package fitnesse.wikitext.parser; import org.junit.Test; import fitnesse.html.HtmlElement; import*; import; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; public class ContentsItemTest { @Test public void buildsPlain() throws Exception { assertBuilds("PlainItem", new String[] {}, "", "", "<a href=\"PlainItem\" class=\"static\">PlainItem</a>"); } @Test public void buildsWithHelp() throws Exception { assertBuilds("PlainItem", new String[]{"Help=help"}, "", "", "<a href=\"PlainItem\" class=\"static\" title=\"help\">PlainItem</a>"); } @Test public void buildsFilter() throws Exception { assertBuildsOption("PlainItem", new String[]{"Suites=F1"}, "-f", "FILTER_TOC", "<a href=\"PlainItem\" class=\"static\">PlainItem (F1)</a>"); } @Test public void buildsHelp() throws Exception { assertBuildsOption("PlainItem", new String[]{"Help=help"}, "-h", "HELP_TOC", "<a href=\"PlainItem\" class=\"static\">PlainItem</a>" + HtmlElement.endl + "\t<span class=\"pageHelp\">: help</span>"); } @Test public void buildsPropertiesSuite() throws Exception { assertBuildsOption("PlainItem", new String[]{"Suite=true", "WikiImport=true", "Prune=true"}, "-p", "PROPERTY_TOC", "<a href=\"PlainItem\" class=\"suite linked pruned\">PlainItem *@-</a>"); } @Test public void buildsPropertiesTest() throws Exception { assertBuildsOption("PlainItem", new String[]{"Test=true", "WikiImport=true", "Prune=true"}, "-p", "PROPERTY_TOC", "<a href=\"PlainItem\" class=\"test linked pruned\">PlainItem +@-</a>"); } @Test public void buildsRegraced() throws Exception { assertBuildsOption("PlainItem", new String[]{}, "-g", "REGRACE_TOC", "<a href=\"PlainItem\" class=\"static\">Plain Item</a>"); } @Test public void assertBuildsSymbolicLinkSuffix() throws Exception{ Symbol contents = new Symbol(new Contents()); contents.add(new Symbol(SymbolType.Text, "-p")); WikiPage root = InMemoryPage.makeRoot("RooT"); WikiPage pageOne = WikiPageUtil.addPage(root, PathParser.parse("PageOne"), "page one"); WikiPage pageOneChild = WikiPageUtil.addPage(pageOne, PathParser.parse("PageOne.PageOneChild"), "page one child"); // Make Symbolic Link at root that links to PageOne.PageOneChild. SymbolicPage symPage = new SymbolicPage("SymPage", pageOneChild, root); PageData data = root.getData(); data.getProperties().set(SymbolicPage.PROPERTY_NAME).set("SymPage", "PageOne.PageOneChild"); root.commit(data); WikiSourcePage rootPage = new WikiSourcePage(root); WikiSourcePage symWikiPage = new WikiSourcePage(symPage); ContentsItemBuilder builder = new ContentsItemBuilder(contents, 1, rootPage); assertEquals("<li>" + HtmlElement.endl + "\t" + "<a href=\"SymPage\" class=\"static\">SymPage ></a>" + HtmlElement.endl + "</li>" + HtmlElement.endl, builder.buildItem(symWikiPage).html()); } private void assertBuildsOption(String page, String[] properties, String option, String variable, String result) throws Exception { assertBuilds(page, properties, option, "", result); assertBuilds(page, properties, "", variable, result); } private void assertBuilds(String page, String[] properties, String option, String variable, String result) throws Exception { Symbol contents = new Symbol(new Contents()); contents.add(new Symbol(SymbolType.Text, option)); contents.evaluateVariables(new String[] {variable},new TestVariableSource(variable, "true")); ContentsItemBuilder builder = new ContentsItemBuilder(contents, 1); assertEquals("<li>" + HtmlElement.endl + "\t" + result + HtmlElement.endl + "</li>" + HtmlElement.endl, builder.buildItem(new WikiSourcePage(withProperties(new TestRoot().makePage(page), properties))).html()); } private WikiPage withProperties(WikiPage page, String[] propList) throws Exception { PageData data = page.getData(); WikiPageProperty props = data.getProperties(); for (String aPropList : propList) { String[] parts = aPropList.split("="); if (parts.length == 1) props.set(parts[0]); else props.set(parts[0], parts[1]); } page.commit(data); return page; } }