/*************************GO-LICENSE-START********************************* * Copyright 2014 ThoughtWorks, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. *************************GO-LICENSE-END***********************************/ package com.thoughtworks.go.server.messaging; import java.util.Set; import com.thoughtworks.go.domain.AgentInstance; import com.thoughtworks.go.server.domain.Username; import com.thoughtworks.go.util.StringUtil; import com.thoughtworks.go.util.SystemEnvironment; import com.thoughtworks.go.util.SystemUtil; public class EmailMessageDrafter { private static final String LOW_ARTIFACTS_DISK_SPACE_EMAIL = "The email has been sent out automatically by the Go server at (%s) to Go administrators.\n" + "\n" + "This server has less than %sMb of disk space available at %s to store artifacts. " + "When the available space goes below %sMb, Go will stop scheduling. " + "Please ensure enough space is available. You can read more about Go's artifacts repository, " + "including our recommendation to create a separate partition for it at " + "https://docs.gocd.io/current/installation/configuring_server_details.html\n"; private static final String NO_ARTIFACTS_DISK_SPACE_EMAIL = "The email has been sent out automatically by the Go server at (%s) to Go administrators.\n" + "\n" + "This server has stopped scheduling " + "because it has less than %sMb of disk space available at %s to store artifacts. " + "Please ensure enough space is available. You can read more about Go's artifacts repository, " + "including our recommendation to create a separate partition for it at " + "https://docs.gocd.io/current/installation/configuring_server_details.html\n"; private static final String LOW_DATABASE_DISK_SPACE_EMAIL = "The email has been sent out automatically by the Go server at (%s) to Go administrators.\n" + "\n" + "This server has less than %sMb of disk space available at %s to store data. " + "When the available space goes below %sMb, Go will stop scheduling. " + "Please ensure enough space is available.\n"; private static final String NO_DATABASE_DISK_SPACE_EMAIL = "The email has been sent out automatically by the Go server at (%s) to Go administrators.\n" + "\n" + "This server has stopped scheduling " + "because it has less than %sMb of disk space available at %s to store data. " + "Please ensure enough space is available.\n"; public static SendEmailMessage lowArtifactsDiskSpaceMessage(SystemEnvironment systemEnvironment, String adminMail, String targetFolder) { String ipAddress = SystemUtil.getFirstLocalNonLoopbackIpAddress(); return new SendEmailMessage( "Low artifacts disk space warning message from Go Server at " + ipAddress, String.format( LOW_ARTIFACTS_DISK_SPACE_EMAIL, ipAddress, systemEnvironment.getArtifactReposiotryWarningLimit(), targetFolder, systemEnvironment.getArtifactReposiotryFullLimit()), adminMail); } public static SendEmailMessage noArtifactsDiskSpaceMessage(SystemEnvironment systemEnvironment, String adminMail, String targetFolder) { String ipAddress = SystemUtil.getFirstLocalNonLoopbackIpAddress(); long size = systemEnvironment.getArtifactReposiotryFullLimit(); return new SendEmailMessage( "No artifacts disk space error message from Go Server at " + ipAddress, String.format( NO_ARTIFACTS_DISK_SPACE_EMAIL, ipAddress, size, targetFolder), adminMail); } public static SendEmailMessage lowDatabaseDiskSpaceMessage(SystemEnvironment systemEnvironment, String adminMail, String targetFolder) { String ipAddress = SystemUtil.getFirstLocalNonLoopbackIpAddress(); return new SendEmailMessage( "Low database disk space warning message from Go Server at " + ipAddress, String.format( LOW_DATABASE_DISK_SPACE_EMAIL, ipAddress, systemEnvironment.getDatabaseDiskSpaceWarningLimit(), targetFolder, systemEnvironment.getDatabaseDiskSpaceFullLimit()), adminMail); } public static SendEmailMessage noDatabaseDiskSpaceMessage(SystemEnvironment systemEnvironment, String adminMail, String targetFolder) { String ipAddress = SystemUtil.getFirstLocalNonLoopbackIpAddress(); return new SendEmailMessage( "No database disk space error message from Go Server at " + ipAddress, String.format( NO_DATABASE_DISK_SPACE_EMAIL, ipAddress, systemEnvironment.getDatabaseDiskSpaceFullLimit(), targetFolder), adminMail); } public static SendEmailMessage backupSuccessfullyCompletedMessage(String backupDir, String adminEmail, Username username) { String ipAddress = SystemUtil.getFirstLocalNonLoopbackIpAddress(); String body = String.format("Backup of the Go server at '%s' was successfully completed. The backup is stored at location: %s. This backup was triggered by '%s'.", ipAddress, backupDir, username.getUsername().toString()); return new SendEmailMessage("Server Backup Completed Successfully", body, adminEmail); } public static SendEmailMessage backupFailedMessage(String exceptionMessage, String adminEmail) { String ipAddress = SystemUtil.getFirstLocalNonLoopbackIpAddress(); return new SendEmailMessage("Server Backup Failed",String.format("Backup of the Go server at '%s' has failed. The reason is: %s", ipAddress, exceptionMessage),adminEmail); } public static SendEmailMessage agentLostContact(AgentInstance agentInstance, Set<String> environments, final String adminEmail) { String ipAddress = SystemUtil.getFirstLocalNonLoopbackIpAddress(); return new SendEmailMessage(String.format("[Lost Contact] Go agent host: %s", agentInstance.getHostname()), String.format("The email has been sent out automatically by the Go server at (%s) to Go administrators.\n" + "\n" + "The Go server has lost contact with agent:\n" + "\n" + "Agent name: %s\n" + "Free Space: %s\n" + "Sandbox: %s\n" + "IP Address: %s\n" + "OS: %s\n" + "Resources: %s\n" + "Environments: %s\n" + "\n" + "Lost contact at: %s", ipAddress, agentInstance.getHostname(), agentInstance.freeDiskSpace(), agentInstance.getLocation(), agentInstance.getIpAddress(), agentInstance.getOperatingSystem(), agentInstance.getResources(), StringUtil.joinForDisplay(environments), agentInstance.getLastHeardTime()), adminEmail); } }