/* * Copyright 2017 ThoughtWorks, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.thoughtworks.go.config.validation; import com.thoughtworks.go.config.ExecTask; import com.thoughtworks.go.config.pluggabletask.PluggableTask; import com.thoughtworks.go.config.registry.ConfigElementImplementationRegistry; import com.thoughtworks.go.domain.Task; import org.jdom2.Element; import org.jdom2.JDOMException; import org.jdom2.input.SAXBuilder; import org.junit.Test; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.is; import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat; import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock; import static org.mockito.Mockito.when; public class UniqueOnCancelValidatorTest { @Test public void shouldNotFailWithExceptionWhenThereAreNoOnCancelTasksForABuiltInTask() throws Exception { ConfigElementImplementationRegistry registry = mock(ConfigElementImplementationRegistry.class); when(registry.implementersOf(Task.class)).thenReturn(tasks(ExecTask.class)); String content = "<cruise>" + " <pipeline>" + " <stage>" + " <jobs>" + " <job>" + " <tasks>" + " <exec command=\"install_addons.sh\">" + " <runif status=\"passed\" />\n" + " </exec>" + " </tasks>" + " </job>" + " </jobs>" + " </stage>" + " </pipeline>" + "</cruise>"; UniqueOnCancelValidator validator = new UniqueOnCancelValidator(); validator.validate(elementFor(content), registry); } @Test public void shouldNotFailWithExceptionWhenThereIsOneOnCancelTaskForABuiltInTask() throws Exception { ConfigElementImplementationRegistry registry = mock(ConfigElementImplementationRegistry.class); when(registry.implementersOf(Task.class)).thenReturn(tasks(ExecTask.class)); String content = "<cruise>" + " <pipeline>" + " <stage>" + " <jobs>" + " <job>" + " <tasks>" + " <exec command=\"install_addons.sh\">" + " <runif status=\"passed\" />" + " <oncancel>\n" + " <ant buildfile=\"build.xml\" />\n" + " </oncancel>" + " </exec>" + " </tasks>" + " </job>" + " </jobs>" + " </stage>" + " </pipeline>" + "</cruise>"; UniqueOnCancelValidator validator = new UniqueOnCancelValidator(); validator.validate(elementFor(content), registry); } @Test public void shouldFailWithExceptionWhenThereIsMoreThanOneOnCancelTasksForABuiltInTask() throws Exception { ConfigElementImplementationRegistry registry = mock(ConfigElementImplementationRegistry.class); when(registry.implementersOf(Task.class)).thenReturn(tasks(ExecTask.class)); String content = "<cruise>" + " <pipeline>" + " <stage>" + " <jobs>" + " <job>" + " <tasks>" + " <exec command=\"install_addons.sh\">" + " <runif status=\"passed\" />" + " <oncancel>\n" + " <ant buildfile=\"build1.xml\" />\n" + " </oncancel>" + " <oncancel>\n" + " <ant buildfile=\"build2.xml\" />\n" + " </oncancel>" + " </exec>" + " </tasks>" + " </job>" + " </jobs>" + " </stage>" + " </pipeline>" + "</cruise>"; try { UniqueOnCancelValidator validator = new UniqueOnCancelValidator(); validator.validate(elementFor(content), registry); } catch (Exception e) { assertThat(e.getMessage(), is("Task [exec] should not contain more than 1 oncancel task")); } } @Test public void shouldNotFailWithExceptionWhenThereAreNoOnCancelTasksForAPluginInTask() throws Exception { ConfigElementImplementationRegistry registry = mock(ConfigElementImplementationRegistry.class); when(registry.implementersOf(Task.class)).thenReturn(tasks(ExecTask.class)); String content = "<cruise>" + " <pipeline>" + " <stage>" + " <jobs>" + " <job>" + " <tasks>" + " <task name=\"\">\n" + " <pluginConfiguration id=\"curl.task.plugin\" version=\"1\" />\n" + " <configuration>\n" + " <property>\n" + " <key>Url</key>\n" + " <value>URL</value>\n" + " </property>\n" + " </configuration>\n" + " <runif status=\"passed\" />\n" + " </task>" + " </tasks>" + " </job>" + " </jobs>" + " </stage>" + " </pipeline>" + "</cruise>"; UniqueOnCancelValidator validator = new UniqueOnCancelValidator(); validator.validate(elementFor(content), registry); } @Test public void shouldNotFailWithExceptionWhenThereIsOneOnCancelTasksForAPluginInTask() throws Exception { ConfigElementImplementationRegistry registry = mock(ConfigElementImplementationRegistry.class); when(registry.implementersOf(Task.class)).thenReturn(tasks(ExecTask.class, PluggableTask.class)); String content = "<cruise>" + " <pipeline>" + " <stage>" + " <jobs>" + " <job>" + " <tasks>" + " <task name=\"\">\n" + " <pluginConfiguration id=\"curl.task.plugin\" version=\"1\" />\n" + " <configuration>\n" + " <property>\n" + " <key>Url</key>\n" + " <value>With_On_Cancel</value>\n" + " </property>\n" + " </configuration>\n" + " <runif status=\"passed\" />\n" + " <oncancel>\n" + " <ant buildfile=\"blah\" target=\"blah\" />\n" + " </oncancel>\n" + " </task>" + " </tasks>" + " </job>" + " </jobs>" + " </stage>" + " </pipeline>" + "</cruise>"; UniqueOnCancelValidator validator = new UniqueOnCancelValidator(); validator.validate(elementFor(content), registry); } @Test public void shouldFailWithExceptionWhenThereIsMoreThanOneOnCancelTasksForAPluginInTask() throws Exception { ConfigElementImplementationRegistry registry = mock(ConfigElementImplementationRegistry.class); when(registry.implementersOf(Task.class)).thenReturn(tasks(ExecTask.class, PluggableTask.class)); String content = "<cruise>" + " <pipeline>" + " <stage>" + " <jobs>" + " <job>" + " <tasks>" + " <task name=\"\">\n" + " <pluginConfiguration id=\"curl.task.plugin\" version=\"1\" />\n" + " <configuration>\n" + " <property>\n" + " <key>Url</key>\n" + " <value>With_On_Cancel</value>\n" + " </property>\n" + " </configuration>\n" + " <runif status=\"passed\" />\n" + " <oncancel>\n" + " <ant buildfile=\"blah\" target=\"blah1\" />\n" + " </oncancel>\n" + " <oncancel>\n" + " <ant buildfile=\"blah\" target=\"blah2\" />\n" + " </oncancel>\n" + " </task>" + " </tasks>" + " </job>" + " </jobs>" + " </stage>" + " </pipeline>" + "</cruise>"; try { UniqueOnCancelValidator validator = new UniqueOnCancelValidator(); validator.validate(elementFor(content), registry); } catch (Exception e) { assertThat(e.getMessage(), is("Task [task] should not contain more than 1 oncancel task")); } } private List<Class<? extends Task>> tasks(Class<? extends Task>... taskClasses) { List<Class<? extends Task>> tasks = new ArrayList<>(); Collections.addAll(tasks, taskClasses); return tasks; } private Element elementFor(String content) throws JDOMException, IOException { SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(); return builder.build(new ByteArrayInputStream(content.getBytes())).getRootElement(); } }