// Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. /** * CompanyServiceLocator.java * * This file was auto-generated from WSDL * by the Apache Axis 1.4 Mar 02, 2009 (07:08:06 PST) WSDL2Java emitter. */ package com.google.api.ads.dfp.axis.v201702; public class CompanyServiceLocator extends org.apache.axis.client.Service implements com.google.api.ads.dfp.axis.v201702.CompanyService { public CompanyServiceLocator() { } public CompanyServiceLocator(org.apache.axis.EngineConfiguration config) { super(config); } public CompanyServiceLocator(java.lang.String wsdlLoc, javax.xml.namespace.QName sName) throws javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException { super(wsdlLoc, sName); } // Use to get a proxy class for CompanyServiceInterfacePort private java.lang.String CompanyServiceInterfacePort_address = "https://ads.google.com/apis/ads/publisher/v201702/CompanyService"; public java.lang.String getCompanyServiceInterfacePortAddress() { return CompanyServiceInterfacePort_address; } // The WSDD service name defaults to the port name. private java.lang.String CompanyServiceInterfacePortWSDDServiceName = "CompanyServiceInterfacePort"; public java.lang.String getCompanyServiceInterfacePortWSDDServiceName() { return CompanyServiceInterfacePortWSDDServiceName; } public void setCompanyServiceInterfacePortWSDDServiceName(java.lang.String name) { CompanyServiceInterfacePortWSDDServiceName = name; } public com.google.api.ads.dfp.axis.v201702.CompanyServiceInterface getCompanyServiceInterfacePort() throws javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException { java.net.URL endpoint; try { endpoint = new java.net.URL(CompanyServiceInterfacePort_address); } catch (java.net.MalformedURLException e) { throw new javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException(e); } return getCompanyServiceInterfacePort(endpoint); } public com.google.api.ads.dfp.axis.v201702.CompanyServiceInterface getCompanyServiceInterfacePort(java.net.URL portAddress) throws javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException { try { com.google.api.ads.dfp.axis.v201702.CompanyServiceSoapBindingStub _stub = new com.google.api.ads.dfp.axis.v201702.CompanyServiceSoapBindingStub(portAddress, this); _stub.setPortName(getCompanyServiceInterfacePortWSDDServiceName()); return _stub; } catch (org.apache.axis.AxisFault e) { return null; } } public void setCompanyServiceInterfacePortEndpointAddress(java.lang.String address) { CompanyServiceInterfacePort_address = address; } /** * For the given interface, get the stub implementation. * If this service has no port for the given interface, * then ServiceException is thrown. */ public java.rmi.Remote getPort(Class serviceEndpointInterface) throws javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException { try { if (com.google.api.ads.dfp.axis.v201702.CompanyServiceInterface.class.isAssignableFrom(serviceEndpointInterface)) { com.google.api.ads.dfp.axis.v201702.CompanyServiceSoapBindingStub _stub = new com.google.api.ads.dfp.axis.v201702.CompanyServiceSoapBindingStub(new java.net.URL(CompanyServiceInterfacePort_address), this); _stub.setPortName(getCompanyServiceInterfacePortWSDDServiceName()); return _stub; } } catch (java.lang.Throwable t) { throw new javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException(t); } throw new javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException("There is no stub implementation for the interface: " + (serviceEndpointInterface == null ? "null" : serviceEndpointInterface.getName())); } /** * For the given interface, get the stub implementation. * If this service has no port for the given interface, * then ServiceException is thrown. */ public java.rmi.Remote getPort(javax.xml.namespace.QName portName, Class serviceEndpointInterface) throws javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException { if (portName == null) { return getPort(serviceEndpointInterface); } java.lang.String inputPortName = portName.getLocalPart(); if ("CompanyServiceInterfacePort".equals(inputPortName)) { return getCompanyServiceInterfacePort(); } else { java.rmi.Remote _stub = getPort(serviceEndpointInterface); ((org.apache.axis.client.Stub) _stub).setPortName(portName); return _stub; } } public javax.xml.namespace.QName getServiceName() { return new javax.xml.namespace.QName("https://www.google.com/apis/ads/publisher/v201702", "CompanyService"); } private java.util.HashSet ports = null; public java.util.Iterator getPorts() { if (ports == null) { ports = new java.util.HashSet(); ports.add(new javax.xml.namespace.QName("https://www.google.com/apis/ads/publisher/v201702", "CompanyServiceInterfacePort")); } return ports.iterator(); } /** * Set the endpoint address for the specified port name. */ public void setEndpointAddress(java.lang.String portName, java.lang.String address) throws javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException { if ("CompanyServiceInterfacePort".equals(portName)) { setCompanyServiceInterfacePortEndpointAddress(address); } else { // Unknown Port Name throw new javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException(" Cannot set Endpoint Address for Unknown Port" + portName); } } /** * Set the endpoint address for the specified port name. */ public void setEndpointAddress(javax.xml.namespace.QName portName, java.lang.String address) throws javax.xml.rpc.ServiceException { setEndpointAddress(portName.getLocalPart(), address); } }