FAILS() throws Exception { if (notYetImplemented()) return; // not in java //todo: these fail because regexp_literals are converted into string_literals on the antlr AST assertEquals("def x = /./", pretty("def x = /./")); // not in java assertEquals("def z = /blah\\s/", pretty("def z = /blah\\s/")); // actually: def z = /blah\s/ // not in java } public void testRegexFind() throws Exception { assertEquals("def m = foo =~ \"bar\"", pretty("def m = foo =~ \"bar\"")); assertEquals("if (foo =~ \"bar\") {}", pretty("if (foo=~\"bar\"){}")); } public void testRegexMatch() throws Exception { assertEquals("if (foo ==~ \"bar\") {}", pretty("if (foo==~\"bar\"){}")); } // deprecated // public void testScopeEscape() throws Exception { // not in java // assertEquals("println([$x, x, y])", pretty("println([$x, x, y])")); // fails after parser // not in java // } public void testSelectSlot() throws Exception { // not in java assertEquals("def x = foo.@bar", pretty("def x = foo . @ bar")); // not in java } public void testSl() throws Exception { assertEquals("foo << 123", pretty("foo << 123")); } public void testSlAssign() throws Exception { assertEquals("foo <<= 123", pretty("foo <<= 123")); // does this operator make any sense? } public void testSlist() throws Exception { assertEquals("class Foo {private Foo() {println bar}}", pretty("class Foo {private Foo() {println bar}}")); assertEquals("if (true) {foo}", pretty("if (true) {foo}")); assertEquals("def x = foo.{bar}", pretty("def x = foo.{bar}")); // todo - inline open block is great, but it doesn't work as one would expect (yet). (c.f. with) assertEquals("def foo() {l:{x = 2}}", pretty("def foo(){l:{x=2}}")); // slist inside a method body (needed label to distinguish from a closure) assertEquals("switch (f) {case 1:break }", pretty("switch(f){case 1:break}")); // slist inside each case body... } public void testSpreadArg() throws Exception { // not in java assertEquals("f(*[a, b, c])", pretty("f(*[a,b,c])")); // not in java assertEquals("f(*null)", pretty("f(*null)")); // equiv to f() // not in java } public void testSpreadDot() throws Exception { // not in java assertEquals("println([[a:1, b:2], [a:3, b:4]]*.a)", pretty("println([[a:1,b:2],[a:3,b:4]]*.a)")); // not in java } public void testSpreadMapArg() throws Exception { // not in java assertEquals("f(*:myMap)", pretty("f(*:myMap)")); // not in java } public void testSr() throws Exception { assertEquals("foo >> 123", pretty("foo >> 123")); } public void testSrAssign() throws Exception { assertEquals("foo >>= 123", pretty("foo >>= 123")); // does this operator make any sense? } public void testStar() throws Exception { assertEquals("import foo.*", pretty("import foo.*")); assertEquals("a*b", pretty("a*b")); } public void testStarAssign() throws Exception { assertEquals("foo *= 123", pretty("foo *= 123")); } public void testStarStar() throws Exception { // not in java assertEquals("def square = +5**2", pretty("def square=+5**2")); // not in java assertEquals("def cube = 5**3", pretty("def cube = 5**3")); // not in java } public void testStarStarAssign() throws Exception { // not in java assertEquals("cubeMe **= 3", pretty("cubeMe **= 3")); // not in java } public void testStaticImport() throws Exception { assertEquals("import static foo.Bar.mooky", pretty("import static foo.Bar.mooky")); // fails after parser assertEquals("import static foo.Bar.*", pretty("import static foo.Bar.