/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package groovy.inspect; import groovy.lang.GroovyShell; import groovy.lang.MetaProperty; import groovy.lang.PropertyValue; import org.jmock.Mock; import org.jmock.cglib.MockObjectTestCase; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.io.Serializable; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; public class InspectorTest extends MockObjectTestCase implements Serializable { public String someField = "only for testing"; public static final String SOME_CONST = "only for testing"; public InspectorTest(String name) { super(name); } // additional constructor not used directly but exercises inspection code public InspectorTest(String name, Object other) throws RuntimeException, Throwable { super(name); } public void testCtor() { Object object = new Object(); Inspector inspector = new Inspector(object); assertEquals(object, inspector.getObject()); try { new Inspector(null); fail("should have thown IllegalArgumentException"); } catch (Exception expected) { } } public void testClassPropsJava() { Inspector insp = new Inspector(this); String[] classProps = insp.getClassProps(); assertEquals("package groovy.inspect", classProps[Inspector.CLASS_PACKAGE_IDX]); assertEquals("public class InspectorTest", classProps[Inspector.CLASS_CLASS_IDX]); assertEquals("implements Serializable ", classProps[Inspector.CLASS_INTERFACE_IDX]); assertEquals("extends MockObjectTestCase", classProps[Inspector.CLASS_SUPERCLASS_IDX]); assertEquals("is Primitive: false, is Array: false, is Groovy: false", classProps[Inspector.CLASS_OTHER_IDX]); } public void testClassPropsGroovy() { Object testObject = new GroovyShell().evaluate("class Test {def meth1(a,b){}}\nreturn new Test()"); Inspector insp = new Inspector(testObject); String[] classProps = insp.getClassProps(); assertEquals("package n/a", classProps[Inspector.CLASS_PACKAGE_IDX]); assertEquals("public class Test", classProps[Inspector.CLASS_CLASS_IDX]); assertEquals("implements GroovyObject ", classProps[Inspector.CLASS_INTERFACE_IDX]); assertEquals("extends Object", classProps[Inspector.CLASS_SUPERCLASS_IDX]); assertEquals("is Primitive: false, is Array: false, is Groovy: true", classProps[Inspector.CLASS_OTHER_IDX]); } public void testMethods() { Inspector insp = new Inspector(new Object()); Object[] methods = insp.getMethods(); assertEquals(10, methods.length); String[] names = {"hashCode", "getClass", "wait", "wait", "wait", "equals", "notify", "notifyAll", "toString", "java.lang.Object"}; assertNameEquals(names, methods); String[] details = {"JAVA", "public final", "Object", "void", "wait", "long, int", "InterruptedException"}; assertContains(methods, details); // ctors are not considered static ! String[] ctorDetails = {"JAVA", "public", "Object", "Object", "java.lang.Object", "", ""}; assertContains(methods, ctorDetails); } public void testStaticMethods() { Inspector insp = new Inspector(this); Object[] methods = insp.getMethods(); for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) { String[] strings = (String[]) methods[i]; if (strings[1].indexOf("static") > -1) return; // ok, found one static method } fail("there should have been at least one static method in this TestCase, e.g. 'fail'."); } public void testMetaMethods() { Inspector insp = new Inspector(new Object()); Object[] metaMethods = insp.getMetaMethods(); String[] names = {"sleep", "sleep", "println", "println", "println", "find", "find", "findResult", "findResult", "print", "print", "each", "invokeMethod", "asType", "inspect", "is", "isCase", "identity", "getAt", "putAt", "dump", "getMetaPropertyValues", "getProperties", "use", "use", "use", "printf", "printf", "eachWithIndex", "every", "every", "any", "any", "grep", "grep", "collect", "collect", "collect", "findAll","findAll", "split", "findIndexOf", "findIndexOf", "findLastIndexOf", "findLastIndexOf", "findIndexValues", "findIndexValues", "iterator", "addShutdownHook", "sprintf", "sprintf", "with", "inject", "inject", "getMetaClass", "setMetaClass", "metaClass", "respondsTo", "respondsTo", "hasProperty", "toString", "asBoolean" }; assertEquals("Incorrect number of methods found examining: " + getNamesFor(metaMethods), names.length, metaMethods.length); assertNameEquals(names, metaMethods); String[] details = {"GROOVY", "public", "Object", "void", "println", "Object", "n/a"}; assertContains(metaMethods, details); } static class ClassWithPrivate { private String hidden = "you can't see me"; } // TODO: if our code can never access inspect in this way, it would be better // to move this to a boundary class and then we wouldn't need this test public void testInspectPrivateField() throws NoSuchFieldException { ClassWithPrivate underInspection = new ClassWithPrivate(); Field field = underInspection.getClass().getDeclaredField("hidden"); Inspector inspector = getTestableInspector(underInspection); String[] result = inspector.fieldInfo(field); assertEquals(Inspector.NOT_APPLICABLE, result[Inspector.MEMBER_VALUE_IDX]); } // TODO: if our code can never