/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.metaclass; import groovy.lang.MetaMethod; import org.codehaus.groovy.reflection.CachedClass; import org.codehaus.groovy.util.FastArray; import org.codehaus.groovy.reflection.GeneratedMetaMethod; import org.codehaus.groovy.util.SingleKeyHashMap; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; public class MetaMethodIndex { public SingleKeyHashMap methodHeaders = new SingleKeyHashMap(); public static class Header { public Entry head; Class cls; public int clsHashCode31; public Class subclass; public Header(Class cls) { this (cls, null); } public Header(Class cls, Class subclass) { this.cls = cls; this.subclass = subclass; this.clsHashCode31 = 31 * cls.hashCode(); } } public static class CacheEntry { final public Class [] params; final public MetaMethod method; public CacheEntry(final Class[] params, final MetaMethod method) { this.params = params; this.method = method; } } public static class Entry { public int hash; public Entry nextHashEntry, nextClassEntry; public String name; public Class cls; public Object methods, methodsForSuper, staticMethods; public CacheEntry cachedMethod, cachedMethodForSuper, cachedStaticMethod; public String toString () { return "[" + name + ", " + cls.getName() + "]"; } } public MetaMethodIndex(CachedClass theCachedClass) { init(DEFAULT_CAPACITY); CachedClass last = null; if (!theCachedClass.isInterface()) { for (CachedClass c = theCachedClass; c != null; c = c.getCachedSuperClass()) { final SingleKeyHashMap.Entry e = methodHeaders.getOrPut(c.getTheClass()); e.value = new Header (c.getTheClass(), last == null ? null : last.getTheClass()); last = c; } } else { final SingleKeyHashMap.Entry e = methodHeaders.getOrPut(Object.class); e.value = new Header (Object.class, theCachedClass.getTheClass()); } } protected Entry table[]; protected static final int DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 32; protected static final int MINIMUM_CAPACITY = 4; protected static final int MAXIMUM_CAPACITY = 1 << 28; protected int size; protected transient int threshold; public static int hash(int h) { h += ~(h << 9); h ^= (h >>> 14); h += (h << 4); h ^= (h >>> 10); return h; } public int size() { return size; } public boolean isEmpty() { return size == 0; } public void clear() { Object[] tab = table; for (int i = 0; i < tab.length; i++) tab[i] = null; size = 0; } public void init(int initCapacity) { threshold = (initCapacity * 6) / 8; table = new Entry[initCapacity]; } public void resize(int newLength) { Entry[] oldTable = table; int oldLength = table.length; Entry[] newTable = new Entry[newLength]; for (int j = 0; j < oldLength; j++) { for (Entry e = oldTable[j]; e != null;) { Entry next = e.nextHashEntry; int index = e.hash & (newLength - 1); e.nextHashEntry = newTable[index]; newTable[index] = e; e = next; } } table = newTable; threshold = (6 * newLength) / 8; } public interface EntryIterator { boolean hasNext(); Entry next(); } public Entry[] getTable() { return table; } public EntryIterator getEntrySetIterator() { return new EntryIterator() { Entry next; // next entry to return int index; // current slot Entry current; // current entry { Entry[] t = table; int i = t.length; Entry n = null; if (size != 0) { // advance to first entry while (i > 0 && (n = t[--i]) == null) { } } next = n; index = i; } public boolean hasNext() { return next != null; } public Entry next() { return nextEntry(); } Entry nextEntry() { Entry e = next; if (e == null) throw new NoSuchElementException(); Entry n = e.nextHashEntry; Entry[] t = table; int i = index; while (n == null && i > 0) n = t[--i]; index = i; next = n; return current = e; } }; } public final Entry getMethods(Class cls, String name) { int h = hash(31 * cls.hashCode() + name.hashCode()); Entry e = table[h & (table.length - 1)]; for (; e != null; e = e.nextHashEntry) if (e.hash == h && cls == e.cls && (e.name == name || e.name.equals(name)) ) return e; return null; } public Entry getOrPutMethods(String name, Header header) { final Class cls = header.cls; int h = hash(header.clsHashCode31 + name.hashCode()); final Entry[] t = table; final int index = h & (t.length - 1); Entry e = t[index]; for (; e != null; e = e.nextHashEntry) if (e.hash == h && cls == e.cls && (e.name == name || e.name.equals(name)) ) return e; Entry entry = new