*")); // fails after parser } public void testStaticInit() throws Exception { assertEquals("class Foo {static {println(1 + 1)}}", pretty("class Foo{static{println(1+1)}}")); } public void testStrictFp() throws Exception { assertEquals("private strictfp flibble = 1.2", pretty("private strictfp flibble = 1.2")); } public void testStringConstructor() throws Exception { // not in java assertEquals("def x = \"foo$bar\"", pretty("def x=\"foo$bar\"")); // not in java assertEquals("def y = \"foo${mooky}\"", pretty("def y = \"foo${mooky}\"")); // not in java } public void testStringLiteral_FAILS() throws Exception { if (notYetImplemented()) return; assertEquals("\"mooky\"", pretty("\"mooky\"")); assertEquals("'mooky'", pretty("'mooky'")); assertEquals("def x = '''can go over newline'''", pretty("def x = '''can go over newline'''")); assertEquals("def x = \"\"\"can go over newline\"\"\"", pretty("def x = \"\"\"can go over newline\"\"\"")); //todo test newlines inside strings somehow... } public void testSuperCtorCall() throws Exception { assertEquals("class Foo {Foo(int x) {super(12, 3)}}", pretty("class Foo{Foo(int x) {super(12, 3)}}")); assertEquals("class Foo {Foo(x) {super()}}", pretty("class Foo{Foo(x) {super()}}")); // todo: above is not quite the spacing I would expect, but good enough for now... // todo not yet implemented in parser: assertEquals("(new Outer()).super()", pretty("(new Outer()).super()")); } public void testType() throws Exception { assertEquals("def bar", pretty("def bar")); assertEquals("public bar", pretty("public bar")); assertEquals("public String bar", pretty("public String bar")); assertEquals("String bar", pretty("String bar")); } public void testTypecast() throws Exception { assertEquals("foo = (int)bar", pretty("foo = (int)bar")); assertEquals("foo = (int[])bar", pretty("foo = (int[])bar")); assertEquals("foo = (String)bar", pretty("foo = (String)bar")); assertEquals("foo = (String[])bar", pretty("foo = (String[])bar")); } public void testTypeArguments() throws Exception { assertEquals("void printCollection(Collection<?> c) {}", pretty("void printCollection(Collection<?> c) {}")); } public void testTypeLowerBounds() throws Exception { assertEquals("void printCollection(Collection<? super X> c) {}", pretty("void printCollection(Collection<? super X> c) {}")); } public void testTypeUpperBounds() throws Exception { assertEquals("void printCollection(Collection<? extends X> c) {}", pretty("void printCollection(Collection<? extends X> c) {}")); } public void testTypeParameters() throws Exception { assertEquals("class Foo<T extends C & I> {T t}", pretty("class Foo<T extends C & I> {T t}")); // fails after parser } public void testUnaryMinus() throws Exception { assertEquals("def x = -3", pretty("def x= -3")); } public void testUnaryPlus() throws Exception { assertEquals("def x = +2", pretty("def x= +2")); } public void testVariableDef() throws Exception { assertEquals("void myMethod(String param1, String... others) {}", pretty("void myMethod(String param1, String ... others) {}")); assertEquals("void myMethod(final int ... others) {}", pretty("void myMethod(final int ... others) {}")); assertEquals("void myMethod(def... others) {}", pretty("void myMethod(def ... others) {}")); } public void testVariableDef_FAILS() throws Exception { if (notYetImplemented()) return; assertEquals("boolean x, y, z = false", pretty("boolean x,y,z = false")); } public void testVaribleParameterDef() throws Exception { assertEquals("void myMethod(String param1, String... others) {}", pretty("void myMethod(String param1, String ... others) {}")); assertEquals("void myMethod(final int ... others) {}", pretty("void myMethod(final int ... others) {}")); assertEquals("void myMethod(def... others) {}", pretty("void myMethod(def ... others) {}")); } public void testWildcardType() throws Exception { assertEquals("public boolean process(Set<? extends TypeElement> annotations) {println annotations}", pretty("public boolean process(Set<? extends TypeElement> annotations) {println annotations}")); } public String pretty(String input) throws Exception { TraversalTestHelper traverser = new TraversalTestHelper(); return traverser.traverse(input, SourcePrinter.class); } }