access inspect in this way, it would be better // to move this to a boundary class and then we wouldn't need this test public void testInspectUninspectableProperty() { Object dummyInstance = new Object(); Inspector inspector = getTestableInspector(dummyInstance); Class[] paramTypes = {Object.class, MetaProperty.class}; Object[] params = {null, null}; Mock mock = mock(PropertyValue.class, paramTypes, params); mock.expects(once()).method("getType"); mock.expects(once()).method("getName"); mock.expects(once()).method("getValue").will(throwException(new RuntimeException())); PropertyValue propertyValue = (PropertyValue) mock.proxy(); String[] result = inspector.fieldInfo(propertyValue); assertEquals(Inspector.NOT_APPLICABLE, result[Inspector.MEMBER_VALUE_IDX]); } private Inspector getTestableInspector(Object objectUnderInspection) { return new Inspector(objectUnderInspection) { public String[] fieldInfo(Field field) { return super.fieldInfo(field); } public String[] fieldInfo(PropertyValue pv) { return super.fieldInfo(pv); } }; } public void testSortWithDifferentOrigin() { String[] details2 = {"JAVA", "public", "Object", "void", "println", "Object", "n/a"}; String[] details1 = {"GROOVY", "public", "Object", "void", "println", "Object", "n/a"}; String[] first = sortWithMemberComparator(details1, details2); assertEquals("GROOVY", first[0]); } public void testSortWithDifferentModifier() { String[] details2 = {null, "public", "Object", "void", "println", "Object", "n/a"}; String[] details1 = {null, "private", "Object", "void", "println", "Object", "n/a"}; String[] first = sortWithMemberComparator(details1, details2); assertEquals("private", first[1]); } private String[] sortWithMemberComparator(String[] details1, String[] details2) { List details = new ArrayList(); details.add(details1); details.add(details2); Inspector.sort(details); return (String[]) details.get(0); } public void testStaticMetaMethods() { Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("").matcher(""); Inspector insp = new Inspector(matcher); Object[] metaMethods = insp.getMetaMethods(); assertUnique(Inspector.sort(Arrays.asList(metaMethods))); String[] details = {"GROOVY", "public static", "Matcher", "Matcher", "getLastMatcher", "", "n/a"}; assertContains(metaMethods, details); } public void testFields() { Inspector insp = new Inspector(this); Object[] fields = insp.getPublicFields(); assertEquals(5, fields.length); // 3 from JMock String[] names = {"someField", "SOME_CONST", "ANYTHING", "NULL", "NOT_NULL"}; assertNameEquals(names, fields); String[] details = {"JAVA", "public", "InspectorTest", "String", "someField", "'only for testing'"}; assertContains(fields, details); } public void testProperties() { Inspector insp = new Inspector(this); Object[] properties = insp.getPropertyInfo(); assertEquals(2, properties.length); String[] names = {"class", "name"}; assertNameEquals(names, properties); String[] details = {"GROOVY", "public", "n/a", "Class", "class", "class groovy.inspect.InspectorTest"}; assertContains(properties, details); } public void testPrint() { ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); PrintStream printStream = new PrintStream(bytes); String ls = System.getProperty("line.separator"); String[] first = {"a", "b"}; String[] second = {"x", "y"}; Object[] memberInfo = {first, second}; Inspector.print(printStream, memberInfo); assertEquals("0:\ta b " + ls + "1:\tx y " + ls, bytes.toString()); // just for coverage, print to System.out (yuck) Inspector.print(memberInfo); } private List getNamesFor(Object[] metaMethods) { List result = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < metaMethods.length; i++) { String[] strings = (String[]) metaMethods[i]; result.add(strings[Inspector.MEMBER_NAME_IDX]); } return result; } private void assertNameEquals(String[] names, Object[] metaMethods) { Set metaSet = new HashSet(); for (int i = 0; i < metaMethods.length; i++) { String[] strings = (String[]) metaMethods[i]; metaSet.add(strings[Inspector.MEMBER_NAME_IDX]); } Set nameSet = new HashSet(Arrays.asList(names)); assertEquals(nameSet, metaSet); } private void assertContains(Object[] candidates, String[] sample) { String sampleBuffer = concat(sample); for (int i = 0; i < candidates.length; i++) { String[] entry = (String[]) candidates[i]; if (sampleBuffer.equals(concat(entry))) return; } fail("should have found sample: " + sampleBuffer); } private void assertUnique(Collection sortedMembers) { if (sortedMembers.size() < 2) return; Comparator comp = new Inspector.MemberComparator(); Iterator iter = sortedMembers.iterator(); Object last = iter.next(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Object element = iter.next(); if (0 == comp.compare(last, element)) { fail("found duplication for element " + element); } last = element; } } private String concat(String[] details) { StringBuilder detailBuffer = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < details.length; i++) { detailBuffer.append(details[i]); detailBuffer.append(" "); } return detailBuffer.toString(); } }