Entry(); entry.nextHashEntry = t[index]; entry.hash = h; entry.name = name.intern(); entry.cls = cls; t[index] = entry; entry.nextClassEntry = header.head; header.head = entry; if (++size == threshold) resize(2 * t.length); return entry; } public Header getHeader(Class cls) { Header header; final SingleKeyHashMap.Entry head = methodHeaders.getOrPut(cls); if (head.value == null) { head.value = new Header(cls); } header = (Header) head.value; return header; } public void copyNonPrivateMethods(Class from, Class to) { copyNonPrivateMethods(getHeader(from), getHeader(to)); } public void copyNonPrivateMethods(Header from, Header to) { for (Entry e = from.head; e != null; e = e.nextClassEntry) copyNonPrivateMethods(e, to); } public void copyAllMethodsToSuper(Header from, Header to) { for (Entry e = from.head; e != null; e = e.nextClassEntry) copyAllMethodsToSuper(e, to); } public void copyNonPrivateMethodsFromSuper(Header from) { for (Entry e = from.head; e != null; e = e.nextClassEntry) copyNonPrivateMethodsFromSuper(e); } private void copyNonPrivateMethods(Entry from, Header to) { Object oldListOrMethod = from.methods; if (oldListOrMethod instanceof FastArray) { FastArray oldList = (FastArray) oldListOrMethod; Entry e = null; int len1 = oldList.size(); Object list[] = oldList.getArray(); for (int j = 0; j != len1; ++j) { MetaMethod method = (MetaMethod) list[j]; if (method.isPrivate()) continue; if (e == null) e = getOrPutMethods(from.name, to); e.methods = addMethodToList(e.methods, method); } } else { MetaMethod method = (MetaMethod) oldListOrMethod; if (!method.isPrivate()) { Entry e = getOrPutMethods(from.name, to); e.methods = addMethodToList(e.methods, method); } } } private void copyAllMethodsToSuper(Entry from, Header to) { Object oldListOrMethod = from.methods; if (oldListOrMethod instanceof FastArray) { FastArray oldList = (FastArray) oldListOrMethod; Entry e = null; int len1 = oldList.size(); Object list[] = oldList.getArray(); for (int j = 0; j != len1; ++j) { MetaMethod method = (MetaMethod) list[j]; if (e == null) e = getOrPutMethods(from.name, to); e.methodsForSuper = addMethodToList(e.methodsForSuper, method); } } else { MetaMethod method = (MetaMethod) oldListOrMethod; Entry e = getOrPutMethods(from.name, to); e.methodsForSuper = addMethodToList(e.methodsForSuper, method); } } private void copyNonPrivateMethodsFromSuper(Entry e) { Object oldListOrMethod = e.methodsForSuper; if (oldListOrMethod == null) return; if (oldListOrMethod instanceof FastArray) { FastArray oldList = (FastArray) oldListOrMethod; int len1 = oldList.size(); Object list[] = oldList.getArray(); for (int j = 0; j != len1; ++j) { MetaMethod method = (MetaMethod) list[j]; if (method.isPrivate()) continue; e.methods = addMethodToList(e.methods, method); } } else { MetaMethod method = (MetaMethod) oldListOrMethod; if (!method.isPrivate()) { e.methods = addMethodToList(e.methods, method); } } } public void copyNonPrivateMethodsDown(Class from, Class to) { copyNonPrivateNonNewMetaMethods(getHeader(from), getHeader(to)); } public void copyNonPrivateNonNewMetaMethods(Header from, Header to) { for (Entry e = from.head; e != null; e = e.nextClassEntry) copyNonPrivateNonNewMetaMethods(e, to); } private void copyNonPrivateNonNewMetaMethods(Entry from, Header to) { Object oldListOrMethod = from.methods; if (oldListOrMethod == null) return; if (oldListOrMethod instanceof FastArray) { FastArray oldList = (FastArray) oldListOrMethod; Entry e = null; int len1 = oldList.size(); Object list[] = oldList.getArray(); for (int j = 0; j != len1; ++j) { MetaMethod method = (MetaMethod) list[j]; if (method instanceof NewMetaMethod || method.isPrivate()) continue; if (e == null) e = getOrPutMethods(from.name, to); e.methods = addMethodToList(e.methods, method); } } else { MetaMethod method = (MetaMethod) oldListOrMethod; if (method instanceof NewMetaMethod || method.isPrivate()) return; Entry e = getOrPutMethods(from.name, to); e.methods = addMethodToList(e.methods, method); } } public Object addMethodToList(Object o, MetaMethod method) { if (o == null) { return method; } if (o instanceof MetaMethod) { MetaMethod match = (MetaMethod) o; if (!isMatchingMethod(match, method)) { FastArray list = new FastArray(2); list.add(match); list.add(method); return list; } else { if (match.isPrivate() || (!isNonRealMethod(match) && match.getDeclaringClass().isInterface() && !method.getDeclaringClass().isInterface())) { // do not overwrite interface methods with instance methods // do not overwrite private methods // Note: private methods from parent classes are not shown here, // but when doing the multimethod connection step, we overwrite // methods of the parent class with methods of a subclass and // in that case we want to keep the private methods } else { CachedClass methodC = method.getDeclaringClass(); CachedClass matchC = match.getDeclaringClass(); if (methodC == matchC) { if (isNonRealMethod(method)) { return method; } } else if (!methodC.isAssignableFrom(matchC.getTheClass())) { return method; } } } return o; } if (o instanceof FastArray) { FastArray list = (FastArray) o; int found = findMatchingMethod(list, method); if (found == -1) { list.add(method); } else { MetaMethod match = (MetaMethod) list.get(found); if (match==method) return o; if (match.isPrivate() || (!isNonRealMethod(match) && match.getDeclaringClass().isInterface() && !method.getDeclaringClass().isInterface())) { // do not overwrite interface methods with instance methods // do not overwrite private methods // Note: private methods from parent classes are not shown here, // but when doing the multimethod connection step, we overwrite // methods of the parent class with methods of a subclass and // in that case we want to keep the private methods } else { CachedClass methodC = method.getDeclaringClass(); CachedClass matchC = match.getDeclaringClass(); if (methodC == matchC) { if (isNonRealMethod(method)) { list.set(found, method); } } else if (!methodC.isAssignableFrom(matchC.getTheClass())) { list.set(found, method); } } } } return o; } private boolean isNonRealMethod(MetaMethod method) { return method instanceof NewInstanceMetaMethod || method instanceof NewStaticMetaMethod || method instanceof ClosureMetaMethod || method instanceof GeneratedMetaMethod || method instanceof ClosureStaticMetaMethod || method instanceof MixinInstanceMetaMethod || method instanceof ClosureMetaMethod.AnonymousMetaMethod; } private boolean isMatchingMethod(MetaMethod aMethod, MetaMethod method) { if (aMethod==method) return true; CachedClass[] params1 = aMethod.getParameterTypes(); CachedClass[] params2 = method.getParameterTypes(); if (params1.length != params2.length) { return false; } boolean matches = true; for (int i = 0; i < params1.length; i++) { if (params1[i] != params2[i]) { matches = false; break; } } return matches; } private int findMatchingMethod(FastArray list, MetaMethod method) { int len = list.size(); Object data[] = list.getArray(); for (int j = 0; j != len; ++j) { MetaMethod aMethod = (MetaMethod) data[j]; if (isMatchingMethod(aMethod, method)) return j; } return -1; } public void copyMethodsToSuper() { Entry[] table = this.table; int length = table.length; for (int j = 0; j < length; j++) { for (Entry e = table[j]; e != null; e = e.nextHashEntry) { if (e.methods instanceof FastArray) e.methodsForSuper = ((FastArray) e.methods).copy(); else e.methodsForSuper = e.methods; } } } public void copy(Class c, Header index) { copy(getHeader(c), index); } public void copy(Header from, Header to) { for (Entry e = from.head; e != null; e = e.nextClassEntry) copyAllMethods(e, to); } private void copyAllMethods(Entry from, Header to) { Object oldListOrMethod = from.methods; if (oldListOrMethod instanceof FastArray) { FastArray oldList = (FastArray) oldListOrMethod; Entry e = null; int len1 = oldList.size(); Object list[] = oldList.getArray(); for (int j = 0; j != len1; ++j) { MetaMethod method = (MetaMethod) list[j]; if (e == null) e = getOrPutMethods(from.name, to); e.methods = addMethodToList(e.methods, method); } } else { MetaMethod method = (MetaMethod) oldListOrMethod; if (!method.isPrivate()) { Entry e = getOrPutMethods(from.name, to); e.methods = addMethodToList(e.methods, method); } } } public void clearCaches() { for (int i = 0; i != table.length; ++i ) for (Entry e = table [i]; e != null; e = e.nextHashEntry ) { e.cachedMethod = e.cachedMethodForSuper = e.cachedStaticMethod = null; } } public void clearCaches(String name) { for (int i = 0; i != table.length; ++i ) for (Entry e = table [i]; e != null; e = e.nextHashEntry ) { if (e.name.equals(name)) { e.cachedMethod = e.cachedMethodForSuper = e.cachedStaticMethod = null; } } } }