/* * This file is part of the Jikes RVM project (http://jikesrvm.org). * * This file is licensed to You under the Eclipse Public License (EPL); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You * may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/eclipse-1.0.php * * See the COPYRIGHT.txt file distributed with this work for information * regarding copyright ownership. */ package org.vmmagic.unboxed.harness; public final class ArchitecturalWord64 extends ArchitecturalWord { private final long value; private static final long SIGN_BIT = 1L<<63; ArchitecturalWord64(long value) { assert getModel() == Architecture.BITS64; this.value = value; } @Override public boolean isZero() { return value == 0; } @Override public boolean isMax() { return value == -1; } @Override public int toInt() { return (int)(value & 0x00000000FFFFFFFFL); } @Override public long toLongSignExtend() { return value; } @Override public long toLongZeroExtend() { return value; } @Override public boolean EQ(ArchitecturalWord word) { return value == word.toLongSignExtend(); } @Override public boolean LT(ArchitecturalWord word) { return (value ^ SIGN_BIT) < (word.toLongSignExtend() ^ SIGN_BIT); } @Override public ArchitecturalWord minus(long offset) { return fromLong(value-offset); } @Override public ArchitecturalWord plus(long offset) { return fromLong(value + offset); } @Override public ArchitecturalWord and(ArchitecturalWord w) { return fromLong(value & w.toLongSignExtend()); } @Override public ArchitecturalWord lsh(int amt) { return fromLong(value << amt); } @Override public ArchitecturalWord not() { return fromLong(~value); } @Override public ArchitecturalWord or(ArchitecturalWord w) { return fromLong(value | w.toLongSignExtend()); } @Override public ArchitecturalWord rsha(int amt) { return fromLong(value >> amt); } @Override public ArchitecturalWord rshl(int amt) { return fromLong(value >>> amt); } @Override public ArchitecturalWord xor(ArchitecturalWord w) { return fromLong(value ^ w.toLongSignExtend()); } @Override public ArchitecturalWord diff(ArchitecturalWord w) { return fromLong(value - w.toLongSignExtend()); } @Override public boolean sLT(ArchitecturalWord word) { return value < word.toLongSignExtend(); } /** * Create a string representation of the given int value as an address. */ @Override public String toString() { char[] chars = new char[18]; long v = value; chars[0] = '0'; chars[1] = 'x'; for(int x = 17; x > 1; x--) { long thisValue = v & 0x0FL; if (thisValue > 9) { chars[x] = (char)('A' + thisValue - 10); } else { chars[x] = (char)('0' + thisValue); } v >>>= 4; } return new String(chars); } }