/* * Copyright 2017 ThoughtWorks, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.thoughtworks.go.domain; import java.io.File; import java.util.HashMap; import com.thoughtworks.go.config.*; import com.thoughtworks.go.domain.config.Arguments; import com.thoughtworks.go.helper.GoConfigMother; import com.thoughtworks.go.service.TaskFactory; import org.junit.Test; import static junit.framework.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.hamcrest.core.Is.is; import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat; import static org.junit.Assert.fail; import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock; import static org.mockito.Mockito.spy; import static org.mockito.Mockito.when; public class TasksTest { Pipeline pipeline = new NullPipeline(); @Test public void shouldReturnEmptyTasks() throws Exception { AntTask antTask1 = new AntTask(); FetchTask fetchArtifact = new FetchTask(); Tasks tasks = new Tasks(antTask1, fetchArtifact); Tasks finds = tasks.findByType(NantTask.class); assertThat(finds.size(), is(0)); } @Test public void shouldSetConfigAttributesForBuiltinTask() throws Exception { HashMap attributes = new HashMap(); attributes.put(Tasks.TASK_OPTIONS, "ant"); attributes.put("ant", antTaskAttribs("build.xml", "test", "foo")); TaskFactory taskFactory = mock(TaskFactory.class); AntTask antTask = new AntTask(); when(taskFactory.taskInstanceFor(antTask.getTaskType())).thenReturn(antTask); Tasks tasks = new Tasks(); Tasks spy = spy(tasks); spy.setConfigAttributes(attributes, taskFactory); assertThat(spy.size(), is(1)); assertThat(spy.get(0), is(antTask("build.xml", "test", "foo"))); } @Test public void shouldIncrementIndexOfGivenTask() { Tasks tasks = new Tasks(); AntTask task1 = antTask("b1", "t1", "w1"); tasks.add(task1); AntTask task2 = antTask("b2", "t2", "w2"); tasks.add(task2); AntTask task3 = antTask("b3", "t3", "w3"); tasks.add(task3); tasks.incrementIndex(0); assertThat(tasks.get(0), is(task2)); assertThat(tasks.get(1), is(task1)); assertThat(tasks.get(2), is(task3)); } @Test public void shouldErrorOutWhenTaskIsNotFoundWhileIncrementing() { try { new Tasks().incrementIndex(1); fail("Should have thrown up"); } catch (Exception e) { assertThat(e.getMessage(), is("There is not valid task at position 1.")); } } @Test public void shouldDecrementIndexOfGivenTask() { Tasks tasks = new Tasks(); AntTask task1 = antTask("b1", "t1", "w1"); tasks.add(task1); AntTask task2 = antTask("b2", "t2", "w2"); tasks.add(task2); AntTask task3 = antTask("b3", "t3", "w3"); tasks.add(task3); tasks.decrementIndex(2); assertThat(tasks.get(0), is(task1)); assertThat(tasks.get(1), is(task3)); assertThat(tasks.get(2), is(task2)); } @Test public void shouldErrorOutWhenTaskIsNotFoundWhileDecrementing() { try { new Tasks().decrementIndex(1); fail("Should have thrown up"); } catch (Exception e) { assertThat(e.getMessage(), is("There is not valid task at position 1.")); } } @Test public void shouldValidateTreeForAllTasks() { AntTask antTask = antTask("build.xml", "compile", "/abc"); ExecTask execTask = new ExecTask("foo", new Arguments(new Argument("arg"))); Tasks tasks = new Tasks(antTask, execTask); String pipelineName = "p1"; PipelineConfig pipelineConfig = GoConfigMother.configWithPipelines(pipelineName).pipelineConfigByName(new CaseInsensitiveString(pipelineName)); StageConfig stageConfig = pipelineConfig.getStages().get(0); JobConfig jobConfig = stageConfig.getJobs().get(0); jobConfig.setTasks(tasks); PipelineConfigSaveValidationContext context = PipelineConfigSaveValidationContext.forChain(true, "group", pipelineConfig, stageConfig, jobConfig); assertFalse(tasks.validateTree(context)); assertThat(tasks.errors().isEmpty(), is(true)); assertThat(antTask.errors().isEmpty(), is(false)); assertThat(antTask.errors().get(AntTask.WORKING_DIRECTORY).size(), is(1)); assertThat(antTask.errors().get(AntTask.WORKING_DIRECTORY).contains("Task of job 'job' in stage 'stage' of pipeline 'p1' has path '/abc' which is outside the working directory."), is(true)); assertThat(execTask.errors().get(ExecTask.ARG_LIST_STRING).size(), is(1)); assertThat(execTask.errors().get(ExecTask.ARG_LIST_STRING).contains("Can not use both 'args' attribute and 'arg' sub element in 'exec' element!"), is(true)); assertThat(execTask.errors().get(ExecTask.ARGS).size(), is(1)); assertThat(execTask.errors().get(ExecTask.ARGS).contains("Can not use both 'args' attribute and 'arg' sub element in 'exec' element!"), is(true)); } private AntTask antTask(final String buildFile, final String target, final String workingDir) { AntTask antTask = new AntTask(); antTask.setBuildFile(buildFile); antTask.setWorkingDirectory(workingDir); antTask.setTarget(target); return antTask; } private HashMap antTaskAttribs(final String buildFile, final String target, final String workingDir) { HashMap taskAttributes = new HashMap(); taskAttributes.put(AntTask.BUILD_FILE, buildFile); taskAttributes.put(AntTask.WORKING_DIRECTORY, workingDir); taskAttributes.put(AntTask.TARGET, target); return taskAttributes; } public static Pipeline pipelineStub(final String label, final String defaultWorkingFolder) { return new NullPipeline() { @Override public String getLabel() { return label; } @Override public File defaultWorkingFolder() { return new File(defaultWorkingFolder); } }; } }