/* * Copyright 2016 ThoughtWorks, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.thoughtworks.studios.shine.cruise; import com.thoughtworks.studios.shine.semweb.RDFProperty; import com.thoughtworks.studios.shine.semweb.RDFType; public interface GoOntology { String URI = "http://studios.thoughtworks.com/ontologies/2009/12/07-cruise#"; String PREFIX = "cruise"; String URI_PREFIX = "prefix " + PREFIX + ": <" + GoOntology.URI + "> "; RDFType SERVER_RESOURCE = new RDFType(URI + "Server"); RDFProperty HAS_PIPELINE = new RDFProperty(URI + "hasPipeline"); // cruise:Pipeline RDFProperty ARTIFACT_ROOT = new RDFProperty(URI + "artifactRoot"); // xsd:string RDFType PIPELINE_RESOURCE = new RDFType(URI + "Pipeline"); RDFProperty PIPELINE_LABEL = new RDFProperty(URI + "pipelineLabel"); // xsd:string RDFProperty PIPELINE_NAME = new RDFProperty(URI + "pipelineName"); // xsd:string RDFProperty PIPELINE_COUNTER = new RDFProperty(URI + "pipelineCounter"); // xsd:integer RDFProperty PIPELINE_SCHEDULED_TIME = new RDFProperty(URI + "pipelineScheduledTime"); // xsd:dateTime RDFProperty PREVIOUS_PIPELINE = new RDFProperty(URI + "previousPipeline"); // cruise:Pipeline RDFProperty NEXT_PIPELINE = new RDFProperty(URI + "nextPipeline"); // cruise:Pipeline RDFProperty HAS_STAGE = new RDFProperty(URI + "hasStage"); // cruise:Stage RDFProperty HAS_MATERIALS = new RDFProperty(URI + "hasMaterials"); // cruise:Materials RDFType MATERIALS_RESOURCE = new RDFType(URI + "Materials"); RDFProperty HAS_MATERIAL = new RDFProperty(URI + "hasMaterial"); // cruise:Material RDFType MATERIAL_RESOURCE = new RDFType(URI + "Material"); RDFProperty MATERIAL_TYPE = new RDFProperty(URI + "materialType"); // xsd:string RDFProperty MATERIAL_URL = new RDFProperty(URI + "materialURL"); // xsd:string RDFProperty HAS_CHANGE_SET = new RDFProperty(URI + "hasChangeSet"); // cruise:ChangeSet RDFType CHANGESET = new RDFType(URI + "ChangeSet"); RDFProperty CHANGESET_USER = new RDFProperty(URI + "changesetUser"); // xsd:string RDFProperty CHANGESET_CHECKIN_TIME = new RDFProperty(URI + "changesetCheckinTime"); // xsd:string RDFProperty CHANGESET_REVISION_NUMBER = new RDFProperty(URI + "changesetRevisionNumber"); // xsd:string RDFProperty CHANGESET_MESSAGE = new RDFProperty(URI + "changesetMessage"); // xsd:string RDFProperty HAS_FILE = new RDFProperty(URI + "hasFile"); // cruise:File RDFType FILE = new RDFType(URI + "File"); RDFProperty FILE_NAME = new RDFProperty(URI + "fileName"); // xsd:string RDFProperty FILE_ACTION = new RDFProperty(URI + "fileAction"); // xsd:string RDFType STAGE_RESOURCE = new RDFType(URI + "Stage"); RDFProperty STAGE_NAME = new RDFProperty(URI + "stageName"); // xsd:string RDFProperty STAGE_COUNTER = new RDFProperty(URI + "stageCounter"); // xsd:integer RDFProperty HAS_JOB = new RDFProperty(URI + "hasJob"); // cruise:Job RDFType JOB_RESOURCE = new RDFType(URI + "Job"); RDFProperty JOB_NAME = new RDFProperty(URI + "jobName"); // xsd:string RDFProperty JOB_RESULT = new RDFProperty(URI + "jobResult"); // cruise:Result RDFProperty HAS_PROPERTY = new RDFProperty(URI + "hasProperty"); // cruise:Property RDFProperty HAS_ARTIFACTS = new RDFProperty(URI + "hasArtifacts"); // cruise:Artifacts RDFType PROPERTY_RESOURCE = new RDFType(URI + "Property"); RDFProperty PROPERTY_NAME = new RDFProperty(URI + "propertyName"); // xsd:string RDFProperty PROPERTY_VALUE = new RDFProperty(URI + "propertyValue"); // xsd:string RDFType ARTIFACTS_RESOURCE = new RDFType(URI + "Artifacts"); RDFProperty HAS_ARTIFACT = new RDFProperty(URI + "hasArtifact"); // cruise:Artifact RDFProperty ARTIFACT_TYPE = new RDFProperty(URI + "artifactType"); // xsd:string RDFProperty ARTIFACTS_BASE_URL = new RDFProperty(URI + "artifactsBaseURL"); // xsd:string RDFProperty PATH_FROM_ARTIFACT_ROOT = new RDFProperty(URI + "pathFromArtifactRoot"); // xsd:string RDFType ARTIFACT_RESOURCE = new RDFType(URI + "Artifact"); RDFProperty ARTIFACT_PATH = new RDFProperty(URI + "artifactPath"); // xsd:string RDFProperty PIPELINE_TRIGGER = new RDFProperty(URI + "pipelineTrigger"); // cruise:ChangeSet RDFProperty PREVIOUS_STAGE = new RDFProperty(URI + "previousStage"); RDFProperty NEXT_STAGE = new RDFProperty(URI + "nextStage"); RDFType RESULT_RESOURCE = new RDFType(URI + "Result"); RDFType FAILED_RESULT_RESOURCE = new RDFType(URI + "FailedResult"); // rdfs:subClassOf cruise:Result RDFType PASSED_RESULT_RESOURCE = new RDFType(URI + "PassedResult"); // rdfs:subClassOf cruise:Result RDFType CANCELLED_RESULT_RESOURCE = new RDFType(URI + "CancelledResult"); // rdfs:subClassOf cruise:Result RDFType OTHER_RESULT_RESOURCE = new RDFType(URI + "OtherResult"); // rdfs:subClassOf cruise:Result }